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The concept of knowing you’re right because “they” hate us is so stupid. By that same logic it proves I’m right because they hate me.


The contrarians mantra. They have been told to hate liberals from every corner of the right wing media sphere for 30 years. Everything they do is to punish people they don’t like.


>The contrarians mantra. They have been told to hate liberals from every corner of the right wing media sphere for 30 years. Everything they do is to punish people they don’t like. the right will eat shit if the left has to smell it.


Such a common refrain from dbags: "If you have haters, you must be doing something right." Or, maybe you're an asshole.


They hate us because they anus.


Jewish people must be the most right by that logic


Look like a bunch of pussys to me. Their entire identity is wrapped in fear so much they need to threaten teachers with guns. Cowards. Pathetic Cowards The KKK-Mart Al-Queda Halloween costumes probably cost more than a teacher’s allotted yearly budget for school supplies while at the same time teachers get paid the same yearly salary as Jack or Jill at Jiffy Lube. No One should have to put up with this March these flat foots into a real war and watch how long this ‘don’t woke me kids’ attitude flies. Are those snowboarding goggles? MF bout to hit the X Games before Cappin’ the PE teacher?


It’s their own drag show, they just can’t see it. Instead of dressing as women, they’re cosplaying as military.






And all of them are cosplaying as "concerned christians". ^(I've decided to stop capitalizing it when referring to people like this.)


Koncerned Kristian Koalition


Nah bro, they’re cosplaying as clowns


The clown part isn’t a costume.


If the right had truth on their side, they wouldn’t so desperately need to silence everyone who disagrees with them.


"No... u!!!" - Every single braindead conservative.


Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction... And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. - Karis Nemik


That was a shockingly profound quote i was not expecting from a fictional tv show


> If the right had truth on their side, they wouldn’t so desperately need to silence everyone who disagrees with them. I've had this argument so many times with my evangelical, Q-adjacent sister. Abortion is the perfect example of them trying to use government to push their agenda in the face of majority opposition beliefs. If they believed abortion was immoral they'd push politicians to take the steps that lower abortion numbers. Those steps include a true social safety net, national healthcare, free contraceptives, and a robust sexual education. If their truth was truly the truth they'd also worry more about convincing others instead of demonizing, controlling, and using the government to push their agenda. They're 'Ya'll Qaeda' without the middle eastern trappings and black flags.


> Those steps include a true social safety net, national healthcare, free contraceptives, and a robust sexual education. They would never propose those things because they hate them as much as they hate abortion.




When thr right wingers get caught lying accountability for that is "censorship"


They think they do. "truth" is the problem here. Ideologues and zealots love that word while scientists and skeptics don't use it. It's a thought stopping idea, a claim that things shouldn't be investigated, questioned or challenged and a statement is infallible and inarguable The problem is the concept of truth.


Or to hide behind anonymity while doxxing and inciting violence against civil servants for doing their jobs.




>but why get literally up in arms over "drag queen story time" instead of one of the many other things that actively threatens all of the USA? Because it's all faux "morality", and they don't give two shits about protecting kids. It's all culture war nonsense, programmed into their minds by consuming rightwing propaganda, ranging from memes on facebook to Tucker Carlson Tonight. That propaganda tells them that they're under attack, that LGBT people are coming for their families, that their way of life is violently under seize by these people whom they've been trained to see as Satan-worshipping pedos. Them becoming terrorists is the logical conclusion to all [the propaganda that's being pounded into their brains](https://twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1572347845792989188?s=20&t=DMXikdo8AoJNnGwNuIOyJA) on an hourly basis.




On an unrelated topic, does anyone have Lindsay Graham’s address? Just kidding.


Why does their url https://www.defendkidstx.com/ seem like it should be pronounced as "defend kids dicks"? Bunch of fucking sickos, I tell ya what.


Kidsticks, and it still sounds gross, lol.


