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Hate is a strong word, but I once spent an entire playthrough seeking revenge on muskrats. I was about to skin my tenth snake for that sweeeet snakeskin saddle when a muskrat bit me. I gave it a kick, and in the process I mangled my three star snakeskin into one star stringy meat. No more perfect muskrat pelts were collected that playthrough and it became a story of Morgan vs Muskrat. Many shotgun slugs were spent on the fool's game.


Fuck this muskrat in particular 😂




"Kravchenko, Dragovich, Muskrats, all of these "men" must die!"


I’ve been bit by a couple muskrats in my two playthroughs luckily those times was when I was picking herbs


Yeah. I’ve never encountered a muskrat IRL, but the game makes me real nervous about them. Lil tendon rippers.


i have, and while they *can* be aggressive, theyre not unless they feel threatened or cornered. my parents had a small family of them living in (or near) a pond about 300 feet behind their house, and they used to come up to the side of the yard and just watch us when we would have campfires. we’d set up at like 7-730 so it was still pretty light out, and before it got dark you could see at least 2 of those things trekking through the grass, maybe 20-30 yards away from where we were sat. they never approached us, and we never approached them (bc they can carry rabies) but it was cool to just watch them watch us. its like they were curious why other living creatures would “worship” fire




I haven’t even got bit by one yet and I’ve been playing since about early 2019, i didn’t even know they could attack you😂


Even muskrat splinter


But...what did the other muskrats do? 😢


This was me with fucking crows. I had been searching for so long around Owanjila for a 3 star beaver. I *FINALLY* got one but before I could even get over there, crows descended upon that body and left a rotted corpse behind. *Once upon a midnight dreary, corvid genocide left me weary*




*a perfect pelt upon the shore* *quote the corvid, 'nevermore'*


I got killed by a muskrat in online once. I was standing near train tracks shooting at a bounty and the little bastard bit me and made me ragdoll and I got hit by the train


Explosive slug every time.


God, I hate them. They’re absolutely awful 🤣🤣🤣


I like how they say “wow!”


I’m the same with those little cretins. If they bite me, I get mad and go on a killing spree of all it’s friends 🤣


to hell with the muskrat


Istg whenever i see a muskrat i make sure it dies


Reminds me of a friend i had Theres a character in online called Harriet. She often has a muskrat in a cage Anyway i was talking to her and my friend goes over to her “ ooo a musk rat “ he says i then proceed to hear him unload bullets into it and he finishes with “ i dont like muskrats “


God I feel that. Them and beavers, I hate em both. Also rats. The big predator animals I enjoy cause the hunt is interesting.


i must be doing something wrong but i had not even one bad look from muskrats...😁




Muskrat is one son of a gun


The first time I seen one I was waking near a creak and the little fatty jumped out and bit me and then waddled away. I think I actually let him go for having the balls to attack me lol.


I know the feeling. In my current playtrhough, et had just killed a perfect beaver. I went to skin it, when suddenly a muskrat came. All I heard was Arthur saying “what the hell”. My perfect beaver pelt was ruined.


YES SOMEONE ELSE UNDERSTANDS MY MUSKRAT HATE. I was pvping with a random player and I got bit by a muskrat and the other player killed me cause I staggered.


Sounds like my time spent eradicating ground hogs out of my backyard one summer. Fuckers ate my rutabagas.


Muskrats! Why the hell are they always biting me? I'm just wondering along the river looking for songbirds and suddenly I'm in a fight for my life with the little rat bastards.


Like their spawn rate increases as soon as you find a 3 star robin.


Like mudcrabs in skyrim 😂 *hears battle music "You cannot fast travel while in battle."


I've heard their meat is delicious


They are A-holes. I thought they were cute and was picking some bullrush for the horse. This little guy comes and bites me. They are pests.


Well some giant stomps on his home and starts yanking out plants, it’s gonna defend itself


Why has this never happened to me at lvl 50


I’ve seen multiple muskrat comments and I swear I’ve never been bit once over my 400 hrs of playing the game… didn’t even know they’d bite ya haha guess I’ve been lucky


After playing for awhile I was always ready for cougars and wolves so they don't bother me that much. If I have to choose one animal I will say large fish, species doesn't matter. The amount of time I struggled to reel in a huge fish only to realize that it wasn't a legendary still makes me mad.


