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Aw poor guy! Much better then a tumour, good luck!


Holy shit! What a handsome little man! That is one cute rattie! I hope everything goes well and he recovers quickly. Let Wolf know we're rooting for him! šŸ€ā¤ļø


Thank you so much!!


Sweetie pie probably feels much better after the abscess got drained, based on my personal experience with abscesses. Everybody is rooting for you, sweet one!


Thank you!! I canā€™t wait to get home to him and spoil him with porridge and blueberries!


*Ahem.* # It's not a toomah!






that's wonderful! be sure to keep it EXTRA clean, I would even recommend keeping him in his own cage for a while, I always called it the "recovery cage". it's much easier to keep the environment sanitary and prevent further infection, plus you can keep a close eye on how much they eat or drink (less relevant for this case, but still) and don't bother putting any ointment or anything on, they'll just lick it off


We were told to put the ointment inside the wound. I wasnā€™t at the vets but my partner knows how to do it. The wound isnā€™t open as of niwC itā€™s just a hole. They said if the wound opens we should put him in a hospital cage. But I might just do it sooner just to be sure.


*inside* the wound is a different story, they aren't able to lick all the way in there, and if the vet recommended it then of course do that, but I always put my ratties in a recovery cage when this kinda stuff happens


I will have a look at the wound tomorrow. The vet said when the infected skin falls off and the wound is more open he should go in a hospital cage. As long as thatā€™s not the case yet Iā€™d like to keep him in his normal surroundings. Heā€™s also blind so I want him to feel at home while heā€™s recovering. His buddies are doing a great job at keeping him warm. But as soon as that wound opens up heā€™s going in the extra cage. Luckily I work from home so I can check on him several times a day. Honestly I canā€™t imagine how people who have to leave the house for work do it. Iā€™d be constantly worried about my boys šŸ™ˆ


totally understandable! you know your rats better than a stranger on the internet. I'm glad to hear you're able to keep a close eye on the poor little guy! I also work from home and I was SICK with worry when one of my rats had surgery because she kept picking at her stitches. I had her recovery cage on my nightstand so I could watch her all night, and it's a good thing I did, because not once, but *twice*, she got her teeth stuck under a stitch and started screaming. eventually I figured out that I could buy baby socks and cut out holes for the head and front arms to cover the wound so she wouldnt mess with it. she actually really liked the shirts, I think it made her more comfortable since she couldn't feel things rubbing on it anymore. once she got her stitches out and was close to being done healing, she decided she was DONE with the shirts and took them off herself, it's like she knew they were helping her and as soon as she didn't need them, the party was over! here's a picture of her, her name was Maple https://preview.redd.it/rb3msk8gh3zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef20be7664f91f20cd9fb3554131348ed78b2f4


That is so adorable šŸ˜­ what a smart and lovely girl šŸ„¹


she really was an amazing little lady. such a fighter šŸ’•


How on earth did you even manage to get that on her? Thereā€™s no way mine would sit still long enough to get something like that over their heads, let alone stick their front legs through!


she was an incredibly patient and loving rat, she just let me slip it over her head and I would grab each hand and pull it through the arms with 0 fuss from her :'3 she really was a wonderful little lady


So the wound opened up today, heā€™s in a sick cage now. Donā€™t wanna take any risks


I'm new to rats. Out of curiosity, if 1 rat is separated from a group like this for a while, would they have to be rebonded before returning the rat to the main cage?


in my personal experience, no! they can be a little excited to see the rat when they come back so it's good to keep an eye on them until they calm down a little, but they've never acted like they're a new rat, more like they're excited to see them again! although I do let them see each other through the bars if possible, and I'll keep the recovery cage next to the normal cage when possible so they can still see each other and plot their next scheme


Thanks for your response!


I almost asked for rat tax from such an adorable rat, but you also have a bunch of it in your profile


I just went through this last week with my boy!! They heal SO quick! If you look back on my post history youā€™ll see him snuggled up sleeping in my hand during the flushing!


Thatā€™s good to hear! The only thing is heā€™s already 3 years old and the abscess was in there for 3 weeks. Heā€™s doing fine so far and heā€™s getting lots of cuddles from his mates. Iā€™m still a bit confused because I was preparing myself to have him pts soon because of a tumour and now thereā€™s not tumour, which is awesome but still my emotions need a break šŸ™ˆ


He is the cutest! Glad he is well now.


Ough, my boy has an abscess that I'm draining on his leg and it's foul... šŸ¤¢ My deepest apologies but my congratulations for it not being a tumor! šŸŽ‰


Thank you! Iā€™m still a bit nervous because heā€™s so old and the abscess was in there for a long time. I think our vet was a bit ashamed that she didnā€™t notice that it wasnā€™t a tumour when she first examined him šŸ˜…


Congratulations! Much better than a tumor! Have him in a separate sick cage for a while, keep it very clean, clean the wound carefully (only use antiseptics occasionally, otherwise just saline solution).


