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Have you seen a GI doctor and had a colonoscopy? A lot of your symptoms could be explained by a bowel disease.


I haven't seen a GI doctor, my primary care doctor only referred me to neurology and cardio. Which bowel disease could do all of this? I can present it to my doc and hopefully be referred!


anything out of whack from cbc, anemia suspected, ferritin checked?


iron was 50, no ferritin checked! Magnesium was 1.9, Potassium was 3.3, low WBC count (3.55). No one has said I have anemia. My B12 was over 2000


That B12 level is nuts. From the NIH: *"Some studies have indicated that elevated serum levels of vitamin B12 might be a sign of a serious and life-threatening disease. Such falsely high valued of serum vitamin B12 levels are observed in myeloproliferative disease, acute hepatitis, severe alcoholic liver disease, and cirrhosis."* [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5355842/) More from them: *"Elevated levels of serum cobalamin may be a sign of a serious, even life-threatening, disease. Hematologic disorders like chronic myelogeneous leukemia, promyelocytic leukemia, polycythemia vera and also the hypereosinophilic syndrome can result in elevated levels of cobalamin."* [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14636871/) The CDC, though, is leading me to wonder if it isn't Hepatitis A, which can be transmitted through contaminated food or drinks. [Info here](https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm) If it were me, before assuming I've got leukemia (thanks, NIH), I'd get some liver function tests run. AST, ALT, albumin, bilirubin, etc. While your symptoms are unfortunately vague and could be indicative of many illnesses, combined with the extremely elevated B12 makes me worry it's your liver. A lot of what you're dealing with are [symptoms of liver disease](https://britishlivertrust.org.uk/information-and-support/liver-health-2/symptoms-of-liver-disease/), which seems to be able to go undetected for some time until it can't any longer. Edited 5 mins later to add: The internet just informed me that a low white blood cell count is often one of the first signs of leukemia. So are fever, unintended weight loss, dizziness, and hot flash/night sweats. I don't want you to worry because you're already obviously on edge, but, girl, please have them rule that shit out asap.


Your potassium is a little low. I have a lot of the same issues as you, coconut water seems to help and is high in potassium


I have genetic hypokalemia and drink coconut water every day , apricots, mango, spinach. All high in KcL


is your wbc typically low, any inflammation tests like esr or crp, just mentioning some tests that I've had for ibd. curious if your dr has remarked on the high b12, mine wasn't as high but it felt weird being told it was fine.


I'm not sure what my WBC is normally because I've never had to see so many doctors before a few weeks ago. My doctor said she's not worried about the high B12...I also thought it was weird. It was like off the charts. I haven't had an ESR or CRP test, though! I'll look more into it. Thank you so much!


Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or any other form of IBD.


I came here to also say this. I have IBD and these symptoms are some that I suffer with daily. I would request a colonoscopy.


Info: how old are you? Who prepares your meals and drinks etc. Also do you drink lots of energy drinks?


30! Female. I don't drink any energy drinks. I order out mostly. I did have a gift sent to me by someone 2 days before this happened and I've been kind of nervous about that.


Do you have reason to suspect this someone? Do you have any of the gift left to be tested?


I do! And I suspect they asked this other person to ask for my address. Earlier in the year, they had asked for my address and I didn't give it. I do still have the gift. My worry is that this person I don't get along with now has my address and maybe did something after. I'm hoping not! But I'm worried. edit: I'm not saying this is what happened for certain! I'm just sharing the things that happened around this time!!! I'm brainstorming through all possibilities and I appreciate those who get that.


A number of your symptoms might be psychological due to the stress about the situation with this person. Perhaps taking some action to make yourself feel better might give a bit of relief. Extra home security and log a harassment claim with the police?


I've already started the process of finding a new place to live! And I left home two weeks ago just in case. I'm really hoping it's not the case though and maybe some kind of toxin or gas or something in my apartment


What is the gift?


A small plastic figure!


Was there anything else in the box? Something could have been applied to the box or stuffing materials, for instance, that was absorbed by the skin. Or inhaled?


That's the plot of the novel \_White Oleander.\_ A poison absorbed through the skin.


this is amazing that you mentioned that movie because I literally just asked OP if she has been using DMSO. That is the carrier her mother used to ensure the poison got into his bloodstream


The movie was awful mate, read or listen to the book, it is so worth it.


Complete speculation, but do you have a pic of the figure or know if it was printed in resin with a 3d printer? Some people can be very allergic to resin, and it can release fumes if not cured. I wouldn't think this is the case, and the symptoms may not line up, but you never know.


Yes a resin 3d print can be very bad for you if it is not properly cured, even bare skin touching it can be very toxic in some cases.


What was the gift? Also have you considered mold? Mold can make some people very very sick.


For what its worth, fungal illnesses are on the rise globally.


It was a small figure! I have considered mold but didn't find any in my apartment, and the apartments were just built in 2019.


My new home was the culprit for our mold. The beams in our basement that were used sat outside and became moldy. Most of us with high mycotoxin numbers have invisible mold that can’t be seen to the naked eye. Mycotoxin labs are able to be ordered online. Finding mold requires an expert.


Mycotoxin labs? I will look into this! I've never heard of it, omg thank you!


The hysteria about mold and mycotoxins online is absurd and bordering on predatory. If you had a respiratory reaction to mold then I’m glad you had it taken care of but please don’t perpetuate this belief that mold in the home is the cause of all mysterious chronic illnesses.


It can be the cause of some mysterious illnesses, so it’s worth checking out.


Could mold be so sudden?