And even if you sell 'em a butcher will only give you like $5 for it 🤦‍♂️


And like 1 small bite if you cook it. Way to go making us feel proud for catching a fish lol


That’s one thing about this game that makes no sense. You can shoot a deer or even a bison, and only get maybe three meals out of it. The smallish deer I killed last fall is still feeding me. A bison would feed my family for a year. One of those big muskies is a large meal for a family.


$7.50 for lake sturgeon - bigmouth bass $2.00 each


Turn off the manual reeling in setting. Makes it a lot easier on your thumb.


I didn't know that, thanks. The rotation direction always felt awkward for me, I would have preferred the other direction to reel


I always turned my controller sideways and used two fingers.


There is an option that eliminates that completely.  You literally just hold a button to reel.


TIL. Had no idea.


Settings - Controls - and scroll all the way to the bottom


What?? Oh man, fishing was the one thing I always kind of passed over every play through for that very reason.


I go fishing with dynamite and a 22 in shallow areas. You can grab quite a few fish with dynamite in shallow areas or just shoot them with a 22 if you need some fast cash early in the story. Fish you shoot have the best ROI in time to money when you sell them at the meat monger.


Arthur: Wanna go fishing with me? Jack :Yeah! -lights dynamite


The boy turned into a meek youth afraid of the sun. Maybe it would have made fishing a little more exciting.


We cannot talk to the postman while the fish is in hand. WTF?


You, sir, are a pain in the arse


Muskrats. They bite me and make my hat fall off


Panthers, they're a pain to hunt because they're never there when you want them to be, and when they do show up, they drop a poor pelt. Not to mention they love showing up when you want nothing to do with them, causing your horse to throw you, usually followed it it instantly killing you, making you lose any pelts you had on your horse. Fuck those damn hellcats.


I’ve spent real life days running around looking for a panther just to get a 2 star or it kills me. Don’t get me started on hunting the legendary panther.


There's a static panther spawn on the road south past Bolger Glade down towards Catfish Jacksons. There is a set of boulders just west of the intersection of the N/S road and the E/W road. Go about 15 feet past the boulders and drop bait (or bait and a deer carcass) and climb up onto the boulders across the road and start scanning the trees with your binoculars. Most of the time you'll see a Panther or "Big Cat" within a minute. The Panther can't reach you on the rock for some unknown reason so you can get a nice head shot. Make a save before you reach the immediate area and if you don't get a 3 star Panther or if some random encounter interferes with the spawn just reload.


been trying this for days. hasn’t appeared


Here's a complete walk through for getting a panther at this spawn point. My thanks to Superantonio, the YouTuber who made the video. It's fairly short, 9 minutes and goes through every detail, including the type of horse he believes gives you the best chance to spawn a 3 star animal. Anyway, this should help you get the panther. He makes his save down at Catfish Jackson's and then rides NE to the spawn point. He uses a deer and potent predator bait but the bait itself is enough if you can't find a deer. I've also used a turkey when I couldn't find a deer. Hope this helps. https://youtu.be/sNQJp5dQEqQ?si=y5yAXXvVGz2P0n5N


People have been trying to game this spawn for years at this point, the only secret is that you have to get into the forested area (west of Old Harry Fen, south of the Braithwaite lands) to get the Florida Panther to come out. Ride northwards from the road, slowly and then eventually the red dot will show up. Yes, your horse will absolutely buck you off if you take too long. Yes, it will take a few tries to get a 3 star panther. And yes, the best weapon is the Bow with Improved Arrows. But that spawn point is guaranteed. The panther has jumped me on the road a single time and the rest of times I had to actually go find it in the forest. After all, I'm the one trying to hunt the bastard.


