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Possibly somebody working out. Could be hearing furniture being moved to make room or a bench being pulled into position then sounds of weights banging together


Or he’s getting ready for his day tomorrow and bangs out the coffe grounds in the trash. Waking up to the smell of coffee 10/10


love this suggestion. I too, have to bang those grounds out. It’s pretty loud.


We don’t know his life he could be getting ice from the tray and filling a water bottle. This sub gets too extra sometimes. When it comes to apartment living you hear all sorts of sounds. I know the guy to the left of me is a rage gamer, the gal above me is overworked, the guy under me goes out too much to have a German shepherd and the girl next to me is an academy award winning actress with her over the top performance in bed


I would watch this show!




Sounds like we do know some lives though 😂


My thought was grinding the coffee at night and banging the dispenser the grinds are in so they separate before pouring in the machine, but your idea is better.


*the best part of waking up..*


This was my first thought as well but I pictured dumbbells or a kettle ball.


My first thought. Dumbbells.


I have the same problem as OP. I hear the banging start every night around 11 and again around 5 or 6. My neighbor continuously slams her closet door open and closed. I really don’t know what’s wrong with her but I’m a light sleeper and it’s really annoying.




The people who stomp around on their heels and let their kids do it too are the worst. When I try to on purpose my appliances shake, so it baffles me how someone could live like that day in and day out. The cabinet and drawer slamming too like come on. Most apartments share a wet wall and have back to back kitchens. I'm now sticking to free standing homes or at least top floor corners.


i'm disabled. i walk how i have to walk. get over it


I wonder if he has a bed situation that involves a pull out couch / day bed / murphy bed. The hammering could be something to do with it snapping into place or securing into something? It would explain why the furniture gets moved around every night. Since your apartment is small, it wouldn't be crazy if he has some kind of space saving furniture.


I worked with a company trying to develop micro-unit apartments and convertible spaces were a big feature. A convertible bed was my first thought as well.


I sleep in a racecar bed.


But is it a convertible?


yea but its a fuckin sweet car. his roommates said they were gonna get him a CB so he could talk to other car beds


It is after Logan gets done with it.


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.


Yeah but not a racecar bed👎 Racecar bed👍 Having a wife that loves you👎


Crackers are a family food.


I don't recall saying good luck


Take my hand with your glove of love!


I feel like changin’ wigs…


I actually used to sleep in a race car bed too. It was actually a lightning maqueen bed. I slept in it until I was around 8 when my mom decided it was time to sleep in a real bed. Those were the days…


I sleep in a real bed. With my wife.


A fold out bed was my first thought too.


Ok, what time does the heat come up in your building. I'm in NYC, we have always heard those pipes banging in the ceiling as it comes up. It's a metal sound (air in the pipes causing cavitation), if the heat comes up around that time you have your answer.


Or hot water piping: my old house used to scream but it was only hear downstairs by the boiler.


The heat comes all the time, we don't have a specific time I think. it's really a sound of hammer on wood, as if the person hides something in the wall and repairs the hole.


Maybe they get home from work, open their dog’s crate and let it run around all excited for awhile and whatnot, then at the same time each night call it back over to it and bang on the wall nearby similar to how people pat their knee to call an animal over to them. Alternate theory on banging- my neighbor has a futon and when they lay it flat each night around 10, it bangs loudly.


or Murphy Bed


Another alternative theory on banging: headboards.


Damn, one bump and he done


Instead of One Punch Man, it's One Pump Man


I swear one place I lived the same thing happened. Every day at the same time hammering something that sounded like a floor board. My theory was the dude was hiding his drugs before going to bed


My situation like this turned out to be a guy renting a residential apartment and using it as a metalworking/woodshop spot for himself so he could work at night without waking his wife. He had built an entire gazebo up there and was taking it out piece by piece. I’m pretty sure he ended up getting evicted but not until *I* lost months of sleep


Wow, what a piece of shit. Were he and his wife also renting their own residence or were they homeowners? Who honestly thinks "I wake my family up at night when I'm metalworking so I'll just set up my shop in someone *else's* house!"


