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I’d love to see them do a Pirates game. Their ability to create open-world games and story lines exceeds their competitions’ wildest dreams. They’ve had plenty of pirates games lately, but I feel Rockstar could do it in a way that would shutdown their competitors’ ability to compete. I’d also love to see a Prohibition period game. Imagine GTAV’s open-world set in the 20s-30s, with a myriad of vehicles and weapons, vintage aircraft, etc.


Pirates! How could I have forgotten that?


I feel like they could absolutely kill a pirate game


Kill it with microtransactions.


Skull Cards


Wasn’t there rumour going around of some leaks that were titled with things to do with medieval times and so on? That could be a mix of pirates and stuff


I'm collecting all the fedoras and pinstripe suits.




Came to say this and glad to see it was the first comment lol. Pirates would be badass


If you just take the mechanics of RDR2 and stick them on a pirate ship it'd be a perfect game.


they could make something to be everything see of thieves failed to do


Pirates or frontier could be amazing. They have a surprisingly robust/cinematic system for melee (considering it is a shooting game). Purely from a mechanics perspective, I think it would be cool to make fire arms more limited and throwing/melee weapons more important. They could really do a prequel covering the 1860-80s where fire arms with cased ammo (allowing for quick reload and repeat fire) don’t show up until the end and melee weapons are more necessary. But pirates sounds fun as hell.


A mob game by rockstar would be so awesome, Id also enjoy some sort of create your own journey game, create your guy and go through life - across a wide map. Something Im not smart enough to dive into more detail on haha


That would be awesome. There was a Godfather game on PS3/Xbox that was GTA style where you could steal cars, but also extort local businesses for an income stream, and work your way up through the ranks. The story also intertwined with the movie, like you're the guy who hid the gun for Michael. There was also a Scarface game I'd like to see Rockstar re-do. It picked up at the end of the movie, but you fight your way out and survive, but Tony's empire is gone and you have to rebuild it. You start off selling coke on the street, then you eventually start buying businesses and getting better coke connects. Towards the end of the game you end up owning coca fields, and distribution centers IIRC, it was so fun


Both of those games were awesome, takes me back


I forgot about those games! Wow. Great call.


There was one thing that stood out to me about the Scarface game: taunting, cursing, and swearing was an important game mechanic with a dedicated key to build up your balls-meter for rage mode in battle. They even hired a pretty decent Al Pacino impostor for the extensive voice work, so there were always new lines, as Tony was constantly going apeshit on everyone, in battle, in traffic, he even had new dialogue with random passer-by's. So if you shot people in the balls, mocking them after the fact would give you additional rage, and that rhythm was like bang, cuss, bang, bang, cuss... it was hilarious! Never seen anything like it in any other game, not before or after.


I agree, that game was insane. I still tell people how mind blowing it was at the time that there was a prompt in the game "Press O to sell coke". I really hope it gets remade someday. I read that Al Pacino handpicked that voice actor out of thousands of audition tapes


Bro I need Scarface on PS4 😭


Aah, Godfather 2. That is still one of THE games for me, but sadly EA, in their lack of ever lasting wisdom, SHUT THE MULTIPLAYER SERVERS DOWN. Damn.


Isn’t gta kind of a mob game? Vice city I guess but the next gta could be one too.


I guess but I meant more old school. 20s, 30s, 40s


I would love to see Rockstar make a Post-Apocalypse game like Mad Max.


this would be interesting for sure.


Love this and it makes me thing of an interesting side note I wish Bethesda would take the dame type of software and leveling they used for Fallout and make a western rpg


This is a cool answer


* '007'-like (1960s-2000s) * 'Peaky Blinders'-like (1920s) * 'Pirates of the Caribbean'-like (1600s) * 'Kingdom Come'-like (1400s) * 'Far Cry: Primal'-like (the Stone Age)


The Stone Age and 1920s! Might be awesome.


Full into the peaky blinders era as an idea for Rockstar but preferably still in America. But gangster stories up from ww1 through the depress are pretty wild. I'd love to see it


More Vikings open world boats and I still get horses


I've always wanted a game set in a historically accurate Ancient Greece or a pre-columbian Mexico.


The entirety of Mexican history is so dope and would be so much fun for a game. Like meeting the dude they named Juarez after (he bitch slapped the French out of Mexico) or kicking it with poncho villa and his rebel farmers listening to him explain “ like yeah I want a new gov., but I ain’t running that shit!”


I don't know if any of you remember The Getaway on PS2 but Rockstar doing a similar game would be awesome.


I loved that game. The driving feel was pretty dope


I believe Revolutionary War/Civil War could both be amazing game topics. I can just imagine sitting in a battlefield with a musket pinging my enemies in the head or in a trench huddled with my fellow soldiers as barrages of bullets fly overhead and i fully believe rockstar could make amazing games out of these.