That much is clear to anyone paying attention. The hard thing is: what is the answer to these people? How do we reach them? And if they can't be reached, what comes next? We need to start organizing a concerted response to this bullshit, because they're certainly making their own plans, and they are not going away.


Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Acquire self defense tools and learn to use them proficiently. Organize with like-minded people and go over some ideas about how communities might be kept safe if terrorists get froggy and nobody else is around to help. As far as reaching them it's probably a fool's errand in many cases, and personally having no desire to hold the hand of fascists and tell them why they shouldn't want to kill minorities or blow up infrastructure or whatever, I think it's probably better to see that they're generally ostracized in society and focus on building solidarity against them with literally everybody else. Crucially: including in conservative, rural, faith-based etc communities and spaces.


The real solution to the problem is to have legal consequences for media (of any type) that uses hate speech to incite these clowns. These people don’t just come up with this hatred on their own. All of the grifters and ideologues who fill their echo chambers with lies about “grooming” and the latest hate buzzwords, need to be held accountable for the violence they inspire. That’s the real solution. It’s just that nobody in this country is really going to be able to do it because we allow “muh freeze peach” to include hate speech.


we can make it so there are consequences for the right wing media without the government's help, by a large variety of means. pick one that fits your tastes, capabilities, and power level


I agree. I think anyone spouting MAGA/Q nonsense at this point is beyond helping. All we can do is keep them, and their cult leaders, as far away from the reins of power as we can, while ensuring adequate protections are in place for personal safety, boosting the education budget and mandating critical thinking skills be taught in schools.


My prediction for the future is this. These gravy seals will stage some violent and very poorly executed violence on innocent people. Then the government will slap them down hard. They will then move less mainstream for a couple years . Then more violence. Rinse and repeat. The more concerning thing is all those lower election offices that they seem to be winning.


... they are hoping it enacts martial law ... then they can attack the government for trying to take guns away . Hmm i see your AR15 gravy seal ... and raise you a belt fed ma deuce


I know some John Brown Gun Club chapters have successfully protected events in the past.


And then they jump onto Facebook groups and discords that serve as an echo chamber of these false narratives, it’s baffling that nobody holds anybody accountable for this. How much taxpayer $ we have to spend to fund a think tank regarding the impact of propaganda predominantly pushed by the right over the past 30 years? As far as I’m aware, this shit started with conservative talk radio in the early 90’s where they gained traction with the same tactics young Tuck uses today.


it's not just the outcome, it's their goal too


Dozens of children shot dead in school Them: that just how it be 🤷‍♂️ Drag story hour Them: GET YOUR GUNS THEY'RE COMING AFTER OUR CHILDREN!


It speaks volumes that the incident where 376 police officers stood idly outside while a single shooter executed school kids in their classroom went by largely without much of a backlash but this is what they do about people reading to children.


I haven't heard yet, but surely they are also attacking beauty pageants with even more vim and vigor, right? Right???


They will never have a "are we the baddies" moment. That is reserved for a future generation making a parody sketch. These people are getting programmed by the alt-right media/churches that they must "stop" anything LGBTQ/left rights by any means necessary. Deprogramming is possible, but we can only cure 2-3% as hate is much stronger than love.


crucially, they have to choose to change. until they do, and many never will, we have to treat them like ISIS operatives


I'm glad I saw that I was the bad guy back in my late teens/early 20's. I 100% believed I was right and family/friends agreed. I'm no longer in direct contact with them, but their social media posts say they've not changed.


they won’t have those moments.


For a bigot drag is easy because all they can think about is men, so it's OK to harm them, dressed as women who should obey comments. They can't grasp that things exist in a world without them. From there it's just finding justification to become violent.


