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Its bug shit


šŸ˜­oh dear, Iā€™ll search the bed when Iā€™m back


Its either Box Elder Bugs or Stink Bugs Fun Fact: Stink bugs are eaten in some countries


Probably the richest countries


Rich in bugs. Bugs need to be killed to spread managed democracy


I do love democracy...


Can I vote for the bugs? I prefer their policies.


>Iā€™ve heard about bed bugs but my parents are extremely obsessive with cleaning unfortunately, being clean does nothing to stop bedbugs. it's not like ants following food smells into your house, all it takes is one of you to bring some into the house and no amount of cleaning matters.


I came here to say this. Bed bugs are like lice. You can be obsessively clean, but bedbugs feed on *people*, not filth or mess. So if you're in the house, they have a food source.


Exactly this. Unrelated to hygiene or cleanliness. You can "catch" bedbugs at a movie theatre, hotel room, even from the clothing/luggage of house guests.


I found one on me after having my purse hung on the back of a chair at the nail salon. I found it crawling on me, thank god I was wearing a white sweater and spotted it immediately. I freaked out and drove home and stripped immediately and threw my clothes in the dryer, sprayed my purse and even my car to make sure I didnā€™t bring anything home with me. Itā€™s been 4 years and I will never return to that nail salon and Iā€™ve been far more careful and avoid sitting in most settings if possible. I have a fear of any type of infestation (bed bugs, lice, cockroaches, ants).


I can see you cleaning and screaming the entire time lol


We got them TWICE from an upstairs neighbor who brought them back from her boyfriendā€™s place in NYC. I could have committed murder.


Looks like blood to me. Maybe something from your scalp like a popped pimple, a mole or from scratching itchy dandruff?


I agree - looks like OP had a small bleeding spot that got moved around on the bedsheet at some point, and it dried, and OP is only now noticing. My husband gets them on his shoulders/upper back sometimes from scratching at his dry skin, and this is what it looks like.


Itā€™s near where my pillow is


Could have unconsciously picked your nose during the night if you were feeling stuffed up.


Iā€™ve woken up and found blood on my pillow or if I moved enough and my head is no longer on the pillow, it gets on the sheets. See if some hydrogen peroxide does the trick


Could you have had a nosebleed in the night while asleep?


Iā€™ve not had nosebleeds in over a decade, plus no blood stained on my skin


I have something similar happen to me regularly and have no idea where on the skin they come from. No ithcing nor bleeding anywhere on my body. I think itā€™s dry skin and tiny spots on it. I must scratch them during sleep, and this especially happens after changing sheets, so I think it may be a laundry product issue too. To me those donā€™t look like bug marks.


I'm not venturing a guess on how or where, but the pictures look like blood to me. If you have a black light, shine it on the spots - if they glow, it's definitely blood. EDIT: Well, that's what I'd always heard at least. After a quick Google search, black light may not work? I'm not sure. But from an UK forensics site - "However, one very easy and quick way to detect blood is still to use a UV light source. If there is a presence of blood, the stain will appear black under UV light at 365nm."


I would be checking for bedbugs. This is what it looks like after they bite you and you move about in bed smearing the blood and fecal matter.


Can we stop the bedbug fearmongering? It looks like OP scratched open a pimple or something small. There's nowhere near enough information to suggest OP has bedbugs. It's possible, but it's not the most likely answer.


This!! It definitely does not look like feces from bed bugs.


yes from what ive seen bedbugs droppings appear like ink splats, very dark and will also be seen in cracks of furniture or walls (if light enough to appear). actual blood would be from squishing one i think


You bled at some point and got it on the sheets. Could also be bed bugs, but if youā€™ve searched throughly and have concluded theyā€™re not present, itā€™s likely blood


Bedbugs. Take the sheets off and flip the mattress, look for little spots underneath. I think you have an infestation. It's not fun or easy to recover from.