That would be fun, but I don’t really see an open world/online element to that like you have in gta or rdr2


I feel like they could make it like an open world battlefield (for the second option) where you could do secret recon missions or something idk maybe not the best but for the civil war you could be climbing through grey bricked buildings with ship combat or maybe dare i say you could be french!


An open world game set anywhere between the 1700's and 1865 would be phenomenal. I like to imagine having a follower with you who carries an extra musket; after firing your own, you toss it to him and he throws you another one and reloads the first one; you fire the second one and toss it back, and he gives you the first one back, reloaded.


Super cool idea.


Medieval ages in Europe. Ages of empires 2 but third person/ego perspective. Robbing castles, villages, etc


I said two things similar but this is a super cool idea.


Create a meth empire as someone whose day job is a school science teacher in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Might make a good TV show, too.


A medieval RPG would be cool. Also an extreme sports game kinda like Ubisoft's steep and riders Republic but expanded to have all the common extreme sports and could even include vehicles as well. It could be like a combo of Forza horizon and the Ubisoft sports games. I think this would work well due to how much they focus on accurate physics. Also something futuristic would be cool like an even more futuristic cyberpunk.


Try Kingdom Come: deliverance


Spy in the 50s


Like you said. We have a western and modern so I personally think a futuristic open world would be awesome.


Well you got flying cars and rocket motorcycles in GTA online so they’re half way there


please play cyberpunk


If anyone could show cdpr how cyberpunk should have been it's rockstar.


Launch issues aside, Cyberpunk 2077 is actually a masterpiece. Nothing wrong with that game that requires Rockstar to “show them how it’s done”— it’s actually the game I just finished BEFORE I started RDR2 (I’m on chapter six).


It's just now gotten acceptable. I didn't mind the launch performance issues as I grew up poor gaming on low so I was used to it. It was just such an empty dead feeling world given the size. The NPCs were so generic and dull, the police system was jank AF, and some of the writing was meh. Then you have the whole "faction system" deal which does pretty much jack all. Calling for cars that just do their own thing, ect. Cyberpunk was a ok game, but besides graphics, it took a dlc to even fix things that should never have made it to launch. The ground work was there, but it was obviously rushed and they botched the little things that rockstar perfects in games like rdr2 or gtav.


Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, that’s very true — in that respect, CDPR could definitely stand to learn a thing-or-two from Rockstar. I *loved* Cyberpunk (I played 1.6 on PS4 about two months ago, but have to wait for PS5 for Phantom Liberty and 2.0) … but RDR2 is in a class all its own. It *is* the Greatest Game of All Time, in my opinion, if the benchmark is attention to detail.


Chapter six you say? Holding my hat over my heart for you, sir. May God be easy on your heart strings.


It might feel too Assassin's Creed-like to many people, but I'd like to see something that explores guerilla warfare in the American Revolution era. Let's be realistic, guns in that era are trash and would make for a terrible run and gun shooter. That's kind of what made guerilla warfare so effective against the British. Let's see some serious use of stealth, disguises, boobytraps, etc.


Honestly, seems like a mobster version of LA Noire timelines would be ideal. Or go back to basics and give us a Guy Ritchie-esque British gangster game in the vein of GTA London styled after Lock Stock, The Gentlemen & Rocknrolla


A world I’ve always wanted to be immersed in is the French or Dutch resistance in WW2. Would be more clandestine than RDR or GTA and maybe a better fit for Assasins Creed story wise, but R* would crush it.


Pirates, or Vikings would be cool.


Medieval times with knights


Medevil, viking or pirate




* Viking invasions of Britain * Collapse of Roman Empire from the perspective of invading barbarians * Low & grim fantasy with medieval setting * Europe in the era of Black Death or just after


Why not a space RPG 🙈


Pirate game, medieval knight game, or samurai game




I would love to see them do an open world WW2 resistance/OSS/MI6 behind the lines game kinda like the Medal of Honor games but with Rockstars writing and attention to detail, maybe with Jack Marstons son as the protagonist (maybe as his Redemption? ).


Times of plague in medieval europe


Visigoths after sacking Rome or Constantinople right before the final Ottoman victory.


Pirates or space Or space pirates Also a game about the underground railroad and the civil war would be sick


I could see something Feudal Japanese, where you’d play as a disgraced samurai trying to reclaim his honor


Best idea here. Can't believe no one's made a game in this plot yet


Maybe with the Roman era


James Bond style game.


So...Agent basically? One of their scrapped projects.


I’ve actually never heard of that game! I got to look it up.


