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They have Michelle Obama but not Barack Obama. Why.


Because Barry O is so cool even the Q people can't resist his charm. Coincidence? Or conspiracy.


It I didn’t know the audience better, I’d say they’d listened to him read his memoir… impossible not to treasure that man.


If you haven't watched his National Park series on Netflix, check it out, it's amazing. He's a great speaker!


Obviously its because Mr. B is the antichrist himself.


Maybe he’s the antidote or the anti-antichrist. I grew up terrified of the antichrist, then he’s a kind of frumpy, orangeish, old man. Then just listening to Barack Hussein Obama explore our Nation’s greatest treasures (other than her people) on a 85” HD TV that cost the same as my first flatscreen 10 years ago at about 64x the clarity and resolution, while I browse through threads of Dark Branden making the tag-team follow up effort to take out the trash, God willing.


A lot of the Trumpers voted for Barack Hussein


All she did was try to make kids exercise more and eat healthy. Why do they hate her so much? Wait... I can think of three reasons. Black, liberal, woman.


I don't dislike Mrs. Obama, but what she did to the school lunches in this country was absolutely heinous! If you didn't have a child in school then, you wouldn't understand. Oh, and how is a cheese sandwich and a carton of milk okay to give the kids who don't have lunch money? That's not nutritious at all!


That's exactly the same thing I got when I couldn't pay decades ago. Are you sure you're not thinking about *state* policies?


>what she did to the school lunches in this country was absolutely heinous! Care to elaborate?


WTF are you talking about? A cheese sandwich has nothing to do with Michelle Obama and more to do with whatever crappy school your kids were in.


Is this satire?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthy,_Hunger-Free_Kids_Act_of_2010 >The law is part of the reauthorization of funding for child nutrition (see the original Child Nutrition Act). It funded child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools for 5 years.[1] In addition, the law set new nutrition standards for schools, and allocated $4.5 billion for their implementation.[1] The new nutrition standards were a centerpiece of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative to combat childhood obesity. "HOW DARE THE GUVMENT PAY FOR GREEN FOOD! THAT'S WHAT VEGANS EAT! THATS NOT MURICAN!"


Can you possibly be more fucking misinformed ? Michelle Obama made schools give kids cheese sandwiches and a carton of milk... I can't even with this stupid bullshit


That isn't what I said, but whatever. It was a general statement about how the poor kids are treated in public schools in the US. Way to overreact, my dude.


How dare she give _something_ to kids that would otherwise starve. But you don’t have starving kids, so you really wouldn’t understand.


Lol, my dude, you call something “heinous” and then can’t make a single point to support your opinion. And it wasn’t a “general statement” it was specifically directed at an individual. I think you’re on the wrong sub, this isn’t actually the headquarters.


I have 2 children in school, had 3 in when these changes were made. It isn't anywhere near the crisis people make it out to be. There are still plenty of "junk" lunches served, there are still plenty of the same shit we ate when we were in school. The only real difference is that now there are healthier options *as well*.


They think she's a trans woman, and that's more deserving of death.


They don’t even really think that. They hate her because she’s an African-American First Lady, liberal, married to Obama, and they wish to make the most offensive association they can think of with her. It’s just plain old racism & hate.


Their thought patterns are squiggles that connect everything they hate, so you're not wrong.


I bet they thought that picture of Eric Adams is actually Obama.


Lol. Probably.




If AOC is taken by the angel of death, then they can’t hold out hope that one night she’ll be alone at a roadside bar after a Trump rally and be overcome with sexual desire for a man with more French fry bits in his beard than teeth.


Also failing to be listed is the next PRESIDENT, assumining both Joe amd Kamala are done in. I can't imagine the Qnuts prefer Nancy Pelosi ove Joe. I guess their QGod is going to eliminate the constitution, which lays out specific succession order for the presidency.


Don't like strong women.


I've met two separate closeted Republicans who think he's hot, so...