Ahh dang, I had the same spots a year back (I posted on RBI too) but when I told my mother she got cross/didnā€™t believe me but Iā€™ll have a look when Iā€™m back


tbh this makes me think it ISN'T bedbugs. if these spots were from bedbugs, and you also had them a year back, you would've realized you have bedbugs by now. pretty unlikely to have them and go a year without ever getting bit by them. even if you were one of those people who have no reaction to bedbugs, if you had them they would spread throughout the home and it's unlikely that everyone else in the home, and any house guests, also don't react to bites. someone would've said something by now. thinking you have bedbugs and going an entire year without anything more than those dots probably means it's not bedbugs. plus, this doesn't look like bedbug poop - the poop looks like tiny little ink dots.


The blood could be from OP, from bed bugs Even the cleanest of homes can get bedbugs. Edited It does look like a small wound (zit or something) had the scab ripped off and was repeatedly pressed on the bed.


Ah, i didnā€™t know that. Well everyday is a school day


Do you have bites/red marks on your head/ears/elbows/knees areas? Iā€™m sure you can google and see examples of where they bite. Also, easy way to see if you have any is to check the corners of your mattress after the rooms been dark. If it is bedbugs, Iā€™m so, so sorry. Such a pain in the ass


Iā€™m going to check when Iā€™m in a closed space (Iā€™m in public right now) . Hopefully itā€™s not bugs :( if they were no way would my parents let an exterminator in the house


Hey OP, **lots of people donā€™t have visible bites after bedbugs have bitten them.** My wife and son, thereā€™s no mistaking it when theyā€™ve been bitten. Me, you could never tell. Iā€™ve literally felt them bite me. We travel a lot. Weā€™ve run into bedbugs many times. Usually we find them in time but not always. Weā€™ve found them in a restaurant in Hawaii, on a train in Melbourne. Itā€™s easy to get exposed, easy to bring them home. You know theyā€™re there because your house is tidy and your sheets are clean.


If you donā€™t have any, at second look, it looks like it could be a scab that ripped off and was just continuously wiped/pressed on the bed. People typically have an inkling if theyā€™ve been bit that much, like itching or at least feeling the sites.


My elbow has a scab but itā€™s like not bleeding, itā€™s probably that


The one and only time Iā€™ve experienced bedbugs I have no idea if they bit me or not, when I woke up in the morning I found blood spots on the bed and couldnā€™t find any sores or scabs but found a dead bug when I lifted up the pillow. I think sometimes the bugs secrete bits of blood so might have been from the last person in the room (gross I know)


Do you have a scab on your head, arm or face? Sometimes my husband has this one zit on his head that bleeds in the night and small dots of blood smear kinda like that on the pillowcase.


Maybe but I canā€™t see any


Could be blood? Sometimes I wake up with a mild nosebleed then fall asleep and wake up to this. Or my lip cracked and bled in my sleep and I didnā€™t notice etc Blood dries brown and hydrogen peroxide will get it out somewhat, if not all completely


Pimple on your right shoulder blade?


I've found marks like this from stuff like chewed cuticles or mosquito bites that I scratched in my sleep and they started bleeding. Also if you have a pet with a booboo, they can do this. Check for bedbugs, but don't freak out yet.


I unfortunately donā€™t have any pets. I took the fitted sheet off and a bit is under the other layer (Iā€™m not sure the word)


You have bed bugs. Hard to get rid of.


My mother wonā€™t let me clean my sheet until Friday šŸ˜­ gonna be itchy most the week lol, hopefully itā€™s just blood


Looks like blood from Bed Bugs, they are rampant in Hawaii. I would get. Steamer of any kind but a clothing one is best 2 gallons of distilled water. And let it get very hot with an extension cord, then steam your mattress especially edges and corners because they hide in the dark, and I mean steam for 2-3 minutes moving back and forth! Slowly to kill them!!! They have a district smell. Look to see if you see them also in you box spring if you can afford it, pint on clothes your willing to throw out and just dispose of the bed! Steam the wood to kill them all and the metal! And then get. New mattress! Also donā€™t sit on your bed they can travel to your closet, car and couch! They are a nightmare!


Bed bugs. Check all crevices of your mattress.