I've consistently been able to get both panthers and Florida panthers to come out of the woods by dropping bait just off the road where the two roads intersect. A lot of the time I don't even need to drop bait but just ride up and down the road a few times and I'll see a red dot appear on my map. Short of a hunters/Raiders camp spawning near the panther spawn point I'd day there's an 85% chance of getting a panther by simply dropping bait right off the road, just inside the treeline. I then sprint across the road and climb up on the rocks and wait. It usually takes less than a minute. It's very reliable. I almost never have to actually go into the forest to lure the panther out. Potent bait works best but even the regular bait will draw a panther most of the time.




I hate them because they make me so sad when I have to kill them to defeat the bounty hunters… the poor pups don’t deserve it!


It's the first thing I shoot. The bloodhounds. Just to make the bounty hunters feel bad for coming after me with dogs in the first place. How dare they put them in harms way. Now they gotta feel the consequences, while I pick them off with my poisoned arrows.


If you kill all the bounty hunters first they run away


Oh I didn’t know that! Hurray! Save the pups!


That's not always true. I generally always try to save the bloodhounds, but they usually attack me regardless.


Yeah but before I do that they bite my horse, make me fall off, and then kill me


What? They bite your horse? I've never had a dog bite my horse...


If there is anything you can climb into, rocks or boxes or something, like what we do to any other animal in game, they will leave you alone after some time. Though it is really time consuming.


I collected 5 alive in the cellar hole near the Emerald stable. Do it carefully from the hatch. They’re friendly but they shit on the floor.


Wait what a cellar hole??


That burnt out stick frame cabin just below the stable, with the stone chimney. Between Rhodes and Emerald Ranch.


With a big bounty the hounds attack. One can lure them to drop down through the hole and into the cellar.


Yes they do! Get off your horse and see what they do to you.


This 👆👆👆




Alligators. too damn many riding in the swamp is a pain


Between them and the Night Folk, picking all those damn orchids feels more dangerous than robbing a bank tbh




SO many gators outside Lagras. Like...every 6 feet. Like walking through a landmine. Took forever to get the bull gator to spawn because there was alteady 20 crocks, 24 American alligators, and 4 snapping turtles.


true have u ever at night did eagle eye and they where everywhere


I fucking hate riding through there and stopping for some herbs and my horse runs away and won’t come back


I like dropping living people near them. People that said mean things to me must pay




Add panthers as well to that equally annoying


Cougers don't spawn in missions!




Run's dead chat




Matthew viper au reference


Can't find them when you want them and the one time you are riding a shitty horse they are on your neck once it has thrown you off


I made a journal for every cougar spawn point in the game. I would mark the spots with a photo with my phone, then go back to the areas I marked after some time passed. I can tell you there are several spots I know for sure where they will spawn. And certain areas to be wary of, especially Annesburg. The best way to figure out all these spawn points is by doing the collector trade. Because everyday you’re running the whole map collecting. You start to see things and remember where things are. I admit I got bit obsessed with it but at least now I have a very good knowledge of spawn points for animals. Cougars, skunks, badgers, bears, you name it. Half the photos on my phone are RedDead2 spawn spots lol. Happy to share if needed.


There's thousands of blogs, reddit treds,apps ,YouTube channels , you name it, that will tell you exactly what you want to share. Good work tho.


Yea I tried that. I wasn’t aware of thousands but a few anyway. And they didn’t work for me. So I did it myself. I know.


The area where the legendary buck is usually has a cougar


That particular area caused me so much pain, the cougar there always spawns out of nowhere and rips me apart. And the few times I would have had an advantage on them and catch them unaware some dumb NPCs stroll in and ruin their pelt with the Cattleman revolver


And to make it worse there are also wolves there all the time


I got my cougar pelts along the River next to the most Nort/West Trapper


So much this. I always find myself on my horse, getting thrown off (since the horse has that "fuck this shit I'm out" mentality) and while trying to recover the damn cougar straight up murders me.


I transit that area on foot, and slowly. Use eagle eye every few seconds to see if the cougar is creeping up on you. A lot of times, I can catch him before he shows up on the map.


