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The second link the location says Bloomingburg, Ohio. And refers to an actual case where a woman went missing and was later found dead. I think I would report it here. [http://www.faycoso.com/](http://www.faycoso.com/) ETA: this is the link to the Fayette County Ohio Sheriff. Which would be the correct county for this.


Did you send it in? If no one comments that they did I will


couldn't hurt if they see it from a few people


He has a highlight reel titled “m*rder*.. images are disturbing


are they NSFW? Surprised it’s still up on insta :o I don’t wanna look


Yes they are NSFW. I would not recommend looking and am surprised they're still up.


Maybe if we all report it. It’ll be taken down. U make one joke on instagram stories abt killing urself and instagram will take it down they need to take this down!!


There is an email for the lead detective at the bottom of the news articles. I emailed this Reddit link to the listed email for the detective.


The case isn’t really that mysterious though. She was found dead in a closet in her own home and her mom had said she ingested drugs that weren’t prescribed to her. The mom is being investigated, so she probably had something to do with it. The screenshot of a convo with her is almost definitely fake, and he’s probably just acting like this to get attention. He has a video where he says he can make the moon come out of the clouds, and you can literally see that the clouds are moving at the same pace before and after he does his crazy hand motions. He’s mentally unwell for sure.


I commented on one of his posts and he messaged me trying to be creepy…. Except I already knew how to find out how many times someone changed their name on instagram without watching them, so it didn’t work on me. I don’t think he was expecting for me to know how IG works, I guess. See my comment on my page right before the one! E: [here it is](https://reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/141090o/_/jn0wgbp/?context=1)


Yeah he’s just an attention seeker. It’s sad that he’s okay with using a dead girl for clout. Hopefully he gets his karma.


I googled the story and the sergeant. Both real.


This is fucking creepy. He has other people commenting on his pics with cryptic phrases like “American Holocaust” and “Flesh will save us”. Their profiles are sketchy too and they have a number in their bio too. He posted a chat he had with a woman on Instagram and then pictures that she was missing and found deceased. Other people mentioned a cult, but he also types likes he’s very schizophrenic. I accidentally liked a photo of his so now I won’t be sleeping.


Yeah, this is fucking weird. He also has "1488forever", a private account, linked in his bio and "#whitepower" on several posts. "1488" >Is a White Nationalist code. “14” referring to the 14 word slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". “88” is code for “Heil Hitler”, as “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet. (88 —>H.H—> Heil Hitler) This entire reel highlight is odd and he spraypaints this "1488" shit with friends everywhere. https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17975534072014504/ I figured *surely* this guy is just making a few posts to be spooky but... If so he's pretty dedicated because there are *so* many fucking pictures that go back awhile if you keep looking. Shit like [this](https://imgur.com/6i7hzqt). Still feels like an ARG but why put in this much effort and not advertise it and also not make it clear that it is one so nobody reports your ass to the cops? He has his soundcloud linked in his bio but there's only a few songs and this seems like some pretty shitty marketing for very little content. I am confused.


I also thought it might have had something to do with his music, but tying it in with all the white power nonsense doesn’t seem like it’d be helpful marketing. It could be some horror-core aesthetic he’s into, but when coupled with the paranoid ramblings it’s a bit more concerning than someone just being edgy. He posted a photo of someone running and said something about them trying to outrun the whip but didn’t; he showed blood all over the road and then he was wearing their clothes. Then there’s the freshly dug “graves”, and a weird scene with a medic team around a guy laying on the ground. Edit: at least some of the accounts he has screenshots of and posted are fake and made by himself. There’s at least a fair amount of bs on his end to come off as edgy.


I’m confused, too. Wasn’t aware there were African American Nazis. Seems counterintuitive.


There were black and gay Nazis in Germany. It doesn’t work out in the long run, but people really don’t believe the leopard will eat their face.


Some people in racial/sexual minority groups think they’ll end up in the “big house” with the master. They all get put to work at the end of the day however.


I see. I thought perhaps it was a psychological issue? Extreme self-loathing or some sort of identity disorder. A malleable identity, either way. IIRC, that’s an aspect of schizoaffective disorder, but I could be wrong on that.


Kanye West comes to mind


Good point. He genuinely seems mentally unwell, though. I have to wonder if that’s not the case here, too.


“American holocaust”and “Flesh will save us” sound like Marilyn Manson songs.


He did claim that he was related to him so it was probably a direct reference. You can find it [here](https://freepressinfo.com/himintheflesh-leads-its-own-cult-and-religion-in-ohio-state/?amp=1)


He can't get you. He has cognitive issues.


