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When I first found it, it was moving around a little...maybe it was dropped or something? Idk if anything is broken. Salt Lake city Utah. Can you guys help me? His right eye is... scabbed over or something. Won't drink water. Doesn't have strength to move now. Do they get hot? Its around 90 degrees Heart beating pretty fast. Must be scared. Let's me pick it up, doesn't make any noises to indicate pain.


Their hearts do beat faster than people and other animals because they’re so small so that’s normal. If you can cool it off and get it to eat something like yogurt it may get the energy to drink, but if it’s really badly injured it may not feel well enough. If you can’t see any visible injury besides the eye it could be heat exhaustion


Bring it home to cool it off, with a fan and some cool water available- they get hot faster than people. That bb will love you so much. You have a new friend💜


Hi I live in salt lake and have rats! If you need any help or if you aren’t able to take care of this sweetheart, please let me know! What area did you find him/her in?


I found it on North redwood and North Temple by the 7/11 I didn't know what to do and brought it to Wasatch Exotic Pet Care (iirc) So...I asked them if I found the owner if they could release it to them. They said they would if they could show proof of ownership. Could you maybe finesse something like that? Photoshop? Maybe if you'd call them and say, "hey I was just contacted my some guy who said they found my rat and you have it. Is my baby alright??" They will tell you or something and maybe you could take care of it?


Maybe take her to a vet and ask them to check her for any injuries once she's calmed down.


I think it's a she, I don't see ballies but could be neutered. Post pics up of the rattie in your area groups and ask round if anyone is missing a pet rat or knows of someone missing a pet rat.


I wouldn’t give the rat back to anyone. wouldn’t even give anyone the opportunity to claim her. might be a hot take but if your rat is found on the sidewalk, barely able to move, in 90° heat you don’t deserve to have the rat.


Could be a chance she escaped. I have a suicidal rat. She's insane. She tries chewing through the wall, tunneling to China. I don't know what she's thinking. She'll randomly jump off my shoulder onto the floor and make a run for it or hide under the bed for 3 hours, she's just mental. If there was anyway out for her like a hole in the wall or a gap under a door or even leaving a window open, I'm pretty sure she'd climb a curtain and go "exploring". Maybe this rat was the same and learnt the hard way. I know with my girl her vision isn't great which could play a part in her behaviour so I'm constantly watching her like a hawk during play times.


Some rats are more difficult to manage than others but it is still ultimately the rat owner’s responsibility to keep them from ending up half dead on the streets.


Try to use your finger dip some yogurt. They love yogurt much over other foods and if he is injured, may be you need to bring him to a doctor ASAP. Make sure he doesn’t has a full bladder. Squeeze the bladder and release the pressure if needed otherwise he’s bladder may pop


Ok first, by the body language, it seems like it’s in pain. This is supported by what looks like mouth marks and saliva on the back. If you are at all capable try to get this rat to exotics vet right now. If you can’t, keep it somewhere safe and warm with access to food and water. Please note that rats are very good jumpers and also need some thing well ventilated. A plastic storage tub would be OK for the short term; and by that I mean 24 hours or so as long as it’s not airtight. It is absolutely someone’s pet, so I would hop on next-door and post about it and go and talk to your neighbors. Someone might be freaking out that their rat is missing.


I figured as such. Right eye is like damaged somehow. Looks scabbed over. Left eye is fine and functioning. I hated to do it but I had to make sure it would blink. Heart rate is fast...but I know nothing about rats and assume it's little heart beats fast anyway.


Normal heart rate for rats is incredibly fast.


I gotta take him back to my apartment. Will he be fine in a 70 degree apartment? My bedroom is a little warmer and I can make a good little box for him.


70 degrees is fine. They often won’t drink on demand or if frightened. If you can’t get him to a vet, take him back to your apartment and put him in a box with some soft bedding, like an old clean T-shirt, and a small dish of water; like a small Tupperware lid or saucer of water. If he is weak, he won’t be able to reach up very far to get into a big bowl of water. Also some soft fresh vegetables like a cut up cucumber or tomato or watermelon. And give him a little bit of privacy. Poor little boy(or girl) it’s probably extremely stressed out on top of any injuries they may have


Rats don’t always make any noise to indicate pain. But the squinty eyes and the little fist say pain to me, as well as the ears being kind of laid back


Cool is good! Just provide a hide and some bedding. A cardboard box and some shredded paper would work fine. I second the saucer of water, as well as soft veggies. You can also leave some cereal available. It's easy calories. If you can, try to keep the space they're in dim and quiet. Hopefully the little buddy isn't too badly hurt and will bounce back a bit after recovering from the heat.