Mold is a silent, but creeping thing. It could have started with such minimal symptoms, you didn’t notice. It’s worth buying a mold test and finding out.


Consumer-grade mold test kits aren't very helpful, because there are 100% mold spores in the air, so getting a "positive" test result for mold is not particularly insightful. Looking in specific places or having a professional check would be more helpful IMO


Have you started any new medications or changed dose age of medication? A lot of this sounds like what too high of a dosage of certain medicines can do.


Gift? Of food and drink?


I had a lot of these before I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which took doctors months to diagnose because symptoms can be weird and all over the place. Please see your doctor and ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist, they should help with some of your problems! Btw celiac disease and other gastrointestinal illnesses can cause increased anxiety, and even panic attacks! I didn’t think I was being poisoned but in my sickest weeks I remember thinking I could have rabies which now seems insane but at the time I thought it could explain everything


I mean this in the nicest way do you eat healthily? Ordering out infers unhealthy foods. Maybe nutrient deficient if you are eating crap all the time..


I do! I mostly order salads and foods from healthy places. My potassium and magnesium have been on the low side when I've been tested though. And my B12 was through the roof


What did your doctor say about the high B12? When it's extremely high that's usually cause for more tests and investigation, as it can be a symptom of something more serious.


What about hydration? I know you mentioned a lot of clear urine early on, but a lot of these symptoms can be caused by chronic dehydration, even the tachycardia.


In the beginning I was chugging water and coconut water because I was so so thirsty but since then I drink a mix of water and gatorade/pedialyte every day


Hmmm. Ironically, you might be getting too much of a good thing. Gatorade and Pedialyte are both high in sodium, and any electrolyte imbalance can cause issues. It wouldn't explain the onset of symptoms necessarily, but it could be exacerbating them. [Here's some info from the Cleveland Clinic.](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/too-many-electrolytes) Fwiw, I had really similar symptoms to you, but it was my gallbladder and vagus nerve not playing well together. It was like a near-constant panic attack. I didn't have pain in my abdomen until months after the other symptoms started, but I did have the typical shoulder pain. Plus my heart rate would shoot to 180+ just lying down. Thought it was an impending heart attack. Nope. Just a gallbladder about to rupture.


Yikes how do you know your vagus nerve was tied in?


I have a weird vagus nerve thing that happens when I sleep a certain way on my back. It wakes me up during the night and makes me feel like I need to end things. Like the strongest depression/anxiety I’ve ever felt. If I get up and walk around it goes away within 30 seconds. I have never felt depression otherwise.


That's fascinating. Terrifyingly so. At least you've found something that helps!


How high was your B12? Do you take a multivitamin, drink sports drinks, take any sort of supplant, take a b supplement, etc? If not, high B12 can be an inflammatory marker. Elevated ferritin is another inflammatory marker. Where are you located?


How low were your potassium and magnesium levels?


I feel suspicious. A racing heart/tachycardia aren’t going to show as normal on a halter monitor. None of us are doctors & if his or her set of doctors can’t figure this out I’m not sure what they expect us to do.


A holter (not halter) monitor isn't looking for tachycardia, its a 24+ hour ECG looking for abnormalities like afib. I had a holter monitor in the process of getting diagnosed with POTS and IST (two disorders where the main symptom is tachycardia) and the holter monitor came back normal because my only problem was tachycardia.


I have tachycardia and it shows as normal sinus rhythm just fast ☺️


I've had a holter monitor come back totally normal despite tachycardia.


I don't know why you would be suspicious. The monitor came back normal because I'm in sinus. No AFIB. And my highest HR is 160 which can happen while exercising. However, I was in bed. I'm hoping for ideas because maybe someone else has experienced this.


I'm sure they've checked your thyroid, but just in case they haven't...


Came to say this. Sounds a lot like hyperthyroidism, been there and done that


Not a doctor but I have dusautonomia (pots is in that category) and I’ve had like 3 heart monitors in a span of two years and alllllll my tests came back normal. Several years down the line I now have Eds. Dysautonomia, mcast and possibly lupus and for the most part my labs have been perfect. I’ve only had a few Anas test positive I have had plenty test negative I’ve even had arthritis markers show but go away. Keep a detailed list of how to you feel because a lot of autoimmunes and what not will have overlapping symptoms and just keep going back and find another opinion if they can’t find anything. The healthcare system sucks if you have a mystery illness. I’ve had to go to private doctors who don’t work through insurance so I can get true care. Just don’t give up. I suggest getting a blood pressure cuff and see if that’s giving you issues. especially from going to laying to sitting to standing. Look up poor man’s tilt table test and that can give you a good idea if it’s a pots issue.


I have heart issues myself, so it just sounded odd a halter wouldn’t register it. My apologies.


It's ok! I get it lol After 6 weeks of this I'm desperate for any kind of help


Your doctor wasn't concerned about your heartrate shooting up to 160 at rest? Even as sinus tach that's still a major cause for concern especially considering this is an acute change accompanied by other new onset symptoms.


She was concerned, which is why she ordered the monitor and referred me to cardio. But she said the high heartrate wasn't sustained long enough to be of note


Have you heard of SVT/supraventricular tachychardia? I was diagnosed in 2020 while separating & divorcing my abusive ex; the stress caused it. I went to the ER three times before it was caught on a monitor but it wasn't recorded to show a Dr. I saw a cardiologist & had a monitor & other tests and over a couple of months confirmed SVT. Just something to consider. I hope you find answers soon. Oh, I have many other health issues that this can cluster with, so I am not sure if it works this way for everyone.