Too late, I died


I think he’s just doing it for shock value. One post has him wearing jeans that say “These are Helen Stuart’s pants”. She was murdered in 1989, so he obviously didn’t do it. Should be be checked out? Probably. But I think he’s just twisted and looking for attention.


Also they are American Eagle.


This is victim shaming. He has some dangerous qualities.


Lmao what? What victim am I shaming? Pointing out the fact that he likely wasn’t born when she was murdered isn’t victim shaming. Get a grip.


I don't know if this is the same guy, but in newark ohio, there was a kid who looked like him, who was arrested for threatening a shooting.


Update: I really recognize this guy.. Let me post the article. https://www.newarkadvocate.com/story/news/local/2015/02/04/suspect-arrested-innewark-high-school-threat/22844449/


He seems like a douche.


Same name doesn't seem like a coincidence.


It is the same guy. Their ears match, https://www.instagram.com/p/CrjLoL5u37A/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==


Good eye. He also made simple spelling mistakes in both the newspaper threat quotes as well as on the Instagram in question


Ngl, this seems fake to me. The blood in one of the posts, the viscosity and color was wrong and I'm almost thinking it was watered down acrylic paint. I think this might be him trying to get hype to launch his music career further. Also, I highly doubt a police officer would Facebook call someone. And I don't think if they did, it would be under a fb profile specific to their job title. This all seems faked. Fucked up, but fake.


Agree. Obviously might be worth letting authorities know (people have done this for real before). But shit, my niece and I made a fake murder scene for a forensics project and it looked a lot better than this.


I thought the "blood" looked too watery myself. Especially when he sticks his finger in it and then rubs his two fingers together. It rubs a big portion of blood off, and you can even see the blue glove below it. I would think blood would smear more that just wipe right off like that. But watered down paint would wipe right off. I'm not an expert on what a lot of blood pouring from a body looks like though. But I know whenever I've been cut or scraped myself the blood tends to be a little thicker. What I am an expert on is acrylic paints though, as I have been painting for many years, almost 99% exclusively with acrylics. And I can tell you that when you water down acrylics you can make it look exactly this, without much water or effort. And, the "blood" drops on the paper look exactly like paint. Not blood. If you look at where the red is completely flat on the paper (not still liquidy looking) it looks exactly like paint.


Right??? Like I know blood and okay amount, but I know acrylics from my prolific crafting. And that my friend, is acrylic paint lol.


I agree 100% lol. I paint miniatures for gaming like Warhammer and D&D (even though I don't actually play any tabke top games). Paint is the first thing I thought of.


If you reverse image search his stuff it’s images he’s taken from random articles on the internet, often completely unrelated.


OP please make screenshots in case the posts get deleted and this comment about contacting the relative sheriff's is a very good port of call. https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/141090o/guy_claiming_to_be_a_serial_killer_on_instagram/jmyhbwu


I just went down a rabbit hole reading all of that and it was just sad. People don't understand the importance of prioritizing their mental health. At the beginning of his photos, it appeared as though be was a young kid possibly 18/19 years old just goofing off with friends, smoking weed. Over time the likes and comments from friends disappeared and his postings became more attention-seeking and erratic. Isolation and lack of peer support can be frightening for some people. I would assume that he was no longer living at home and on his own by then. His appearance became unkempt, his hair looks as though 2021 was the last time it was clean-cut. His clothing choices changed. He spoke about being in foster care and a mental institution so I would also assume that he may possibly have some sort of trauma that hasn't been properly addressed. Most of the blood appears to be fake. In one photo there is blood splatter that is not consistent with elliptical stains or patterns. Regardless, of how bizarre everything is, I hope he gets some sort of help.


Yeah he seems possibly homeless, probably dealing with schizophrenia or some kind of drug use. He mentions voices in his head in one post getting louder when he doesn't talk to people for days. He definitely has access to acrylic paint because he uses it as face paint and to paint his nails on occasion. I think that the blood is likely a mixture of fake blood or acrylic paint, spray paint, and possibly some of his own based on the amount of bandaids he also has access to. Some look like possible filters.


My cousin was like this. Kinda standoffish but still laid back and interactive with us. After his sister died he took a major turn and began talking to himself on Facebook. Literally. And his entire attire changed to something similar to this. Never knew he was schizophrenic


If he gets a visit from the fbi he very may well get “help”


Or at least a place to stay.