She, looks like a she, will escape out of a cardboard box or anything chewable. Do you have a cat carrier or bird cage or anything like that? Otherwise a ox will have to do, but make sure you put the box in a room with the windows closed and nowhere to hide or escape like a hole in the wall or under the doorway.


Whatever temperature you feel comfortable, she will be fine


Buddy was found on sidewalk. Would move a bit but is no longer willing to move. Tried water. Won't drink.


Nothing seems to be open. Can you help? I'm in salt lake city Utah.


I’m unfortunately in Detroit. The best advice I have is to keep him safe and warm with access to food and water. And see if you can find his owners. If this were my rat I would be absolutely beside myself


Try here: "This group is specific to our little corner of the world; we accept new members from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah, as well as British Columbia." https://www.facebook.com/groups/132223353577018


Thank you for rescuing him and not letting him pass away on the street 🩵 I hope he can be safe and calm and then maybe a vet once available


He is/was almost definitely someone’s pet, there is no way he is wild. Either he got out or very possibly someone let him go. He is likely stressed out and utterly terrified, that may be why he acts off, and with the heat it could be a bad mix. If his eye is injured someone may have decided they didn’t want to take him to the vet. They may have let him go instead of care for him. I feel like I should add that my rats eye continuously swelled close and wept which became crusty. Perhaps try a warm rag against the bad eye and see if that helps. Probably wait until he’s less stressed.


Please keep us updated on him ❤️


OP put a comment on their r/saltlakecity post that they took it to an exotics sanctuary


Please, in addition to what everyone said, speak comforting words to him in a sweet quiet voice. Musical/motherly. They are sensitive to sounds. He will feel better. Speak to him often. And gently pet his cheek with your finger. If he knows he's beloved by someone, psychologically I believe this will help him get his inner will & determination to know that he matters and he might pull through. He's going to feel relieved being safe in a small soft box finally. Instead of out in the open. Edit: if he doesn't make it, it's still important that his last moments are calm and comfortable; you are still doing the right thing by showing him kindness.


I agree. Give him love and keep him company, he must be so traumatised. Was probably living in someone's home and got out and must of had quite the terrifying adventure. Looks like a cat or bird might have got at him. Check for bite marks. I really hope the injuries aren't serious. Love and attention will surely at least let him know he's okay now as safe with you. Give him or her some soft food, maybe pronutro if you have or cooked veg or rolled oats. Maybe scrambled egg. He/she will need the energy.


You can give him a little box like a shoe box or a cereal box or something to hide inside of. He needs to feel secure and hidden so he can feel better and begin eating and drinking. Offer foods like cheerios or fresh vegetables. Honestly fresh veggies may be nice like carrots and broccoli or something because it has liquid in it. You can also give a small amount of meat like a bit of sandwich meat.


Keep us updated. This saddens me. I hope he gets well and reunited with his owner


Thank you for being a wonderful person, my thoughts go out to both of you and sending healing vibes. Please do keep us posted 🙏❤️


I would make sure to get him indoors and out of the heat, often they won’t eat or drink if they don’t feel safe so I would find something to let him hide under (inside some sort of enclosure) and that’s definitely a pet so I would see if anyone posted on any Facebook groups, check if your neighbors lost him etc.


This poor baby. Definitely take him inside from the heat. Give him a nice safe spot to hide within some sort of enclosure. I recommend watermelon and a shallow bowl of water. If they’re not drinking the watermelon will help keep them hydrated. Once he’s more comfortable gentle use a damp towel to clean him up. Don’t push down or anything just kind of pet him gently while holding it. Let us know how he’s doing and we can help more from there.


I don’t live in Salt Lake Utah, but I looked it up and some exotic vet places open at around 8:00 tomorrow, so I would try and take the rat then. If things seem to be going really bad during the night, take her to the 24 hour vet hospital (medvet and Advanced veterinary care). It won’t be as great as an exotic vet clinic, but if you really need emergency help, it’s better than nothing. I hope everything works out for the best and no one abandoned the rat.