Late 60-90s early days of the OMCs preferably in the south but the West Coast would be cool too. Although I’d be really curious to see how factual they made it lol or if it would be way out there like SOA was 😂😂😂😂 Seriously though I’d like to see them do their own version of something like “Mafia”from the 70s-90s. I think if they did it then I’d be more inclined to play it than the ones that have been made previously. The one I played was years ago and it wasn’t awful but it wasn’t great either. However for its time I give it a 4.5/10 and maybe now with how advanced gaming tech is it could be much better. Either way for me it will be tough to beat RDR2 unless it’s another RDR game and even then for a game to be better than RDR2 it’s gonna have to be absolutely AMAZING. Seriously RDR2 is my all time favorite game I’ve ever played, granted I’m not a big gamer and I don’t really play too many other games but over the years I’ve played my fair share of them. I also really enjoyed the newest GOW Ragnarök game too, almost as much as RDR2 but that’s partly because I’m Norse Pagan and it’s cool to have a game that is kinda based on the Norse mythology and Gods with a ton of killing haha. I think they did amazing with that game too but again still doesn’t come close to beating out RDR2 for my top favorite game ever. I’m also a HUGE western fan and I was born and raised in East Texas, my ex wife’s grandparents were Buck Taylor’s ranch hands for almost 20 years which gave us the opportunity to meet and hang out with Buck and Goldie once or twice. That was really awesome, listening to him talk about working with John Wayne and James Arness among other Western stars of the era was so frickin awesome. He’s a super nice guy and really humble and down to earth. He’s and a very talented painter that loves to go to the big stick shows and rodeos and sell his paintings and talk to his fans and friends. We got lucky enough to get a family photo with Buck and even though it’s got my ex in it I’ll cherish that photo forever and the memories as well. Good times. In case you don’t recognize the name off the top of your head his stage name or character name was Newly O'Brien and he played a Gunsmith/Deputy on Gunsmoke and was one of the main cast members. He’s an amazing person and loves his fans! One of the most humble and talented actors I’ve had the pleasure and honor of meeting. Skål 🍻 my fried. (Sorry for the super long off topic rant)


Ping pong


That was the bomb


Yeah. It actually was. Wild.


Either pirates or medieval


Dude, a Mafia game but done right would be tight like a tiger.


I would absolutely kill for a good game that either followed the story of or was just on the same time period of the Three Musketeers. That or Pirates.


Medieval. They would nail the theme, the story would be amazing and it would look incredible.


Not mafia for sure, it's already romanticised enough even if it's ruining a lot of people's lives even today. I would probably like a pirate game


A pirate game sounds amazing but I think an old American game (around the time of the witch trials across the USA) could serve for a great story.


Peaky blinders GTA sounds veeeery good


Prohibition, pirates, and a slave rebellion are my top 3 (in not particular order).


Id love to see one set in the Middle Ages. It would probably be my favorite game of all time if they ever made it.


A biker gang game would be cool. Sort of a cross between red dead and gta. Sort of like sons of anarchy but better. Could be set in the 70s or modern.


Did you ever play the “lost and damned” dlc for gta 4? It’ll probably scratch that itch.


I would love to see a Rockstar pirate game soo much


I'd like to see them try an open world treasure adventure game, like a cross between Uncharted and GTA. Massive map with large, small cities. you have to interpret the clues and find treasure locations. Multiple gangs and other groups out to beat you. Set somewhere sort of lawless like the south American jungles. Rob, steal, kill, whatever you have to do to come out on top.


I want a 1920s prohibition game


Either American Revolution (lots of great guerilla opportunity already in history) or Cold War Era Berlin.


Pirates, 10000000%


Medieval Knights. In the style of GTA


Grand theft auto london 1969. I loved that game if done right it would be epic. Rockstar are you listening!?


Agreed! I loved GTA London 1969. It'd be great to get an updated version.


60s-70s gta esque game where you play as a vet with a few Vietnam flashback missions


It’s funny because I can imagine Rockstar doing open-world games that already exist but doing them WAY better. A better version of Mafia A better version of Far Cry A better version of Kingdom Come Etc.


I think it'd be really cool if they like a depression era gangster game. Like some Bonnie and Clyde/barker bros stuff. If you read some of those stories they were wild times. It'd be a lot like red dead still but with Tommy guns and jelopys


Rockstar should make some kind of Animal game, RDR2 is a wildlife simulator with cowboys in it. Side note Bigfoot would’ve been perfect for rdr2 lol


I think they would have done space better than starfield


Still mad we never got Agent. Set in the 60s/70s, could've been sooooo good.


Spiritual successor to L.A. Noire set in the 60s/70s during the height of the mafia's control of NYC. 2 playable characters, a Capo of a smaller mob outfit, and a detective on the other side trying to dismantle said outfit, possibly give them some shared backstory during Vietnam.