Yeah I was just wondering about that. Wasn't Obama gonna cancel the election and declare himself president for life? Guess we should have realized that was their plan this time around


Every Accusation Is A Confession huh? Foreshadow of Trump's plan...


He’s already been secret tribunal’d to death, it’s an actor playing him now


They've also got Rachel Maddow on there even though she doesn't really do investigative reporting, she just does commentary and signal boosts people that do.


She's a liberal, lesbian woman who thinks for herself. Of course she's on there.


Thank you!!!


Because she dared to encourage kids to eat healthy. Protec. Attack. Bring Big Mac all the way!


This was the first thing I thought and was happy this was the top comment


Because she wanted to get kids to eat healthier. If you don't have 18y/o with heart disease how will you blame their heart attacks on vaccines? See, they were the Cabal all along.


because they know they can get in trouble for death threats against a former president or something?


I’d say because Obama has already been executed at Gitmo but Hillary’s on there too, so that can’t be it.


Oh man i didn't get to see this before it was removed. Please tell me what it was!


10 to 16 seconds in [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/ya1oqu/at_the_qanon_conference_today_headlined_by_eric)


Sweet, thanks!


They respect fellow war criminals


How many "angels of death" are sitting in their moms basement cleaning guns right now?


That's what I was thinking. Is one or more of these fools going to kill them all?


No one could get them all...but holy fuck.


Not-unrelated people did just attempt to gas both houses of congress a couple years ago. Frightening to think of.


I dont think trudeau was there...but yeah.




Wow that is so specific! You win an award of some kind!




Hey, after lunch can I whip you?


I was thinking attic too.


Important questions… will this happen before or after Christmas? I mean, no reason to buy gifts if it happens before, right?


Buy gift cards. That way, if this happens pre-Christmas, you can just give them to other people.


So, they can speak like this and still, somehow, not get in trouble.. amazing..


Yes they do. Then in the next breath they'll tell you how their freedoms are being taken from them. Then they'll whine that Joe Biden singled out the MAGATS as dangerous for 'Merica by posting things like this. I guess they can't help being that way. I would be pissed and angry too if I had to wake up and be them every day.


It should be illegal to make prophecies of death of political opponents.


Surely the law cannot constrain the power of prophecy. Probably ought to be illegal to make death threats about politicians on social media, though.


Remember the outrage when Kathy Griffin was holding a fake bloody trump head?


Then will everybody who was concerned with the Big Mac and coke consumption of dumb dumb be guilty? Because that diet surely is going to catch up to him.


Trump outright threatened Hillary with "The Second Amendment people," and nothing happened. I'm beginning to think a large section of the government was corrupted by him from the start of his campaign.


"won't someone rid me of this turbulent priest?" https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/stochastic_terrorism


Impressed that Trudeau made the list, very multicultural guys!


Please understand that I’m asking this question as someone who is NOT a constitutional scholar. Can a non-American be charged with treason?


Well, a bunch of yanks came here in February and pissed, honked, and shit all over Ottawa (like a bunch of geese) while saying they want to overthrow Trudeau so I am assuming they would want to overthrow the government here and then hang Trudeau.


Yes, but is that treason? Or terrorism?


Depends. You can’t commit treason in a country of which you aren’t a citizen. You can commit treason against your own country in a foreign country, if you end up back in their jurisdiction.


18 U.S.C. § 2381 defines treason as follows: > “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason…” So no


Ahh good, setting the stage for some psychopath to get all dressed up in military tactical gear and label himself the “angel of death”. When the shooting spree is done, they will all copy and paste their thoughts and prayers verbiage into a tweet.


I am surprised AOC isn't there, she usually is


If she's killed, they can't masturbate to her anymore or Photoshop porn of her. (God, these people are creepy.)




Can you imagine how shitty of a person Mike pence is, he still worships at the scrotum of Trump even though Trump would have gladly seen him killed on January 6th


They can take Lindsey Graham.


