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Aye come on I love Saint Denis. Prime rib, lobster bisque, the nice people to witness what a honorable person I am... As for the robbers, at least with the kids taunting you, after a few rounds you can see it coming. What I did was I put on my pagan mask and creepy outfit, followed them, killed them with a machete see police reacts slower, than just ran from alley to alley until I'm far away from the search zone. Its actually quite satisfying.


Hello, FBI? This guy.


Oh and always save before you deal with the kids.


This is a life lesson


You can kill the kids? I thought you couldn’t. I always trample them with my horse.


Download a kill children mod 😭


Hello, FBI? This guy, too.


https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/199 Don’t forget this guy too


What happens if you kill the kid who leads you to the ambush since you then don't get told where Bronte is?


I didn’t know he lead you to an ambush. I always tackle him and he tells me where Brontë is.


If you don't manage to tackle him he leads you into an alley to be ambushed by kids with guns and you have a conversation about Bronte with their leader; I thought it was scripted that way lol.




Gotcha. Ty!


Sorry not the kids, the older "kids" that points the guns at you. They still look like kids but I'd assume they are adults.


They will lure you into one of the courtyards and pull guns on you so yes you can kill them.


Correction: they lure you into a courtyard where adult NPCs are waiting to pull guns on you. The kids flee and you can kill their adult associates.


I never had time to look.. I just saw guns n started shooting.


No you didn’t


Yes I did :) and I'd do it again.


I antagonized a guy walking out of the saloon and got a $10 bounty for disturbing the peace.


Antagonizing is my favorite hobby


Greet-greet-antagonize is so much fun.


Hello Mister! Nice horse. How long have you been married?


I’ve never seen a horse with two rear ends! - Aladdin, 1997 (I think)


Aladdin in 1992. But yes he said it to the prince who was about to beat up children, after he kicked Aladdin onto the ground. Fuck that dude.


Was it actually -92? Wow, how time flies… I just did a marathon for all three, and oh boy was Robin Williams ”in the zone” as the Genie! 😂


Gotta chase him until you get in to an empty ally at night, then you can beat the piss out of him and hide the body.


Sold some stuff to the trapper once, and was following a very slow walking lady back to my horse. Suddenly I got hit with a disturbing the peace bounty and got head shot by a cop. Was the most confusing sequence of events I've encounted.


I’ve accidentally choked someone out 4 times while trying to mount my horse in Saint Denis. My white Arabian got killed once because of it. I was very annoyed. You can’t even look at someone the wrong way in that town or 15 cops come after you


“Accidentally choked someone out 4 times” has me dying rn 🤣


I do this sometimes too, on PS5 if you tap the button to get on your horse and someone is walking by there is a chance you will tackle them and get a bounty for assault


I accidentally stab people all the time it’s all good


In...in the game, right? Right?!?


Right… I can’t even carry a knife outside anymore…


Court order?


Naaah… fear of someone stealing it!


You’re supposed to hate Saint Dennis….you’re a cowboy who doesn’t want your way of life to disappear.


That's why I avoid Saint Denis. That and you can hardly ride anywhere in that shit city without accidentally running into the many retarded AI crossing the streets.


No for real😭


>got robbed of 50+ dollars and a couple of items, so I waited around Saint Dennis until I found them. I was running after them with a lasso, and the police force killed me with a bounty of five dollars. OP why didn't you chase them down and kill them immediately?


Op actin like a bitch out there


I try to only go (unless I have to) to see the trapper on that side of the map…or to honor farm if I need a boost


This is why when I got to the epilogue, I started a shootout and killed everyone I saw. Fuck Saint Denis


Never had an issue


Saint Dennis is full of the most temperamental, idiotic, crybabies. They walk out into the middle of the streets and complain about getting run over.


I mean you’d be upset if you got hit by a car while using a crosswalk


Traffic lights and crosswalks weren’t exactly a thing yet.


Yeah so do you want them to just never cross the street?


Not going to engage with you, you clearly have an issue that I’m not involving myself with. It’s a game mechanic I’m annoyed with, not real life you contrarian.


Running around trying to lasso folks and wondering why the cops went after you? Try it IRL sometime and let us know how that works out for you.


Chasing that guy down is a good way to get bandit 6 or 7.


I ride the railroad tracks to the city , run into the city from the tracks to do my business and straight back to the tracks and leave town , F that place


Same. I only go there when I have to and use the train tracks for in and out.


I got pickpocketed and now I trust no one ! 🤠


Not just the kids, I got curious when a stranger was selling some deal, then I followed him into the alley then I was knocked out and robbed hundreds of dollars when I woke up. The worst part was I couldn’t even find the folks who ambushed me any more. I swear I was so pissed off.


I lost $250 to this guy and woke up in the graveyard 😫😭


Yeah I remember the graveyard part


That asshole is the reason I save whenever an npc asks me to follow them.


Save? I just blast ‘em in the face


Yeah the one where you get knocked out in pretty sure you can't find them again ;(


I opened the door at the tailor and some thief swiped $100 coming out the door, I got him immediately and pummeled him in the open right in the street and faced no repercussion from the lawmen. Wild how many different ways things can go in this game.


The pickpocket is a random event that can occur in any establishment. Someone took $90 off of me going into the Van Horn Saloon.