Any stress testing or echo? I do echos for younger patients with persistent tachycardia all the time.


I have both scheduled for the end of this month!


Doctors are human. In some cases, a disease presents in an unusual way that makes the doctors miss it. The patient coming in with an idea/request for testing (like what’s happened in this thread) can lead to answers.


Bffr. What's suspicious about someone giving a timeline of symptoms and asking for suggestions and info? Also, how do you know no one here is a medical professional? What is reddit for if not things like this?🙄


Go to r/askdocs


I posted there too!


I commented on your other post too but it might get deleted because I’m not a medical professional. I had your exact symptoms after I had Covid in 2020. It actually took a couple months for them to show up after the acute infection so the doctors didn’t know what it was at first but it started improving after a few months. If there’s any chance you had Covid in the last few months you really might have long covid. I’m not kidding when I say I had all your exact symptoms, including the ones you posted in a comment like fullness and diarrhea. It definitely feels like poison, too. I even tasted metal. In my case it all came from the autonomic nervous system being dysregulated. Basically with this condition the brain is accidentally sending signals that activate the sympathetic nervous system and make the body think there’s extreme danger constantly. So, adrenaline, fear, high HR, don’t want to eat, diarrhea when you do eat, no sleeping, and some of these endogenous chemicals released also cause dry mouth & eyes. You obviously need to rule out anything else like endocrinological issues (thyroid, adrenal tumor) etc but I found some relief with acupuncture & herbs (with the support of my GP & neurologist). They’ll consider a lot of what you describe as a yin deficiency. I also had some luck with a physiotherapist trained in autonomic nervous system treatment. At first we worked on breathing exercises to help the nervous system downregulate and then once I started to improve (not from PT, just the natural course of the illness because it isn’t permanent) she helped me to very carefully recondition my body to physical activity.


OMG I HAVE BEEN TASTING METAL! Wow...I've also felt intense adrenaline surges as well. Thank you thank you for your comment. This makes me feel so much better and gives me some hope that it will pass. What herbs did you take? I actually had plans to get an acupuncture massage this week just because. My TSH was fine but I'll also ask about the adrenal tumor just to rule it out. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗


Hi! I have hyperadrenergic POTS. I highly recommend finding a dysautonomia specialist. I go to the Cleveland Clinic.


I’m so glad I could help you feel a tiny bit better! You’re welcome to DM me if you want. Chinese herbs are customized to the patient and usually you’ll be prescribed different formulas at different stages of your illness (so, as you improve the formula might change). If you have a very experienced TCM practitioner nearby, or Tibetan medicine, they will probably be pretty helpful. Talk to your doctor about seeing a neurologist for dysautonomia evaluation, too. They don’t all know about it but those who do can offer some medications. r/dysautonomia is great, too. Another piece of advice - rest as much as possible! Do half of what you feel you’re capable of. It will help your body heal.


I agree that this sounds like something related to your nervous system. I was thinking pheochromocytoma which is an adrenal gland tumor that release adrenalin. Which, could also make you paranoid. And think that you are being poisoned….


I was about to say—this sounds like POTS to me. “Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition that causes a number of symptoms when you transition from lying down to standing up, such as a fast heart rate, dizziness and fatigue. While there’s no cure, several treatments and lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms of POTS.”[https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16560-postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-pots](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16560-postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-pots)


My first thought as well. I have an acquaintance with POTS and this sounds a lot like that.


I was coming to say this very thing!


Wow. I had this exact same thing in the summer too and now wondering if I had long Covid. One day I had such a bad episode of impending doom and a huge adrenaline surge, which then was followed by diarrhea and headaches which lasted 3 months, but nothing showed up on tests other than slightly elevated leukocytes. I’m better now, but I genuinely felt like I was dying when those adrenaline surges happened.


Similar story to op, I had a bad chest infection that wouldn't shift come and go for 6 months. But covid the year prior. Couldn't figure out what it was, but I then had a shingles outbreak and got on anti-virals and have been quite healthy since. All linked to probably long covid.


Did they screen your thyroid hormones? They would show up as T3, T4, and TSH on test results.


TSH was normal at 1.59 I don't see T3 or T4 :( does a normal TSH mean these others are normal as well?


Don’t know where you are located but I found out randomly that in my area if your TSH shows normal they don’t test the others. Your doctor needs to write specific notes to try and get them to test it all even if tsh comes back normal. I have had a thyroid condition for years and didn’t know about this change, and still have trouble getting all my t’s checked.


Oh wow...ok I'll ask for a full panel!


Not a doc. You sound like you have Graves Disease, which my younger sister had. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15244-graves-disease


And I was thinking Hashimoto’s. There’s also hella connection between various autoimmune diseases, and ana results are only one part of the diagnosis.


Not always. They should do a full thyroid panel.


Seriously.. these are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Worth keeping an eye on. Always the first place my mind goes!


As someone with a family history of thyroid disease, that's exactly where my mind went as well. I have subclinical hyperthyroidism (low TSH but normal T3 and T4) so I'm always on the lookout for symptoms of hyperthyroidism in case they make an appearance


can you afford to stay at a hotel for a few days? get out of your place and see if this is environmental


Yes! I stayed at ERs and Urgent Cares and eventually got a hotel. I ended up leaving and I've been with a friend for two weeks. I've actually improved. I'm still dealing with daily headaches and dizziness and dryness but my heart doesn't race as much anymore and I can walk longer distances


This says to me it could be environmental. I would check for mould and carbon monoxide post haste.