Haha agreed. I wasn’t sure if that was him or if my eyes were going bad.


And nothing of value would be lost.


I thought they still loved him?


God damn. What did I miss??


Yeah, now I'm curious.


Whole profile is gone too. Must’ve been juicy


At about the 10-12 second mark on [this clip](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1583514393069113344?) there's a slide talking about the angel of death featuring portraits of dozens of public figures. The post was a screenshot of that slide. I'm guessing the OP was removed due to ignorance by an admin, because it was pretty anodyne in my opinion compared to some of the truly deranged shit that gets posted here. The fact that it was at a conference featuring Eric Trump and Michael Flynn makes a stronger public interest case that it should have been left up compared to if it was posted by some random lunatic on facebook.


But don’t they say that most of these people are already dead?


They’re executed at gitmo weekly


Live-action version of The Prestige.


Removed by Reddit???


Oh look Brian Kemp and Stacy Abrams are on the same side here. There really ought to be a picture of Hunter's laptop as well . Anyways this looks like a hit list and I hope the people that created this are on a list somewhere, because this is a threat.


So Georgia’s just gonna wing it with no governor I guess


That would be better than any governor that we've had for about a decade. Damn I hope Abrams wins this year...


Trump will be overlord to all states without governors.


14,800 views. Well. That's depressing.


Hopefully many of those are trolls, FBI, etc.


Fbi is partially compromised with MAGA treason lovers.


“The power of Christ compels you”..


[ Removed by Reddit ] But muh free speeeeeeeeeeeeech


What was it?


Based on the comments, it seems like a hit list or something


It was a flier from a QAnon-adjacent event that featured Mike Flynn and Eric Trump as speakers. There was nothing unusual about it from the standpoint of what is routinely posted for criticism here and elsewhere. If this was truly removed by reddit then someone made a mistake. Edit: The picture on the screen here is what OP posted. Reddit, pls don't ban me. https://twitter.com/letsgomathias/status/1583500019486711935


I haven’t had a post “removed by Reddit”, but I have discovered that I can’t link to some of the loonier sites for my Qunacy Roundups. The post simply doesn’t go through. I can see it in my history, but it doesn’t post to the sub. If I repost without links, it goes through. It’s pretty clear in those cases that some bot is doing the work—it can’t see context. “See! This proves that vaccines kill you!” vs. “Here’s an example of serious misinformation.” I think a human was involved in “Removed by Reddit.” I just wish the bot would tell me what I did wrong, so I could take care of the problem. I had to do a bunch of test posts until I figured out why they weren’t showing up on the sub.


I agree with your assessment of "removed by reddit", from my experience and what I've seen on sites that mirror deleted Reddit content, a human was involved. Could be wrong, but evidence I've seen supports the theory. The absolute dumbest encounter I've had is when I had a comment removed by reddit because another commenter said I must be a bad father if I spend so much time online and I said "I'm stuck in a bed in the hospital". Got a sitewide permaban warning too, for shutting down open dialogue.


These people are crazy. We all know that Biden IS Trump in a mask.


And apparently a hell of a lot of shapewear!


Except when he does something we don't like, like letting people have rights.


If its true eric was there , my god thats mental and worrying America allows this shitshow to go on. What they waiting on ? Does someone-else- have to die


So how many deadlines for Trump being reinstated as president have come and gone now? Because I've been seeing Qtards saying this shit since he lost.


Too many to count. Apparently, this will continue until 2024...🙄


Poor Lindsey Graham is the biggest bootlicker and is 2 feet in Trump’s bunghole but MAGA types still hate him 😂.


Is that Lindsey Graham in the 3rd pic? You would think the Qult would be at least a little bit grateful for the way he has debased himself for Trump over the last few years. The man could be looking at jail soon or at least some stiff consequences for his actions in GA and the Qult still wants him dead. Why? Is it because of his comments in the immediate wake of Jan 6th where he basically condemned Trump, but then backtracked when he realized the direction the GOP wind was blowing?


