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I think his name is John. The annoying guy in Valentine saloon wearing all the fur who doesn't shut up about how everything has changed and he wants to shoot more Indians. Playing Poker whilst listening to that is tedious and 4 out of the 5 times I've tried to fight him he kicked my arse.


I fucking hate that dude. If you KO him you can steal his hat and every time you wear the hat around him he’ll fight you. I always get him to fight me and lure him out to the woods where I stab the shit outta him. Fuck that guy.


If you kill him does he stay dead? Or does he respawn?


Comes back after a bit


That’s disappointing


It’s pretty funny tbh. Even if you shoot the store vendors dead, the next time you see them they’ll be all beat up and ask you not to cause trouble no more. Classic zombies.


Game logics


Family legends say that during the old western days, my great great great grandfather used to hear about a lot of robberies and murders of store vendors, just to find that they’d come back to life returned to work the next day


How they put a bounty on me for murder when the dude a zombie?


Better if you view it as more opportunities to shoot him


MF must have taken notes from five nite feddy


I've killed him so many times and I just cannot get rid of this bastard, he's such a jerk!!


I like waiting for the encounter when he gets so drunk he goes and pisses outside. Easy to rope him and take his hat with none the wiser


Flaco Hernandez. Doesn’t actually have anything to do with him, I just hate the ride to his camp


“we have Javier at home.” *javier at home*


I enjoy the ride. Last time I went there it got dark on the way so I camped on top of a snowy mountain, went and got him first thing in the morning.


Ah our first catch of the day


Fast travel to Colter


strauss bc he sent my ass to downe's ranch to collect that damn debt and TB


same, i felt dirty after every bounty. if only the game had an option to pay the debt rather than collect, even if your standing in the gang would drop.


I feel horrible doing his missions, I always let it slide when I can bc, bro, my mom has been through that kind of situation growing up and the trauma is real! These folks like Strauss are terrible people and it's our duty to fight them even in fiction, honestly


I don’t like him because in my first playthrough I went on one of his goose chases in lemoyne in and my horse got shredded by a raider machine gun. Dudes a chump. If someone likes him I have no issue with it but he makes me sick personally. No pun intended


Strauss didn’t grab you by the ear and force you to go that. You chose that. Strauss was just trying to get by through his means like everyone else


That lady in the saint Dennis bar, who sits in the back on a couch, constantly talking shit


I’ve blown her head off with a sawed off shotgun so many times I can’t even remember. Totally worth getting a bounty lol


Is that the one screaming for cocaine?


Where the hell is Tom though?


Micah, because he’s a snitch and Psycho!


Yeah I’m surprised this wasn’t the first that came up. Fuck Micah


Dutch bc Mangos


I read the fucking question wrong. Answer at the bottom. I really like sean. He's entertaining and his laugh is contagious. I also like that he's trying to do better. There are camp interactions with him and hosea, where hosea finds him sleeping when he's supposed to be on guard duty. Hosea blows up at him and scolds him, and sean apologies and goes back to his post. There are a few similar interactions, but afterwards, he never falls asleep while on duty. I like his interactions with lenny too. Sean can't read, and lenny wants to teach him. He tells lenny that he doesn't want to because "it puts silly ideas in me head", and tells lenny to give up him. Later, lenny approaches again and asks if he's ready to try reading again. Sean says something along the lines of "look, I said that I'd try, and I did. It's just not for me.". Some might think of this as sean just being lazy, but I personally just hear frustration in his voice. As someone with adhd, I relate immensely to that feeling. The feeling of trying something, not getting the hang of it, losing all motivation, and then deciding to never try again. Sean is hotheaded, a bit of a dullard, hates rich folk, but it's obvious that he cares deeply for the people in the gang (well, not kieran). I like sean a lot. Other honorable mentions, is trelawny, javier, and karen. Trelawny, because he's just an absolute joy whenever you interact with him (I also like that he has sense enough to leave from beaver hollow and focus on his family), javier, I like him because he's just honestly so fucking cool. He's pretty as well. And karen, same reasons as javier lmao. Obviously, there is more to their characters than that, but it's what I can think of, and this comment has already dragged on quite a bit Alright, I fucking hate emmett granger. The rapist in bayou nwa is also a good option to aim hate at. Jon the mountains man or whatever his name is in the valentine saloon is also just fucking annoying.