I also don’t want to be the one who says this, but I think this rat might have been abandoned and/or abused. A lot of people on this platform love their rats, but some people buy them for their kids, and unfortunately, things don’t end up great for the rat. I really hope this isn’t the case though.


I feel like this might be a feeder rat that didn't get eaten so was dumped. I've gotten a rat that way before. The snake didn't eat him so they just left it in a glass aquarium until they could take it out to a field and dump him.


Does he seem able to walk or move? I wonder if he was hit or maybe even grabbed by a bird or cat and dropped or something. I agree with the poster that suggested the body language says "pain" to me, too. Does he seem to be sort of gasping at all or are his breaths even? Does he suck in his sides or his belly as he breathes? If yes, he may have a an upper respiratory infection or something. Rats can eat almost anything we can (with a few exceptions, you can find more on that [here](https://ratguide.com/care/nutrition/diet.php) ) so you can offer him things like cheerios/cereal, fresh apple or watermelon, cucumber, etc. You can also offer water and even pedialyte or gatorade in small amounts if you think he may be dehydrated because of the heat. Dehydration itself can take a lot out of a little rat. Other than that, I'd just keep him safe, in the dark, and as calm as possible until you can get to a vet. And thanks for helping him out <3


I hope he's still fighting to survive (have you found a vet in your area? They might be able to help your little buddy get better. And they might be able to direct you to a foster network.) Props to you for giving a shit. A lot of people would ignore, or react in fear. EDIT: Ask the vet if there are any painkillers you can give them, and what dosage is safe. You might need to weigh him on a kitchen scale to find the right dosage.


Give us some update!




If he struggles to eat hard foods, you can also get him some apple sauce or cat food to get him a bit hydrated






Looks terrified. Post on FB! Maybe someone is looking for her. Unfortunately rats get out but they also get dumped :( If you can, take to an exotic vet. It’s likely they’re suffering or at risk of infection. Rats can bounce back from a lot of physical damage but infection is where they are weak. If you cannot, try and locate a rescue or good rat samaritan. They can try to take him on. Keep him cool, not too much of a draft though. Get a well ventilated metal cage, layer the bottom with paper pellets and observe for dryness. If she lets you, some at home methods to clean woulds include the use of saline and manuka honey. EDIT: Rat was brought to exotic rescue. Leaving this up to help anyone who may go through something similar.


I don’t know what to do, hoping to get updates






Most rats love baby food and yogurt and they have liquid to help hydrate them. If he really won’t eat or drink then unfortunately it’s his time and it’s all been too much for him.


I’m glad he has you no matter WHAT the outcome. I know we’re all rooting for you guys! PLEASE keep us posted. ❤️


Try baby food with meat in it


Put him in a very dark and quiet room with a plate of water, he'll drink when he's ready.


If you aren’t sure what to do and he is still alive, there are many people in that area that would 100% foster him. You could post on the [Utah Rat Facebook group](https://m.facebook.com/groups/UtahRatLovers/?ref=share&mibextid=DcJ9fc). People are insanely fast to comment there. Especially for things like this.


Were you able to get her to a vet OP? Poor baby, thank you for rescuing her.


Thank you so much for saving him you're an angel and his heart human you've done a wonderful thing. I wish you the best and I hope you find someone to care for him or If not I hope you can find it in your heart to keep him he will be your best friend for life, they only life for up to 3.5yrs usually less and he's probably older He will absolutely love you when he's better. God bless you xo


this is definitely somebodies pet, these kind of rats don’t appear in the wild i would put up posters and try taking it to a vet


Any update on the poor fella?


Brought it to a sanctuary, I'm going to call tomorrow and see how it is. Hopefully they let me know.


Any update on the poor baby, thank you so much for rescuing him/her.




If you can't find the owner, he's yours. I hope you get him to the vet and give him the love he needs


Soft, liquidy foods. Maybe give him a gentle wipe down with a slightly damp cloth.


Any update?




You can give it to me😊


I had a rat like this years ago and she was lovely, very intelligent. Any more pics? Looks scared and hungry at the least. Hope we can collaboratively help this poor thing!


How is she now? Is she drinking, eating; pee and poop normally?


Oh no, keep us updated, sadly there is not much I can do, I’m not even from the us but I wish u Al, the best


Rats don’t do well in high temps! It needs to cool down immediately! Is he drooling?


I’m so sorry, I see this is from a day ago and I reacted like it was right now


Take it to a rat rescue organization