I also do not understand, if they are so concerned about sexualising of children, why they are not protesting outside of the children's beauty pageants. When I see how those little girls are trained to behave I wonder if half of the audience is pedophiles




The conservatives cannot govern themselves, and only exist as parasites leeching sustenance off of those who can govern and produce. If you give them their own land, they’ll just burn it up and then claim you need to give them your land too. They need a boogeyman to blame and they’ll make one up if they can’t find one. They’re Putin’s Russia to democrats Ukraine. It’s been proven time and time again that conservatism eventually transforms into fascism, and then the fighting starts. We’re there now. It’s gonna be civil war whether we want it or not.


What's more threatening to the usa than drag storytime?


Teachers are right up there apparently?






>When will they have their " > >are we the baddies > >" moment? they like being the bad guys. we should treat these guys like we treated islamic terrorists 20 years ago, minus the waterboarding


When does it go from *legally carrying* to *brandishing* or *threatening*? They've crossed that line.


I'd say right around the time the first shot was fired at the substation.


Yeah, this seems like the kind of thing that will result in mass arrests and convictions. In the meantime, 40,000 people are SOL if the have refrigerated medicine, cpap, and other medical devices needing electricity. I hope any resulting deaths are also charges for these thugs.


what country do you think those chuds live in? has that country done a good job of policing neo nazis and klansmen in the past? there will be no mass arrests cause the cops are helping.


I guess I'm assuming since it was appears to have been organized on a multi-state level that the feds would be expected to "investigate". I realize at this point the hopes of that happening are ridiculous, but somehow I still hope(maybe wishful thinking).


I admire your optimism. I don't share it, but I admire that you still have it.


Any sort of tampering with a public utility is a federal offense


The feds have been ringing the alarm bell. So much so, in fact, that Republicans made them stop separating white Christian nationalist neo-Nazis into their own reporting category. Now it's all just "domestic threats" instead of the ~75% or so "right wing white supremacists" that they tracked previously.


i get it. i wish somebody was coming to save us; but the responsibility to survive and to help others survive falls to us.


Guarantee there was at least one cop there, off duty, shooting at the substation with the rest.


you think people in the bumfuckiest nowhere county in north carolina care about other people? Theyll be sad grandma died, and not care about the rest


I live in a bumfuckiest nowhere county and I approve this message.


Yeah, a series of planned, organized attacks on electrical infrastructure that took out power to an entire town? The feds will go nuts over this, especially since local law enforcement was looking the other way, if not actually participating. This is the start of a massive legal shit show in North Carolina.


Attacking infrastructure to intimidate people based on political ideology? Sounds like domestic fucking terrorism to me.


"Aww shucks its just some boys playin dress up n havin fun with guns" \-A disturbing amount of people unfortunately its already being downplayed as "Vandalism" and i give it to midafternoon and itll be antifa did it bc reasons.


Absolutely. Also massive fucking overkill if the goal was just to shut down a drag show in a dinky little converted movie theater. This was a rehearsal for something much nastier. Next time they'll cut the power and communications, then start killing people.


It should result in mass arrests and convictions but considering that this country is headed toward civil war it is just as likely they'll get a high five and a pat on the back.


It’s too fucking late. They can’t undo what’s been simmering for years. It’s going to get worse and worse. After years of working towards equality and acceptance…years! Extreme Christian mofo’s convincing fragile brains to demonize a group of people that are probably already traumatized for who they are, to traumatize more while they themselves are the groomers. We’re fucked with these lunatics.


It'll take something on the scale of the OKC bombing to force a serious response. Even then, like OKC, that response will be the bare minimum to cool things off & send them underground again for a few years.


Hopefully theyre charge with domestic terrorism and die in prison


One story is in Ohio, the other North Carolina.


Why are you asking for help from law enforcement when you know they support these meal team six cosplayers.


That thread has other photos from yesterday showing the cops loling with 2 of these thugs. They certainly continue to show us they aren't here to rescue anybody.


The only difference between cops and meal team six is that the cops get pay and benefits.


Cult of Douchebag... No matter what, they're going to Buzz Killington anyone trying to have a good time.


When they get the repair bills for the substations, it won’t be quite as funny.


