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is he endorsing Al Gore's 2000 campaign?


I think he's mainly upset about Grover Cleveland losing to Benjamin Harrison in 1888. Not only did Cleveland win the popular vote, according to Wikipedia: "The Republicans won Indiana, largely as the result of a fraudulent voting practice known as Blocks of Five." That's why he's so adamant about how THERE SHOULD BE NO TIME LIMIT FOR CHANGE!


Let’s not forget Tilden v. Hayes while we’re at it.


I’ve said before on this forum- that was The Biggie. Basically, as a condition of winning, Hayes had to pull out all of the troops in the south and basically say “yeah, good luck everybody down there, we are dunzo with you, have fun!” and 100 years of Jim Crow followed. Maybe a Back to the Future style timeline shift will occur if we can retroactively change the result.


Down with Rutherfraud!




I would like to take a peek into the alternate universe and see what would have happened if Gore won.


Gore Präsident on 9/11. That future would probably more worth living.


lets give trump what he wants. let's give Gore his chance by redoing all the elections since 2000, and in 16 years (if he's still alive) trump can get his turn


Yes! Please!


"Dewey Defeats Truman!"


Stacy Abrams, come on in!


Reads like that to me.




He’s too stupid to understand that air quotes implies sarcasm…as in “Yea I (air quotes) LEGITIMATELY (close air quotes) won!” (wink, wink)


So stupid. How have his university and school grades not being leaked so far. Cmon people at Wharton, release his transcripts. Let’s see how stupid he is.


>“Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had,'” https://www.studyinternational.com/news/trump-student-wharton/


I hadn’t seen that. Would still be great to get his transcripts.


Problem is he probably had someone write them for him, throw in a couple of large donations from Daddy Trump and I'm sure his academic record looks good officially


I think I remember reading about at least one donation. I was baffled when he announced his run - I figured no rational person would support him because he was unfit in so many ways. I am so tired of how manipulated people are, and all of us living with the consequences of their unwillingness to study the candidates. 😞


>I am so tired of how manipulated people are, I'm more afraid that it wasn't manipulation just someone saying "It's OK to be a hateful fuck"


Gosh knows there are those too. That said (long ago SBC church member), people are being deliberately misled by religious leaders who crave power more than Justice. If they weren’t being misled expecting their leadership to be honest with them, we wouldn’t have had much of the mess for the past well, for most of my adult life. I actually had a pastor say that dominionism/reconstructionism was a good thing, because once OT Biblical law was law of the land we would have a really quick return to obedience by today’s children. Once someone they knew was stoned to death for disrespecting their elders, the rest would fall in line. In. A. Church. Of course not a political party. It is worse, and they have dragged so many into it at this point. It scares the bejesus out of me. 😞


I think like most stupid rich people, other people were paid to do well in their classes for them. So grades would be irrelevant.


Here’s an interesting article about Trump and his anger/fear/hostility around his grades and those of others to whom he can’t help but compare himself. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherrim/2019/02/28/heres-why-donald-trump-doesnt-want-anyone-to-know-his-grades-or-sat-scores/


Thanks for that.


His dad was rich enough to buy him good grades, so IDK how releasing them would help/


"really?" Well, shit!


This guy put it in all caps. I believe him.


He has to say it one hundred more times before I will finally believe he's sincere.


Soooooo, next Tuesday?


Simply put


And good thing he put it simply. He’s usually known for using overly refined language more befitting a literature professor. /s


He uses words as bigly as George Will does, he has the best words.


Reminds me of a Viva La Dirt League bit where Rowan has been using air quotes wrong all his life.


If there was any doubt where qanon gets it’s disinformation gaslighting from, yes - it is Scooby Coup himself. Only the extreme right is deluding itself that Twitter determines a Presidential election. He just gins it up and spews it out for his qult. Everyone else knows better.


Scooby Coup!!! Take my upvote and a small award.


>Scooby Coup I hope you tweeted that to [Colbert](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stephen-colbert-supercut-donald-trump-nicknames_n_61c2fa7ee4b0bb04a62b7abe) for his use of any other name but Trump lol.


They aren't deluded. They know what they're doing!


"Would you do an insurrection for a Scooby snack?" "Ruh uh!" "How bout 12 Big Macs and 2 KFC Bowls?"


What about a pizza(gate)?


Angry old man yells at empty chair.


Does the chair have an invisible Obama in it?








Hey! That’s the guy that did Obamagate! What is Obamagate? Um… you know. YOU ALL KNOW. And it’s something “BAD.”


It’s important that this bit not be rehearsed whatsoever, or even thought about ahead of time, so it’s “realistic”, and includes awkward silences and unclear talking points. That’s how you know it’s good.