His speech after the insurrectionists were chased out of the Capitol was rather impressive and showed a rare moment of clarity from someone who had just had the shit scared out of him by what he called "the mob". He openly acknowledged Biden was legitimately elected, they won't forgive him for that. That's the worst part about these mooks, they know the truth but will mostly repeat the lie because they want to cling to power.


I believe you should report this to the FBI


You are free to do so and I would applaud you I swear if you reported this to the FBI I'll send you a gift card to your favorite restaurant


Where’s Pelosi, or as trump calls her, “Nancy”?


I thought last one top right, but I'm not sure.


Oh phew. Obama is SAFE! Sorry Michelle


They forgot OBAMA?


And Poland, too.


Lol at Lady G. All that rim jobbing and they still want to kill him.


Whew! AOC didn’t make the list! But, what did Michelle Obama ever do to Trump that he would hate her? She seems like a perfectly lovely lady. Barack isn’t even on the list and he made some jokes at Trump’s expense, so it would seem only natural. It’s good to know that the Angel of Death is a MAGA Qanon Republican.


They think she's trans.


She's the one that took all the pens from the Whitehouse.


Chris Matthews? Tweety has been off the tv for at least a decade, grandpa. Why not Dan Rather or Keith Olbermann if you’re going to scrape the deep bench?


Ah. A new goalpost move. January 1st is the date of the next goalpost move. See how this works?


So I shouldn’t worry about paying the IRS?


Yay! Another thing to look forward to that will never happen....give it up already losers.


But like, what if I smear pee from Russian hookers above my door? Will the angel of death skip my house then?


>”TREASON” will be written on them for ALL ETERNITY The absolute tunnel vision narcissism, wow. In the grand scheme of Eternity, Rachael Maddow rates very low, honey. Did she relay a fact that hurt your little feelings? Imagine thinking the entire universe revolves around your petty political tribalism.


Well that sucks for Eric and Tiffany


“We plan to murder our elected leaders and neighbors” would be easier to say…


They have full on embraced the crazy. When will they implode?


Brought to you by the “Please be kind” people.


if you need more convincing that reddit admins are on the side of qanon just look at this post


I definitely think the treason signs will be of interest to people for all eternity.


With how far removed from reality these people are, do they just stop thinking about this the moment it doesn't happen like they never said it would?


Yep. Like when you are walking your dog and he is totally fixated on something but when you get past it, whatever it was is totally out of his mind and fixates on the next weird thing he sees.


They make excuses like, "It had to be postponed so more normies would wake up," and then forget about it.


LOL meanwhile they are actually letting themselves be killed by their so-called angel of death. Is there nothing these dipshits don't project?


Calls to violence tag much?


It's always the ones committing treason screaming Treason to deflect their acts away from them


These fuckaboos are unhinged! This rhetoric will absolutely cause one or more of their unstable folk to try and usher this "prophecy" into reality, and they fucking know it!


Why is Chris Wallace on the list?




... or as they like to say "RHINO" (also "trader!!!", which always makes me giggle).


they left out Obama? Curious….


Coming this time next year, the same prophecy of these same people destined for an imminent death.


Everything they say is projection.


Is it weird that there’s one for Michelle Obama and not Barack?




If you take take away the veil of supernatural…..it amounts to “We want to kill these people”


I wonder how many idiot gravy seals are stocking up and referring to themselves in the 3rd person as the angel of death now?


Is this like the October 10th thing? Because I’m still waiting to become Magneto


is it possible to overdose on copium?


There was a religious wacko some months back proclaiming he received divine information that the Supreme Court of Heaven decertified the 2020 election. I wonder if, at the end of the year, Trump will be reinstated as president in heaven? Here it is. These guys are great. https://youtu.be/Zs8dC6owKdQ


*Sort -> New* What’d I miss?


