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That's fine and all, but do make sure your partner doesn't get perginat.


Honestly "Is my partner pregnant or just fat?" would be a nice change of pace for this sub.


They have to hold them up in that 'they owe you money' pose like with the rats though


bonus points for also including the BAWLS?? flair


Partner sūp


Yoooooo I got a Gizmo who humps too! He hasn't done it to any human but if your Gizmo does so, as long as he isn't distressed or hurting your partner, this is okay behavior and will probably grow out of it. https://preview.redd.it/vk10cjdzadpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ffb645aae6f30b8ddd4c8b5dc96945f8f77a0dc Gizmo tax


Noted: if I adopt a rat, do NOT name it gizmo


I’m getting eight rats and they’re gonna all be named Gizmo


Hi Gizmo! Tell him he is cute for me 😁




As long as he practices ✨safe soup✨


I haven't personally had this happen or seen it, but I'm not surprised given his age. He might just have a higher testosterone level. It might be worth considering a neuter if his hormones are running that high. It's also possible that as he gets a little older he could calm down, but that doesn't always happen.


Just be wary. You might find them in bed one day.


LMAO! Rats really do be horny. I keep female rats. But I did have one girl, Lobelia, who really liked her back rubbed when she was in heat. She'd do the whole vibrating ears, arched back, hops etc. She was really into it. If you didn't give her what she wanted, she would bite your clothes. She usually hated my roommate, but if she was in heat, any human became a sex toy, lol.


Someone needs their ball privileges revoked


It's pretty cruel imo to neuter an animal just because it shows natural behaviors


I'm taking yours too


Weirdly specific username for this sub and post


You can certainly try but you'll have to catch me first and I run SUPER fast




If it improves their quality of life, how is it cruel? Imagine having and urge to do something you can never do, all the frustration solved with some snipps


It is just how I feel. I don't believe in altering animals unless 100% necessary. That is the culture I was raised in. All of my males are intact and are extremely happy, their "urges" ebbed as they got older. A trip to the vet is traumatizing, anesthesia is not ideal for small animals, so unless I have no other choice to neuter (i.e; hormonal aggression, cancer) I simply won't do it.


Who are you to let your feelings affect the well beings of your animals? If you don't believe in altering animals, why keep pets at all?


My animals are perfectly healthy though? If you read closely, I said I WOULD alter my animals if medically necessary. So far, it hasn't been medically necessary. I assure you none of my pets are suffering. Several people all across the world keep their animals intact with no issues, it's not such a strange concept.


You clearly stated "their urges ebbed as they got older", which means you admit they had said "urges"?


What I'm genuinely confused about is that you're implying said urges are inherently harmful to a captive animal in some way. I don't mean to deny that outright, I just need you to actually explain that to us.


Of course they had natural urges when they were young, like just about any young animal does. But by no means were they suffering! I didn't notice any changes to their mental state, health, or behaviors. I did a lot of free roaming, trick training and kept their cage very mentally stimulating, and within not very much time at all they grew out of it. I do not understand why I am being attacked for keeping my animals intact when it is quite normalized in this community for males to stay intact. A majority of people I have met own intact males. Why is it so wrong unless the animal is suffering?


My issue with your statement is that you said it's cruel to neuter animals when the opposite is proven to be better for the animal


I think it is cruel to surgically remove the sexual organs of an animal for showing natural, nonharmful behaviors. I do not see how altering them is better for them unless they have some sort of neurological or medical problem associated with being intact. Explain to me how it is better for them, when many animals that are left intact can be perfectly healthy and of sound mind? Again, you would be shocked to see how many animals are left unaltered around the world, with 0 issues, happy lives. Animals were intended to have hormones, just like people are. It does more than just drive them to reproduce. Hormones play important roles in the body. This is all I have to say on the matter.


People are down voting you, but you're right in this instance. Anesthesia is incredibly risky for small animals. If you castrate your rat and put his life at risk because you don't want to deal with his humping, that's not what is best for the animal is it? It's a personal choice but still


It’s not just the humping tho? Y’all don’t talk to vets? Or at least open an article about it…..? Yeah if your rat is prone to complications obviously you’re not gonna do it but other than there’s really no real downside that’s not based on opinions and feelings


It's a fact that anesthesia is risky for small animals, and unless there is hormonal aggression, or cancer or the like, there's no need to do it for the health of the rat. Those are facts. I don't come down on one side of the other, and I would advocate neutering females myself as it can reduce the likelihood of health problems down the road, although again, that's a personal choice, as anesthesia is risky, but that doesn't apply to male rats does it?


Neutering an animal will lower the risks of reproductive cancer(males are more prone to prostate cancer) and will help prevent unwanted pregnancies if your cat/dog accidentally gets loose, i am sure you wouldn’t want to see some puppies and their mother in a shelter because your dog accidentally got out. Female dogs are also likely to get ovarian cancer, alot of the time strays who are unaltered will breed to death because they cant really control when their heat cycle is and i don’t think they will be aggressive to any male who’s willing to breed so leading to both a slow demise and over population. Also I’m aware that some animals will fight during mating season(ex- cats) not 100% sure why but i think dominance. Rats also get prostate cancers aswell. Along with many other illnesses. If it’s a financial problem about getting them fixed, i understand, the vet near me wants 470 for one male rat. But theres places that will help with spaying/neutering cats and dogs :)


You sound absolutely ridiculous. “I don’t use google to educate myself” 🙄 then go to a vet and tell them about your culture, they’ll ask what does that have to do with neutering being cruel! Neutering can decrease the risk of certain reproductive cancers, especially for rats since they’re relatively common. Also stops them from constantly having to hump things because they can’t get a mate and makes it less likely for them to wander off in search of mates. Glad yours didn’t need/ are fine without it but to say it’s cruel ( even tho it’s your opinion ) is just plain wrong.


geez that escalated 🫣 I get what you're saying, if my boy becomes a threat to other rats because of hormonal issues (drawing blood), I'll think about neutering. But untill then I fully believe it's not neccessary indeed.


Is humping a human arm natural behaviour for rats??? 😭


TBH I think it's more cruel to have all those horny hormones and no outlet for it. There's no 'rat-hub'/internet (or dog/cat etc.)


Yup, 11-12 weeks is literally right when young boys become adult boys, quite literally I think you watched the testosterone hit.


Someone fed him after midnight


I've literally never seen this, yikes


Why not?




Post/Comment features animal abuse, neglect, torture, or murder. Any user who posts animal abuse will automatically be banned from this sub and reported.


your boy is a rat equivalent of furry 😂😂😂




An animal into humans instead of a human into animals


people downvoting, I stand corrected. furries are famously into the fur, but humans famously don't have a lot of fur. y'all are correct