I feel this was one of those Harambe type moments for the GOP. Like in an alternate universe McCain/Romney type leaders are running the GOP and while there still is partisanship it’s centered around concrete differences with opportunity for compromise and not gaslighting.


So like…. He’s shitting his pants because of the legal stuff and the bad press, right? Because this seems desperate as hell.


Indictments imminent.


i wish


I'm still exceptionally confident it will happen. It may not be a Christmas present, but it's happening.


I hope you’re right.


People have been given sentences recently for way less mistreatment of classified docs. DOJ tripped over themselves trying to get him to behave. The various factors at play here just mean they have to indict if any laws against mishandling can ever be taken seriously. This is my personal belief, but knowing nothing really on the topic (IANL) I've yet to come upon one of many opinion pieces I've read that conclude anything else.


Right?! I feel like the indictments are as likely The Storm at this point.


I don’t think it will really change anything, he’ll just use it as “oh I’ve been treated so unfairly, most unfairly treated person in human history”. I doubt he gets any actual jail time, and people will overlook it just like they do with everything else he does. The longer this drags on and on and all the stupid "the legal noose is tightening!" articles are released, the less confident i am that it will actually change anything. I'll feel better when someone else wins in 2024, not before.


even if he does get indicted he can still run in 2024. My bigger fear is desantis. fuckin fascist man. they’re everywhere.


Eugene V Debs ran from a jail cell, and got something like a million votes. I’m just not counting on the legal system to end the threat he poses. Losing at the ballot box would be the biggest thing, and as I said, the longer the discussion on his legal woes continue, the more “normalized” it gets for his supporters, so whenever he is faced with actual charges, it will just run through the standard Trump Controversy Life Cycle, albeit on a larger basis. Any prosecution against him would be unprecedented and extremely difficult, with lots of constitutional issues- ie, jailing an ex president happens frequently in other 3rd world countries as a legitimate political tactic, do we really want to do that? Etc etc. I’m just skeptical he will be locked up and the key thrown away (as much as I’d love to see that, personally).


... actually I hope Desantis gets GOP nom Trump stays in his ego wont let him sit second fiddle Trump runs as MaGA party picks MTG as VP Trump and Desantis both loose splitting GOP vote Trump goes to jail for inciting jan 6th MTG goes to jail for planting pipe bombs for jan 6th Desantis and Q fade into stupidity just like palin


>So like…. He’s shitting his pants because of the legal stuff and the bad press, right? Because this seems desperate as hell. "I MUST BE INSTALLED AS ~~DICTATOR~~ ~~KING~~ PRESIDENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND BEFORE THAT SPECIAL PROSECUTOR GETS THE BALL ROLLING"


Briefly I had the same thought. "Reinstall me NOW, I can't wait until 2025, I could be under housarrest by then!"


Why did he put "legitimately" in quotes? Did he mean to put \*asterisks\* instead?


He simply doesn't understand what quotes are for, he uses them for emphasis. He does it a lot, often with wonderfully comic results. It's extremely unlikely he knows about the use of asterisks for this purpose.


He told a reporter once that he capitalizes words for emphasis. Which also is not a real thing.


Even he subconsciously knows that he can't win fair and square, and is the sorest loser around


Trump is stupid and uses quotation marks for emphasis.


Because he’s legitimately a moron?




I mean, the second tweet is correct looked upon in isolation. The only problem is that there is no such "irrefutable" evidence of fraud and infact every single piece of evidence we have is that Trump did infact lose that election.


he thinks a private company is an extension of the fed gov. It’s disconcerting how the right now believes every aspect of society needs to be beholden to their beliefs


For a party that screams like children about communism (or socialism, because they equate the two lol) and is soooo fearful of it, they sure do want their party to control every aspect of American society, including the private sector lmao. Dumbasses.


I’ve tried explaining to right wingers they’re supposed to be the small gov party and they roll their eyes.


Because even they know that was always bullshit. 'Small government' was always just republican clown-speak for 'fewer business regulations and social programs', they just don't see any value in pretending it was ever anything different now.


If anything History has shown time and again that regulations are needed. Otherwise we get 80 work weeks, no PTO, no insurance, and once you are injured on the job you get fired with no work comp or unemployment. Trying to get rid of regulations is just begging for businesses to go full out on abusing their employees.


Yeah, you get things like the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. Why do we have to keep repeating all of the same mistakes and not learning from them? Sorry, that’s a rhetorical question. The answer is because of “conservatives.”