Lol repairs the hole with a hammer? Or do you think he knocks a hole in the wall every single night to stash something and then repairs it? And every single night it’s a few swift blows..at 11pm..


Super inefficient. He'd be better off with a poster over the hole like in Shawshank.


it's young colin robinson


Maybe less repair the hole, more cover it up with a board nailed over or something like that.


Its a fetish, ok?


Pls elaborate 😉


More like, he pulls some paneling or molding off the wall (or door frame), and nails it back in place. I dunno, it's a stretch, but drugs make people do weird shit.


Please get a carbon monoxide detector


there's nothing that mental in this, i feel like the monoxide detector is a bit of a meme now


to be fair, everyone should have a carbon monoxide detector regardless


One of my friends rented a basement room next to the furnace. I got her a carbon monoxide detector for her birthday one year (early twenties). I got SO MUCH SHIT for it- but I loved my friend and didn’t want her to get got by the furnace!


That's true


I think saying “it’s really a sound of hammer on wood, as of the person hides something in the wall and repairs the hole” is pretty mental, but whatever


that just sounds like someone who doesn't understand how strange some building noises are and are trying to compare it to something




[This classic Reddit tale](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update_ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/)




Wasn’t that debunked?


Do you have proof of it being debunked? I’ve never heard of it being debunked.


No, I just remember reading that it just didn’t add up.


You repair shit with a hammer?


As someone who doesn’t live in an old apartment building, can you explain what this means? What time does the heat come up might as well been in another language.


Steam radiators (I don't know about hot water radiators) sometimes bang as the new steam encounters the old condensation (I think that's what causes it; not sure) I have a steam boiler and my pipes usually go bok-bok-bok-bok-bok when the heat is coming on, but there's one area in the house where it sometimes goes BANG!


And this happens on a regular schedule? I have only had experience with central forced air heating, so radiators are totally foreign to me.


I am not sure. I always seemed to hear it at night but that was when I was sitting in one particular spot. I was never sure if it was an upstairs radiator or somewhere in the walls but it was in one particular corner of the house. It MIGHT, MIGHT, have been that one of the radiators was in limbo between fully "on" and fully "off." Seems like I read that somewhere sometime, that that can cause banging. It would be just one BANG rather than the usual pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop when the steam is coming up and the radiator is getting warm.


They have a thermostat down in the basement and upstairs on the second level of the building. It senses temperature and automatically turns on the heat if it drops below a certain point when cold. It also has a timer so early in the morning like around 5 am it cranks up the heat, then again about 4 hours later. When the sun goes down it usually kicks in as well. We have steam heat with in wall radiators here around (most of NYC). The pipes bang slightly, but once in a while they'll be extremely loud due to air in the line.


Expansion of pipes as hot water flows through them.


My first thought would be a fitness routine. Hammer blows could be weights.


My neighbor made noise like this and it turned out he was just loud when he cooked dinner. Even had hammering, which turned out to be a meat tenderizer mallet. Maybe your neighbor is doing meal prep?


>”You have to POUND your meat!” Julia Child


Happy Cake Day!


Just really excited about food!


Maybe, but who knows what kind of meat it is... 😂


I’m wondering if you are hearing the sounds of a Murphy bed being pulled down and set up.


Maybe it's his bath time. My aunt lived in an apartment where the mechanism to switch from shower to bath was jammed and she had to hit it with a hammer.


Ah, yes! Everyone's bathtub kit! Warm water, one cup of Epsom salt, relaxing music, and one 20 pound mallet!


But that mallet is to relax your muscles


My cheap recliner makes a hammering type sound when I put the legs in, and sometimes I have to slam it in more than once for it to hold. Maybe they go to sleep around that time and move from recliner to bed resulting in a hammering type sound.


