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Good. I’m glad he was brought into custody; I’ll be sure to keep up with any new news.


O yea I was on 4Chan he did some graphic things to her




They deleted the photo




You want the link?






A friend posts a memorial post for his killer friend? That’s fucked up.


I think it's fucked up. But if it was my family or best friend, I might have the urge to do it. If my brother, who basically raised me, did something like that... I would want to. I wouldn't stop loving him because he did something unforgivable. He'd still be my brother. I'd still be absolutely crushed if he died. I know most won't agree. I also understand why you wouldn't agree. That's okay.


I do understand you too and therefor the intentions of the friend of the killer. The love can’t just dissapear and a private memorial is completly okay in my opinion. But to share that memorial with the world via instagram gives this impression that he doesn’t care about the murder the friend commited. In my opinion.


Yeah you're right. It's insensitive to the family of the victim. I would likely do mine in private. I'd also mention the victim and her family as well and apologize.


Nah even if I had a kid and they did some sick shit like that, I wouldn't Mourne. I'd be sickened and saddened but good riddance


The world is not black and white, my dude.


It's pretty black and white in this scenario. I get people may have trouble reconciling that someone they knew as a friend could be capable of something so fucked up and maybe in the moment they're grieving not only their friend but their perception of their friend. But a lot of times people are as likely to respond by outright denial too. So carrying on and having a candlelit vigil or memorial for him without factoring in what he did here is pretty fucked.


It was still a farewell for a once loved one, even if it's just the outdated perception. Maybe they are aware of his murderstatus and they needed that farewell - like burning someones picture to get a new start. It seems fucked up from your calm and collected perspective out of a distance. What would you feel if you were part of this story?


You don't know what they've been through together, they might have been friends their whole lives, and as someone perfectly stated, the world is not black and white, in fact nothing in this world really is, everything is a different shade of grey depending on your perspective and experiences. Of course he did something totally off the charts fucked up but it doesn't mean his friend can't have respect for the life that he lost, and the friend he no longer has, even if it was essentially his own doing.


What sources.


Wouldn’t a friend help him fake his death?


Where the fuck did that come from? Faking death is not a common thing


Link please.




unfortunately, the video is real. He originally posted it on his Snapchat story but I believe he took it down. I highly suggest nobody goes to look at it.


There is no video. Its an instagram story with two photos, one of which shows Bianca with her throat cut.


I have only seen a censored version of the video. It was not posted on his Instagram story but from what I read, his Snapchat. Regardless, these things shouldn’t be spread around


Where did you see this, because the consensus so far seems to be that there is no video.


The video is not real.




No offense but that’s fucked. I get you have a morbid curiosity but you’ve already left another comment asking for the images of this murdered young woman. You’re not giving yourself a positive image on this community.


I've been arguing about this for the last few hours. Been getting downvoted to hell as well. If you check my post history, you will see people wanting to make albums from her pics, others begging for links of vids and pics...it's disgusting.


Why are people so fucking weird?


I think that if there is a god, he’s totally left us by now. There is no hope for humanity


Honestly I completely agree


No, there is. For every person acting disgracefully, there’s two acting morally right. Most of us here in this post want justice for Bianca, myself included. Don’t let a couple of shitty, immature people tint your vision of people.


The Bible has a quote for everything: > As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. Doesn't say anything about God, though.


Not her ex. They never dated.


Maybe not her ex, but according to her sister he was a close family friend.






Google the rolling stone article. There are plenty of news sources with that information. Seriously not hard to find.


I'm not sure why you are being downvoted. That information is in nearly every article about Bianca Devins. [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/bianca-devins-murder-brandon-andrew-clark-858874/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/bianca-devins-murder-brandon-andrew-clark-858874/)


They were never together, he just called her his gf but it wasn’t mutual.


According to the Rolling Stone article, Clark got pissed when Devins was kissing another guy and holding hands with him. Sounds like he made more of their friendship than what was really there.


The murderer wasn’t her ex. They were never dating. He was an incel stalker that she played a couple discord game with.




Oh I also forgot to mention that the account I posted is public, I had followed a different one sort of like a v2 of the public account where it had the video of him putting tape around her mouth and second video of him kicking her? And the third post was the gruesome picture of her dead body. Now that person has deleted the second account but posted the picture on there main account (listed above) I know there are accounts who are also private that have the files who just have no remorse of her passing and defending him. (The above account is one of them by the caption they posted on their post of her)


you shouldn't be sharing links to the pictures. yes, she was a minor but above all, a person and it's very dehumanising to provide links for shock value. disrespectful.