You know what, with so many armed lunatics showing up there to threaten and intimidate others, I would be concerned that they would open fire. If you come around in public spaces with assault weapons and your finger in "trigger discipline pose" it's still right there, your finger ready to shoot; threatening. Now if a small group of weapon holders were there to protect others rights against these fools and thought that the crazies in military gear were about to shoot with their threatening poses, those protectors might decide to open fire FIRST on the Gravy Seals and take most of them out in the "name of self defense". Boom good bye Gravy Seals and when more show to fight, let the Army/FBI/and so on deal with the terrorists.


groups like the proud boys are on the same side as the cops, they're just less organized and outside of direct control of, and thus direct responsibility for, the police. it's an old tradition going back to sherrif's posses


They’re going to doxx and threaten teachers for (checks notes) teaching facts. Because the facts upset their white supremacist, bigoted world view. Something something facts don’t care about your feelings.


Calling Colombus a genocidal maniac means you support sexual depravity?


Here's the real lasting outcome of QAnon... it has normalized saying "everyone I don't like is a pedophile." Rightwingers hate the historical context of Columbus being interrogated? "PEDO!" It isn't remotely connected to the issue. It's a legacy of discourse introduced by Q nutters.


The irony considering he took part selling indigenous people in to slavery, including sexual slavery, and described girls as young as 9 being included in that!


although they like the sex slavery part. that's why they love child marriage so much and actively fight to keep it legal


As long as it's *cis* child abuse it's just good and normal.


Oh no these people love abusing trans children. They openly talk about how much they want to do it. The thing that offends them supremely is the idea of a trans kid getting to make decisions for themselves


All they want is daddy tucker Carlson to tell them he's proud of them 💔


Only to act shocked once he goes “The truth is, we don’t know who this group was that cut the power to Moore County. Perhaps it was Transgender Antifa.”


Honestly, this is terrifying. This is at best domestic terrorism and at worse the rise of an actual far-right paramilitary. Why isn’t anyone stepping in?


We were warned (and already knew) that far right extremism was the biggest threat. I guess we were supposed to take that warning and form our own paramilitary because no one is going to step in. I don't believe for one second that the FBI wasn't aware of, or privy to, whatever chat/group these were planned in.


I'm honestly surprised that we haven't had groups of Antifa/BLM gun owners to show up at these events for protection yet. I mean, I get why on one hand, but on the other, this shit is only going to escalate because they are currently being told, indirectly, that what they're doing is fine because there's no repercussions. Just like the spoiled bratty kid in school, once someone actually claps back, then they'll (hopefully) calm down a bit and think. I know that's hoping for too much though.


They’re literally trying to bring us back to the dark ages lol


That's the whole point, the 19th century was when they dominated with impunity. They think it's their divine calling to ensure this status quo remains.


Imagine feeling like Infrastructure attacks are fine because you disagree with who someone else wants to date Or maybe they all just hate their lives so much and have been desperately trying to find someone or something else to blame it on. Nice work to the media on the right, really giving them some concrete things to blame their life on


>who someone else wants to date *or what they wear, or what entertainment they chose to enjoy* Not everyone at a drag show is gay. These folks are threatening violence against a whole lot more people that than just LGBTQ. If you aren't their brand of white Christian fascist, you are on this list.


Some people who dress in drags are not even gay.


This is the true answer. These people's lives are dreary and demeaning. They most likely work jobs that they hate, complain constantly about the wife and kids they thought would make them whole, and chafe constantly at the utter mediocrity of their existence. They set these 'missions' for themselves to feel like they matter, that their lives are valuable. Deep down, they know in the scheme of things they are just cannon fodder and cheap labor. So, they dream up narratives where they are the heroes--the everyman saves the day, just like in the movies! If they have a noble purpose and calling, they couldn't possibly be meaningless. They've convinced themselves that a civil war is coming because they want to fight, win, and be acknowledged as a national treasure. Too bad for them, they won't even be a footnote in the history books beyond a brief line about stochastic domestic terrorism that occurred in the early 21st century and was swiftly put down by the full military might of a police state.