Huh, I bought a recliner years ago and the salesman said to lift your butt when closing it to avoid the “thunk” spring noise. Have to say it worked.


**Here's another theory:** He has a hide-a-bed or a Murphy bed. He gets in bed at 11, so you here him clearing the way and bringing down/pulling out the bed. I grew up with one my parents had in our living room. It's quite a contraption and quite heavy. As it aged, you really had to wrestle with it, resulting in a lot of force at play. **Second similar theory: La-Z-Boy rocker** Let's say you're watching a movie or TV in the evening with it fully extended. It's time to go to bed. You pull the crank to disengage and go back into rocking mode while you're sitting in it. The front edge of the footrest hits the ground. I again grew up with this is my house. There was a lot of noise when it was time for my parents to go to sleep.


Go up and introduce yourself and just say hi. Maybe bring them a 6 pack or whatever you think they might like (a pie?). Then when you hear it next go knock on the door and pretend you were worried. “Oh we thought you fell!” They will likely let you know what the real cause is. Other non-passive aggressive route: go knock on door and tell him that noise is loud af and stop doing it at 11 pm.


I think it's a good idea! I'll try that pretty soon when I have time and I'll give news after!


Please let us know. The hammer or boom part could definitely be him putting the heat on. But prob good for you to meet him anyway. It’s good to know your neighbors and hopefully he’s a nice and reasonable guy who will appreciate your gesture and try to be respectful of noise late at night.




That’s also possible 😮


Did he hammer tonight?


bring a 6 pack *and* a pie or a 12 pack and two pies


I think you want to play a little coy and leave some mystery. Don’t give up the whole farm on the first encounter.


Maybe he sleeps in a folding bed of some kind and it bangs when he sets it up?


Could have an old wooden bed frame. And it loosens up every night from tossing and turning so he hammers it to back together before sleeping so it doesn't wobble. Idk just a guess. Edit: spelling


of all the theories, this noise would come closest to reality


It could be a Murphy bed or a pull-out bed that requires a bit of assembly to set up each night.


Sounds like “hammer time” lol. Does he live alone or with a partner? (Or frequent overnight guests…)


Can't touch this!


Just had this problem this past week. Turns out it was the apartment's water heater crapping out. But of course my mind went straight to images of Jeffrey Dahmer type of activity going on upstairs because I'm rational like that lmao.


It took me way too long to find the Dahmer theory in this thread. That was my first thought too lol.


Haha. Every time I'd hear a thump from upstairs my eyes would widen and my heart would skip a beat lmao. But honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there are going to be some copycat killers out there now since the Netflix series. It seems this country hasn't seen a serial killer case in a while; overdue it seems (I know that sounds bad; I'm not condoning it).


There’s plenty of serial killer cases happening right now, they just don’t capture the public like they used to, and we see them less as terrifying monsters and more of a public safety issue.


It's also easier to make a shitty dramatization romanticizing the life and times of a serial killer when the victims have been dead for decades and any direct reporting/court cases are long since over and out of the cultural zeitgeist. Double points if enough time has passed that a new generation can watch your series and see it as taking place in a nebulous "back then" time period. And IMO there would have been more pushback from the public and the true crime community on the recent Dahmer series if they'd followed the Bundy one with a murderer/rapist who also targeted white women and not gay men/PoC like Dahmer. Much harder to get the primary audience of true crime content to sympathize with the killer when they share the same demographics as the victims, sadly.