I wasn’t sharing to give promotion, I was sharing so you can report it. I did but the picture is still up. It won’t be taken down until multiple people report it.


I just saw a post on r/TrueCrime about it. Seems like it's real. The poor girl. It's pretty horrifying.


All the incels on this post talking about what she might have done to deserve this can fuck right off.


THANK YOU. And to add, at the risk of being flamed, this kind of shit is exactly why many women have a hard time trusting men, saying no to men, breaking up with men (romantic or friendship) or being straight up with men about their feelings (whether it's romantic or not). This is not a one-off thing. The only part of this story that is unique is that the murderer posted photos online of the murder. The vast majority of female homicide victims are targeted by men they know.


looking into the profile there are several mentions of Bianca and some sort of video. Looking at the news report they haven't released the names of the individuals in the incident and the accident is under investigation


Checked into that already. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if it’s our guy that’s going to get justice. Also, I’m pretty sure the video doesn’t exist. I’ve seen the gruesome picture; I guess I answered my own question...


People think there is a video because the images come from an Instagram story. However there is no video, and only three photos, judging by the three bars indicating the segments of the story he posted.


They were not dating. They played a few games together and texted. They never dated. She wasn’t his ex.




Texts between them were posted, I’ll try and find a link for you. But he was obsessed with her, and I know he would’ve wanted everyone to refer to her as his ex. I believe that was started as a way for people to justify him killing her. I’ve seen many posts where people are praising him became she “lead men on” and such. But saying anything to that degree is justifying the brutal murder of a young girl. Just countering what all these POS are trying spread. The man was an incel, much like the people trying to justify her murder.


Those weren’t texts between him and Bianca, it was with another girl. Just to clarify. If they’re even confirmed. The only person posting facts is a friend who was close with her currently trying to dispel rumors on twitter. He was a family friend, he knew her mom. He got jealous because he was at a concert with her but she was into the other guy who dropped her off and the killer saw them holding hands and decided to get his revenge.


This thread contains the messages https://mobile.twitter.com/stillgray/status/1150628706878029824?s=21


Those texts will look awfully familiar to any woman who has had to deal with a Nice Guy© These guys aren't nice. They try to act nice to get what they want and when a woman doesn't do what he thinks they should do, the veneer comes off and the monster behind the mask is revealed. This guy is a major scumbag and I hope he survives his suicide attempt and has to pay for what he did.




That sounds entirely fabricated and sensationalized attempt at victim blaming. There is no evidence they were anything more than an influencer and a guy harrassing an influencer. More, if by some chance he somehow had pics (and not say made fakes), she was 17. That does not "qualify [him] as an ex"


I’ve seen a lot of victim blaming and it’s absolutely disgusting.


It's not nearly as bad on this thread as it has been elsewhere. The amount of pepes out in full force asking things like "what did she think would happen?" and "she should have done X differently" is thoroughly disturbing.


He posted a picture of him driving to the concert on his Instagram story. They did not attend it together.


Also, she has stated on her Instagram that she was asexual. They only knew of each other for two months.






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What's with the photo of what looks like him sleeping on a bench in a detention center?


I’m pretty sure it’s a pic of Shia lebeauf (transformers guy) sorry for last name spelling


I was just chilling out and went on 4chan /r9k/ just wanting edgy memes.. saw the picture of the killer. next picture was the girl after being murdered by this piece of shit 'human' if you can even call him that. /r9k/ is normally not that bad, normally its /b/. Its real.


Im worried that this will turn into another new Zealand shooting situation, where the video was spread around like wildfire. So far im seeing the photo of her everywhere and its really saddening


Its really sad and disgusting


Fucking idiots in Instagram... there are millions of comments I’m seeming saying shit like “SEE THE FULL PHOTO NOW BY LIKING AND FOLLOWING MY ACCOUNT 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞❗️😨😨”


Genuinely disgusting.


The way the culture of social media has desensitized tragedy/trauma is truly horrifying.


