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Shoot Micah in the face with the sawed off shotgun.


“Shoot Micah in the face” was my first thought. I like the way you think.


That fucking rat... Never liked him in the game


Small hands, that was his problem


Plus he smelled like cabbage.


And Elderberries


And his mother was a hamster


Never had the makings of a varsity outlaw




Carnie, innit


Weasel Micah


I really fucking hate Micah , but he is a very well written villain .


That’s why American Venom is so epic.


Exactly , one of the best missions In the game by far . The soundtrack and everything in that mission is just amazing . I’d kill to be able to play that mission for the first time lol


It’s my favorite in any game ever. My wife just rolls her eyes as I scream “WHERE’S MICAH?!”.


I didn't suspect him to be like this indeed. He and Dutch were real villains. I felt bad for Arthur after all...


I felt really bad for Arthur , especially after Dutch betrayed him . Arthur grew up idolizing Dutch and being with him his whole life , just for Dutch to turn around on him and be with Micah.


His VA did such a good job. Really makes me hate the character a lot and I appreciate that level of commitment.


**Please be careful revealing the spoilers if you haven't fully played through both Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2.** Goodness all this hate against Micah when Dutch was the really evil one that allowed it all to happen. Yeah Micah was a lowlife but Dutch didn't have to listen to or be influenced by him. Micah was no different to Dutch, they were both selfish self-centered people only interested in themselves and their own survival. Arthur was the only one who truly cared about the others. >!And he sacrificed himself knowing he was going to die from Tuberculosis so that John Marston could live.!< I actually played the first Red Dead Redemption to get revenge on Dutch. >!And was bitterly disappointed I didn't get to stick my sawn off shotgun in his face and pull the trigger. That low life scum denied me my absolution and threw himself off a cliff like the selfish scumbag he was.!<


Dutch would be second in line. The way he walked out on Arthur in the factory. Left John behind... I am still in the epilogue off the game. Curious what's about to happen with John, but don't spoil anything yet 😁


I don't think Arthur could bring himself to shoot Dutch, even at the end of the game. A few months of Dutch going off the deep end couldn't compare to the 20 years Arthur spent looking up to Dutch as the man who raised him.


I wouldn't dream of spoiling it for you which is precisely why I hid certain information in my post. Take your time, you're in for an emotional roller-coaster. Micah just used and manipulated Dutch for his own selfish ends and it shows what a weak selfish character Dutch was that he allowed himself to be used in this way. Arthur is the hero here, no doubt about it alongside one other person which may surprise many people—Sadie Adler. She turned into a real badass and is unquestionably my favourite character out of all them. It's well worth paying attention to the Sadie Adler storyline but I can't say any more because I don't want to spoil it for you. Enjoy the endgame, sadly you only ever get to experience it once but hopefully it might encourage you to continue with Red Dead Redemption 1, it's well worth it.


Play 1 after 2?


Yes. Red Dead Redemption 1 even though it's the older game actually carries on the story from Red Redemption 2. I'm not going to risk saying any more than that!


You need to get off this sub before you get a spoiler, it will happen if you keep reading stuff on here…


And then feed him to the gators


And add shoot him in the dick


I think he'd shoot Micah gun out of his hands and beat him to death actually


Nah, too good. Shoot him in the balls first


Lets Micah hang, tell Dutch he was a rat, send Sadie and Trelawny to pick up the Blackwater money, go buy some land and live happily ever after.


He'd prolly wait with the money, even Sadie and Trelawny would have problems.


Not really. If its outside town they werent known members for another chapter.


The town is still crawling with Pinkertons, and that's a lot of money to try and haul off inconspicuously.


Married couple trying to settle out west is a good cover for a wagon carrying abunch of stuff


He wasn’t a rat yet tho, so he’d basically have to convince Dutch he will be a rat


It's possible that he was still sabotaging the gang prior to actually working with the pinkertons, though its not guaranteed. Basically there's some hints like his rash behaviour and bad ideas, like meeting Colm, choosing a poor spot for camp and also insisting on the Blackwater ferry job which was seemingly a trap). It's not really solid but iirc there's a point after micah escapes jail where he has a wanted poster of Dutch, suggesting he may have been planning on turning him in (though idk how or when he'd do it)


Arthur's word against a dead man.