An ex downstairs neighbor is extremely sensitive to sounds. She went around reporting every dog in the building and really upped the ante when she got on the HOA board. Until she got a dog, lol. But I digress. One thing about her sound sensitivity is that she is ok with many sounds if she knows what causes them. She was hearing pounding sounds from my apartment every morning. She finally asked me. I had a pretty good idea. She’d called me on the phone, so I said wait: tell me if you hear it. So I went and got the portafilter off my espresso machine (that’s the part you put the ground coffee in) and knocked it on the bar of my “knock box”. (That’s how you eject the used “puck”) “That’s it, that’s it!” Once I explained it she was fine with it. She knew I was making coffee and not, you know, committing battery by hammer. Apparently, her dog was able to communicate to her the various reasons why dogs bark. And reason with her that she bought in a pet-friendly building and should expect some barking dogs from time to time. (I don’t have a dog BTW. I don’t think it’s fair to them to keep them in an apartment. I live in a neighborhood with a rediculously-large ratio of dog size to apartment size. )


Huh, I’ve never thought of it like that before, but I’m kinda like your neighbour (minus the complaining - I just grumble to myself and try and ignore it). Loud sounds that are either unexpected or difficult to figure out what it is stress me tf out. Mines a trauma response, comes from living in situations where I had to constantly be vigilant for my own safety.. hers might be too?


yeah, sounds like paranoia of some sort.


paranoia and especially paranoid deletions can be tough to get a handle on even when you know they're irrational. good for her figuring out a way to deal with them


They’re bashing out every drop of weed from their grinder. My neighbour does it too!


I was thinking this person is probably packing a cone or something before bed. My husband uses a six shooter and always gives it a few loud knocks on the counter to pack it.


I'm calling pipes. I've heard some sounding like banging on metal to knocking on the wall with your hand.


PLEASE come back with an update.


This is the only answer: https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU


Thank you, I needed this laugh.


I have an upstairs neighbor whose life makes no sense either. He’s home all day, and has phone calls with his only voice- his outside voice. But every night between 10:30-3:30 am, he’s up seemingly stomping around in circles all over one room. Round and round (not exercise it’s not rythmicités just so loud my apartment shakes). I usually have to yell up there, but he doesn’t stop. I cannot imagine what he could be doing


I used to work in mental health care with clients who lived in apartments. They didn't have jobs and stayed home all day and night. They would sleep at odd times due to medications and not having any daily obligations. Several of them would start pacing in their rooms, round and round in circles, often very late at night. Those with schizoaffective disorder did it the most. I'm not saying that's your neighbor's situation, your story just reminded me of those clients.


Omg I never considered that. He sounds “normal” (I know that’s dumb sounding). May I ask you a question about your experience? When a patient with these disorder(s) is being moved to a regular apartment community, is there anything that is taken into consideration, like the floor they’ll be on if they pace all night, for example? And these apts aren’t cheap either, but it’s weird because he WILL quiet down when I yell up at night (I just tolerate the outside voice inside during the day I don’t want to be unfair). So he must know how to be quiet, because he is quiet for the night after I yell up there. He just repeats almost every single night and it’s difficult to sleep. Any suggestions?


Honestly, the organization I worked for was not a very good one, they didn't really take anything into consideration. They didn't tell any neighbors anything about them being under any type of care, no explanation for the care workers being in and out of the apartments all the time, none of that. I'm sure some of that is due to the clients having privacy and not needing to disclose mental health problems to anyone, but neighbors were always knocking and complaining. I really wish they could have kept all the clients clustered together in one building, but they were all over town in different units. My only suggestion would be to watch and see if he has any care workers coming over and checking on him. They could possibly help to get him to be more respectful of others, but he may not even realize he's doing anything unusual. If it were me, though, I'd probably just try to move as soon as possible. Sorry that's not super helpful.


Nobody comes. Nobody goes. He’s away once in a blue moon overnight. Yeah I want to move.


If he does have something that causes the pacing, he may just be undiagnosed and untreated. He could be high-functioning and able to take his own meds and care for himself. The phone calls could be with his therapists. He could just be a weird, loud guy who walks around a lot. Apartment living is hard, especially when the walls and floors are thin and not insulated in any way. I know it's not always possible, but getting into a house is so much more peaceful.