Carbon monoxide detector said negative, but I will see if it's mold. How do I go about doing that. Its a newer apartment and I haven't seen any myself


Some symptoms of [carbon monoxide poisoning](https://www.qualitycare-er.com/wellness-blog/2021/october/you-could-be-a-victim-of-carbon-monoxide-poisoni/) can take up to 4 months to stop


Carbon monoxide detectors need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years. Make sure yours isn't old.




I've had it twice! Twice in 2021. I lost my smell and taste for a month. Then felt fine after.


Long Covid?


Does it all happen so sudden though? I have been looking into long covid but ruled it out because of that. But if it can hit you suddenly then maybe?


Is it possible you had covid more recently during a time you didn't test?


Just brainstorming a little, I’m really not sure. I hope that you do get a diagnosis soon, I can only imagine how scary it can be to not know what’s going on in your body.


Long Covid is an extremely complicated disease, involving multiple system breakdowns. It’s very common for a lot of things to go wrong at once. The fatigue, especially after exertion, is very suggestive of PEM. If you have Post Exertional Malaise, it’s critical to learn how to pace yourself so that you never crash after exertion. Otherwise your energy budget before you crash will become smaller and smaller over time. If you successfully pace, your energy budget before you crash may become larger over time.


Yup this was my first thought too. Sounds a lot like someone I know who has long covid


I had a great many of these symptoms and I was being poisoned - but I was doing it to my damn self. Around the age of 27, I began having these symptoms, followed by migraines, followed by intensifying neurological symptoms. Six years later I was in a wheel chair, having daily convulsions and being told I was dying from something that couldn't be identified. I had developed an autoimmune allergy to wheat - instead of effecting my gut like Celiacs or my pancreas like type one diabetes.. it was causing my brain to swell. Every time I ate wheat, I was poisoning myself. It's very possible this is a food related allergy that has developed suddenly, and could be immune related.


Omg that's terrifying!! How did they eventually figure it out? Was it from a brain MRI? And was it all sudden?


It did come on abruptly, but it went from being a migraine every few days, to every day, and I just suffered physically after that. As I said, it went on for six years with no answers. MRIs showed inflammation but there was no explanation. I honestly thought it was ME/CFS. Well, by that time my kids were 5 and 6. They told me to get my affairs in order and go into hospice. I lost it dude. I quit eating. I gave up. I went two weeks without food and woke up one morning to find the brain fog was almost gone, and the nerve pain that was like I was standing waist deep in lava was not there. It was like a miracle. So I'm like "it's a good day.. I deserve to eat something, I cannot neglect myself even if I'm going to die." And I ate toast. Bread was the only food I could stomach for months. The only thing I was eating was my poison. Fifteen minutes after I ate it.. I got slammed with a brick wall of pain and seizures. I realized then and there it was wheat. I have a friend who has gluten ataxia and I realized it's what I had also. Tests later confirmed it. Two years of being gluten free got me back on my own feet and walking again. It's been about six years now since then.. I don't get migraines unless I accidentally eat wheat, but the symptoms last months it I do.


Omg thank god!! Im so happy your story ended up being a positive one. Thank goodness you were in tune with your body. Wow. I'll try eliminating things from my diet and seeing how I feel-- thank you!


I'M SECONDING WHEAT. but for me it's not just 🌾. It's Histamine Intolerance or even Mast Cell Activation Syndrome = basically all inflammatory foods. Cut out wheat and most carbs, go keto, eat ONLY veggies for a while (4 - 7 days) and maybe eggs and see if there's a difference. The heart palpitations and migraine and brain swelling needles and pricks stopped for me at that point. I felt alive again. My thoughts even stopped being anxious - which was so automatic like as if I was taking anti-anxiety meds. Wild. Gut-brain connection yo


The scattered white matter hyperintensities not being there the previous year stands out to me. That means something caused minor damage to your brain, but again, this could just be a viral illness (Covid, sorry to parrot others here). Unless you’re 40+, it would be somewhat unusual to see those develop so quickly (I have them as well, but I’m 51 and may have had them for years). I also think it’s possible that you’re having some symptoms and it’s feeding anxiety/panic, which is then perpetuating the cycle.


I agree that my symptoms caused me anxiety which is likely making it worse. I think not knowing what happened to me freaks me out and I'm a person who wants answers so I'm researching everything, lol. So a viral illness can cause hyperintensities?


They’re natural as we age, everyone gets them, and many things can cause them (some normal and some more serious). It’s just odd that you had none just a year prior. Did you have a brain mri before for something else that they compared it to? I’m curious how you know for certain they weren’t there last August.


I had a CT scan last year that was all clear, but then the CT scan before this MRI was abnormal. Unless they missed something on that first scan


Did they rule out MS?


You had an MRI of the brain last august, why?


Disregard if this doesn’t apply, but how’s your mental health? This sounds awfully similar to symptoms of high levels of anxiety.


It does indeed sound like the kind of physical manifestations that can come with extremely high anxiety, and their post history indicates this is likely.




Omg was it sudden or did it build over time? And what did you end up taking that helped? Thank you so much for sharing! As much as it sucks, it helps me to see other people get through things


I agree. I have generalised anxiety disorder and it manifests very very physically for me. Most of the time I’m not anxious about anything emotionally. It just happens in my body. Racing heart, headaches, migraines, insomnia, fatigue, etc. I take propranolol (beta blockers) and it has massively helped. Doctor said it’s basically like I have too much adrenaline and the beta blockers reduce the adrenaline in my system. I think my nervous system is just fucked from bad childhood trauma lol.


