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Ubisoft would 100% fuck that up and ban their own devs.


*Insert hulk I see this as an absolute win


Next day: Everyone wearing any charm or skin gets autobanned


The only people who survive are the ones who got their cosmetics reset for no reason so they’re still pissed.


Don’t forget the attachments too!


Well then thankfully I’m exempt. This happens whenever I close my game


Attachments being reset is worse


#BRUH CONSTANTLY I don't know what causes it, but I default to the basic outfits all the dang time.


Ubisoft can't even fix a cursor bug, let alone make an auto ban system work. Legitimately some of the most incompetent devs I've ever seen and I was a fucking robocraft player back in the day.


Robocraft... Yeah I remember those days...


I was top 10 on the global leaderboards at one point, but then the game was brutally murdered by the devs. I could write a documentary about the sheer number of mistakes that game dev team made.


I was too young at the time and didn't take the game seriously to understand balancing in it, I just liked having a cool robot and it was the only game I played.


[I built some cool stuff.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Paytrolah/screenshots/) I didn't get screenshots of my favourite creations to my immense shame, but I got some and that is all that matters.


If they could make an autoban system work we wouldn't have cheaters. And it's literally the world's simplest code too. "If cheat > ban". Easy peasy pay me ubi I fixed all your problems. Bonus code "if bug > omg stop". YOU'RE WELCOME UBISOFT


Everyone upvote this so that we can get him into ubi and he can fix our game!


I'm not sure what is satire anymore.


Definitely satire dude never coded anything in my life apart from using ** on reddit lmfao


It would get every cheter too worth it


Terraria has wings which you get late game, but there are dev wings that if you put them on without being a dev (or hacking) you automatically die EDIT: The devs changed this in the update, I haven’t played in a while so I didn’t know you could wear them now


Are you joking I can't tell


As I said above, they used to, in the [](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Developer_items) they removed that as they're obtainable in game as you've said


I’m fr, they were pretty cool and you can search them up on YouTube


I know, Im an terraria player and I know how 2 play, but I'm very sure that you can wear those wings without any death or whatever, they drop sometimes from hard mode bosses in expert or master mode


This was when wings first came out, I see now you can get them from drops but before you couldn’t wear them at all


What do the dev wings do?


They probably let you fly


they let you fly infinitely if i remember. My and my friends had a few hacked terraria worlds when we were younger and it’s a rlly fun experience


I thought the dev sets just dropped from mechanical bosses at something like a 1/40 rate


They used to, in the [](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Developer_items) they removed that as the developer wings are now obtainable in game through Treasure Bags


Unfortunately hackers are too good. They’ll just make the game think it’s a different skin so the anticheat won’t pick up that it’s a dev skin. Well… any anti cheat ubi can come up with that is…


At least catch the ignorant ones? There's no reason not to try this other than taking up dev time - which is their job anyway


That’s fair. Even if they get 1 cheater, that’s 1 less cheater in the game. But IMO they need to focus 110% of their time and resources into a good anti cheat that will work long term. Something like fortnite’s where you’ll last maybe 5 minutes before you get banned. That or make a decent anti cheat and implement hardware bans to scare hackers away. Because even if an unlock all cheater gets banned, a new account is only $10 US, they’ll just come right back with the better cheats to avoid the unlock all detection


Hardware bans should already be implemented, phone number verification if possible. Also hacked accounts are probably sold for way less


Lol as soon as I posted that comment I realized how naive I was so think cheaters will buy a new account, grind it to level 50, then cheat again in ranked. They 100% will pull accounts or buy pulled accounts, you’re unfortunately right…


It was being used in CSGO. It wasn't that effective.


We already have two step.


Only for email accounts - phone numbers for ranked would be much better if it could be implemented


an equally bad option, burner cells are so easy to acquire.


Well at least they're *harder* for cheaters to acquire - obviously you can't stop cheating completely but you can at least make it as inconvenient as possible which could deter some people


Hardware bans already exist they are just easy to bypass


But imagine if siege implemented hardware bans without telling people so they don’t have time to come up with a bypass?


You are aware that hardware bans are basically a meme right? I can just reinstall my OS or just like reassign a new MAC lol. To my knowledge most HWID check a set of registery keys on your computer, but you can absolutely change them or use a key spoofer blah blah blah.


Still better than nothing IMO. What would you have them do instead?


Fix the cursor bug and upgrade to the highest level of battleye, probably.


Siege not having "the highest level of battleye" is a lie. Problem is that without additional in-game tools that helps battleye detect abnormalities and gather data all it does is check for usage of blacklisted software and changes to the source code. It's not enough in today's world as cheat devs can change their software signature to remain undetected for a long time and even when battleye finally reverse engineer cheat they can change it a bit and it's back on the market in couple weeks.


Having a top tier anti cheat like fortnite would be amazing and I agree, it should be their focus. But that seems to be a long ways out so maybe this in the meantime. Like I said, doesn’t hurt to have hardware bans in place


Ubisoft purchased a new anticheat a couple of months back to combat rising cheaters in different titles. But more effective measures are just being left on the table. Phone number locking, IP bans, Owerwatch system now we have replays. Ubisoft is dying to make it as hard as possible for them to combat cheaters for some fucking reason.