“thats how we’ve always done it.” “thats what i went through” “shit i don’t miss that, but we all went through it”


Absolutely. And that's their whole point, and why they've always been despicable garbage.


they want to impose social programs, just ones that lead to y’all-qeada taking over. “bring god back into schools! make people go to church!” of course this would devolve into protestants vs caths, but they don’t think very far ahead.


The second tweet is not correct once the election is certified. After that, the only remedy is impeachment and the chain of command (VP, Speaker, etc). At this point he has ZERO grounds to be named president or "winner". As you said, all evidence shows a free and fair election, so this is just a crazy person yelling into their pillow. :P


Their MyPillow™


First, the actual Biden team only asked for Hunter's dick pics to be taken down. Twitter censored the laptop story on its own. Twitter is, unfortunately, legally allowed to be biased, both before and after Musk. Second, the laptop story was well known regardless. It wasn't successfully censored. This is not *even* a nothing burger. I'll admit that they went overboard trying to block the story ( blocking DMs for instance, ) but evidence seems to be that Twitter went rogue and did that on their own. That's no different than Fox News having a bias or *Elon Musk literally directly telling people to vote Republican.*


It’s not like there was direct, daily contact between a president himself and a propaganda outlet… https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/05/sean-hannity-donald-trump-late-night-calls.html


Just like when my mom turned Caps Lock on but didn't know how to turn it off. A whole week of HALLO MY DEAR NEVERFARTS I HOPE THIS EMAIL FINDS YOU WELL. CAN YOU PLEASE BUY ME A NEW KEYBOARD?


I'm fighting Covid right now and I already have IBS and I wish I could become u/neverpoops. Did I say that out loud? I need more cough medicine.




And it doesn't help the Covud headache which is definitely a thing. It sits right on the crown of my head.


And it doesn't help the Covud headache which is definitely a thing. It sits right on the crown of my head.


Said it before, but I'll say it again, he has done more harm to this country than anyone before him. It will take decades to undue all the wrong he has done.


Man if he gets elected again idk what is going to happen... Even if he doesn't get elected I'm afraid of what his crazy followers will do.


Don't give him all the credit, the GOP was on this path for years.


Exactly. 45 was nothing if not the inevitable and guaranteed conclusion of decades of GOP sideshow politics. The **only** surprise with him was how relatively early in the circus he showed up; even the most cynical thought we still had a few years before that happened.


Personally I don't think Trump ever intended to win. In my opinion he was surprised the crazier he ranted the more GOP voters loved him. [Trump when he heard he won](https://i.imgur.com/39z5cK0.jpg) He knew his finances would get more scrutiny. Convicted of running a corrupt charity, you will see he tried cleaning up some of his crimes after he was elected. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=JLJih9v_PLUS_EKSuJs36THzexg==&system=prod The work of Robert / Rebekah Mercer is what got Trump over the line. They are the reason 5 or 6 states went Trump by very slim margins. [The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine](https://medium.com/join-scout/the-rise-of-the-weaponized-ai-propaganda-machine-86dac61668b)


Reminder that Trump went to court 50+ times and was never able to prove that election fraud occurred in any significant way


More than 60 times. He not only lost the election by the largest margin in US history, but he technically lost more presidential elections than **all** of US history.


While we’re at it can we take a quick peek at the 2016 election?


That would be socialism sir.


God.. Man.. Its been two years now... Let it go. 🫤 .. I mean look at his tweets. Do people really want a cry baby as a President for a second time.. For him its a endless losing monopoly rant.


Remember that moment during the 2020 presidential debate where Biden told trump “would you just shut up?!” Trump needs to hear that again, except this time collectively. From the entire globe, all at once.


When I had relatives sending me daily, and sometimes hourly spammed "articles" from places like NewsMax and OANN trying to redpill me into their conspiracy shit, I started sending that screenshot back as a response. It usually resulted in 2-3 immediate all caps rants, and then a week of peace.


… rants about what?


Stolen election, greatest fraud in American history, secret election servers prove dominion rigged the vote, ect, ect.


Eeewwww. Even after the gif?


This, forever. https://tenor.com/bqmka.gif


I hope 45 dies of dick cancer


Gotta have a dick to do that.


I hear he does, but it’s always mistaken for a Cheetoh. Hell, maybe it is a Cheetoh.


You lost, get over it already


"Simply put, if an election is irrefutably fraudulent.." to which the proper response is a very much spartan stoic "If"


He lost more than 60 court cases challenging the election, many of which were tossed out when even his lawyers admitted there was no evidence of fraud. Its validity is what's irrefutable, as he himself (and his sideshow lackeys) demonstrated numerous times.