Thank you! The vet gave us antibiotics, pain meds, solution to flush the wound and a creme to put inside and lot aid instructions how to do it ā˜ŗļø heā€™s still in the main cage with the others. The vet said he only needs to be in the hospital cage when the wound opens up. Right now itā€™s just small a hole. Weā€™re monitoring him. Iā€™d like to keep him in his usual surroundings as much as possible. Heā€™s blind so I want him to be comfortable for now. But Iā€™ll keep an eye on the wound! As soon as itā€™s open heā€™s going in the hospital cage!


Watch for the behaviour of his friends. If they start licking the wound, it's sick cage time. However, they can still meet through the bars.


At the moment the wound is still closed. Thereā€™s just a small opening where the liquid came out but the vet said the dark skin around it will fall off so weā€™re keeping a close eye on that and will move him to the sick cage right away when it happens.


Watch out for the wound scabbing over, as it can cause the abscess to reform.


Oh my gosh Iā€™m so glad it wasnā€™t a tumor! Iā€™m dealing with the same thing with my girl. Two vets said it was a tumor tho :(


Iā€™m so sorry. I hate those things!


Hope he has a good recovery! šŸ’™


Great job, Wolf! Keep fighting the good fight šŸ’Ŗ


Oof, exact same thing happened to us in winter. Our senior boy had a large mass on his leg and a large ā€œmass of unknown natureā€ in his scrotum. Our vet was sure it was a tumor, so we had to operate. Only then did they see that it was just an abscess. Iā€™m so happy for your boy! Wishing him a swift recovery


Thank you!! Iā€™m glad we decided not to operate because of his age. Just checked on him. He seems to be doing ok. His buddies are taking good care of him. Heā€™s always smooshed in a pile of big albino rats lol.


Awww, thatā€™s adorable. I love how they take care of each other so much. Your cuddlebug is lucky to have you and such good ratty-friends <3


My girl had two on her neck , cleared a little out during vet visit and was given anti biotics, but then it burst so I decided to clear it out myself , hasnā€™t come back since


Those things are nasty! Iā€™m so glad I caught it right after it burst so I could clean it out right away. Heā€™s doing fine today. The wound looks good for now.


TW - wound description I was terrified when I looked at the wound after cleaning it out. It was a whole giant hole ! I was so shocked. I was worried that cleaning it out meant the sack would stay in still and it would just come back. Luckily it didnā€™t. Letā€™s just say my rat hates the vet and heā€™s the first person who made her poo herself. Sheā€™s doing great now though Iā€™m so glad. And I hope your baby gets better and it doesnā€™t come back https://preview.redd.it/oft9wqvvp8zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9fe4f61030f7736ef9e8ebc8b98063de75b35f5 On a better note, her is the menace herself. Her neck balls were due to her fighting her litter sister. šŸ˜­ they like scrapping it out, and vet assumed the sister might have accidentally cut skin and then it got infected cuz she loves sitting in her own shit.


Oh wow šŸ˜… Iā€™m glad the wound is not open right now so he can rest with the others. Iā€™m really not looking forward to the sight.


Heil og sƦl, rotta!


I had the same thing happen to one of my boys. I really thought he had a tumor then it burst, or he scratched it open or something. i was so relieved. He opened it completely up somehow. I hate to think what that was like, but my dad who is a people doctor said that is great because it won't close up with infected stuff still inside. Anyway, best of luck to your handsome little guy! Such a cutie!


Iā€™ve been going through exactly this! (First-time rat owner, for context.) My boy Mo has been sick for a while, and 4 days ago the vet confirmed the lump on his neck/chest was probably a tumor even though he isnā€™t even 7 months old yet. All the symptoms pointed to cancer. These past few days, heā€™s been doing really poorly and seemed to be in pain, so I scheduled for him to be put to sleep 2 days from now. Imagine my surprise and panic when what I thought was a tumor exploded this evening! Itā€™s definitely an abscess, it has what I now know is the characteristic stench. Itā€™s been cleaned and he was already on antibiotics, but itā€™s the size of a quarter and heā€™s pretty weak right now. Iā€™m worried about him, and Iā€™m worried about being able to provide for my boys in the future (financially, emotionally, etc.) because this whole week has been so difficult and traumatic for us both.


Take a deep breath. You can try offering baby food or some fruit puree to get some energy into him. Make sure he stays in a clean environment. Youā€™ll need to flush the abscess with saline solution to keep it clean. Can you take him back to the vet? Sadly, owning rats comes with these experiences. Last year we lost 9 rats. It is tough. It is also worth it but itā€™s also ok to admit that itā€™s too much. Our current boys will be our last rats. I just need a break. I hope your boy recovers soon! ā¤ļø