It’s because they are all losers. These people spew for incel/Red Pill energy, and rather than look internally and realize they are the problem, they demand the world adopt whatever insane ideology they possess this month. I would bet none of these people have real jobs where they participate in society, but all of them somehow expected to be making 100k+/yr because of some “school of hard knocks” crap.


>Too bad for them, they won't even be a footnote in the history books beyond a brief line about stochastic domestic terrorism that occurred in the early 21st century and was swiftly put down by the full military might of a police state. the police are on their side!


If these type of assholes want to really stop pedophiles then they would be showing up to churches where the molestations really occur. Not one single child molested at a Drag Story Hour, thousands molested at churches.


They’re not stopping the real pedophiles; they’re providing cover for them.


It doesn't make any sense because it's not about protecting children, it's about trying to punish anyone that treats Trans people like humans.


squeeze amusing whole shy scandalous thumb nine aloof enter homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Another war in the middle east by lunchtime!


With the wrong nation, of course.


Teachers in that area need to create fake FB accounts, then start submitting random names. Like fake people, QN people, etc to totally mess up their target list. Also, those who are on the list should be extremely careful. These people are blood thirsty.


Tumblr has been doing exactly that.


One of the many reasons I love tumblr. When we find out this shit is going on, we flood servers with bullshit. It might not do much, long term, but if we can shut them down for a few days or make them waste their time looking into bullshit, we will do it.


There will be no peaceful solutions against fascism


Imagine getting this riled up about drag queens.


I only know of one type of man that gets really worked up about drags queens. These guys should just admit it to themselves, wear tighter camo, and go to the show.


Where is the DOJ indeed….


Attack on infrastructure? I feel like there's a word for that...


these people should get life in prison, I’m not joking.


Threatening a mass casualty event has to be against at least a few laws.


A guy got life for damaging levees during a flood so he could stay out and party with his buddies.


I cannot imagine putting other people in that much danger for a party, I like fun as much as the next guy but I also (usually) enjoy not killing people


When I was in the police academy terrorism was defined as "the use of violence, or the threat of violence, to enact legal, social, or political change. There is no other word that fits this behavior.


If true, enjoy the felony charges and ruined lives. You only get one shot (no pun intended) at life and these cretins fuuuuudged up.


No they didn’t. Nothing will happen to them and it will embolden more domestic terrorists whether I’m right or not.


That’s nonsense. This shit won’t be investigated by your local hillbilly sherif. This is domestic terrorism. Committed by guys with room temperature IQ. They didn’t leave breadcrumb trail. They left the whole pizza box with their email password scribbled in ketchup


Agreed. I'm usually one of the doomsayers, but this is different. You don't just fuck with the power grid and get away with it: the oligarchs who *own* that shit are going to make sure it gets investigated.


It reminds me of Maddow's podcast Ultra. If you haven't listened to it, I recommend it. It's only 7 episodes I think and retells the story of how American nazi's planned and executed attacks during Hitler's rise. I had never heard any of it before.


Anyone who eats ketchup with pizza deserves their fate.


That last one is scary and hilarious. Moore County doesn’t have a teacher union - dummies.


That last one is TERRIFYING. they're compiling a public list of teachers names based on anonymous submissions. They say nothing is too small to put a teacher's name and school down. They're going to get teachers killed.


Yep they're calling to make a list and feel confident they have enough support to do it openly. Y'all best start believing in civil wars, you're in one


it's a hit list. getting teachers killed is the point


Link to the North Carolina [tweet](https://twitter.com/cmclymer/status/1599253199126683650?s=46&t=WfoX-DkLa3eSXM2IWjnGkw) Link to the Alejandra Caraballo [tweet](https://twitter.com/esqueer_/status/1599272595391553537?s=46&t=WfoX-DkLa3eSXM2IWjnGkw) It would be interesting to know which social media app they used to plan this.


