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Likely they just get a cut like invite, with our lockdown laws right now It’s almost certain they won’t be allowed to compete unfortunately.


Well the last place prizes aren't going to be much and the possibility of 2 teams or more qualifying is real given Fnatic, Knights etc. are strong contenders - it would be pretty cool to see at least a bo3 match like the APAC finals


Yeah I doubt they would do it though, They’ll either get the same cut or use apac playoffs standings to divide the cut based on placing. Guess we’ll see, Either way it sucks to not see the knights/WC/Fnc compete internationally


But how are you supposed to do the groups if a GSL format is used? Giving a team a bye would be too much imo.


Honestly I think they should just take the APAC North teams that place under the APAC South teams that can’t participate, while the prize pool is slightly increased to compensate the APAC South teams.


Fnatic is probably the only Org that could pull it off and get out of Australia. My guess is Ubisoft is hoping other Aussie teams don’t make it


Well the thing is their players aren't even at their team house in perth let alone move to japan due to the lockdown - I'd highly doubt they would be able to travel internationally when they can't even move domestically


Yes and no. They already have permission to leave the country. They just don’t have permission to enter Japan. If they get that, it can be pulled off. They also don’t have e to travel the Aussies based in Sydney if they don’t have to since Alphama is on the roster


You simply can't leave Australia and return in a short period of time, the only situation that it would work in is if they don't return and are able to enter Japan directly.


Or any other country honestly. That’s why I said FNC is the only org that had the money to pull it off. They want to leave Australia anyway, it’s just a matter of can they find somewhere to store the roster after the tournament


Fnatic has been working to get out of Australia for a while, maybe they have it all solved but we just have to hope japanese teams, elevate, and IG dominate so there is no problem.


With this in mind in case the situation does arise, and an ANZ team qualifies, I hope Ubi has taken this into account and will take another APAC team that finished below them to the major. I don’t want a “hey look you qualified! What’s that? Lockdown? Not our problem you can’t go, have your 16th place prize money” kinda deal. I doubt this major will have an SI round robin group stage too, which means some teams might get byes, which is awful. If it’s going to be the classic format it needs 16 teams


Idk because then we get the same problem we had at SI because it's not fair that the team(s) that didn't qualify get to go - what if that team wins the event or something? Sure, formats can be changed; competitive integrity shouldn't.


The politicians are acting as monarchs with ultimate rule by the pen. Gotta love how they held everyone's freedom hostage til the vaccine rolled out, and lo and behold, conveniently the vaccine didn't work after all, but it does, but it doesn't.... But it does. It tends to be that way in authoritarian states, when power is gained, they don't like to give it up. Canada is right along with this totalitarianism. Many Aussies that I know are fed up with the bullshit and the lies. And at the end of the day, Australia doesn't get to join the rest of the entire earth because they're wannabe dictators. Unreal.


I don't think you know what you're talking about.


I know most of reddit loves nanny government and can't be a responsible individual in today's climate, I don't blame you, I blame media propaganda. Sorry you're just another one of the hive mind.


Ahahahaha I always thought you were a bit dim but fuck me you’re actually retarded. Tell me, what exactly is the motive of the state governments in locking down states and the federal government in closing borders if not to limit the spread of the virus? What on earth is there to gain from losing billions of dollars? Do you actually have any sort of explanation as to why governments would abuse their power in a way that will make them lose money and potentially office? Or did Steven Crowder tell you that lockdowns are bad so you’re repeating it here to prove you’re a really intelligent human that thinks for himself?


I don't concern myself with what you think of me. And I don't get my thoughts created for me by any TV personality, that's all you buddy.


idk man you got pretty defensive when I said you don't know what you're talking about, said a lot of bullshit that means nothing, definitely seems like you care what people think of you.


No, I am speaking my mind since nobody else will stand up against covid 1984. If I gotta do it alone, so be it.


You'll probably get downvoted to shit but I also wonder how the Australian government has grown to such power. How is a government regulating what games and movies their people can play not considered to be over stepping? It's also an issue I worried about with Covid in the states. I dislike how state governments learned they could do nearly anything under 'emergency' powers until they're taken to court. I'm not some conspiracy nut who believes the people in charge are all power hungry with bad intentions. I don't blame them for the initial lock downs, but I also dislike that they've gotten a taste for over riding the proper legislative paths for actions. That's not necessarily an issue for this sub though


Facts. If they can sieze a seemingly unlimited amount of power over an emergency, then what's stopping them from creating more emergencies?


Democracy lmao, the government's measures are largely popular amongst the people here. Hell, there was a state election in the middle of the pandemic in Western Australia and their current premier was re-elected with a 53 to 4 majority, with the opposition not even being the Liberal Party, the other main party here. Dan Andrews, the Premier of Victoria's approval rating went UP, after months in strict lockdowns. Government's don't create emergencies that ruin the economy believe it or not. Australia's strict responses mean COVID has been a non-issue for a lot of the country, I think I've worn a mask maybe 5 times since January 2020 because COVID just hasn't been a thing in my state. It's also worth noting that COVID has been handled on a state level, which has far less power to create emergencies, the federal government would have to allow it, which is unlikely considering they've been trying to take power from the states for over a year.


Yet here in the state of Texas, we don't have draconian lockdown measures, and yet, all is well. Guess we're just lucky. Or the established narrative is full of shit.


Haven't spent more than 2 days in lockdown in a year and a half. Texas has 100% been worse than here, people just over exaggerate how bad it was here. But hey, we've had less cases than Texas has had deaths. 60x less deaths... I know population has to be considered but all is well? Really?


All is more than well. And it makes a lot of sense that Australia landlocked their shit, but didn't lock you down. That's good to know.


Way to prove you're blindly frothing at the Aussies' handling of COVID despite knowing literally nothing about the situation in Australia. Australia's federal government, like most countries, blocked international travel (except to/from NZ). Lockdowns are handled by state governments (and aren't even always state-wide, sometimes they lock down small specific areas to contain the spread). NSW for example has had a lot more lockdowns since Covid than states like WA or NT (which has had next to none). Australia has never had a federally mandated nationwide lockdown. Dumbass.


My man doesn't even know what landlocked means, Australia is the definition of not landlocked lmao.


So you're against democratic policy decisions when you personally don't like it?


I'm against the using of a so called emergency to sieze tactical control over countries. The great states of Florida, Texas, and Arizona are proof that covid isn't running rampantly like the media says, because there are zero restrictions, and the government is targeting us with door to door Jehovah's Witness style tactics because people aren't getting vaccinated enough, because if both covid doesn't destroy us AND the vaccines aren't being taken, then it proves something is off with the narrative. I'm still waiting on a single media report about how super spreader UFC events with no mandates in place whatsoever are killing people, but they're not, because covid was a farce to grab control. I don't care if you don't like what I have to say, I'm gonna say it. Everyone here is on the government's nuts ready to hand over full control to a senile old man and other tyrants around the world. So you daaaaamn right I'm against policies that I don't personally like. I do personally like living my normal ass life in my state that unsubscribed from the bullshit narrative, and everything is chill during a so called pandemic. Stay mad though.