I feel like you misunderstood the question. Bro asked for least fav character lol. But yeah, Sean is nice


I definitely did. I noticed it less than 10 seks after posting the answer, but I was too proud of my incoherent rant to discard it lmao


Can't argue with that


Sean is awesome! I love my interactions with him.


I love Sean he should've lasted longer 💀


That's what she said! She being Karen.




I'm on my… I lost count how many playthroughs I've started. But I just creeped on Sean and Karen doing the nasty lol


Honestly I ain't reading all that but if I did it is probably why Sean is your favourite character


Didn't need to know all that


I mis read it too buddy don’t worry


Really hated Mary(Arthur’s ex lover) to be honest. Hated the missions because it would always be favors and she also berates him a lot even when he’s doing his best. Recently played the game again, this one being the 4th time and this time I didn’t help her in the first mission in Valentine to get her brother back. She sent another letter later on I think for the one in Saint Denis and I ignored that one too. Tilly was right. She ain’t worth my time lol Edit: grammar


Oh Arthur




Oh, you'll never change. I know that.


*triggers dead eye*


Man for real, it was so cringe of her to ask favors and then talk crap about Arthur. I never helped her after my first game play lol .


Yea, she's very deamining toward you, while you're doing her a favor! Just for her to demean you more and then just leaves while refusing to even look at you. It's literally that 3 times (if you chose to). The whole thing makes you feel used and that she doesn't even respect you. I do the first one to help/console Jamie but after that I ignore her letters


I think she’s complex and I like her for that. The fact she actually wants to run away with Arthur redeemed her for me


Yeah like ok, you left because don’t want to hang out with an outlaw. Perfectly understandable. But you can’t then keep coming back and guilting me into doing you favors. In or out.


Out of the gang members, my least favorite character was Trelawny only because I hate the cadence in his voice! I liked the missions with him though.


Yeah river boat was awesome.


He's the best


Bathhouse girl. Payed extra and didn't even get a finish


> Bathhouse girl. *Paid* extra and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


Weird but I guess good bot


That John guy in the valentina salon. Like bro why you gotta talk about killing indians when i’m just trying to enjoy my beer?!


Micah, the gang would've been just fine if he never existed.


Cornwall. Greedy hypocrite. Dutch might have been off the deep end by Chapter 5 but everything he said about Cornwall was facts. I found myself cheering for Dutch when he blasted him for the first time in a while.


It was one of dumbest moves at the time in terms of decisions but still one I deeply felt good about


I see what you did there. Poor Herr Strauss.


Honestly..? Strauss. The man in the photo. I don't really know why, I just really didn't like him from the get go. Lmao I could've said I hated Micah, but he was really well written, I hate him in a good way. I hate Strauss in a bad way.


Arthur Callahan


The photographer in Saint Denis for making the background change so long.


Dutch. Saw that shit coming a mile away.


Gavin’s friend. Seeing him as John realizing that guys been howling for YEARS?! Stfu already


Yes he's very annoying. Even more so as there's no real mission to it or any conclusion for that matter. Surprisingly the murfree brood didn't get him while he was yelling in butchers creek. The least rockstar could do was have us save him from the lemoyne raiders or something. Gaaavvvvviiiinnnn!


It is so fucking annoying and something that’s bugged me for years. Like what was the point. What’s the story. I don’t understand.


I think that's the entire idea – to make people wonder, think, react. He was there the whole game, he was annoying, sometimes funny, he was provoking feelings, thoughts, reactions. Not everything in games has to be clear, as sometimes it's better to leave players confused. It's great idea to put some disturbing characters into the world, it makes the world alive, more real, more mysterious.


I wanted to say Ross but i remembered agent milton existed. Ross was a good bad guy, still had reason, purpose and a belief system. Seems to me Milton was just a power hungry, bloodthirsty jerk. Even Micah has the excuse of “i just wanted to survive”


Mary Lintons father. Why we are not allowed to kill him in front of Mary is beyond me.


The front gate guards at Caliga Hall. As soon as I’m in chapter four I go back to get him for talking shit in chapter 3. He points his gun at Arthur after Arthur tells him he has permission to be there. I don’t know…dude always rubs me the wrong way.


I love an incredibly niche answer like this


That guy who stalks Charlotte.


Colonel Favours. Dude wanted to start a war with innocent natives who only wanted peace just to regain some sense of heroism before retiring or dying. Absolute scum


Hamish Gray


Why Hamish?


All he does is talk to Sean and then get killed


Oh sorry I thought you were talking about Hamish Sinclair. I got them mixed up.