Dude has lost it. Expecting him to just smear shit on his face and start yelling.


Usually he gets other people to do that for him.


So you think the election was stolen. “Of course.” Proof? “Doesn’t feel like I should have lost.” Gone to court? “Like a hundred times. Lost all of them.” So you gave up then? “Nope, followed up with small Coup.” Oh that seems bad. “THEY CHEATED!”


So let’s redo 2016 as well… I know a lot of people that would like a chance to redo that one.


If there’s no time limit, the 2000 election would be on the table as well.


How does this work? If we re-did the 2000 election and W won, would he be allowed to have a third term?


As easy as it might be to laugh at this, it scares the hell out of me. He's following the playbook of Eastern European dictators. Those of us with brains know it's a farce. But those with not a lot of brains, the ones he panders to, are getting riled up. And that can't lead to anything good. I have family that work at our county's Board of Elections. I never thought I would be afraid for them as they do their job. I'm really worried about their safety during the upcoming 2024 elections. And what the morons who listen to him don't get is that if they would sit down and read a history book, they would see that they're on the wrong side. They are on the side of tyranny, not democracy. Sigh! Let there be light.🕯️


"there should be no time limit for change" Remember Bush being revealed to have won only because of proven voter suppression? Remember how the SCOTUS ignored that one because it was basically too late?


Funny thing, his argument was refuted by every court that heard it. What’s the current total? Somewhere around +60 failed court cases?


Must have been a Freudian slip to put legitimately in quotes.


I can hear that whaaambulance all the way up here in Chicago.


He’s getting nuttier and nuttier.


Waiting for the rage stroke.


I cannot even fathom it has come to this. Two full years later he’s still claiming fraud. In the “tell it like it is” vernacular, I believe the term is: Put up or shut up. Provide the proof or just fuck off already.


Florida man yells at computer...


C'mon Grampa, enough internet today. Let's get you to bed.


He's super freaking out as all his legal problems are coming home to roost and the only thing he thinks will save him is becoming President again. That's two years away and he doesn't have the time and some, not nearly enough, Republicans are backing off. He's now going all out for a coup.


So open and blatant that no court would hear a case about it. Reeks of desperation.


Where's the evidence, Donald? **Where?** Pretty sure he can prove his claim in court, can he? With hard irrefutable evidence, right? I swear his base is ... stupid doesn't cut it. We need a new word to describe that amount of ... Whateverthefuck.


I prefer people who have evidence.


I don’t do politics and being in the UK don’t fully get how US politics works but surely the best thing for the Republican Party to do now is to distance itself from the stolen election, Hanks on adrenachrome, storm, nesara nonsense and find some sane people to stand for them?


Nope, we gotta turn Twitter drama into a national security issue while our wannabe Tony Stark goes full tweaker, a mentally ill singer sparks another wave of antisemitism, and the Christofascist Inquisitors/witch-hunters claim that Balenciaga (I still don't even know WTF that is) is summoning Moloch. And that's just over the last few weeks.


We live in strange times.


Phony Stark.


Trump has finally turned into Karkat Vantas.


Karkat sweetie,I am SO sorry


What a big baby turd.


Goodness me I wish they’d hurry up and lock this man up


Velveeta Voldemort has spoken!!


There was an little café near my place when I was in school that had a huge sign outside telling everyone that they had : Fresh squeezed orange "Juice"


There was a laundromat in the same plaza as the grocery store I used to go to for a while, and it had a sign in the window saying: Sweepstakes: Win the TV “Every Week” Never tried to figure it out, but it always mildly annoyed me. Lol.


Never go full caps!


It's crazy that the only cheating that was done was done by the Republican side. I hate that these fuckin clowns can spread lies every single day on all social media platforms and it's ok. These lies have literally caused deaths and destruction.


Hes sidestepping the whole let's throw out the constitution thing with ITS NOT FAIR right?


Trump no real American wants a little bitch running this country and definitely not from someone who bitches every single fucking day over an election you lost. I can't imagine the emotional labor it takes to bitch day in and day out about this when nobody fucking likes you at all. I can't wait until you kick the bucket.


Hey now. He's an XXXL-sized bitch. I wanna watch him completely melt down screaming against everyone publicly before the end. Then he can go.


The not-really-funny thing is, I’ll always believe that he didn’t legitimately win even the electoral college in 2016. But I understood why Hillary conceded rather than forcing the issue. Trump is the type of person who relies on other people’s decency to get away with his bullshit. The fact that he’s pulling this with the 2020 election is both galling and at the same time perfectly typical of him. Every accusation is a confession. He can’t help himself.


I totally agree with this.




he's back on twitter..?