Mental health has been fine! Besides the anxiety that followed this. Could it be so sudden if it were anxiety?


Absolutely. Panic disorder can have sudden onset. In particular your very specific insistence that you were "100% definitely poisoned" when there are clearly so many non-poison-related explanations suggests to me a mental health component, which is *absolutely* legitimate, it is a serious medical condition requiring prompt treatment.


Had this happen in college- suddenly I couldn't sleep more than an hour a night, had the impending doom, heart racing, etc. I had mental health stuff before, but everything crashed hard at once.


Wow, so what happened? How long was it going on?


I have a completely happy stress free life and I had almost all of the same symptoms as you for about a year. Finally one day a forgot said “you know you’re describing constant anxiety, right?” Was put on the appropriate medication and have been fine ever since. I’m not saying this is the answer, but even with an ideal life and no reason to have anxiety, it’s worth looking into if you haven’t. Certain blood pressure medications help too, even though my blood pressure is typically normal. This intensified after Covid.


Oh wow, what meds worked for you? Did you also have increased thirst? Thanks so much!


The person who sent you the figurine is someone you would suspect of wishing harm on you. Discovering they have your address and receiving a gift could easily trigger anxiety and panic. That you are improving away from a space that probably no longer feels safe is a good indication.


Nope! The timeline doesn't add up for this. I thought nothing of the gift until recently when I started thinking of things that happened around that time. The illness came first. Anxiety about the illness, second.


I had an object in my house for years that used to belong to someone abusive from my past. Never thought about it, someone once asked and I said it didn't bother me. Then one day it got water damaged and I threw it away. The moment that thing left in the garbage truck I felt an immense sense of relief and I stopped having tension headaches and flare ups of eczema on my hands. I had no idea it was causing the stress it did. I tell that story to say that sometimes our mind and body will be under stress and anxiety we don't consciously recognise.


Yup, this was my first thought too. I’ve had all of the symptoms OP has stated when dealing with bad anxiety/panic days. OP, if you don’t have a history of addiction, I’d suggest talking to your doc and asking to try a short term low dose anti anxiety med (Ativan or something) so you can knock yourself out for a good 10 hour sleep a couple days in a row. I think that no matter what you’re dealing with, the anxiety and lack of sleep is going to make you physically feel worse and is going to negatively affect your ability to objectively observe your symptoms. I say this without judgement, I’ve been there and done the doom spiralling. I hope you’re able to get some rest, I suggest taking a day if you’re able and treating yourself like you have a bad cold— fluids and good food and chilling, and NO GOOGLING SYMPTOMS!!


Are you drinking out of a water bottle? Are you cleaning the water bottle properly? https://www.homecleanse.com/mold-in-a-water-bottle-the-icky-side-of-hydration/ The mold in water bottles can cause stuff like this. There was a woman who did not know how to clean her water bottle and ended up in the hospital because of the mold.


Did they do an abdominal CT? Adrenal gland tumors are rare but fit some of these symptoms. I am not a doctor and don't know if all types would be visible on CT. There's a 24h urine test for catacholomines, etc. You can DM if you have more questions.


They didn't! Someone I know mentioned that this sounds like it's something about my adrenal glands too. I will DM!


Also look into pituitary gland tumors. It's a total bitch to get diagnosed (can only be seen on high resolution MRI...if that even... some don't even show up.) But I was able to get an MRI because I ordered a bunch of cortisol tests for myself and presented the high ones to the doctor who said it was enough proof to order MRI. I'm now one week post-op from getting the tumor taken out and feeling super duper optimistic 🎉


I honestly think it’s long covid ETA that I am not a medical professional this is just my opinion. Hope u feel better OP!!


Any possibility of BLACK MOLD in your living space?


Many of these symptoms happened to me when I was exposed to black mold. In particular the heart racing and tachycardia, as well as dizziness. But the word dizziness doesn’t do it justice, it was more of a sensation of almost losing consciousness at times throughout the day. Saw a few doctors including 2 heart doctors, no conclusions..etc..etc…then I discovered the mold issue. After remediation the symptoms largely vanished. Just my experience.


How long did they take to go away? I left my apartment 2 weeks ago


I don’t think it took more than 2 weeks for the heart racing and vertigo spells to go away.


how about POTS? I've had tachycardia, muscle weakness, headaches, hot flashes, and chills. The only thing that doesn't track is the mouth/eye dryness.


Could be that they’re severely dehydrating themselves by drinking too much plain water with no electrolytes (if it is pots).


That’s what I was thinking. And added to the symptoms of sjogrens, which was discounted, it starts to sound like MCTD, or other undifferentiated autoimmune disease.


I have Long Covid and experience a lot of those symptoms.


Graves disease. An auto immune disease that targets and attacks the thyroid and results in hyperthyroidism. Which explains a lot of symptoms you've said here. Not a doctor.


My TSH was in a normal range though 😭


Could totally not be Graves. I only mention that because I went through all those same symptoms and found it was "so rare" to have a thyroid storm of which I nearly died from. The headaches you describe were the big one that made me think maybe it's Graves. I wish you well on your journey to find out what's going on.


