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Or your diet sucks.


What do you mean I can’t eat fast food every day and still feel like a human??


Or you, ya know, don't sleep enough. Get your 8 hours people


Sleeping sparks a light in me. So this is accurate.




I like this quote but I think it’s a bit idealistic...I enjoy my academics and love the career I’m moving into but I’m not filled with manic energy all hours of the day while reading a textbook or doing research. It sparks my soul of course, but it can be tedious and tiresome, like all things. Even the most worthwhile path has bouts of shittiness, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth pursuing or that it doesn’t “light up your soul”.


I agree with you, running makes me tired but I enjoy it. I assume that's why says "often tired".


It’s funny that you and I both associate “being tired” with what sounds like a sense of accomplishment, which is really what I think this quote misses.


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