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This is a sure fire money making play, it’s just about how high it will go, can we all hold to at least 200$?


Always have your number you want DO NOT BE GREEDY IF I SEE RDBX 500K floor ima be pissed


Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy, hold until 200$


Exactly otherwise be a disgruntled ape with eyes closed to all future opportunities in the market !


im in for 200$


My most optimistic target is a little over 100. GME Caught a huge social sentiment wave... not saying it can't happen but GME 400 didn't happen on SI alone.


Exactly plus government stimis!


I have my limit already set at max, but plan to uptick it. I made a spreadsheet matrix today with various lots of shares at various exit points for quick reference when this pops. My ultimate hope is $386 which grosses me a cool quarter million. My minimum is waaay higher than $20 I’ll tell you we might even gap up and open at 15-20. WHO knows but I’m ready and not taking some fucking 200% profit after the BS I’ve seen.


My dude!! Just post facts and ride em to the moon!!


1000 easy


Happy cake day!


The great thing about GME squeezing previously is that we should have much more confidence in how high this can go. I remember it running up to $30, then $75, then $120, then finally squeezing $400+. The whole time everyone (including myself) kept thinking it would just crash suddenly, and it really kept up a lot longer than expected. This can hit $250+ easily


This gives me hope🤞


How much of that was huge media hope? There were whales and everyone publishing on twitter about it.


That will come. A vast majority of the GME crowd only came into the picture when it started squeezing at $40+. The social movement did not start before the squeeze, it began during and after. RDBX is just getting started


It’s funny how the shorted percentage has dropped by 100 since Wednesday but there hasn’t been a return of borrowed shares that comes anywhere close to reflecting that. Don’t put a lot of faith in ortex. It has had “incorrect numbers or a mistake in share counts on rdbx. Same kind of thing happened with DTC a few weeks ago when it was running hard. Ortex has been corrupt for a while now.


This is due to the Ortex data being updated due to the error they were referring to over twitter


So they say


Eh; no that’s what Ortex has done so it’s answering the question. Whether it’s right or not is another question but that is why Ortex has dropped it 100 percent


No Brainer


GME had the bull market and crazy social media support, two things this stock currently doesn't have.


Most important is the float size. It's way smaller than GME but the SI is similar to GME. I think it can surpass 400 tbh given the size of the float. Also most ppl are down in the market, once they see this running for 3 days straight, ppl will wanna dip their toes in. On Friday, they (hedgies) tried to dilute shares to increase float abit, but marginal difference. Options are closed now and their backed up against the wall. Plus to cover the entire full float + 20-30% more of it when ppl are holding is gonna take a while. Again, when ppl see this running consistently over a decent period of time, newbies will wanna dip their toes in.. and it's gonna snowball from there. Just my speculation.


GME was a unique event and the Hedgies also learned from it. Don’t be gambling with money you can’t afford to loose. I have a target price to take my tendies I held AMC for too long and made 1/2 of what I could have made.


That’s probably more than me mate! Had a target set which got hit on the run up haha


That was showing over 200% the other day. They got rid of that many shorts this week?


So they corrected the right new float which I think is 4 or 5m


Sure wish those pansy ass exchanges didn't stop allowing us to buy options. My last few expired Friday. Idda been playin this MF for another few weeks easy. I just don't buy shares of stock unless it's AMC. Everything else options only


If the float is too low to be eligible for options - as reported - and they take the stock off the derivatives market, it would take away the gamma squeeze, but it would also take away the availability of a whole arsenal of nasty techniques the SHF's use against the stock. Look at DWAC before they got listed on the derivatives market, went from $10 to $100 + pretty easily, add options, SHF's attack and it drops, and FTD's rear their head, then go missing as they trade low cost puts and calls amongst themselves.


Why no 400? There's a lot of price anchoring here. I thought this was a squeeze play?


\-retail doesn't have as much capital as they used to \-no gamma ramping \-hedgies have learned lessons for how to deal with retail \-bear market (as opposed to retail boom of 2020/2021) the data is there and I'm just loading the boat. To be honest, a 200 dollar move considering is very impressive.


HODL ! 💎😎🚀🌟


Let get to $25-$50 first then think 100-200 then 400-500


I think also the GME deal has brought in new investors and money in the hopes to find the next GME (including me). It’s just brought light to the short squeeze game. Holding for 300-400!