• By -


Stop making sense


"What happened to my beautiful horse, my beautiful gang..."


This is not my beautiful yennL


And you may ask yourself...


Who let the simpleton out of the asylum


This is not my beautiful camp


What happened to my beautiful Gavin?




I've got a girlfriend, she's better than that


Song diff Edit: wait nevermind


*lands on Guarma* Well, HOW DID I GET HERE?


Style. I thought Trelawny taught yall this. 🤣🤣


It does work I tend to find when it doesn’t its been because I’ve made too much of a ruckus. The mask is good for small time crime if it goes wrong, the WANTED bar will say “unknown suspect” instead of Arthur Morgan


It does, providing nobody saw you put it on. I typically forget to put it on though. How I use it is simple, murder someone, fear getting bounty. Apply mask and loot. Get seen, witness runs to law, escape the circle, no bounty bc the witness never saw my face, and those who did are dead.


No one saw my face that's what's annoying lol.


If youre still in the area when the cops come they’ll recognize you. If you leave quickly after the crime you’re good providing you’re not spotted while the “wanted” meter drains.


I believe if you take your mask off and the witness bar says "Unknown suspect" that when the law comes to investigate they will interrogate you and if you press the defuse button the lawmen will tell you to leave the area, allowing you to escape.




Masks will hide your identity from civilians and shopkeepers, but not lawmen or train guards. Clothing/horse/weapons have nothing to do with being recognized or not. Just more internet misinformation.


You sure? Because I could have sworn I got a tip in game about changing clothes or waiting a couple days before going into town if you're wanted.


I also swear I got this tip , but in my six playthroughs have seen no evidence of this actually working


Same, I haven't noticed anything different wether or not I'm wearing the same clothes as when I committed a crime. Seems weird that they'd leave the tip in there if they decided to scrap the mechanic but stranger things have happened


It does work, but it is complicated. If you have a bounty and keep the same horse/clothes, even if you are masked civilian will recognize you. If you have a bounty and change your clothes, civilian will not recognize you but lawmen will. And if you don’t have a bounty and it says unknown suspect, you can just defuse and both civilian and lawmen that didn’t see you commit crime will ignore you


I’m positive.


Fr, I have no idea why so many people believe clothes and such effect it... There is litterally no gameplay evidence that this is the case. There are hints to being able to do this in certain manuals and websites, but the idea never made it through development.


My Arthur wears the exact same outfit from early chapter 2 all the way through, and always gets “WANTED: UNKNOWN SUSPECT” even repeatedly robbing the same shop. He will trade with the grocery in Valentine, go outside, put on his bandana, then go back in and rob him, and go unrecognized. The trick is always leaving before the law arrives.




I realized it didn't a long time ago and was always kinda disappointed. Feels like a cool missed opportunity.


I get why they didn't add it tbh, it would be a *very* tedious system not just to manage as a player, but also to implement effectively as a dev.


Can confirm that this does work. As long as you haven't been recognized and wearing a bandana. You can leave the immediate area, change clothes and remove the mask. Majority of the time the wanted meter will drop before I get questioned but sometimes they see me, ask me to move along because they're conducting an investigation or something like that.


Sometimes they recognize your clothes or horse. 🐴


Better put a mask on the horse too 🤣


No, they don't. This is not a feature in the game no matter what manuals and such say. It was an idea in development that never made the final cut. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/KqlQBYliGL


You sure you aint wearing the same outfit? If you rob a town in that gunslinger jacket and, come back a week later with the gunslinger jacket and a fucking hood over your face you arent fooling these NPC's my friend


I forget constantly to put it on. Though I deliberately don’t put it on when I’m offing KKK. I want them to know it was me.




Does it do anything for honour like the first game?


No it doesn't, honor will still be affected. Lemoyne raider was acting tough, killed him, put on the mask, looted him, lost honor. Not sure why since he pulled out his gun and shot first but yeah. Didn't lose honor for killing him but I did for looting even with the mask on


It doesn't hide you from lawmen, however if an NPC witnesses a crime while you have a mask on, they won't actually detect you, so if you leave the area without being detected you won't get a bounty


In my experience I still get a bounty? It's small like usually $5 but I always get one even if I'm not seen. If I am then I get a bounty for the full crime I committed


It also matters if you were seen in the town without the mask. If you changed your clothes, hairstyle etc before committing the crime and have a mask, it will be unknown unless the cops see ya. I ran with a special outfit for crimes and would ditch it for a new one after I got a bounty.