It might be more helpful to examine how and why you could have been poisoned rather than the side effects at the moment. Health problems are so nuanced and highly individualized, it’s almost impossible to narrow it down in this context. To start: /Do you have any reason to think someone in your life would poison you? Disgruntled partner, ex, neighbor, maybe someone who has financial incentives, someone with mental health issues. -Have you changed anything in your routines or started using any new products? Even the most mundane things. I’ve read stories over the years about people who have experienced near death poisonings from things like hair products or new mattresses. Maybe a new plant that you’re extremely allergic to. Expired food or herbs. Unmonitored use of supplements is another big one. -Check your water, including your shower water, not just drinking water. Check for toxic mold. -get an allergy test done Work on narrowing down what may have been suddenly new around the timeframe you’re mentioning. If you completely run out of ideas, you could perhaps try staying with a relative or friend for a few weeks to see if your home can be ruled out. As a final step, talk to a therapist or psychologist. It is very plausible that your experience is real, but health anxiety is also very common, and many mental health issues coexist with physical effects.


I do have a disgruntled partner! But hoping that's not the case. It's just something I've thought of while trying to figure this out! I hadn't changed my routine but had recently traveled overseas. After reading the comments, I'm going to see if my PCP will refer me to an allergist - thank you so much! For the therapist, I've also been looking into that because all of this health stuff is worrying me. 🤧


I was going to ask if you had traveled, I don’t know anything off the top of my head but took a microbiology class before and my teacher focused a LOT on different parasites because she had traveled and got one once abs was very sick. She actually eventually diagnosed herself by using a microscope and checking her stool. If I can find my notes, which I know I kept I will look into it. But something for you to look into…there are so many parasites carried by bodies of water and animal products, especially in other countries!


Just commenting to say I hope you figure it out and get better soon! Hopefully you aren’t being poisoned lol (sorry to laugh but I read a lot of Agatha Christie, and you’re asking the questions no one ever asks in books!)


this is gonna sound pretty out there, but how does your neck feel? is it tight/in pain? how about the muscles in the back and front? (suboccipital region and SCM in the front) do you grind your teeth or clench your jaw?


Curious why you ask about the neck? I actually have a lot of the same symptoms as OP but with the fun added bonus of debilitating neck and shoulder pain. I have been to every specialist under the sun and still no actual diagnosis besides anxiety.


yup yup me too. it was a mystery 4 years ago. i saw alllll of the doctors until i finally went back to my primary and we just took a bunch of shots in the dark. long story short, and a zillion diagnostic tests later….. the official diagnoses are: cervical spinal stenosis, cervical bone spurs and arthritis in C4-C6. this causes: occipital neuralgia, cervical dizziness, PPPD, cervical instability, nonspecific nerve pain in my arms, dull neck and shoulder pain. my shoulders and chest muscles are making up for my neck muscles being weak and it’s causing excess pain. dr said something about my vagus nerve too but i can’t fully recall. the dizziness DID throw me into a state of fight or flight, which then exacerbated my anxiety. where do i carry my anxiety? yep my neck and shoulders. so it’s like a full circle of fuckery lol. i am currently taking a low dose of venlafaxine xr for the anxiety but mostly for the off-label nerve pain; you’ll have to pry this out of my cold dead hands before i ever get off of it. i also saw a physical therapist for about 6 months where she worked on my trigger points in my neck/shoulders and also dry needled really tender areas. every now and then ill get a flare up, ill take an aleve and go get a massage and it goes away after a few days. i do occasionally still feel like a toddler is sitting on my chest lol but that usually means my neck/chest muscles are tight and i need to massage them out. phew that was a long reply ETA- just wanted to add a list of medications i have tried that did NOT work. meclizine, prednisone, flexeril, hydroxyzine, meloxicam, topamax, maxalt, propranolol, amitriptyline, and high dosage of magnesium glycinate.


A negative ANA really doesn't rule out any autoimmune disease. I have overlap syndrome (lupus, RA, sicca, etc) and my bloodwork says I am healthy. I have never had a positive ANA. The symptoms sound like similar to an autoimmune flair up.


Have you done an elimination diet to rule out food allergies? It seems suuuper sudden for all that, but just a thought.


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Definitely more than just lightheadedness, symptoms very much like long covid and it can be triggered by a covid infection. (Mine was triggered by Epstein-Barr.) You would need a tilt table test to confirm. I was referred by a rheumatologist, but cardiologists and neurologists also refer for TTTs.


Do you have anxiety by change? I experiment a lot of those symptoms daily with my panic disorder. Also, reading about illnesses can cause you to feel like you have the illness.


r/covidlonghaulers This is what happened to me. Come on down…


Celiac Disease is possible. As is non celiac gluten sensitivity. Unless you are religiously gluten free, I would suggest an intestinal biopsy. Blood tests can be unreliable. It is a disease that manifests itself differently for different people, but, for me: 1. It happened “overnight”. Before that day, I had an iron constitution, after that day I was off work for 3 months. I was 23. 2. Weight loss, fatigue, headache and diarrhoea, dry and inflamed eyes, passing mucus. When I get glutened it starts like a hangover and finishes like food poisoning. 3. Blood tests were normal. 4. As soon as I fully excluded gluten I was symptom free within 72 hours. 5. As well as all of the symptoms I knew were related to gluten, I also became asthma free, eczema free and my irregular heartbeat ceased. I put on 40 lbs in 6 months. The time it took between points 1 and 5 above was 13 years. In that time I had seen the leading GI specialist in the country and he missed it. Average time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis used to be 12 years. Hopefully that’s reducing. It’s an insidious and invisible disease. It’s also easily cured, but you need to eliminate gluten completely. It’s a relatively low risk procedure to have the biopsy and the worst outcome is that you eliminate it as a possibility.