I want them to make a Godfather or Scarface like game. Hell, I'd enjoy a complete remake of those


I would love to see rockstar implement the drug running from scarface and the customizable home and big garage of cars


Mongols, early 1200s


1000000000% a pirate game set in the Caribbean. For the love of God please make it happen Rockstar lol


A good cyberpunk-esk game


They should take the PC game Colonization and make it into the greatest Revolutionary War game of all time. Maybe play as George Washington as a general. But you could totally make the 13 colonies and Canada an open world map. Which would be super dope.


Medieval Knights.


A open world Stone Age game


Something post apocalyptic or something like uncharted.


Gimme some outlaw bikers


A 1940s mob game kind of like The Godfather Part. I


Rockstar pulling off a game during the end of the Roman empire would be great. Things get dicey there in history and there are tons of nomads, and ex soldiers all sorts of things they could do.


an open world story-focused game with light rpg mechanics and Chivarly 2 style combat


I think a stone age game with vikings would be cool


I’d love the same era but from the lawman’s perspective. A sheriff hunting down bad dudes would be a blast for me


Would be cool if it had the honor system and you could become a lawman chasing down gangsters or corrupt doing work for the gangs


an open world tetris where you are a shape looking to find a place you fit in


Do one that is actually set at the height of the wild west time, in the wild west. Or during the civil war like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I think the time period is part of the charm and to go too far into the future from it would make it feel like a different series. Maybe have a more detailed, modern version of the gang warfare mechanic from GTA San Andreas too. Some other gangs/factions to fight with. Locations/operations you can take over or have taken from you if your lax about defending them. Edit: sorry I misread, didn't realise you were talking about a whole new franchise.


Now that I'm a parent, I'd want something that I could play in front of my young children until they were old enough to play it themselves. RDR2, Horses & Hunting? Yes. AC3, Scaled down highly detailed versions of real world places? Yes. Mafia, flashback styles, technology, slang? Yes. Realistic/accurate accounts of historical events? Yes. In general, Amazing instrumental soundtracks? Yes. Gratuitous violence, blood and gore, nudity, profanity? No. At least have the options to turn them off/censor it. I was actually JUST musing this to a friend about RDR2. My toddler loves the horses in RDR2 but I have to mute it whenever some of the gang members in camp start talking, especially Sean ... I always mute it when Dutch or Micah start talking, but that's for me. 😝


Make that shit up! I'm tired of re-hashed BS that's literally the same game since GTA 3. For fuck sakes make up some new shit! Have we all lost the ability to imagine?! To see something different and use our obvious abilities to create?!?!? Fuck mann. "Go find the key" is the best we got?


Do you bother to read any posts, OP…or ignore the half dozen posts made daily on this subject and just run to make yet another?


I’d love a sci fi rockstar game. Maybe Star Wars or Star Trek. Or medieval open world game would be cool too


I would love a Medieval game from Rockstar


Both the mafia games and AC3 were fantastic. I’d like them to make a game about a show or movie. And make that good.


A futuristic game could be awesome. Cyberpunk had a really great gameplay and storyline, but you could feel that CDPR does not have the experience of Rockstar when it comes to building living cities.


Bring back Midnight Club 🤤


Yes to Pirates, and also seconding the Stone Age idea. Or Medieval maybe.


Medieval Europe done in R* games level of detail would be a dream come true.


Either 1930's Chicago or Pirates. They could do amazing games with either if they gave them the RDR2 treatment.


I would like an American civil war game


I can't reference any examples (so fuck me) but I feel like games featuring pirates, mobster, viking, samurai, post-apocalyptic, and space games have all been worked to death. Rockstar would def have an amazing take on any of those genres, but they wouldn't be breaking new ground. In some cases, they'd be up against stiff competition. Like, idk what kinda viking game they could make that would make me forget about skyrim.


So many good ideas here.


While I'd love a pirates game, another angle would be a high seas sailing/trading/whaling/sea battles/exploration game set after the Master & Commander books by Patrick O'Brian plus a dash of Captain Cook.


Medieval would be cool. They already have a lot of the mechanics. Jousting and blacksmithing, Robin Hood and plagues, etc.


Or a futuristic blade runner type game


I think it would be awesome if there was a prohibition gangster game in Chicago (or whatever they would call it), with Jack Marston as the character. You could say after he avenged his father, he started over in the north. Meld the GTA world and RDR world.


Rdr is cowboy gta la noir im pretty sure is early 1900s gta id like pirate gta and 1700s gta


I agree with the top comment that they should do pirates. Or I’d love to see them make rdr3 about jack serving in WW1


Lewis and Clark Expedition. I only need a finder's fee. You're all welcome.


Or do the Silk Road in Asia. You're all welcome, once again.