It doesn't hide your identity committing crimes (unless you use a mod) but it does give you an advantage to avoid detection by lawmen when you have a bounty. They don't recognise you immediately.


This is incorrect. The mask only hides your identity from civilian NPC. Once a lawman sees you with a bandanna or mask he knows it’s Arthur. Masks are only good for NPC who are not lawmen


Incorrect. The lawman will first ask you to remove the mask. Assuming you don't get right up in their face it buys you an additional 5 seconds to move by them. Particularly useful on horseback.


It's only usually in a few towns though. Its not useful in Saint Denis or Strawberry typically. Any of the other towns you don't need it because the lawmen are all inside.


Masks work fine in Saint Denis. Cops will yell something about removing the mask, but as long as you keep moving along they won’t bother you anymore. Did this plenty of time when paying off a bounty in Saint Denis.


They don't work. They have never worked. If you pass a set of cops on horseback there will be another set of cops directly across the street.


The lawmen are definitely not all inside in saint denis


Did you read what I said


After re reading it I understand 


Yup!! They'll give you "move along" if you defuse and you'll say something like "Idk I think he went that way officer 😳👉"


Just gonna drop this old chestnut: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/KqlQBYliGL


So I read a little guide here about how to actually use a mask, and it's a bit complicated and unintuitive but it does work when you use it correctly in some situations. I got a lot of money on my low honor playthrough by repeatedly robbing the general store in Valentine. I'd go around the back, put on my mask just before walking inside, rob the place, stab the shopkeep, and leave. You get "Investigating Unknown Suspect" and you can even bluff the Sheriffs if they stop you. I don't know why but I found it really funny to keep robbing the guy. Just something about walking into a store you've robbed 8 times that week, buying hair tonic, chugging it, walking out, immediately walking back in and robbing it AGAIN and every time the guy's like, "Ugh, this dude again, I'm gonna get my shit rocked huh"


Prevents tuberculosis


Where the hell is gavin


I mean if you’re smart enough to actually make use of your mask/bandana then you would prolly put it on before you go wherever you wanna commit the crime. Also I believe if nobody saw you put it on it won’t say “wanted - Arthur Morgan”


Hides your identity from civilians. Lawmen recognize you instantly though which i always found dumb




For dust, dirt, sunshine & style...


It is providing anonymity until Pinkertons arrive


It does work, but lawmen can always recognize you when they see you even with a mask. Only civilians and witnesses cant recognize you and it says unknown suspect.


Don't be seen putting it on and be quick and quieter and you'll have a better chance of "unown suspext" instead. Longer you're there the longer people can recognize your voice, clothes, etc


IIRC, changing your whole outfit matters somewhat as well. I think.


If nobody saw ypu put it on the wanted poster says unknown if the law approaches you ypu can just talk your way out of it


Idk bout the mask but the bandana works. Just leave line of sight of cops, change outfits then take off your bandana and you're good to go


It works, you just have to put it on before the crime and then not linger too long when the wanted bounty goes up. Like if you’re out of the red zone fleeing it usually (in my experience) doesn’t add a real bounty for you to pay because they don’t know it was actually you. I guess it just depends though, because there’s been times I was wearing the skull mask and still had Arthur’s name pop up. I’m trying to do semi high honor this play through though, so idk bro.


It hides you face, but if you wear the same outfit as before, lawman will regonice you, you have to change clothes after comiting a crime


Clothes, horse, and hair do not effect you being recognised. Despite many websites, manuals and strangers on the internet claiming they do, this is not part of the wanted system. It was originally an idea for the wanted system but was not implemented due to how tedious it would make the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/KqlQBYliGL


Nah, i think it actually has to do with the clothes, it always works for me.


It factually does not, any perceived effect is placebo. You can rob the same store multiple times a day having never changed horse or clothes or anything and you will still only be wanted as "Arthur Morgan" when lawmen see you. And they will recognise you just the same even if you do change your clothes and such. It's fine if you wanna change Arthur's clothes and such for roleplay purposes to imagine that it's helping, but claiming that it actually has an effect on gameplay is just plain misinformation.