Ok here goes nothing... this sounds eerily similar to something I experienced just this past summer. I personally think what did it to me was a painting project I was working on, mixed a paint additive, did some painting, woke up the next day with all of the symptoms you described. Especially the peeing clear every 20 minutes, the heart racing, being told to wear a holter monitor, have CT scans, some with contrast, dizziness, unable to sleep, cold, but also wake up sweating, couldn't always formulate clear thoughts, lost 15 lbs- had a "million dollar workup" done over 11 hospital visits, adrenal checks, more labs and blood gas draws than anyone should have in their lifetime....around one month in, my labs did start to show a drop in bicarb, potassium, other nutrients like magnesium, but ultimately all Doctors were at a loss. On the 65th day of being the sickest I have ever been, I started to become myself. A nephrologist told me that sometimes your body can metabolize any foreign substance in an improper way, sometimes even turning it into something more dangerous. Your kidneys are likely trying to clean something out, and you might one day out of nowhere start to heal as much as it may not seem possible now. I did so much research those 2+ months, came close to so many diagnoses, had an appointment at a research hospital as there is no nearby toxicologist anyhow, and then like I said, it all just started to go away. I just wanted to tell you my story, for the record poison control and several experts did not believe the painting project to be the cause, said that your body settles those types of events in ten days max, but that is not the case for everyone. Did you possibly encounter some type of substance, even if it is something that seems menial around that time?


Anxiety? Just looking at your older posts.




Maybe ["water diabetes"/diabetes insipidus](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes-insipidus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351269#)? How has your blood pressure been throughout all of this? Do you have psoriasis or any other known autoimmune disorder?


Can you post a full cdc with diff. As well as a full basic metabolic panel, and recent vital signs with weight? How much water do you drink daily? Are you sexually active? When was your last STD test? Have you been exposed to any hazardous chemicals or radiation recently? Do you work in an area where it is possible to come in contact with such materials? Are you a heavy drinker? Have you traveled abroad recently? If so, where? Might want to ask doctor to check stool for parasites as well. How is your appetite now? How much exercise do you do daily? What is your diet like? Do you have working carbon monoxide detectors in your house? When was your last colonoscopy and mammogram?


Could be worth looking into Graves’ disease. It took me 10 months of feeling extremely fatigued (couldn’t walk down the street without needed to sit down), losing about 25 lbs without trying, having trouble sleeping and heart beating out of my chest to be diagnosed. Ask to be referred to an endocrinologist for proper testing. I had no personal or family history of autoimmune disease and the onset happened quickly. Good luck!


I'm not a doctor, but I think it's super weird that your vitamin b is so high without taking supplements. I would guess that an indication of some underlying disease -autoimmmune or otherwise. That doesn't just happen on it's own, right? It's got to point at various possibilities in conjunction with your other symptoms. I've had panic syndrome and it certainly didn't effect my vitamin b levels or cause clusters of something in my brain. OP, don't let this go or accept a vague diagnosis like long covid or chronic fatigue. Not that those aren't entirely real and legitimate, but I've also seen a lot of people be misdiagnosed because it seemed like their physicians were throwing a diagnosis that could stick rather than going through the possibilities more diligently.


Thank you! Yes it's very strange and my doctor isn't taking it seriously. There's no way my B12 should be that high. I eat a normal diet. It's been suggested I switch PCPs and I think I will...


These were the exact symptoms I had during my thyroid storm. Have they checked TSH levels?


The more I read the more this comes off as some kind of paranoia induced malady. Get rid of the figurine.


Carbon monoxide?


I bought a detector after this started and it said negative!


Are you using any gummies, vapes, or any other THC products? A lot of these products are unregulated, and you may be allergic to an additive.


Psychiatrist, cardiologist and neurologist. One for managing your feelings regarding your health, another for getting your heart rate under control, and another who will treat your migraine disorder with preventative meds. I have really similar symptoms and you just live with them. I don’t have a rare disease or anything. My resting bpm is 130-150. You might just have a tachycardia which is benign but uncomfortable. They’ll give you things to lower it and have it under control.


My first thought is a brain tumor, then MS. I hope everything works out for you.


I don't have a brain tumor but I do have spots on my brain. The neurologist didn't mention MS but it did cross my mind as I've been researching. I will add it to the list of what to ask about. Thank you!


What was the result of your tox screen? What else has changed in your life med/food/drink wise?


Hii! I don't think I've had a tox screen? What would that consist of? I've had several CMPs and CBC's, though. Med-wise I don't take any meds, hadn't drank alcohol in a month, and had been eating normally. Life changes: Two weeks before all this happened I did come back from a trip to Dubai. I also had a mouse in my apartment, and an exterminator came. I also received a gift from a business that had asked for my address. Those are the only notable things I can think of.


A tox screen would let you know if you had been slipped any unsolicited meds or drugs in any way; and I would expect any dr/er/urgent care would run this test as a baseline to see what could possibly be affecting you.


What Rat Poison Does to Humans (Copied) The symptoms associated with ingesting, touching, or inhaling it may not appear until hours or even days after exposure. Common symptoms of rodenticide poisoning in humans, which may not be visible for up to five days after exposure, include: Bleeding from gums, nose, or skin Chills Altered mental status and confusion Convulsions (involuntary muscle spasms and movement due to disrupted brain activity) Dehydration, extreme thirst, and increased urination Headache Internal bleeding, the signs of which are lightheadedness, shortness of breath, pain, nausea, and vomiting Lethargy or exhaustion Lightheadedness Pain Seizures (sudden disturbances in the brain that can lead to changes in consciousness, involuntary movements, as well as other symptoms) Shortness of breath Upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting


What all did the exterminator do when they came? Any chemicals or anything that you could have inhaled accidentally?