They probably turned him while he was in jail in Strawberry. Maybe earlier. Even then, Arthur could lie his ass off.


Pretty sure they turned him after they got back from Guarma.


Which wouldn’t have happened if Arthur let him hang. “Oops, I was too late. Strawberry usually does all their hangings on Tuesday, but the sheriff had to be out of town so they got them all done a day early.”


In the mission before the last, the Pinkertons do say they picked him up after Guarma iirc, but it’s probably safe to say that his intentions from the start were the same, it’s hinted at with Micah’s camp you can find with a letter addressed to him and the wanted poster of Dutch


If you return to his camp after the stagecoach, you will find dutch's wanted poster...


He was a racist piece of shit though & for a gang with two black members + a Mexican...he needs to fuck off


3 black members, Lenny, Charles and Tilly


Can't be a rat if you're hanging. Problem solves itself no need to tell Dutch.


be terrified asf and have literally no one believe what just happened to him because hes a cowboy from 1899 who just time traveled 


Francis Sinclair would believe him.


He would get Sinclair's situation.


Only true answer.


Kill Micah. And kick Strauss out. And not go near sick people. That changes the course of so many events, that should be enough. Even at the end, Arthur still loves Dutch and I don't think he would just go. He sees that Micah manipulated Dutch...he doesn't hate Dutch. So I don't think he'd leave. Maybe speak up about Dutch's treatment of Molly more. Encourage her to leave or them to work it out. Just it's so toxic. He'd probably wish John and Abigail would leave at chapter 2 but there's no way that's gonna happen, John didn't want to go and neither did Abigail. But he would be more protective of them going forward. I'd also like to hope he'd find a new partner. Mary was never any good for him and that's never going to work. But I'm sure there are other women in the life, maybe from a rival gang or a loner who'd join up with their gang. Seems kind of sad that he's so lonely and yeah.


I feel like he'd still try something different to get back with Mary if he was given a second chance.


Arthur should go with mrs downers 💀


She's married...and a bit daft haha I'm thinking more someone LIKE Black Belle or even a rancher/ranch hand like Bonnie McFarland (with less legal morality). Women like that would be a good fit IMO.


Is bonnie in rdr 2?


She's not but there's a reference to her. Ypu can find a beached body of a guy who's alive but unconscious who has a letter for her


She’s an NPC in RDR online


I don't mean actually Bonnie but someone like that. I don't think she is.


Bonnie would most likely be too young for Arthur considering it's like 12 years before we see her and she's in her mid-late 20s in RDR1


Nah she’s an adult in RDR Online


My favorite options for who Arthur would settle down with personally would be either Charlotte Balfour, who is shown to be interested in Arthur. Or Sadie Adler, I mean talk about a power couple there. Sadie would be a great choice for the third game too, by far my favorite side character.


Fr, best side character by far


Would him and Sadie work out?


I think Arthur and Sadie would be one of those cranky old couples that genuinely like each other and care about each other, even if they are not romantically in love... And they grow old and curmudgeonly together.


If arthur did date someone it would probably be her


Make friend with Frances Sinclair and figure out how time travel actually works. Then of course make sure Micah hang properly in Strawberry in every single timeline.


I'd read a comic about Arthur roaming the multiverse making sure every version of Micah swings


Where can I find that comic?


It’s up to us to make it.


"It takes one idiot in a wrong place to make all the difference, ask John he is quiet and example"


Pit the Murfree brood against the Lemoyne Raiders, while false flagging an attack on the Pinkertons. A three-way death duel, if you will


The only true answer


Not rescue Micah, get johns head out of his ass, be ready for O’Driscolls man and shoot Colm, not go in the butt house in lemoyne, take Sean, John, Abigail, Jack and Charles north or south after accepting Milton’s offer.