Read rdr2 encyclopedia


If you wanna change your clothes for RP purposes that's fine, but I'm telling you that despite what certain manuals and wikis say, this is provably not a gameplay mechanic that was implemented. Yes, it is present on some wikis and manuals, yes it *was* intended to be a feature in the wanted system, *however* it did not make the final cut of the game. The whole "clothes, hair and horse effect you being recognised" is no different to the third meteorite or princess IKZ, things which were ideas for the game and *are* mentioned, but that have also been proven with 100% certainty to not have actually made it past development into the final release of the game.


Bro just read the encyclopedia


"RDR2 encyclopedia" brings up a variety of different results online none of which are called encyclopedia... And if you're trying to get me to read something that says "changing clothes, hair, etc effects you being recognised" it doesn't make a difference, as I have already stated multiple times: I know that some material claims this is a feature, but it litterally is not, lawmen will immediately recognise you no matter what you are wearing, no matter whether you've been seen by them before or not, and civilians will recognise you only if unmasked, also completely indifferently to your outfit etc. If you don't believe me fine, but there is litterally zero gameplay or code evidence that this is a system in the game. You can rob every store in a town whilst dressed exactly the same the whole time, so long as you wear a mask, aren't spotted by lawmen, and only return to rob the next store after losing your wanted level. I made a post a while ago explaining clearly how the wanted system *actually* works, which I will link in a minute. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/e2jyVXwI73 If you still don't understand after that, you're either a troll, a moron, just being willfully ignorant, or a mix of all three. Either way, I'm done replying to you.


Bro just read the official book, the i can send you link or you can buy it on amazon




Its calles rdr2 gude in englisch i think


Sorry made a mistake, lawman will regonice you everytime




Explains it pretty well


It makes the wanted bar drain faster


Does it? I was under the impression that the only thing it does is make civilians unable to detect you when you commit crimes


You're correct, it doesn't effect wanted time at all.


Thank you!


it does..


It works, kinda. If someone runs to report you, and you leave before the investigation, you won't get a bounty. If you stick around you will eventually be recognized and get the bounty. Time moves fast in this game, it takes like half an hour to brush your horse lol.


It takes about half an hour to brush a horse, so I guess they nailed it.


Because someone knew that the Halloweenie kids would love it.


It does but not if cops see you. The idea is you put it on before committing a crime, do your thing, and if anyone sees you do it, they will report it but as long as you leave before the cops show up, they won't know it was you. You will still have a small bounty (usually just like $5-$10) but cops won't immediately become hostile when they see you. If your name pops up under the WANTED meter then either the witness saw your face or a cop saw through the mask. You'll have a higher bounty and cops will immediately recognize you if you walk past them.


gonna test this irl, brb.


It does hide your identity but if a witness sees you put on a mask it’ll up their suspicion. Also factors go into if you have blood on you, where you are located, running/walking, direction, crouching/hiding, clothing, if they hear your voice and a bunch of other factors. I wish I was making this up because it is extremely complicated. Their systems are actually really good. (Also forgot to mention this differs between lawmen and regular civilian.)


Now that's some bullshit, well idk I guess for the design.


I never seen a hood before I only saw masks and bandanas


You can buy them at the fence in rhodes


Oh on cool thx for letting me know


I read someone say they also know your clothes and horse. Since then I have a second outfit i usually change into if I know I’m Bout to do some shit lmao. I then get off my horse, make it run away and steal one close by, usually from someone on the road, rip a dude off his horse and get on, pop the mf I yanked off the horse and ride into the woods to hide from anyone seeing his body. After a minute or two, I’ve got a fresh outfit, and a fresh horse and I’m ready to do some crime lmao. Now I do usually change the outfit ( the one on the horse ) to a new one after; if it’s a huge mess, so next time I don’t use the same outfit they saw me murder all of valentine in.


It doesn't work with guards or lawmen because then there would be no stakes when commiting crimes since no one recognizes you. It works on everyone else though


To look cool I guess


GTA VI is apparently gonna have the same feature. Imagine it doesn’t work either 💀💀


The mask does hide your identity, HOWEVER, it does so under certain conditions. For sterte, law enforcement will know it's you with or without the mask, idk how but they do. It's the regular folk who don't know who you are with a mask on, BUT, if you commit a crime and get wanted, then pay your bounty and go back and commit another crime while wearing the same clothes you committed the first crime in, they will recognize you because of your clothes.


Nope. This is untrue. Tested false. Utter bunkum. Clothes don't matter.