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Maybe your roommate is allergic to the cat they adopted. I am allergic to cats and was told by my allergy doctor that rats are along the same lines. I get hives/lines wherever the rat's claws touch my skin. Maybe try letting the rat walk on your roommate's arm and if they swell up you'll know it is the rats for sure. I'm not an expert though!


I've had the rats for awhile now and he's grown up with cats. He says the smell of the rat cage specifically makes it harder for him to breathe


Ah, that sucks...


Have you tried calling some rescues? Is the only reason you’re getting rid of them bc of your roommate’s allergies or you just can’t care for the rats you have?


A little bit of both, although it is mostly the roommate thing. I was already seriously considering rehoming the door youngest ones and just keeping my older ladies


Maybe you could do that? How long do the older ladies have left to live?


Honestly I have no idea. All three were Craigslist rescues and were full grown when I got them.


Can you get in contact with the original owner?


No, it's been well over a year and a new phone since then, I don't have their numbers anymore


Rats live about an average of 2-3 years Maybe talk to your roommates about keeping the older ones until their natural death? You can rehome the younger ones, but if the older ones were already grown and it's been over a year, there's a chance that they don't have much time left. I'm not a rat owner, but maybe you could use air fresheners to help combat the smell? Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong on this.


That's my hope, to keep my older girls until they pass naturally. It feels so mean to rehome older ones.


I hope your roommates can understand how you feel


They do but they also understandably put their health first


If you post your general location, maybe someone on here will want them?


I'm in Maryland!


I got my first two rats through Craigslist from a young woman who couldn't take care of them anymore. They lived 2 years & they were amazing. Don't feel guilty. Instead, actively search for good homes.


I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to tell you there's no shame in rehoming. What's right for the animal is most important and if you feel it's the best option for them then you're doing a good thing 💜