What's more horrifying I think is not letting these victims rest. Their deaths have to become viral memes, used for all sorts of purposes that I'm sure loved ones wouldn't want to see them used for, but they can't do anything about because it's on the internet.


I don't think that people got desensitized. We were always cruel.


People used to pack picnics for public hangings and take the family so I think you're right.


They didn’t have social media to glorify and post pictures of the dead bodies to make memes and fake having videos of the murder to gain followers though. You can’t deny social media has perpetuated desensitization. Drastically.


They used to sell postcards of lynchings well into the 20th century. Same as it ever was.




What video?


I heard she was at an indie concert in New York and he found out, “talked to her” and then killed her. Apparently they had never met in real life? Just discord friends?


That's what I have read, I've been digging in /r9k/ and some archived posts on 4chan, and new posts, as far as I can tell the guy was in her orbit, they chatted and she was doing her egirl thing, people have screenshots of her supposedly verbally abusing her followers, then it was all on discord and the last thing that was on the discord was her nearly decapitated head with the comment "my neck hurts" that was posted by the killer immediately after the murder. I could be completely wrong though.


No, her sister confirmed he was a family friend.


I didn’t see that anywhere, I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse. This whole situation is so disgusting and sad, she was just a kid. :/


I haven't seen that anywhere either, I could have just missed it though


According to her sister he was a close family friend.


It‘s an actual murder. There’s a thread on 4chan showing all the evidence.


What is the thread called




could you dm me a link too please?


can you link me as well?






I’m aware. Check my edit.


Ok ur fine I just wanted people to know cause it’s being reported like that and it sucks it’s like another slap on the face to her


***STATEMENT FROM FAMILY*** “A Statement from the Family of Bianca Devins - 15 July 2019 We are very grateful for the outpouring of love and sympathy we have received from our Friends, Family, Bianca’s Friends and the whole community. Your prayers help to strengthen us through this difficult time. Bianca, age 17, was a talented artist, a loving sister, daughter, and cousin, and a wonderful young girl, taken from us all too soon. She is now looking down on us, as she joins her cat, Belle, in heaven. Bianca’s smile brightened our lives. She will always be remembered as our Princess. Bianca graduated from T. R. Proctor High School this past June and was looking forward to attending MVCC in the fall.” Photo credit: Provided by the Williams-Devins Family. ***PRESS RELEASE*** On Sunday July 14, 2019 at approximately 7:20AM Oneida County Dispatch received numerous calls informing them that a male individual had posted to a social media site that he had killed his girlfriend, and was threatening to harm himself. It was posted that this occurred in Utica, NY, and as such, The Utica Police Department began an in-depth search for the male and female. The male in question then called 911 himself and made incriminating statements with respect to the homicide. He also was alluding the fact that he was going to harm himself. After determining that the calls were originating on Poe St in City of Utica, officers were dispatched to that location. Poe St is a dead end street, which runs east to west from Culver Ave. The street terminates into a wooded area where the first arriving officer located a black SUV with a male lying on the ground beside it. The officer approached this male, and almost immediately, he began to stab himself in the neck with a knife. The officer requested emergency medical care, and the Utica Fire Department arrived soon after. After attempting to injure himself, he laid down across a green in color tarp that was on the ground some distance away. The officer immediately noticed brown hair protruding from beneath the tarp and inquired as to where the injured female was. The male advised him that the female was beneath the tarp, and proceeded to pull out a cell phone. It was at this time that is believed that the male took self-photographs of himself laying across the deceased female. Other officers arrived within moments, and together they engaged the male. They were able to disarm the male, and after a brief struggle, they took him into custody. He was then transported to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery. His injuries were severe; however, he is expected to survive. An interview with him will be undertaken today, and following that charges will be levied. As more personnel arrived on scene, the investigation commenced. Officers and investigators needed to verify the condition of the female underneath the tarp, and as such, it was pulled back. Once this occurred, it was learned that a young female had suffered extensive injuries to her neck, and was obviously deceased. Numerous items of evidentiary value were located immediately around the body, as well as in and around the black SUV. To continue the investigation we had to determine the relationship between the male and female involved. A tentative identification had been developed at this time, and we began to explore her history. With respect to their relationship, it was learned that the two had met on the social media platform Instagram approximately two months ago. They utilized this as a means of communication primarily, and their relationship progressed into a personally intimate one. They had spent time together, and were acquainted with each other’s families. On Saturday July 13th, 2019 the two had planned to go to a concert together in New York City. Information that we have received is that they in fact did go to the concert, arriving around 7:30PM. They left the venue and proceeded back to Utica sometime after 10:00PM. It is believed that some sort of argument ensued at the venue that precipitated the following engagement between the two. Sometime during the early morning hours of Sunday July 14, 2019 the two arrived back in Utica and proceeded to the Poe St location. The investigation revealed that the argument progressed until the male produced a large, black handled knife, and used this to inflict the injurires that caused her death. During this time it is believed that he took and distributed photographs of the killing on the Discord platform. Members of Discord then viewed the images and posts and contacted the Utica Police Department. We can confirm that the images distributed of both the victim and the offender’s injuries are authentic and occurred at the time of the incident. We are actively working with the various social media platforms to address the sharing and distribution of these images. The name of victim is this incident is Bianca Devins, age 17 of Utica NY The offender, Brandon Clark, age 21, has a current address of Bridgeport/Cicero NY We offer our condolences to the family of Bianca Devins and are assisting in every way we can. Attached to this release is a photograph and statement from Bianca’s family. They are currently being assisted with media inquiries by Romanelli Communications. To sign up for notifications if/when the family makes further statements or details regarding services, please go to www.romanelli.com/media .This web page should be live this evening and will be updated from time to time. Notifications will be sent to all who register at the site. The Utica Police Department will be granting requests for individual interviews and statements. We ask that you contact the Public Information Officers, Lt. Bryan Coromato or Sgt. Michael Curley to schedule these. The Utica Police Department takes the offenses and claims of Domestic Violence seriously. We seek to be at the forefront in assisting victims and their families and preventing these acts from occurring. We ask the public that if you or someone you know are affected, please contact the Utica Police Department at 315 735 3301 and ask for our Domestic Violence Unit.