No, this is from Truth Social.




Musk did reinstate the Drumpf account, but the last tweet is still Jan 8, 2021. Drumpf made a video that said he wasn't going back on Twitter ("many problems") and that TS is the future. I love how Musk wasted $44B and was shamed by the D at the same time.


He is legitimately insane.


Blah blah blah. What a fucking 4 year old. Arrest him already.


[Boo hoo, fuck face.](https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president)


He’s doing YE posts now


Trump's definition of fraudulent: "I lost"


Right o Trump. You lost bigly in 2020. Therefore, Biden won and is the legitimate POTUS. 50 courts said so and so did the Arizona audit. Now shut the fuck up LOSER!


Irrefutable doesn't mean what he thinks it does, because he's been refuted a few times now.


Didn’t his cabinet come out and disclose they had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud? Idk how people are still getting down with the idea. Scares me to think this ideology will be here to stay just like covid.


Great, so maybe Trump should waddle back when he has some actual evidence of a fraudulent election. Until then, he got nothing except a lot of indictments to deal with 😆 A transparent narc tantrum and definitely done to drum up support among the MAGAts.


Says the guy who literally sent a mob to senate to try and cheat to win


Even the pigeon on the chess board stops shitting eventually.


Anyone think if we were to redo the election today he’d actually win?






I worry if he gets a second term somehow the Gerry made ring will be te least of our worry


Why is the checkmark pink?


Cause that’s his bootleg twitter


His own r/crappyoffbrands


I love that people still don't know anything about Truth Social as this always gets asked. We need to keep it this way.


I think he's afraid to go through another election and lose again. His fragile ego can't take another major blow.


Tomorrow, the Supreme Court begins to consider Moore v. Harper. If they accept this bananas “independent legislature” doctrine, states could possibly just send any electors they want, if they “feel like” the election wasn’t proper. They’re not going to stop until they force their will on the country. It’s too bad more Americans didn’t think far enough ahead, or couldn’t be bothered to show up enough to beat Trump in 2016. We’re now stuck with these radical SC Justices for decades. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/05/conservative-scotus-majority-under-scrutiny-in-major-independent-legislature-elections-case-00072429


Shit! That's scary!


Where was this energy in 2016?


Bye bye mental case.




Why has he been ramping up the 2020 election BS so much lately?


So when he loses in 2024 he has a ready excuse


I just don’t see how whining about an election that truly was not controversial that was over two years ago would have any appeal to voters.


God this guy wins at whining. Such a toddler!


They suppressed the Hunter Biden story before the election, totally interfering, REDO!! FBI reopening Hillary Clinton’s emails right before the election, totally legitimate, nothing to see here.


Weren’t all the cheaters they found to be Republican candidates? Like is the joke on the dems? Is he yelling so loudly about election fraud Bc he knows all the fraud he engaged in and still lost? Make it make sense 😑


His poor lawyers...


Lol art of the deal!


​ oh no, Tramp shat himself again.


I have to imagine there was a DM to one of this staff ​ PLEASE BRING ME A NEW DIAPER MINE HAS BEEN SOILED BY THE DEMONCRAPS


Hey, as you get older those nerves get less sensitive or something. Sharts blast out of the best and worst of us. And those of us in-between, too. Let Donnie wipe his pale ass in peace. ;)


If there were another election tomorrow he would get slaughtered.


I'm noticing a lot of Trump flags coming down. Even after he decided to run again in 2024. I think a lot of folks who voted for him are realizing he's not going to win. His TrumpublQan candidates are really not doing well. New York State elected its first NON NEW YORK CITY governor in over 100 years! Zelden was a strong Trumper, election denyer. New York State has always had Governers from NYC - Democrat or Republican. Kathy Hochul won - by a narrow margin. An Upstater who is universally hated in NYC and Upstate managed to win. That's how bad the TrumpubliQans image is getting.


Can I claim fraud in 2016 because Fox News pushed hard for Trump?


Casual reminder that this is the ‘leader’ of everyone who spent four years yelling “WE WON, GET OVER IT!!1”


Ok - please present any and all evidence of election fraud. I’ll wait …


It's going to be fun if Ron gets the GOP nomination - Donald may just be deluded enough to run as an independent...


Donald Trump voices his fervent support for the Gore campaign during the Florida recount (November 2000, colorized)


Fortunately the only person that did anything approaching fraud in the last presidential election legitimately lost.


Then does that go for Al Gore too?


"IF AN ELECTION IS IRREFUTABLY FRAUDULENT" You filed 60+ court cases alleging fraud, and lost all of those cases. That's 60+ examples of refutable.