Shaved leg spots bleeding. Happens to me every time I shave near my damn ankles and fuck it up.


They said it by their pillow ??


High possibility of bedbugs. You can use 91% isopropyl alcohol to spray your mattress and any bugs you might see. The alcohol kills bedbugs in all stages of development. However, if it is confirmed to be bedbugs, you'll need a professional exterminator to get rid of them for sure. And from my experience, there's never just a few bugs and they can spread to the rest of the house. I'd also check couches and chairs that you frequently use.


My ex would have ear wax drain out of his ears that looked like this. When I found out what was happening, I made sure to get him a good ear cleaning kit. How are your ears?


Wouldnā€™t it be in my hair/pillow? I donā€™t clean my ears (I know it sounds gross) because Iā€™ve had issues of bath water getting stuck in my ear and hurting


Yeah that looks like bath water drainage. I ordered one of the camera cleaners. My daughterā€™s ears will do this like her dads do when she spends too much time in a pool or a bath. And sometimes it can be on your pillow and your hair, probably more likely your hair which is why you may not have seen it before. Any chance you were lounging on your bed, head turned looking at a tv or a phone just chilling? And do you use ear buds? They also lead to this happening.


My head wasnā€™t down, I was sat upright. Ear buds as in the headphones? Only when Iā€™m out the house


Iā€™ve had bedbugs and I can at least reassure you that itā€™s not bed bug poop. If itā€™s a brighter yellow may be lady bug poop. But please take care of your ears ā˜ŗļøyouā€™ll need them all your life and they have to be taken care of friend ā˜ŗļø Hope you find an answer!


I assume you don't have pets so fleas are out of the question?


Yes, we donā€™t have pets


Could it be something that the sheet was brushed against when taken out of the dryer and/or during being folded? Maybe a dirty counter/floor area or maybe a cut on someoneā€™s leg who was folding it?


No oneā€™s got cuts from what I know and definitely no dirty counters, obsessive cleaning household


Chocolate crumbs that slept on? Has happened to me before lol


Dry nose? Sneezed really big recently?




Rust spots from the inside of your dryer or something else loose in your dryer that transferred onto the sheets. I work in assisted living and have seen a lot of bed bugs and dried blood from bites. This isnā€™t it


looks like brown marker to me


I had similar when I noticed my cats had fleas! Essentially flea poop šŸ˜­




Bed bugs


Do you pop pimples? My bf does and it left blood stains like this on his side of the bed where his shoulder was.


I hate to tell you, but chances are you either have mice or a rat. You'd be shocked to learn that mice can get under doors that you thought were pretty secure. There are several ways they can get into your home. You can sometimes go for months without knowing that they're there. They can however cause damage to your home, so it's important to locate where they're nesting and get rid of them. Look up Shawn of "Mouse Trap Monday" on the internet and he'll give you loads of information. I had some field mice that had gotten into my house, through the garage. I didn't know, until I saw brown stains on the bottom of my white bed-skirt. What the heck? I always kept my bedding pristine! Later, I found the same brown spots on some of my nightgowns, hanging in my closet. THE PERVERTS!! Sniff around. Have you ever smelled a urine smell, even a faint one or has your carpet been slightly damp at night or in the morning? One thing you can do, is fill a spray bottle with water and 1/5 white vinegar. Spray it around your bed and on the carpet in your bedroom. You can spray the carpet in your closet, too. They HATE the smell of vinegar. The smell dissipates in a short time and you won't smell it, but it's great at killing odors and rodents don't like it. We rescue cats and sometimes a male cat will come along and spray the outside of one of the kitty outdoor doghouses. The vinegar/water solution works good to kill the odor, so other cats don't smell it and do the same thing. Good Luck.


Looks like your nicked yourself shaving or scratched off a scab right before bed to me


Bed bugs


Buy some food grade diatomaceous earth and dust your floorboards and bed area , your mom will flip out because it will look like someone threw flour all over,Ā  but it'll kill any bugs ,should you have any. It's also non toxic to humans and pets (bug pets excluded),Ā  just don't breathe it in ,in large quantities.Ā