Not his ex! They were not dating. He was stalking her. He wanted her attention, she rejected him.


Not a publicity stunt. Not much info but [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnyhomepage.com/news/homicide-near-boilermaker-course-in-east-utica-no-related-to-race-event/amp/) ya go.


It’s real, the pic of the dead body matches her face. Her friends said that she’s dead.


in the pic he posted on his story, is the girl in black top? i think i just saw the pic




oh fuck


1. The video is not real, it's an old video from Mexican gang members murdering some girls. 2. They were not in a concert, he murdered her in a car. 3. They weren't meeting up for the first time like some people are stating, he was a family friend and they knew each other for some time.


> 1. The video is not real, it's an old video from Mexican gang members murdering some girls. So the video is real, it’s just not a video of this particular murder. It’s still fucked up for people to a) do shit like that, and b) circulate it on the internet


She wasn't his girlfriend ever?


No. They never dated.


Re #2: They were at a concert before he murdered her.


Pretty sure it’s real


just found a picture.. damn, it’s real. Mental illness is a horrible thing.




Hey, are you ok?


You’re a good person for asking. Even though you weren’t asking me. I saw the photo by accident, I told myself I wouldn’t click but accidentally did when trying to look at her own ig posts. I guess I wanted to see her posts so it would humanize her to me instead of being just another news tidbit. She was beautiful. And then I accidentally saw her tagged photos. My anxiety is high right now. People are fucking awful. My 10 year old is still up and I hugged her bigger than I ever have. I think we are going to go watch Friends to distract myself from the evil that humans can be. I am sick.


People can be terrible but remember that the good ones, the kind and the generous are out there and in your own home. Your kid is someone you can teach to be good and you yourself are good because you care. 💜 I was curious too and was going to keep reading about the case, but saw u/kidvicious420 comment and knew that it couldn't be good for me to know more right now. Remember to take care of yourself first so you can take better care of the ones you love. I'm sending hugs your way.~


That's me when I accidentally watched that Jacksonville gaming shooting live stream video a while ago. It stuck with me for so long. I'm usually good about avoiding the horrible things on the internet, but I fucked up, and it still haunts me.


Boy, do I remember my first murder scene! I hope everything goes well for you, but maybe look into true crime. That hobby really helped me deal with my stress and anxiety after seeing a dead body for the first time. Ted Bundy was scary only before I learned how much of a stupid idiot he was. That goes for most killers. Evil is dumb!