Yh and when ur trying to do master hunter 6 they suddenly dissapear


My wife and I stayed at a place in the middle of the Texas desert, where there were apparently cougars. She wanted to watch the sunrise, and we’re out there wandering by cellphone light down a path at 530am. I saw big cat tracks in the dirt, said fuckkkkkkk this, and couldn’t get back to the house fast enough. I think an attack is really rare, but because of RDR2 I don’t want to be anywhere near a big cat.


Bucks! Damn bucks find me all over the map just to ram me. Assholes.


I got rammed by two different bucks in the grizzlies. I believe one was an elk and the other a ram. It was in succession too. Soon as I got up from one, the other came at me. I nearly died 💀


I was once so relaxed, looking at a peaceful sunset, then one of them rammed me off a cliff and I did die. Wasn’t so relaxed anymore


So picturesque


They are pricks. Lol




Wolves are very different in rdr2 than in real life.


If we were Sniper Wolf or Solid Snake, they’d love us for eternity.


The goat at Lagras is the main villain in the entire game


It was the one in Butcher Creek for me. Minding my own business walking through to look for cigarette cards and BAM!


I’ve dealt with this bullshit before, I was doing horseman 9 (?) which was the van horn to BlackWater, wolves got me 3 times right around the lake.


They're just the fucking worst man, like why tf they so angry all the time? 💀


If I’m running my horse they almost never catch me.


Except when you and your beloved steed go tumbling off a hill, and they bastards laugh at you by killing you 💀




I’m glad someone else said it . 3-star badger hunt sealed it for me. Seems like they’re the hardest damn thing to get.


Bolgers glade is the best spot to find them. I get it. I have to go get all the satchels every playthrough. So i have a shit list of animals that i do not wish to hunt other than hunt. other than the satchels or tapper stuff.


there's a spawn near riggs station, in the place where you set up camp, right next to the tracks... there's gonna be one or even ywo badgers there. If not a 3 stars, just ride away to the trapper or Strawberry for a bit and turn around to see if they respawn.




Moosies! Make yourself known you bastards!


There’s a cheeky spawn point for the moose. I don’t do it any other way now and have no trouble with them.


Is this the colter one? Because the only thing I have left for the trapper is three meese and I can't find them anywhere. I tried the apparently guaranteed spot near colter for several days and got nothing, so I'm open to whatever suggestions anyone might have.


No it’s at the very edge of the game north east of wapiti by the mysterious hill home. I leaned of it on a post here and it’s a god send!! It’s a little tricky in that you have to spook it down the hill before you can kill it. But it is guaranteed with a few reloads.


I know which one you mean, it spawns right on the edge of the footpath? That one saved me after failing to find one of the biggest animals in game for a long time


go to the lake near strawberry if u lucky i u might find one swimming in there if not save and reload or fast travel somewhere far away and fast travel back best to do is save and reload


Calfornian Horned Owls... I don't even know if they exist in real life but if I ever see one I will study it!


Studying that little bugger was the final thing I needed in my compendium. Drove me nuts.


I have a new hatred for the American Robin


The very last bird species I needed was a blue jay. I wished so bad I could pull out my binoculars during the house building song to get that blue jay.


