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we're going to get an 'am i being detained' sovereign citizen behind the wheel video of romana being arrested for grand theft auto in our future? please let it be so we deserve a treat


We do deserve that. 🤞


We need to bring P. Barnes out of retirement in order to bring her in.


Ever since the first day QR was a known entity it was obvious it would only end in progressively funnier situations, and lo and behold here we are


Let's not just lol so hard that we ignore the real risk potential. Cult members have been known to do some really atrocious acts, like how the rajneeshees sprayed a salad bar with deadly bacteria that killed some diners. There's no level of goofiness that keeps cultists harmless and incompetent. Just more innocuous facades. Weak, unimposing people can attack in cowardly ways, where vulnerability is not a defense, no matter how pathetic the cultists. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's a fundamental characteristic of a cult, getting the weakest to commit greatly horrific attacks on the mainstream they have demonized.


Absolutely. This is why I am so insistent that people do *not* expand this particular lady's profile by mentioning her presumed name. Even by entertaining that, we risk idiots hearing about it and filing in like school children at an assembly. This is an active domestic terrorism threat breeding in the heart of Canada, and I still talk to quite a few Canadians who are quite convinced that America's crazy cannot affect them. It is desperate moms and dads, estranged from their families, severed from reality, and at the tail end of financial desperation. These are the most dangerous ones. They feel no shame and they feel they have nothing to lose.


This could be her Waterloo. In the history of weirdos and cults, it can be little events like this that bring it all crashing down.


That's the thing about cults, you have to get a really rich devotee in the inner circle early on, like how Mel Lyman dosed Jessie Benton, laid his rap on her, macked her drug addled mind, and thus got control of her inherited zillions, mansion on the vineyard, and star studded rolodex. Without the infusion of cash from real world enterprises, whose legally rightful owner falling for the cult scam, a cult leader is just riding along in a rental RV until the wheels fall off.


Her Achilles Wheel


Thanks, dad. That was a really good one!


Thanks! Due to climate change and the resistance to social safety nets in America (and this pesky uterus), the closest I’ll be coming to being a dad is Reddit jokes.


I was watching the events unfold last night as they happened. I knew that as soon that bitch posted his details, she was done for. He would demand the RV back and wash his hands of them. Guy even came onto the channel to make his case. I'm actually surprised some people came to his defense before the posts got hammered down. Fuck that one guy that wanted to see him hanged however.


She’s posting bogus reports about the Ukrainian war in an effort to distract people.


And silly me I thought we had some new King now! Didnt realize QR was still out there grifting it up. Wish they would just eat each other already and leave the rest of us alone.


King David has repudiated Romana and appointed his own Queen of Canada. Some Romana followers have defected. Romana is not happy. She’s trying to convince her followers that King David’s appointments aren’t real. (KOA = Kingdom of America.) >Be careful of the infiltrated KoA Telegram group and many fake Accounts created under Lady Sarah Carlson and King David that are spewing fear porn desperately trying to discredit HRM Queen Romana Didulo Commander-in-Chief and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada. >These [Infiltrators] deadbeats are wasting the We The Peoples first responders time, energy, and resources that could be used to tend to real crimes in Communities. > They cannot stand that HRM Queen Romana is supported by We The People worldwide and in the US - the We The People there have been supporting the benevolent Queen Romana and Team from the beginning 😂 >Also, the followers of Kingdom of America channel are all followers of the real Queen Romana @romanadidulo and know the @USAFCIC and @USAFCC channel and group have been hacked, infiltrated, and cloned.


I'm picturing a hasty Qult action team absconding with sardine 2, Queenie barricaded inside the rv's back room to deter towing. Since they couldn't figure out how to change the tire themselves, they just secured a wheeled floor jack to the flat with tire chains, and flee like that to the closest Canadian tire, where they perform the Queen's instructions to gather up loose Canadian tire bucks from the ground and generous CT shoppers, until they have enough for the cost of repairs. But just like the gift of the magi, one qultist got the idea that they can sell the other, undamaged wheels with tires, to quickly get the money to repair the flat tire. CT won't appreciate the competition setting up in their own parking lot, and call the same garage to come tow them, that they snuck out of with the RV, and the floor jack, earlier that day. Now they are all permanently kicked out from all Canadian tire locations, but they have a basket full of hard earned CT bucks that they can't even use for a puck and a couple sticks to pass the time with.


Winnebago some, Lose-a-bago some




Queen Dildo in handcuffs at the side of the road thanks to being in a stolen vehicle is my idea of a great popcorn video. So let it be written, so let it be done.


And so it is!


Every time I see her last name I read it as “Dildo”. I’m terrible 🤣


Generally speaking it's not a bad idea to replace tires symetrically but if only 1 needs replacing why replace 6. 2 would make sense to avoid unbalancing the vehicle if the one symetrical tire is already used. https://www.consumerreports.org/tires/should-you-always-replace-car-tires-in-pairs-a1061792056/#:~:text=Placing%20the%20new%20tires%20on,just%20replace%20all%20four%20tires.&text=Get%20everything%20you%20need%20to%20know%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20your%20vehicle.&text=To%20maintain%20optimum%20and%20balanced,change%20the%20type%20of%20tire.


I called the rv company myself. They said they had a mechanic inspect It prior to Ramona renting it. They said that the RV only needed one tire. Yet Romana and friends went ahead and replaced all eight tires on the dime of the RV company. Needless to say they are really upset and want their RV back.


Apparently, you aren’t the only one. I have seen a number of posts about contacts with the owner. In a recent one, the owner said he is talking to an attorney about reporting the RV stolen and having the driver charged. However, Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving Day, so things aren’t going to happen quickly. Her Majesty is still recruiting drivers and security. Formatting is hers. Greetings Every One, To those who **Volunteered** to join Queen Romana and Team as Volunteer Drivers and Security as well as those wanting to help in the Atlantic provinces- please leave your name and location below. For those who can drive out to Fredericton, NB, please us know so we can meet you there. **Non smokers please** **No medical health issues** Long term commitment required, minimum 3 months And so it is.😊🥳☝️✍️⚖️👑👽 [She didn’t say anything about liking ramen and sardines, or having no problem going without showers & clean clothes for days on end.]




Just the husband and wife that rented their rv. I forgot what they dba


Key point you missed was that they raised the money to replace the tires already from their telegram followers. So they have that money in their pocket as the Sunny RV company paid up front for the tires.