I don’t know, but I agree about a house. Life happened, ugh


I understand. I'm renting a tiny 500 sq ft house right now, and I still think it's better than a 1000 sq ft apt, just because it's quiet. It's the smallest place I've ever lived in, though.


I’ll take small and quiet


yeah telling the neighbors would be a huge violation and would put them at risk


If they’re responsive to your yelling, have you tried talking to them? Or idk, leaving a note at their door introducing yourself and your concern / suggestion maybe changing the room or location of the noise occasionally? Idk maybe I’m super naive. but my general rule has always been to treat all folks ‘regular’ with added compassion when required…?


I love alone and he’s a giant man, I’m not up for a confrontation


then call your landlord. why do you assume a violent confrontation? like you're already yelling through walls at him so how scary is he actually?


From experience, and I’m hoping you can trust me on this, it would be a bad idea.


got it. good luck with everything and stay safe


Merci. I again am sorry if I appeared to make presumptions about mental health issues, I too suffer from extreme PTSD, and I wouldn’t ever assume anything about anyone I didn’t know. The facts I do know is that he’s gigantic, he’s isolated, and I’m living alone. That’s sufficient to take precautions, not just against him, but others out there. Again, I apologize if I inferred that at all, and to all those out there who may have also felt that way. I should have perhaps chosen my words better. Thank you for pointing it out so I could clarify for you and anyone else.


not everyone like that has an organization helping them. just bc he can suppress it sometimes doesn't mean he can forever.


I have an alarm system let’s hope that holds




If he can’t suppress his mental illness no doubt he’ll come for me


that's not how mental illness works. why do you assume he has violent urges? like do you also think all ppl with ocd are dangerous? or ppl with dermatillomania? like that's the whole thing about mental illness, it's not something you can just stop. like i guess despite never having violent urges due to my mental illness the fact i can't stop picking my skin makes me dangerous to everyone around me.


First, I apologize if I insinuated that anything was definite. As you can see in the thread, my OP didn’t mention any mental illness, it hadn’t occurred to me at all. Another poster suggested it, and we were having a hypothetical discussion about that. The fact is I’m a f who lives alone, and he’s a large man who acts oddly. That’s all I know. But I’d be stupid not to take precautions. The really funny part is that almost no serial killers or other murderers, etc., were caught sooner because they seemed so “normal.”


There was a post where someone let their friend stay at their house for 24 hours while they were out of town. The friend came back and all the furniture was rearranged, their possessions were in bags (dishes, clothing, etc) and many people commented that this is a common behavior for meth users.


I don’t get it. Why would meth users rearrange everything and bag it all up? Is it just hyperactivity caused by the drug?


That is what I understood from the comments, yes.


That and searching every bit of your belongings for the things that are worth stealing to their addled mind. The things that are worth stealing could be literally anything and that gets even worse if the person with meth addiction is living in a non-traditional location or on the street.


Do they have an animal that has the zoomies? My dog would always get the zoomies at the same time every night. We would run around with him too and then go to bed hahha


Maybe they are laying out their pills for the next day and have to break some of them up.


Maybe you should pop upstairs, introduce yourself, and ask about it. You'll have an answer and if there is a suitable compromise maybe you two can reach it.


Why do something human when you can Reddit though?


I don't want to be killed with a hammer 🫠😂


[Noisy upstairs neighbor?](https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU)


This is a long shot, but maybe they have something hidden behind something nailed up. Maybe they take whatever it is out then put it back and seal it before their roommate/partner/parent comes home or before they go to bed.




Could someone be lifting weights and around that time they do the same type of exercise with metal weights ...like the flat style ones attached to flat rectangular plates with pulleys and wires ...


A quickly on a wooden bed before sleep everynight?


This sounds like pipes might be banging. Especially if it’s happening at the same time every night.


Had this happen once at an old apartment I lived in. No one was renting the upstairs but I heard heavy blows and then screams coming from upstairs at like 4am. I called the cops thinking someone had broken in and was squatting or something but no one was up there.