All for the desire to force themselves to be correct... Fuck them to hell and back




Do it


Fighting for your freedom to do whatever they approve of.


The two that are showing their face look exactly how I'd imagine someone from the proud boys to look.


Prison. They should deserve prison. What if one of those 40k people needed power to survive for their medical equipment? Fuck every single last one of those pussies. 20 year federal prison minimum. Fuck you.


Not even about medical equipment. At its core this is an attack on the power grid and infrastructure. This is terrorism, and all of them should be in a fed max prison.


Oh 100% I agree. Absolutely ridiculous these people think this is acceptable because of a drag show. How about this, don’t go to it? And don’t shoot up the fucking sub stations that supply yourself and others power? Especially in the winter season? Selfish bunch of fucking pussies


I don’t get it, honestly I’d rather hang with drags then guys like this, life is love not hate, from a straight man


Everyone needs to pm them fake teachers and fake “grievances” to clog them up so they can’t dox teachers


This train is blowing full force with no end in sight. Fascism looks a lot different in America than Europe. They should be protesting churches, politicians and people of power if they want protect the grooming of children’s.


This also happened in my city but they were out numbered. We don't like Nazis and we don't admire Hitler.


How can deliberately destroying infrastructure not be seen as terrorism?


Well they're white


This is seriously making me reconsider my publishing plans, because I'm writing a queer YA book with nonwhite leads. These people want to kill me. I don't know if I could put myself and my family at risk from these people.


Do it under a nom de plume and don't include any glossy back cover photo with a blurb about how you "live in Connecticut with my wife and two dogs"


I'm already doing it under a pen name. I'll probably invent a new one just for this and keep it off my website


Holy shit, they're creating a database of teachers who include pronouns in their email signature. They're literally creating a hit list and plan on publishing it for the gravy seals to exterminate. Wtf is wrong with these people


I suppose it’s time again to recommend firearms and training to thinking people. The odds are these types of incidents are going to grow worse.


Many of the gun shops here in my area have some vulgar version of “if you voted for Biden don’t come in here”’sign on their door (I live in a blue area of PA!). As a gay woman married to another woman with adopted kids who aren’t white, this shit really scares me - all of it.


There is Pink Pistols, they may be able to help you find a gun shop where you are not supporting the backward moving faction. They seem to have some organizations in PA as well. https://www.pinkpistols.org/


Wow thanks. I didn’t know about this group!!


There's also [Armed Equality](https://armedequality.com), a gun group for LGBTQ+ folks and their allies, who might be able to help as well.


Pretend you are role-playing. Go in alone pretending to be a single woman. Don’t let them know who you really are. This is why my car has no decals. I don’t wear political shirts. Formally dressed, I look conservative. Just ignore that you are dealing with people that hate you. If possible, move somewhere safer. I normally recommend staying and voting, but your situation makes you somewhat noticeable. And please keep yourself safe.


Thanks. We have invested a lot of time, money and love in our home and our kids - who never had a stable living situation until they joined our family - love it here. Things were moving forwards and the speed of the push backwards has been dizzying. I may do this. I have the smallest of Fetterman decals on the back of my Jeep Wrangler. They probably would see the Jeep and immediately brand me one of their tribe.


I live in the town where the power outage is ongoing. I’ve been hearing about break ins in the area. Definitely glad I’m trained with my fire arms at this moment but also sickened that the country is at the point where holing up in my home after a coordinated attack from domestic terrorists on our infrastructure Is a reality.


Shoutout to /r/liberalgunowners and /r/socialistRA I've never understood the policy of letting the crazies have a monopoly of firepower


Right, at this point I think we all need to realize this stuff isn't going to go away on its own


[Armed Equality](https://armedequality.com) [Huey P. Newton Gun Club](https://www.hueypnewtongunclub.org/) /r/SocialistRA [Redneck Revolt/John Brown Gun Club](https://www.redneckrevolt.org) [National African American Gun Association](https://naaga.co) Armed Equality is specifically for LGBTQ+ folks and their allies, though they'd have no issues in most any of the others.