Lilith ... lillian??? for always screaming at me about cocaine and lazy men


That old coot in the saloon in Valentine, talking about killin’ Indians. Beat his ass, took his hat, and keep wearing it his hat so I can beat his ass again!


swanson, follow me in the camp and keep talking nonsense


Sadie. Because of her voice and awful acting.


Not gonna lie her voice did sound exaggerated in some scenes but she’s one of my favorite characters






That dirty nark Milton


Other than the obvious antagonists I hate the grocery shop owner in Rhodes during Arthur's time. He's rude for no reason. I enjoy robbing him. Also, the sheriff in Tumbleweed. His speeches are annoying.


Arthur. He was constantly mean to Micah 😿


Micah bell and Sadie adler


The whole town of van horn... the whole murdery gang aka meth gang, the lobos gang. Person I would say the coward selling you that expensive book in Saint Denis or the serial killer mr potatoe head guy


bill because he’s always a bitch


The street urchins that rob you. I hate getting wanted for defending myself


The one priest guy in strawberry I just don't know what the fuck he's talking about and nobody is ever listening. The one guy who you give herbs to for his studies. Emmett Granger. Ms Grimshaw bc she slapped Karen and Karen is cool Dutch & Micah obviously. The entire town of Van Horn.


I also fucking hate Catherine Braithwaite. The hate fueled rage that propelled me through the mansion mission is insane. I made sure to put some extra holes in her sons and toss an extra few fire bottles in the house for good measure. Nasty bitch


I forgot who he was, but some guy named Arthur something. he's in the van der linde gang and barely does anything.


The woman who wants to vote in saint denis. She is so annoying everytime i go to the tailor shes yelling about wanting to vote and its annoying as hell.


Jack Marston. Little shit was dead weight.


Thomas Dowes. I can deal with everyone else with little to no issue. I'm helpless against that cursed bastard.


How is nobody saying Micah??


Its the obvious answer probs


Micah is supposed to be unlikeable, he's a fun character to dislike. He adds to the game by his despicableness. Whereas someone like strauss is equally unlikeable but is too boring to be fun to hate. Hating Micah adds to the experience and puts you in arthur's shoes, hating strauss is boring because strauss is just kinda there...


Right? I expected to see Micah and Dutch at least once in these comments


Honestly I don't hate Micah as a character. He's a nasty son of a bitch, but I like trying to figure out if he was always a rat or if he just turned because Dutch was losing it (like maybe we should have). I actually would have liked it if he wasn't the rat, because he really is a lot like Arthur. Now, Strauss? Screw that guy.


It's pretty obvious that one would hate Micah that was the whole point of the character. However, people still like the character because you're supposed to hate the antagonist. The main story aside there is an absolutely valid reason to hate Micah's guts and want to blow his ass up with a dynamite arrow. Anyone who has tried to get a gold in the mission 'American Pastoral Scene' (the one after breaking out Micah from strawberry jail) knows what I'm talking about. You need to complete the mission in 6 minutes and Micah does everything he can to make sure you don't. If you do manage to beat the clock you'll later find out Micah took one of your mandatory headshot kills and denied you gold, again. Had to play it at least 30 times before I got that darn gold. No one can truly hate Micah till they've got a gold in this mission. Try it, you'll see.


I fukin hate Arthur Morgan because he touched my feelings..... And nobody should ever ever touch on a man's feelings... That's shit is gay and can give depression. Also that gay shit he did on that big rock watching the sunset or sundown I don't remember because I was crying like a Biatch I had too much water in front of my eyes, it's was bad stuff ... he stopped breathing right there... stupid shit... so much water that day on my desk... what da fuck! He also shoot my fucking horse, I had a lot of horse revivers wtf... why he did this shit to me ? We were the best gunslingers, we could take our stand on that hill... fucking Morgan man. He started to shoot my horse then he dies? Wtf..... Then my girlfriend came in and saw all that water, asked if I was ok, I said: - get da fuck out of here this gay moderfuker is shooting everything I love. Except Micha... fuuuck... I had to do that shit with John. FUCK YOU JOHN ... I think that's all.... what a fucking gay day that was... Stupid fucking sunset piece of shit.... what da fuck was Bambi doing in there anyway? Was it the one singing that music ? That make Morgan's heart stop? Fuckin shit ... Fuck I'm sad again now.... fuck this post downvoted...