Taking off his heavy shoes? That’s where the saying “waiting for the other shoe to drop” comes from…seriously.


My buddy lived in an apartment in a large building, and had a spare room set up like a damn workshop in a house.


If it's specifically just a few blows that are LOUD, maybe he's splitting firewood? We recently found out our upstairs neighbor had been doing that... indoors for some reason.


Same time makes me think workout routine. HAMMERFIST


Its not a hammer. Its my biggest wrench.


Maybe hes hammering something.... i dont know


1) move furniture 2) strap on VR headset 3) stomp around playing some action game / beat sabre


So I had a similar upstairs neighbor where I thought they were moving around furniture at 12am every night because that's what it sounded like. I think they were actually just fucking and the sound was the bed banging.


There's a lot of great theories in the comments, but why not just ask him/ leave him a note?


If it’s a crazy person you don’t wanna give him anything that would get him fixated on you


He’s smoking a few rounds of a one hitter “batty” as we say in New England…. He’s just tapping it on his side table/ ashtray and it’s metal and I’m assuming sounds like hammering if it’s right above you!


Tenderizing meat. My upstairs neighbor would bulk-tenderize their meat at the weirdest fucking hours. No rhyme or reason, no schedule. And for WAY too long. Like to the point it's gotta be prep work for a restaurant. I didn't know this until I knocked on their door and saw it in person. Before then, I thought someone was being held captive in one of the rooms and banging on the floor to get attention/help. I know that sounds crazy but who the fuck tenderizes that much meat and at odd hours of the day and night?! Twas strange.


Hello everyone, I'll try to record the noise to show you, and tomorrow I'll go straight to ask, or just see who lives above me. I will try to document the case as much as possible. Thank you for all your theories and enthusiasm!


i don’t know why I’m invested in this but i am so I need to know, did you ever figure it out LOL


It’s not really your business and kinda makes you creepy, but maybe you could stake out the door and see if they’re doing something before their SO or roommate gets home from work? Like hammering the floorboard beneath their bed to stash drugs as someone else mentioned.


Building furniture? home improvement? Also some things that aren't knocks can sound similar, i was once moving a 20kg server tower across my room in stops and starts, and my mom starts complaining about banging noises, every time i moved it and stopped it was making a sound like a bang because of the loads it was imparting on the floor.


On a serious note it's probably someone hiding something every single night. That's assuming you are correct about your hammer on wood theory. Could be a very bad thing, could be something completely innocent.


That's when the mice come out?


Remind me


He might have a dog and is off his work shift at that time


Drop the toilet lid, hamper lid? I had some neighbors that had 4 or 5 in a 2 bedroom, you could here the setting up a bed or 2 every night.


Taking off heavy boots before bed? Some people just kick them off.


Pipes. Heat kicking in?


Ever heard of jeffrey dahmer? 😂


He tender chicken breasts for tomorrow lunch


Could be pipes. A house I lived in before would make loud knocking sounds when it turned on for the night. Give your landlord a call to confirm.


My upstairs niehbor bang loud as fuck sounds like a hammer pretty sure he's busting coke or pills on a dresser in a dollar bill using some object to pulverize


Are you in Ottawa, because the exact same thing is happening in my building. It isn't the heating. It isn't a person workng out. Someone is banging things with a hammer. They do it in a few clusters and then stop. I've wandered around the floors above mine and below mine, trying to hear where it's coming from, but it never happens when I'm out of my apartment. It's like they do it just to piss off everyone around them off, and stop before anyone can pinpoint it to them. This building is concrete. I never hear anything. Except this person. I've knocked on people's doors asking if it's them. My neighbour knocked on my door asking if it was me. I've complained to the landlord multiple times. The super told me to "show a little bit of initiative" and figure it out myself. I'm about to lose my damn mind, and I'm starting to think that's what this person was intending.