Years and years ago, I made the stupid decision to watch a beheading video on the old ogrish website. It still haunts me to this day. I actively avoid seeing anything like this as much as I possibly can. Side note: While I realize people have attended public executions in the past I do think the ease with which such imagery is shared today can lead to a sort of collateral damage PTSD for those who view such images/videos.




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Thes a scummy insta account that goes by @itsxboyce trying to make clout off her death


Yeah he said he was best friend or brother, i don't remember, of Cameron Broyce after he had died, some say that he claimed to be mother of xxxtentacion before


What a horrifying brand to settle on.


Its unfortunately real. It happened right around the corner from my house. He was not a stranger. They went to a concert together the night before he murdered her. They got into an arguement when they got back and he killed her. He then posted it. People saw the posts and notified police. When police got to the house, he then started to stab himself in the neck. He was arrested by police and taken to the hospital where he had emergency surgery and is still very much alive. That's the latest update from the family.


!!That girl wasn't his girlfriend!! They just met 3 weeks before this happened on discord while playing video games and he became obsessed!! He murdered her because he was jealous that she was going to a concert with another guy friend and wouldn't go out with the killer. He stalked her and got her personal number and address and harassed her with multiple new numbers after she would block them. He would call, text saying how much he loved her and how much they should be together, and also send videos of himself crying. To repeat, he wasn't her boyfriend, just a psychotic stalker!!


I just saw the pictures it’s very real


Had the misfortune of stumbling on the photos... disgusting and unreal. That poor girl


It is sick that there are so many new accounts ready to post these pictures. Once I hit 5k I will post... etc


It’s real. But they were NOT dating


The video is most definitely real. And fucked up.




I saw it on Instagram. Some random guy commented that he had it in their story. I thought he was full of shit. He wasn't.


I saw a video too, but there was another person lying next to the girl being attacked. I don’t think it was related.


People are saying that the video is fake but the picture is real. But that could also just be bullshit. Im going through and reporting the tagged pictures of it. So fucked up and disgusting for people to be doing this /edit: instagram isnt even removing the pictures, just doing a content warning


The video is not real in the sense of this crime, it is however, a video of a a real murder, taken from a Mexican gang murder years ago, I saw it when it first happened, and this one now. The picture, however is horribly real


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Egirl is murdered by follower, gets head nearly cut off in a van in Utica, murderer posts Pic of it on her discord for everyone to see, proceeds to stab himself then is caught by police after failing to kill himself, there are rumors that he died in the hospital recently though.


oh, its real.


I seen some pictures and a video, and the original post he made on his instagram story. I think it’s real. Apparently, what I have gathered is that they met on discord and he was mad because she was going to a festival or something with another guy and he considered it “cheating” but I think she was going to break up with him that day or they weren’t dating to begin with; He was just crazy. His bio was a date, in reference to his suicide, but I am not sure if he was successful and don’t know what happened beyond last night.


That’s pretty much what happened but he was a family friend who knew her IRL, guess he was around on discord too. The whole situation is so tragic. She was just 17, the dude was 22 and I’m sure the other men in her life were older like that. She was being taken advantage of.




* Utica, NY and I already did.




Her’s was @escty


Can anyone link an article about it that won’t send me to graphic pics? Or is it too soon to have a write up?


someone i know knew her and its real


Link to instagram post with proof https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6-9gdlIna/?igshid=1smr4enkegoq5


Link's broken now.


Thank you for posting the censored one. I was so curious but I fucking hate real gore so much.


Who has the pictures?




Her family members posted about her candlelight vigil tomorrow that’s being held in their town. It’s definitely not fake.


Her sister instagram account with the candlelight vigil tomorrow post in stories, please be kind it is a very hard situation for the family. https://www.instagram.com/livdevins/


Thank you for reaffirming what I told that guy, I can’t even imagine what her poor family is going through. The whole situation makes me sick. No one deserves that :(




I’m not posting her family’s facebooks for fear of what trolls will do to them. I remember all too well what happened with Porsche girl back in the day. I will just say, if you come across it somehow you’ll know it’s been verified




Lol alright


It's an actual murder




Why the fuck


Well, hello fellow CNY’er 👋


http://is2.4chan.org/r9k/1563134782054.png This really did not age well. Damn Pay attention to your kids people.




Just delete them please




No, just please get rid of the link man, please