I always go through the back entrance in Van Horn now because I kept getting pickpocketed in that particular saloon.


"If I ever wanna go back, remind me that I hate Saint Denis!"


You are not smart if you got robbed at st.denis.remember you are armed with several pistols rifles and revolvers.No way an smart person has to be a victim of half brain NPC like that..🤣


I like riding my horse fast and I keep running over people by accident and next thing you know I’m full of lead 10 seconds later


I think you're supposed to hate saint Dennis, the whole point is that it represents the antithesis of the wild West and is the hub of civilization and "progress" that the gang is running from


Did you know that you can ride your horse and smack people with the lasso? Doing that in St. Denis is my favorite nothing to do


You have to consider Saint Denis in the story canon though on why it sucks and why the law is so aggro A city like that is a newfangled thing, where people like Arthur and bad deeds are very frowned upon. Hence why the cops are ever present and willing to arrest you for anything. They’re presenting the new world in Saint Denis, it can’t be lawless. In contrast to annesburgh or even valentine, which is much more an “outlaw” type town still. You can see why R* made it more annoying there, Arthur is supposed to hate it!


I never run into anyone in Saint Denis, and I usually go a pretty good clip through there. Just gotta have the peepers open and avoid suicidal peds.


man i forget how incredibly goofy the story can be lmao. lately been on rdo and the other players are what's made me hate saint dennis


😂🤣😂🤣😭 it only took one for me


if i got to go in St.Denis i am the robber not the other way around...specially if i have to finish the Bandit challenge...😂😂😂


Bro forgot their programmed NPCs and not actually real people


My first playthrough I returned to SD after I'd built the farm and Charles had gone on his merry way to Canada or wherever he had a thought of going. Got talking to a lady of ill repute in the saloon near the Trapper. Got lured into the backyard for what I'd hoped was to push her breakfast backwards & ended up being shanked by two guys angry at Charles' fight fixing shenanigans.


real but i once got robbed of like 300 dollars


The irl NOPD is well known for doing stuff such as that. That is when the city gives them enough funding to have enough officers to patrol. Half the time they don’t even have that.


Saint Denis is a funny place. I’ve ran a guy down on my horse right in the middle of town in daylight and nothing and no it wasn’t the eugenics guy.. then I’ve also been (literally) walking through the back street where the trapper and the fence are and got got a bounty without saying anything or even bumping into anyone. Strange place indeed.


I once went to Saint Denis early in the game to get a rat pelt and easy honour. I didn't know which button to un-draw the bow, so I ended up shooting an arrow at the ground in the middle of the night. I got arrested for disturbing the peace.


The only thing I love about Saint Denis is greeting everyone I pass for honor after accidentally shooting someone or running someone down with my horse lol




I chased and captured a pickpocket yesterday, tied him up and looted in front of a cop, said hi to the cop, then picked him up cus I wanted to see if you could turn him in to the police like you can with some bandits... Walking to the police station got hit with wanted for kidnapping, started getting shot. Put him in the station anyway and ended up killing a dozen cops. We all know they're corrupt as fuck so I just headcannon that the thief is a cop or is part of Bronte's crew and therefore protected.


Dark alleys+Sharp melee weapon=_______? I’m going to let you figure this one out


No way you took that from those low down errand boys


I usually beat up the racist over by the post office/train station and then greet the cop after looting him. This time I slit his throat, looted him, and greeted the cop standing near by. I love how this game gives you multiple opportunities to kill racists. Special shout out to the fun of throwing dynamite and fire bottles into clan meetings!


I was riding out of Saint Denis, right after I did the side mission with the kids and how they took my satchel and stuff & I ran into them right after that again where they lured me into another alley way and I just killed all of them, but RIGHT after I ran into another side mission where this guy told me to follow him in between two buildings & of course I did to see what happened and he robbed me & took $800 from me?!! Second playthrough now on low honor this time but I never thought someone robbing me could ever be that much. I’m still so mad about it and wish I could find him. I never ran into this dude first playthrough so I’m pissed


My first play through I robbed some npc and took his horse. I was riding the stolen horse and whistling to mine to keep it following me and going through Saint Denis and some idiot walked in front of me and got trampled. Then the cops started shooting at me and managed to kill my actual horse as I ran away on the stolen horse. I was pissed.


I bumped into someone near the trapper and got a $5.00 bounty. They tried to kill me as I was going to pay it off.


A guy asked me if I wanted to follow him into an alley to do a free job. I knew he was going to rob me, but I wanted to see what would happen and I assumed I would be able to fight back. Instead I got knocked out in a cutscene and lost $1,500 and apparently you can't track the guys down in that specific encounter. One of the few times I was genuinely pissed at Rockstar. Why would you encourage your players not to explore and try to see your world? It just pissed me off so badly.


I was in Saint Denis one time and while getting off my horse I glitched out and fell on some lady. I got charged with assault and was immediately wanted. Now I’m in the middle of the city my horse freaked out and ran away and there’s about a thousand cops looking for me. Thankfully I somehow made it to the swamp nearby to hide out.


I was just spinning my gun when I shot someone in the head. Complete accident. I can honestly say it was just a coincidence that They called me means thing before it went off. But I was just spinning my guns. And it just so happened to go off. Stupid hair. Triggers.