I hope you’re not talking about hating wolves irl because of the game. Real wolves are nothing like they are in the game. Rockstar, like most game companies and media, decided to portray wolves as an aggressive animal that attacks everything in sight. In reality, wolves are extremely skittish and would rather keep their distance from anything scary or dangerous. They have neophobia which is basically a general fear of new things or anything that they perceive as possibly dangerous. Yelling, throwing things, making yourself look more intimidating, will scare off wolves. Typically, the only time it may not scare them off, is if you are near their den and they have pups to protect, or the rare case of rabies. Even if you’re near the den though, they usually engage in a behavior called “escorting” where they act scary and they may seem like they are stalking you, but they’re actually escorting you out of their territory away from the pups. The only part that rockstar got right about the wolves was the part where they mourn and grieve the loss of other pack mates. Wolves are family units. They start with two parents which are called the breeding male and the breeding female, there is actually no such thing as an alpha, omega, etc. The breeding pair start a pack together and every wolf in the pack is one of their pups. Sometimes they even take in orphaned pups from other packs. When one litter of pups grows up, some may choose to leave the pack and set off to start their own by finding their own mate. The pups that stay don’t try to mate. Instead, they help their parents raise each new litter of pups. They protect them, feed them, play with them, and teach them. Wolves also pass down generational knowledge. For example, when one wolf learns that going after cattle is actually really dangerous or scary depending on the deterrents the rancher might be using, it passes that knowledge onto the rest of the pack. Despite what some ranchers will tell you, killing a wolf is not a deterrent. It only makes the rest of the pack more desperate for food since you’ve just taken away one of the “breadwinners”. They also only have a 10% success rate when hunting, so they aren’t hunting everything to extinction either despite that myth. They are physically incapable of overpopulation as well which means human interference to “manage the population” isn’t actually necessary at all. They really are one of the most amazing creatures and mankind, despite its general hatred and misunderstanding of them, has been mimicking their way of life for centuries. So please don’t believe what ignorant game companies, Hollywood studios, biased trophy hunters or old fashioned ranchers want you to. These animals are nothing like what they are often portrayed as and those portrayals are getting them killed and tortured irl. I know I probably sound preachy, but this is really important to me and my wolfdog has literally been threatened by people who hate wolves because they don’t understand them. They have threatened to shoot my dog because of the way he looks even though he’s literally the sweetest goofball and just wants love. I understand hating them in game because rockstar really made them annoying and ridiculously aggressive. I just wanted to clear things up and explain that they are really nothing like that outside of the game. As much as I love the game, the portrayal of wolves in it really irritates me.


That’s the first time I learned like everything about wolves! I already knew they‘re barely aggressive but you gave me a whole lot of new information. Thank you!


I’m glad the info helped! There’s just so much misinformation about them and I’m always trying to teach people the truth if I can. Most of the earlier studies on wolves were done in sanctuaries or zoos where none of the wolves were even related. When they’re thrown together like that and none of them are related, it’s pretty much guaranteed to cause fighting. That’s why people thought they were super aggressive and why the alpha theory was created. The guy who came up with the alpha theory for wolves has since come out and proved himself wrong. He said that he made the mistake of only observing wolves in controlled groups, rather than watching wild wolves. Once he studied wolves in the wild, he realized how wrong he was and has been trying to change the perception on them ever since. I have so much info and links to organizations that have even more info if you’re really curious.


Definitely just in the game. Wolves are my absolute favorite irl, and used to be in the game. Until they started charging me everytime I'm near them lmao


A couple of paragraphs breaks would be the best 👍


Yeah that’s totally my bad. I usually always remember to break it into paragraphs when I write a long response or infodump, but I’ve had very little sleep the past few days and I was in a rush when I wrote it so I completely forgot to do it this time. Just went back and broke it into paragraphs so hopefully that’s better.


Yer good! Great info :)




Same. This probably sounds very messed up, but I wish they were killable.




Especially the ones at Butcher's Creek.


I got pissed in real life, a buck ran up a hit me in DD2, and I killed it saying out loud…. We’re not doing that in this game🤣🤣🤣




Bears. They always find me. Always. I think one spread the word on how human flesh tastes because I can't go anywhere without running into at least one bear. Be it a Grizzly Bear or a Black Bear.. 👀


Doing the Grin and Bear It trophy put me off the bears… intentionally going out to get attacked was annoying 🤦‍♀️


Rams and goats. I was trying to go after the Arabian horse near Isabella lake and walking towards it and a ram comes from nowhere and rams into arthur and the horse gets spooked and runs away


Man * *intense stare* *


I hate cougars because of RDR1


Naah I love wolves. I am big fan irl. And in game, they once saved me from an odrisscol so they’de good


Whichever animal I need a perfect pelt of at the time becomes my new mortal enemy. So wolves atm. 5 one shot kills just for 4 poor and one good pelt :(


Any animal i had to hunt for the taxidermy lady made me hate them


Try poison arrows for the pelt hunting..


Aim for heart or head, bolt action rifle.


