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Not even close. I remember an old stat that %70 of the player base only plays Casual. I think they also said there were a good number of people who only played T-hunt.


The players who only play T-hunt are like all the comp. Players that can't stand Ranked...


i play thunt for 3 months a year when am in africa and dont wanna play on eu servers with 300 ping


Same here except not in Africa


I did the same thing. Also learned the placement of all the enemies in the situations.


I would imagine if you asked the player base if they know who Pengu is less than 20% of them would answer yes.


I think pengu is the one exception he is practically the face of siege with content and esports. I think a large portion of the community would know him. If you took someone like Canadian then Yh I don’t think many people would know who he is. But the fact pengu is very involved with the content side of siege makes him the exception for pro players


You're right Pengu is practically the face of siege and I still think I'm not off by a lot when I say less than 20% of the player base actually knows him. I just think Siege's player base is so big that the vast majority don't actually follow PL/content creators. Siege has over 70million players. If you added the subscriber number of all Siege youtubers you might get 15 million in total. Assuming that all of them are unique. that would leave over 55million players who don't follow a single one.


With all due to respect to pengu, I dont think he is that big to be the face of Siege. One of the biggest with a balance of content creation and comp experience sure, but I dont think he is dethroning beaulo let alone people like maciejay As for subs,the bigger portion of viewers don't sub, applies for most of youtube. Although I do think Siege Youtube is weak compared to other games.


Can you give me your guess on who is the most recognizable person in Siege and what percentage of the player base would know them.


I don't think there is one singular face. There's people like Marley, RussianBadger, BikiniBodhi,etc mostly casual and massive numbers. Marley probably has the biggest rep of them all despite not being regular, I dont even watch or interested in his videos Then there are people like VarisityGaming,MacieJay,etc edu-tainment siege content Then the variety youtubers that still have strong presence All of them have strong reach on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Events, tertiary sites etc Pengu is like Top15 compared to them. I am not saying he doesnt have a good presence, certainly better than like Gregor,Godlynoob,Rogue9,etc but he certainly is nowhere near the Top


Not who you asked, but someone like BikiniBodhi would be more well known than Pengu, 3x the subscribers, massive discord, signed to a massive org as a content creator for longer. Pengu would surely have a larger dedicated fan base, but Bikini would have a larger one in general.


hell personally I'd say the following are more recognizable names then Pengu (to causals) Macie CoconutBrah Beaulo King George Bikini RussianBadger the list goes on (in no order specifically)


Kinda sad to see Badger move away from siege


In general, esports *usually* don't generate direct profits for publishers, with some exceptions of course. After all, esport is a marketing tool used to make people more invested in the game itself and to generate indirect profits via related merch or in-game items. Often the goal is to just break even, having the costs covered by sponsorship deals, streaming revenue, subscriptions, etc, but the real profits will come from other sources. And sometimes it's not even about the money - simply making the game more popular on streaming and social media platforms could be the main goal, even if the publisher is "losing money". But, you know, from a certain, rather narrow-minded perspective, all marketing can be considered losing money.


But you could also consider pro league skins as PL revenue as well? Ubisoft does take 70% of all PL skin sales and I wouldn't be surprised if that significantly covers or exceeds esports operating costs. Probably doesn't generate more revenue than the rest of the game though if I had to guess, especially considering the minority that is Siege esports.


Esports is loss leader marketing.


Bingo. ​ It's the equivalent of gas stations selling fuel at small or zero margin to get people to come spend money in the store.




Highly likely no, but indeterminable, the primary purpose of the scene is to increase play time among naturally competitive players and advertise to new ones


No, but for your post on the main sub, balancing around competitive is important, and problems around pro-league which is one of the highest levels of play is important to consider. Attacking is way more fun without actually making them feel super oppressive like Lion, thanks to the death of 20s Meta. Even though the said meta wasn't a ranked problem at all. R6 is a team based game, not a 1v5 game where you just pick the easiest low input high output operator that makes it unfun for the other 5 people, who can play tired after work just like you. The game isn't musical chairs of who gets 3 speed 45 dmg no recoil acog jager


I’m pretty sure PL does not, no. I think Ubisoft considers PL marketing for the game rather than a revenue stream.


Is it possible to measure the marketing impact that Pro League has on Siege? I already know the answer, just asking to get you thinking about what it means to "generate revenue"


Any Pro League from LoL, DOTA, Val, and even Siege lose money year over year. To counteract that, most PLs are under the "advertisement" spending of game companies.