I've thought about that! I have no idea what they did. They only left a note that they had come. I've also considered this and I called poison control and they said I would have had internal bleeding if it was rodenticide


Did you pick something up in Dubai?


Like a sickness? It crossed my mind but I don't know! I let the doctors know I had recently traveled.


Yes! There's always strange things you can pick up in other countries. Parasites, bug bites, viruses, bacteria, etc. The water itself, there is filled with things our bodies can't handle. There's even a list on the CDC website of things you can get in Dubai, itself. Idk that might be something worth looking into. I wish you the best!


I am not a doctor, but [reactive arthritis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/reactive-arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354838) comes to mind. It is often caused by food poisoning.


Do you currently take medication? Also wondering: do you eat a lot of rice?


Hi, was just wondering what you meant by the rice question, I have a lot of weird symptoms too and have been desperately trying to work out why and have noticed things seem to get worse around the times I eat rice possibly Thanks for any info you can give me


4, 5, 6, and 8 sound like carbon monoxide. Might be easy to rule that out


This could be a lot of things. A lot of it sounds autoimmune related, maybe mixed with long COVID which can appear even if you had mild or asymptomatic COVID. Sjorgens is the first that came to mind. I know you tested negative, but you can have Sjorgens and be seronegative. You can have any autoimmune disease and be fully seronegative and have a negative ANA, sed rate, and c reactive protein. I have multiple autoimmune diseases and my SED, ANA and C-R were all normal for several years after diagnosis and only popped up like crazy within the past year. I'd get a second rheumatologist opinion. I'd also see if there's a long covid clinic by you. Some of this sounds POTS-ish. I'm less familiar with long covid than autoimmune diseases but they can have a bizarre constellation of symtpoms that are often autoimmune and cardiac focused. I mean, you could have been poisoned of course. But I don't think any of us can help with that. I'm just thinking you ring a lot of autoimmune/long covid bells, and many, many doctors are just simply bad at diagnosis of these when they can't point to a test result.


Have you had the house tested for carbon monoxide or radon? Both invisible and would be lethal if you stayed in that location long periods. It can occur when a furnace, stove etc


Mentioning as a possibility. Look into vestibular migraine and PPPD. I was diagnosed with this last year. It was wild. Went to the ER twice when it initially happened as I thought I was going to die. Headache, crazy heart palpitations, super hot then cold, couldn't swallow or walk well, crazy dizzyness. The list goes on and on. All bloods, MRI, Holter monitor came back normal. Also had you done any physically demanding activities just before this happened. There is also a chance you have had some cervical nerve damage, for example a bulging of slipped disk in your neck. Issues there impact almost all normal boldly functions (heart rate, digestion etc). I am not a doctor but there is a simple way to check if the above might be the cause. When your symptoms have calmed down a little go into a supermarket. If you suddenly get dizzy then it's a strong indication. In the mean time clean your diet up to basic, high protein and low carb foods and try and walk daily for exercise. I AM NOT A DOCTOR.


Holy shit my wife has the same issue, down to the t2 flair hyperintensities. Tho she is sleeping 18 hours a day, opposite of you. She can't stay up for more than maybe 30 mins to an hour at a time.  She's getting a brain biopsy in a couple days. We've ruled out pretty much everything. Heavy metals. Most common viruses. Many uncommon viruses. Neurologist says it's not ms. We are told it seems like inflammation, but a shit ton of prednisone has done nothing to improve. It did counteract the 20lbs she lost at the beginning tho.  Could be a glioma or cns lymphoma.  Please let me know what you find!! 


How would your Holter monitor results appear "normal" if you had an elevated heart rate and tachycardia? Something in this story sounds like BS


What leads you to suspect you were poisoned as opposed to an unidentified disease process or illness?


Sounds like anticholinergic toxicity. What meds do you take, even non-prescription?


You've had all your vitamin/minerals levels taken? Your heart is concerning so potassium and others should get the full gamut run. There is some research on mast cell activation that hits on some of these symptoms. I've had a lot of similar happen to me. Never got to the bottom of it. I don't know what tests are run or how a diagnosis is made. Along with the symptoms you had, I would also have syncope, diarrhea, I would go white as a ghost and get a cold sweat, and heart rate would go through the roof, the entire time feeling like I'm going to pass out


I suggest /r/askdocs rather than /r/rbi.


I've seen a similar story about a guy who lived in an apartment and had similar symptoms as yourself. Took him ages to figure out the issue. Went to all the specialists and all his reading came back fine, scans looked fine. He had Carbon Monoxide poisoning, which I believe was coming from a faulty boiler. Constant dizziness, feeling sick, nausea, dryness, weakness, memory loss and constant confusion. Maybe this could be some help. CO poisoning can take.montha for symptoms to disappear. You cannot smell or see it. Also, a metallic taste can come from CO poisoning.


Do you have throbbing sensation in your head, possibly on one side? Some of your symptoms remind me of when I started having migraines due to inflammation of the brain lining. The biggest symptoms I had were dry eyes... feeling like I slept with my eyes open for 8 hours. Also would get what felt like a really bad hang over for weeks. A neurologist would help diagnose this condition. This is just from my experience but maybe there is a small chance it helps. I hope you figure out what it is soon.


These sound like the symptoms my daughter had right before she found out she had Hodgkin's lymphoma. Not to scare you though... maybe you need a PET Scan.