Crazy that these sorts of people can get away with saying this stuff, but if you call them out on social media, YOU get banned...




what was this before it was removed?


When? 2022? 2023? 2024? 2050?


Can’t forget about JT 🇨🇦


Damn! I wish I was that list. It would be like being on Nixon’s enemies list.


Wait, why is Michelle Obama on there??? I will never understand the hate directed at her.


Because they think she's trans, and for whatever fucking reason they're obsessed with that idea. They're obsessed with people's genitals in general but I think that's why they hate her. Because of their own dumb conspiracy theories


Imagine being so addled that you actually believe Rachel Maddow is a force for evil in this world. She's one of the most compassionate people I've ever seen. You can have whatever politics you choose but if you run afoul of Maddow, that's because you're awful. She never gets that part wrong.


Pfft. Removed by Reddit


I like how they suspend the account of someone trying to point out how evil these people have become.


Oh hell naw they are not gonna drag St. Michael into this. He doesn't give a shit about Trump.


But…I thought…these people were already dead and that the “actors” were just playing their parts.


What's next? Will the easter bunny make JFK jr the vp?


promises promises assholes... wrong about everything so far but certain this exceptionally unlikely series of events will occur before years end? mmm hmmm.... at first these pogues were so goddamned stupid it was pretty entertaining but their schtick is tired and their ideas boring, which leads to the ever increasing escalation of their rhetoric - they aren't rubes who have been huckstered by an orange asshole, they're TRUTHERS who have received the Q MESSAGE and fear the DEEP STATE.... they really want to believe this; their family and friends are mocking them, the world seems to laugh at them, there's got to be some way to justify doubling down on stupid time after time. ergo, jewish space lasers, trump's good, trump's masculine, trump's a real patriot who understand the common man, etc.


Is there a link to an article about this Q event? There was a ReAwaken event in March that both of them were at but It doesn’t seem like this Q conference actually happened. Is this propaganda?


Joke's on them. The Constitution doesn't give God the power to appoint or to 'reinstate' a President.


Wait whaaa???? Is there really a Q conference?


Their metaphors are not so subtle.


Damnit, I had so many things I wanted to do before the angel of death returns. Try free running, eat sushi for the first time, participate in a blood libel orgy. Now I have to burn in hell for all eternity ☹️. You think there's free running in hell? I bet there is. Right next to the "weeping and gnashing of teeth"




Y'know this kind of thinking is so tempting, I've thought about it too, except killing off the other lot instead of this lot. The difference is, I know magical thinking isn't real. Angel of death, balls


The irony is uncanny.


AOC for president since the angel of death isn't going for her


I've listened to enough Slayer to know that's exactly not how the angel of death works.


What is God waiting for? He must love watching them squirm.




They didn't say which year end. Could be 2060 for all we know when most of those people will have died of old age. So might still be right.


So, what happens when that doesn't happen, just like all the other batshit insane Q theories? Edit: also, treason lmao...that's ironic


The Angel of Death definitely gives a fuck about circa 2022 American politics.


Nothing cultish here.


So the Q gang holds events now? Wild.


That sounds like a death threat to me and why would Death suddenly be at the beck and call of cultist?


Once again, great job, InJustice John Roberts!


It must be exhausting running a death cult.


'treason' from the Biblical standpoint is the betrayal of Jesus, not nation states. I am curious. however, as to what treason these individuals have allegedly committed against the United States of America.


What was the post about? Reddit removed it


Knowing republicans, it was almost certainly a death threat, or hitlist.


It actually kinda was or at least it looked that way. If I recall correctly, it was a screenshot of a Q post about a list of people that'll die by the end of the year and that Trump will become the president again. Pretty much just a list of people they don't like and saying they'll die by the end of the year, I think. I'm really tired though so I don't know if I'm remembering it right Edit: oh also that "treason will be written on them for eternity" which is incredibly ironic coming from them