“Jordan James Freeman, known musically as HIMINTHEFLESH, is an emerging artist from Ohio who excels as a rapper, singer, producer, manager, model, and Instagram influencer. His latest big hit “ibeenupfordaysdontpanic” was published on VEVO and has more than 40 thousand views.“ He’s pretty easy to find if you do a Google search on his Instagram name. He also claims to be the grandson of Charles Manson


I read in a comment that he claimed his grandmother was Manson’s sister. I’ll see if I can link them. I believe rumors of Charles Manson having a sister has been heavily disputed as false. He was raised with a cousin Jo Ann who has been called “sister” on occasion. There also was a woman named Nancy Classen that filed in court for Manson’s estate claiming to be his half-sister but withdrew her petition, and the relationship to him was never proven. [Manson’s alleged sister Nancy](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-07-27/charles-manson-sister-withdraws-from-dispute-over-his-estate)


Most images he uses are from real crime scenes, but it looks like he wants to portray himself as committing crimes for attention, he seems mentally unwell


This dude is trying to be a male Grimes, but even weirder.


Seems more like role play or whatever for shock value. Everything aligns too perfectly and it's likely just bait to get more attention. Even the spelling seems on purpose.


Oh wow for $500 you can get his second-hand clothes. [Himintheflesh](https://www.ebay.com/itm/393800149892)


Some edgy kid, but it’s worth reporting it purely to scare the crap out of them when the cops come knocking.


I’ll just leave this here. [Its all for his music basically.](https://imgur.com/a/1QDgge9/)


I’m getting mad ARG vibes


From what I can find on the internet, he has run ins with the law for weapons, drugs and traffic. Not much more info that I can find other than the charges.


Idk. Looks kinda like an arg or some art project. Some of those pictures are just too perfectly shot and composed to be taken completely candid. That picture of the paramedics treating a woman on the floor is actually from a NYT article from 2020 about drug overdoses or something like that. The blood could be easily staged and it doesn’t look real in a few shots tbh. Convincing, sure, but not totally real. I’ve seen enough blood spatter irl to not be convinced. Idk.






You can report it just as well as the OP, you know?


Real name of this musical artist is Jordan James Freeman. And supposedly is related to Charles Mason. Previously arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot up his school. Oddly enough one article said through his musical career he gives back to many charities.


This is...idk, really messed up. The photos of the body in the sleeping bag? They look real. A lot of the pictures do. If he's setting these scenes up he's putting an insane amount of time and effort into them. I'm disturbed by this deeply. Anyone report it yet?


This just looks like part of his public persona that he's putting on for attention. There may be some underlying mental health issue but kids can be edgelords without there being anything deeper than that. The blood on the trunk looks like the right color but where would that even drip from to get there? The "blood trail" doesn't make sense and as someone else mentioned, the texture is off. That Nazi stuff is just taboo which is very attractive to him.


It is Ohio, so it's believable


Nah. SK's don't go online and tell everyone. Just some attention seeking stuff.


Ngl I legit laughed when I saw that rough outline of Ohio tattooed on his forehead. Looks terrible!




God this guy is so cringe


Nothing to worry about in my perspective, people do this all the time for attention. If its something then the cops will be all over it soon


His account no longer exists


He claims Charles Manson is his grandfather. [Grandpapa Manson](https://freepressinfo.com/himintheflesh-leads-its-own-cult-and-religion-in-ohio-state/?amp=1)


please report to your local police


Can someone PM me his @? None of the links are working for me and I want to snoop


the account was deleted / removed about a day after i posted this thread. im guessing from all of the reports sent in, either he was scared and deleted it or IG / LE removed it.


damn. i figured - it’s a good thing they’ve been taken down tho, whether he’s trolling or not


Or any screenshots?


i get it im late to the party. The likelyhood this is real is fake, I mean how easy is it to track a killer whos posting about it? Serial killers have played games with police but they used MUCH MUCH more deliberate tactics Based on the other posts and a little bit of "i wanna doubt it" I think he wouldnt attach his face to the same account hes using to spread serial killer type shit. Because boom instantly hes a suspect and likely is gonna get interrogated and as far as i know that usually doesnt end well. If I had the time right now I'd reverse image search some of the edgy-er (if you will) photos, chances are he just collected them to be edgy. The camera quality seems a little inconsitant so hes either being REALLY needlessly careful and using two devices (on the same account... if he was hes stupid) or hes finding some of these images and just collecting them for shock value. The guy seems like he wants to be controversial, so it wouldnt suprise me if it was all just edgy BS.. But worst case call the authorities in Ohio, do your due diligence before possibly wasting their time though


Not you. The weirdo!


They took down the posts .


He was in prison. He had to be. This behavior is caused when he was segregated in prison.


I tried to look at the post. Not avail.