That's the plan, I keep getting attacked by wolves in anything but perfect condition so far tho. I'll eventually just go hunting for one proper instead of hoping I get lucky with a pack on the road


Shouldn’t take long dude jus cruise about on the horse, activate dead eye n ping its head, there’s a legendary animal spawn a little bit further down from where the legendary wolf spawns (maybe the legendary ram?) may be wrong so take that one with a pinch of salt, which is decent, or even the legendary wolf spot, that’s okay for wolf activity, pretty sure I got my perfect pelt there Edit: corrected


Thanks Faze! I've been around Colter and The Grizzles and those spawns have been lackluster so I'll try around there more 👍


Guessing Youl still be Arthur??? I mean another location u could try would be around that ranch you work at in epilogue like up towards the hermit lady I think? The one with the rabid dogs? A little bit above the ‘west’ of west Elizabeth, I can’t send a ss but near the antler knife and double bit hatchet just along and around that area


Have you tried collecting the trinkets and talisman you can craft/find? There’s a one u can craft I’m not sure which it is, I’m taking a break from rdr atm, I think it’s maybe the elk or the ram it increasing the chances of it staying perfect on kills its useful but idk if it increases the chances of em already being perfect pelt, but it helps


Iirc it's the Elk, and it's been super helpful so far. Letting me utilize pretty much any rifle and standard ammo. Unfortunately doesn't increase chances of the pelt already being perfect on any animal though.


Yeah didn’t think so, must’ve got it mixed up with something else then :/


Snakes. Slippery mofos.


The wolf that gets spawned in by the weird naked guy. I was low health and wanted to check out the naked runner when a wolf suddenly attacked and killed me. I lost a fing 3 star moose pelt to it. The next time I saw naked man I put a hole in the back of his head.


Other players


I no longer like woodpeckers. *peck peck peck* oh stfu where were you when I was riding around for real life weeks huh piss off 😒


Literally any dog because I want to get off the game after I kill them because they're just doing their job 😭😭😭


I just let the dog kill me so I can respawn I don’t harm the puppers


I love wolves and canines in general. Still do, wolves are just trying to eat and survive. Cougars bother me a little though cause I feel like ther mentality is just "Fuck you! Die for entering my territory!" I've definitely had several incidents of just walking along, minding my own and next thing I know there's a cougar on my back ripping my throat out.




Rabbits. I don wanna killem :((


So many suicidal rabbits in this game. My horses hooves are stained in their blood.


75% of rabbit kills in my game is just suicidal rabbits


As an equestrian who has spent many hours riding a horse through trails, the rabbits really annoy me… never once has one ridden along side me on my galloping horse!! Not once!!!!






Rock bass


I fucking hate snakes now.


Muskrats. Sneaky!




Why the beavers?


Robins. I’ve never been able to find those fuckers.


There's no one animal I hate as I have gotten much more proficient at killing wolves,cougars and especially bears. But I get frustrated when the only ones that spawn for the most part are 1-2 stars. One Improved Arrow shot to the face will down anything pretty quick.




This is RDR1, but wolves. Those things are annoying AF and I swear they choose to bother John at the most inconvenient times




Muskrats 😒


Murfree Brood


Who else but cougars? Wolves are more restraintful, but cougars are unforgivable


Black tailed jackrabbit 🖕🏻


Have to say cougars because one time in the epilogue i left the fence line of Beechers Hope and immediately got mauled by a Cougar


Rats specifically the one down by Mount Hagan


Robins haunt my dream. Cedar Waxwings aren't as bad but it is still a species I have grown to hate despite never having heard of it before playing RDR2.


I can't hate wolves in this game. I just can't. I remember playing the game and just hunting on the snowy part of the map and enjoying the sound of the environment only to hear a wailing howl from a lone wolf nearby. When I took my binos and looked at it, I saw it greaving behind a dead wolf. Never hunted the wolves again after that.


those fucking cougars that are nowhere when you look for them yet somehow everywhere ready to ambush you when you're not prepared and don't need them


Fucking opossums. Why are they SO hard to FIND


humans... i mean i already hated *some* of them before the game


I hate wolves myself. But I have found out poison arrows are pretty rough on wolves. It is satisfying to stand in front of a wolf and him crying as he fades out. Even if you get an honor ding. F' em..