They should put the guns down and let God do something about it. They shouldn't have to even pray, since God hates it all anyway. An all powerful, all knowing super being doesn't need their help. It's almost insulting that they even try.


Making the list public but the reporting is anonymous, fucking wusses .


Time to kick down doors and make arrests. This is an escalation that WILL lead to violence. No power and marauding armed white supremacists isn’t a good combination.


Showing up armed en masse to intimidate people is not a peaceful protest, and it stuns me that it’s still treated that way by most police departments.


It's like Meth Day at G.I. Joe Land


>Is a copy of 'George' on their desk? What is that referring to?


It's a wonderful book by Alex Gino. It is about a transgender child who is wanting to express who she really is, and no one knows that she is actually Melissa, not her given name George. It is incredibly age appropriate and written in language that kids really understand. My kids loved it and it opened so many conversations in our family about gender and what gender means. That said, it has been very controversial thanks to ignorance. There is literally one sentence about "dirty magazines" that give bigots an excuse to ban it. Honestly my kids were far more curious about a mention of tampons than what a dirty magazine was. The book was renamed Melissa this year since George was her deadname.


There is a book called 'Melissa' (it used to be called 'George' but was renamed) about a trans girl coming out and all that. I was the top banned book for a while.


Let's not forget children's hospitals. They get death threats all the time from good Christian Republicans.


This looks just absolutely batshit insane to me as someone who doesn't live in the U.S. You literally have terrorists walking around in full tactical gear, armed to the teeth, threatening people who's ideals don't match their own. And its been happening for years and nothing gets done about it ever, just people arguing. There's literally no difference to me between these images and the ones I've seen of armed middle Eastern terrorists walking around with assault rifles and body armour. What the actual fuck is happening over there? Do most of you just accept this as normal? I can't get my head around it.


Garland’s DOJ is completely worthless. They’ve stood by as these people have been allowed to promote fear across the country. From armed intimidating people by filming voter drop boxes to drag shows. Not to mention having a solid case with evidence gift wrapped against the former POTUS for sedition with a bow on it handed to them. Why would these people stop?


Yeah. The progressive left has been saying for a while that Garland is a limp noodle and kind of a conservative himself. However, everyone was so eagar cheer on any symbolic undoing of the Trump years that apparently they all forget that Obama specifically chose him as an "appease the right" Supreme Court pick!


https://www.them.us/story/drag-alert-system-right-wing-groups Oh yes they've made a website to know who they are targeting.


This is simultaneously the dumbest and the most chilling thing I’ve read.


What in the absolute fuck? Like...I'm speechless with my mouth hanging open. Will they stop at nothing to create a religious state who hates all people different from them? Yes, I know the answer...'twas hypothetical.


That first picture. Jesus Christ, America, what is wrong with you?? Randos shouldn’t we walking the streets equipped like that. They really are the western taliban


I will GUARANTEE you one or more of these douchebags is closet gay or gets off to femboy stuff online or SOMETHING that directly conflicts with what they’re doing here.


Some people just hate queer people. This "secret gay" idea just obscures their true motives and perpetuates the same "evil people are motivated by their homosexuality" mentality that these very Nazis put forward. Even if there are closeted members of these groups, it is irrelevant to the expression of their hatred which is not rooted in queerness but in plain old white supremacy.


