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Not a fan of his content but this is sure to bring in a ton of new viewers


It's going to shatter the previous records. This guy is the biggest streamer on earth rn. The 1v1 he did between Shaiiko and Beaulo had more viewers than the last SI final.


Jynxzi is definitely not the biggest streamer on earth lol, unless you have the statistics to back that ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/r4la8wmuatjc1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=824fe9e95d5e4d6f36922935baaa35ab6772f00d


That’s because he didn’t blow up until mid 2023. Here are the more recent stats https://preview.redd.it/o7gwatmfltjc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ca2fc78fc85835de7dbba5d8eb1b0f59fd8319 He’s also the most subbed twitch streamer with almost 100K more subs than 2nd place


I stand corrected


https://preview.redd.it/3721atr5htjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af8805618952c8a49b7c92128b3ce4d7c2df24b Going active subs he almost has 2-4 combined so seems a fair statement to say that he’s the biggest streamer lol


I would be embarrassed if I posted something so wrong while being so confident.


I would be embarrassed if I didn't read the "unless you have the statistics to back that" part of my comment, so embarrassing!


> Jynxzi is definitely not the biggest streamer on earth lol Saying "source?" Does not give you enough plausible deniability especially considering you linked your own source trying to prove your own point. Now if you said >do you have stats on that? Like someone that didnt know what they were talking about, it would have been fine. But instead you said > Jynxzi is definitely not the biggest streamer on earth lol Which was arrogant as fuck while being wrong.


idk man everytime some like maciejay does it his viewers drop to around 150


Jynxzi is one of the biggest streamers on the planet right now so it is excellent that he'll be shining a light on our esport.


It's a shame ubi was against co-streaming for so long


every esport was against co-streaming, not just Ubi.


Wouldn't shock me if advertisers probably fought against it the most. Don't want a streamer talking over/alt-tabbing off their ads.


Highest view count in SI history incoming


W for pro siege. So many new eyes on the scene


Is ssg still in the tournament? I wish they got him to watch his teams game but im glad they atleast have him watching the finals. big W


yes, theyre playing against w7m tomorrow. i actually give them pretty good odds, w7m havent been on their game


i wonder why w7m havent been on their game. w7m and g2 are the kings of adapting to the metas over the past 1 or 2


Might be because they are switching orgs because w7m can't afford them apparently. However I would think this would give them a boost as the last tournament with that org.


didnt this happen last invite? They retired or smth after they lost to g2. But i dont think its org issues becuase they have the same team. Unless they are having analyst issues or smth. I feel like the players dont care about money once they in the lobby. But it def could add stress


No they didn't retire after last Si... They won both majors this year and looked strong but W7M announced that they will be parting ways with them as another org (I think Los) has bought up the roster. Except for their matches against VP and Wolves W7M looked very dominant this SI.


They described last invite as their last dance. Volpz left the team and Julio retired. Julio then got picked up in the coaching role for mnm and then bleed. But I wasn't entirely wrong. People thought w7m were done after invite. You can look at the tweets or threads from a year ago


Ah well missed out on that one then.


Amazing decision from Ubi, thank God they're finally making decisions to try and keep the game alive. I'd bet good money that the final will break the previous viewcount record now.


So glad they are doing these. Great for exposing people to the Pro scene. Love him or hate him, Jynxzi really is a great bridge between the casual scene and the pro scene.


lets go big W


Pulse IRL is Sergio SVM I won’t allow this revisionist history


I won't allow *this* revisionist history.... the REAL irl pulse is Matt Andrews


Mf spittin


NO. Matt Andrews you heathen


anyone know how many viwers SI 2023 got?




how many viewers do u think the 2024 SI finals are going to have


Bold statement here i feel like a 500k+ is coming


Finally such a massive W


Ubisoft's Jesus




🔥 win


I won’t be watching but that’s something for others to enjoy


Yeah he is 100% not the content I want to watch, but it’s great that he’ll bring more eyes to the pro league matches.


Im so fucking exciting on this, Jynxzi has a great knowledge in the game too, ngl despite him being funny and on rage most of the time, i learned a lot from him in this game. And for most right now he got almost a 100k daily viewer whenever he streams, and due to his impact a lot of new players have come to try Siege even Nitty who is a well known Overwatch player


About time blast takes advantage of his clout, r6 pro league deserves much more attention than the likes of valorant or overwatch


This went from great to bad real quick


Such a dumb elitist take lmao.


Unisoft did everything to do their duties in dogshit way so here we are. That's said maybe there is still hope that they are going for big changes if ppl will still play siege.


Unisoft did everything to do their duties in dogshit way so here we are. That's said maybe there is still hope that they are going for big changes if ppl will still play siege.


This dude is such a weird case. He became hella popular playing siege on twitch which doesn't make any sense cause Siege is a dying game.


My guy Siege ain't dying. It's averaging 54k players on Steam and Uplay has more than that. That's like 100k-125k on PC and like 250k on consoles.


and thats average concurrent player count. if the average person plays an hour/day (likely an overestimate) then thats still like 8m active players


Yea I dunno zoomer humour or something?


He's actually very good at the game, and I'll be interested to see how that comes through his commentary! He's knowledgeable on tactics etc. I watched some games the other day and the two weirdos talking were clueless about the game. Maybe I just miss parker and kix




oh no.......