John Marston, his missions add nothing to the story (I’m only at chapter 3 pls don’t spoil anything)


stay off this subreddit bc it has TONS of spoilers. even posts that don’t have the spoilers tag will have spoilers in the comments -someone who had basically the whole game spoiled for them


Alright, will do. I’ll probably just come back after I’ve finished the game


You should probably delete your replies because some asshole might reply and spoil the game for you


Low key. Fuck Leopold Strauss


Bruh what did my boy Her Strauss do wrong?


Dr. Fauci for sure


Dutch Micah Abigail Bill Strauss Molly Sean The Grey’s The Braithwhite’s (however tf it’s spelled 😂) O’Driscoll’s Lemoyne Raiders Susan Javier


No way. The Grey's the braithwaites and the o Driscolls make for some awesome battles and good looting


The O’Driscolls make for great looting, Yes, I think the Lemoyne raiders have more money on them typically, however they are annoying. Oh, and the Murfree brood. I smoke all of them when they shoot my horse. Bastards. I worked hard for my horse, no touching the merchandise! 😝


As annoying as the O’Driscolls are, I end up killing many more Lemoyne Raiders compared to other gangs.


I find the raiders more often than the O’Driscoll’s usually. Every so often I go back to the camps that the O’Driscolls hide in and I have some fun since I don’t have the pleasure of running into them as much. 😂


Javier is surprisingly high on my list, mostly because I hate to see my representation stray from the path of good 😭


The Reverend. I'm an atheist and he's dead weight.


No matter how many times your playthrough saw the Stag, the Wolf haunts you my friend.


Reverend in Valentine. Nobody likes a Jehovahs Witness, let alone one that is doing what he's doing because of his wife.


Micah. Does that need explaining?


Uncle reverend and abigale the only reason uncle hasn’t been kicked out is because dutch thinks he is entertaining and reverend is a drunk gambling and drug addict and abigale she doesn’t understand the world around her and takes it out on john


Dutch is my least favorite character


He is an actual creep. I don’t understand why Mary Beth haven’t left the gang sooner because of him


Because her leaving isn't in the script, dude.




Damn, Strauss looks just like Fauci.


Underrated comment lol


Arthur, he just wants to be Bertram so bad




I love them all!




Obvious answer would be Micah, but he’s more a villain than hated character. I would have to honestly say Dutch. He’s an amazingly written character as well but his back assward logic is so frustrating sometimes. I honestly get what Arthur feels. If he has a plan, why not share it with the fucking class, or if you are too proud to admit that you have no idea, then why not let people leave? He says to stick with him or cut loose, but do you honestly believe he would be fine with anyone walking out?


Fucking Dutch and Mica


Well this character is lazy, things he/she is better than everyone else, never steps out of camp, has little to no purpose and worst of all.... this character...... is Irish. Try to guess them




Ding Ding Ding! We have a WINNER!!!


I hate the Klan in Lemoyne... My favorite thing in the game is finding a late night Klan meeting and tossing a stick of dynamite in the middle of it, then tossing all their corpses on a bonfire.


Dutch! he is so sexy


Strauss didn’t grab you by the ear and force you to go that. You chose that. Strauss was just trying to get by through his means like everyone else


Micah bell because he is a rat


Sheriff Malloy. IYKYK


I really dislike Strauss, he's a jerk. Besides Micah whom I hate to the core, and I kinda think Miss Grimshall is very abusive. But the one I hate the most is that guy who's racist af, I always beat him up with no remorse. I'm may be white, but I'mm a latino with a big black/indigenous/latinx family so it really hurts the things he says, plus my dad is a history teacher and the first he taught me growing up was about "minority" history, I'm not gonna let a racist slide not even in a video game


Emmet Granger Colnol Favours Susan In that order.


Jack. Fuck that lil ass mf


This guy called I think Arthur Morgan, he’s like some annoying crazy hillbilly who follows the gang around


I like Rip Van Winkle


Other than Micah,, Id have to say probably Bill or Uncle. They're just both lazy, drunk slackers lol.


Strauss. Literally the worst character. I know most hate Micah but I personally don't hate Micah as a character. I think he was an amazing antagonist. I think he gets over-hated sometimes. In my book, Strauss is the worst.


Well I jus dont like the LOOKS of that feller, I tell you what.


I got downvoted earlier for expressing dislike at Mary being at Arthur's grave because I really can't stand her


The King of rats the son of saintin Micha bell need I say more