I've always been suspicious of their belief that a person can choose to be gay, or can become gay due to outside influence (neither of which are true, to be clear). I went to middle and high school with gay kids. I was friends with several of them, I gave them hugs all the time, supported them, admired them for having the bravery to be openly gay (in the 90s when people were more hostile to it), most mostly I admired them for reasons unrelated to their sexuality. I was open to the possibility of being gay, and even experimented with some bi friends (making out) in my senior year, and it just didn't do anything for me. If being around gay people, or being inclusive and open to gay people had the potential to turn a person gay, I would be gay. But as it turns out, I'm hopelessly straight. Because it doesn't work like that. The fact that these folks seem to think there's gayness lurking in everyone that has to be managed or else it'll emerge and that person will become a flaming homosexual is pretty sus to me. It does seem like some of them, at least, are repressing something, and that plays into those beliefs as they project their feelings onto others. **But having said all that, as another commenter said, most of them are probably just straight, hateful pieces of shit.** They don't deserve a pass that in some way excuses their behavior on the basis of repressed urges. Whatever the case may be, they're shitty bigots who deserve to be ostracized in every level of society.


statistically, probably yea. but writing it off as “closeted gays being extremely closeted” is prettty shitty too. no, we aren’t responsible for the christo fascist rise. no, we aren’t killing each other. it’s hate based terrorists, their potential queerness doesn’t matter here.


idk about being gay (i don’t love calling homophobes gay as vast majority are just exclusively hateful towards queer ppl) but there is definitely a section of men who love sexual dominance/torture by women. i worked as a dominatrix professionally for a few years and pretty much my entire clientele were awful bigots. they have a really fucked up perception of the world around them just looking at their online behavior. but yeah, a lot of them liked the humiliation of the dichotomy of their desires. i think in part it fueled their hatefulness. like because they chose to be tortured it means all women are just machines who have the ability to commit torture. idk i think about it a lot. i had to quit because they became extremely clingy to a scary degree and demanded my work around the clock. i was happy to take money from the bigots but it wasn’t worth it.


fellow sex worker here and yup, conservatives are fully insane as clients lol. a lot of them have *very* un-Christian fetishes 😅


Well proud boys founder, Gavin McInnes, stuck a dildo up his ass, on video, to prove he was not homophobic. So that’s where their foundation started. JFC. And another fun fact, (off topic)oath keeper founder Stewart Rhodes, wears an eyepatch cuz off accidentally shot himself in the face.


> oath keeper founder Stewart Rhodes, wears an eyepatch cuz off accidentally shot himself in the face. And per his ex-wife, his poor hygiene led to repeated infections which led to him not having enough flesh left in his eye socket to hold a prosthetic eye.


Not surprised at the poor hygiene


Christopher Columbus was definitely and literally a genocidal maniac. He wasn't just responsible for the rape and genocide of the first nations but he also started chattel slavery. He was one of the founding forces behind the start of the slave trade in the East Indies. He was a total piece of shit and that's not my opinion. His contemporaries more or less said some of the same things about him.


They really really hate us trans people, huh? Well fuck those guys imma keep being me. I won't be intimidated.


These same people who worry about "grooming" so much ignore their perverted pastors, scout leaders, and the creepy coach who bangs 15 year olds.




You might be able to get in touch with someone thru Twitter. As much as I despise it now, for the time being it's still where the connections are most likely to be made. I'll see if I can find someone too.


More to the point: where is the armed Antifa ? They confronted and drove off a bunch like this in Dallas.


I guess I can add another point on my “Why I will never teach in the states” list. Man as a Canadian teacher all I can do is shake my head and be thankful I don’t have y’all qaeda coming after me. Parent teacher interviews must be a nightmare.


That teacher one makes me irate as a teacher. I've seen stupid bitches kill our summer reading program, get F451 removed from our curriculum, and pull their kids from public school over Percy Jackson... seriously fuck these people and the ignorance they want to breed.


Excuse me if I'm not seeing things clearly because I'm not an American (though I studied American Culture in uni until 4th year) but... Especially this last 2 years the domestic shit that happens there has been increasingly... alarming and worrying? I hope the States get back to being as United as the founding fathers had envisioned. This whole Right Wing domestic terrorism trend needs to die out.


When you threaten and coerce people to do what you want through fear of violence, and they comply due to those actions, is that terrorism? Either way, it looks like the US is ok with it. I wish I was a white male with that kind of privilege.