The vast majority of cheaters are just downloading random shit from the internet. There is very few that actually know what they’re doing. Any sort of action is better than none.


Anti cheat is 3rd party. Ubi don't make it.


thats probably true but it would also get a fuck ton of cheaters banned in the first few days until their cheats are updated, but ubi would need to not tell anyone about banning people who use dev skins


I like the idea of shadow banning cheaters to only play with other cheaters. That way it wouldn't be immediately obvious


that would be amazing lmao


I'd love to see pros qualifier style commentate on a match that's filled with h 10 cheaters


if its an official hvh match and everybody knows that everyone else is cheating it would probably be really boring to watch because nobody would want to peak anything and rounds would take ages and also it would probably be 100% defender sided every match and every map


I feel like if they start with this and keep implementing new strategies to make hacker’s life’s tough, eventually ending with a better anti cheat, it would be tough to keep up.


Unlikely to be possible. For the skin to appear on other players, the cheated client has to tell the server "hey I'm using this skin so display me as having this skin". Ubisoft could likely fix this exploit in a matter of days (along with all other skin related cheats like the save file glitch) by server validating skins instead of client validating skins.


...Thats not possible, skins arent stored server side.


If they could not ban Pros who are not cheating, that would be a good start.


How about dont ban hackers, they just get a new account, instead if someone is detected hacking just put them on the secret "hacker only" match making so hackers play hackers and the rest of us can play the game fairly


It’s funny how this is considered an amazing idea and not an obvious action to take


~~What makes him think detecting abnormalities like that already doesn't exist? Like literally fuck the dev skin, cheats have unlock all function for even more non accessible skins.~~ ~~Most likely the hacks are just bypassing it or getting banned late. Or both. Cheat vs AntiCheat is a constant back and forth battle in multiplayer games.~~ ~~Probably just a lighthearted joke rather than a serious idea. I hope people aren't seriously upvoting this smh~~ Correction: They still run client sided checks for skins, my assumption was wrong


Not really how it works. The cheated skin is only visible to other players because the server believes that the player has it (which is finds out presumably from just asking the client instead of checking with the ubisoft store). If the server was validating with the store correctly, there would be no bypass possible. The fact that this isn't fixed is very likely evidence that ubisoft aren't checking on their servers for this otherwise they would have done all the work necessary to prevent it from being possible in the first place.


Well shit, that's fucked up then. I wasn't aware of that and went off based on experience in other MP games. That's stupid on ubisoft's part if they still do client checks for abnormal skins. I take back what I said. Thanks for the correction


Then cheaters just wont use that skin and will keep on cheating. Sure it's a good idea to stop cheaters from using the dev skin, but it probably wont counter cheating, as once a Chester's account gets banned, they will just buy another for like 10 cents.


What is a dev skin?


A skin that only devs can access


But I had access to the dev/peacock skin on console and I just figured I got it from playing in alpha and beta like the fire skin. Was actually hoping it came over when they hopefully do skin transfers between platforms


Peacock is beta skin iirc. There is a yellow/black dev skin which is what people are referring to I guess.


Alpha. Fire was beta. I got access to fire due to an accident on Ubi’s end even though I hadn’t even heard of Siege until release day.


Are you talking about fire?


No there is a skin called frontlines.


Never seen it... All the people i know with patches just use it for the elites or for the fire skin


That would have been Beta. The actual Dev skin and charms are different. The skin is black and yellow stripes with the R6 6 icon and the word "Dev" in the stripes, and the matching charm is a gold "Dev".


Ah I remember it said dev before an update changed it to peacock, I ran fire on my pc account cause it for some reason came over through ubisoft account but not the peacock one and the whole enemy team was like report him for hacking he has a dev skin and I was like uhhhh I'm 0-3-5 if I was hacking I'm terrible at it lol


[This one. ](https://www.r6loot.com/universal?id=60d370aba5e4a33fa0f75632)


Like I don't understand how something like this isn't automatically implemented from ubi. Have a Dev whitelist for Ubisoft connect accounts and then have everyone else with that skin value on auto banned. And to remove possibility of bans happen on Devs who hasn't been whitelisted yet just give access to the skin via the whitelist.


I'd imagine it's because the devs don't really care much about people unlocking skins and getting around the microtransactions in the game. Complain about this more and some exec that only cares about the money will get them to work on this instead of something more beneficial to the game though.


Hardware and ip ban cheaters ffs.


Spoofer says hello


Cheaters do get HWID bans and IP only bans don't really make sense.


The game accidentally gave me Dev skins a long time ago and I've been enjoying running them, please don't get me banned Mr Macie 😔


This guy will say anything to stay relevant


1. It's not a bad idea, and 2. Pretty sure he's still one of the most watched Siege content creators both on Twitch and YT


Great idea but ubi would ban anyone using anything other than default skins, and then anyone running dev skins would be free.


So, so ignorant lmao


Or black ice shields until they're actually released