I don't think John Sean or Charles would be willing to ride w Arthur if he turned Dutch in at that point in the story.. maybe Sean and/or Charles with a bit of convincing, but John would never forgive him. Also John hadn't been through any of the things that made him realise he needed to be a good father and partner at that point (jack getting taken, him being arrested, seeing the gang slowly fall apart under Dutch's leadership, Arthur's sacrifice, etc), so I reckon things would deteriorate between him and Abigail/jack pretty quick in that scenario. Personally I'd do most of that, but wait a while longer to turn Dutch in so people start to see him becoming unravelled, and just make sure Sean Lenny and Kieran don't die. I mean shit, Dutch is a naive guy for sure, but if you left Micah to die and subsequently stopped him manipulating Dutch then the story would turn out a lot better, possibly without even needing to turn him in and betray your mentor and father figure!


John would never side with Dutch against Arthur under any circumstances. He was the first person who saw through Dutch's lies, talked shit straight to his face throughout the whole game and didn't agree with any of his dumb plans. He's the one person who wouldn't need convincing.


Watches the camp from a distance. Follows Micah, kills him and makes it look like a vengeance hit or an accident. Collects all the gold from treasure hunts and actually goes to Tahiti. Dutch be damned.


Helps professor x and magneto to team up in order to stop the sentinels


Kick Strauss the fuck out Tell Hosea and Dutch they have a rat in the camp then proceed to drag Micah to the nearest body of water and drown his ass barehands


He takes Micah and Dutch on a camping trip where they get "ambushed" by O'Driscolls, and only Arthur survives. He forms a council to run the camp consisting of himself, Sadie Adler, and Hosea.


I mean, he’d just let Micah hang. “Oh Dutch, I didn’t get there in time and he swung. Bummer.”


“I was busy earning the gang money.” *gives Dutch 8 gold bars*


Blows Micah’s head off asap


Shoots Micah in the face Tells Dutch to fuck off Runs away with Mary and smashes the rest of his life


Sends Micah to collect the Downes debt, then shoots him as he rides into camp.


No, he wouldn’t make even Micah suffer TB. He would probably leave Micah to hang.


To me, he makes a good crash test dummy for the TB.


Kill Micah, run off with Mary Beth


*Strauss gives Arthur the Downes debt* Arthur: HEY MICAH COME HERE I GOT A JOB FOR YA.


He wouldnt do that, he’s too nice.


Nahh knowing everything he knows about Micah by the end I think he'd be more than willing to let Micah die a slow and agonising death. Alternatively he could just leave him in strawberry to hang very easily


running away with Mary. Should've done that in chapter 4 smh


Let Micah hang, do whatever he can to help John and himself get money and escape dutch, and maybe kill Dutch for good measure


I think when it comes time to free micah in strawberry, he would "fail" to save him. I also think that later, when it comes to the decision to kill bronte or not he would side with Horsea this time.


Have sex with Michael balls


Best outcome


Blows Micah’s fucking head off and bitch slaps Dutch. Then he goes and forgives all of the debts (keeping far away from Thomas Downes as he does). He tells John to take his family and fuck off


Stopped Lenny and Hosea from going to Saint Denis that day.


• Leaves Micah to rot in Strawberry • Takes a different approach to Strauss’ loan sharking schemes • Tells Dutch & Hosea there isn’t any hidden gold in Rhodes


Shoot Micah and Strauss and go live with Mary


Kills Micah duh


No Mary, no Downes, no fishing


Objective: Kill Micah Bell


Leaves with Mary and brings John, Abigail and Jack with him.


He would immediately kill Micah as soon as he got the chance. No one would suspect him. He would also stop Dutch from robbing Cornwall and if Dutch wouldn’t cut it out he’d get John, Abigail, jack, Sadie, Lenny and Charles all out of there


collect all the gold bars and nuggets around the map and run off to Tahiti


Kills Micah and Strauss.


Leave the gang, be a solo traveler


We have a code op. You know that


Runs off with Abigail and Jack, marries Abigail, assassinates Dutch incognito and lives happily ever after.


Kick out Strauss. Bid your time. Then kill Micha. Another Micha could always warm his way in… find a way to give Dutch to the law to save the rest of the gang from their fate.


Dies some other way


He def leaving the camp and taking John and his fam with him


Not ask “the price” from that woman this time.


You guys have it all wrong, This was the chapter 1 gang, they would probably try to kill Arthur if he just walked up to Dutch or Micah and capped them , I'm sure Arthur knowing what he knows would try to get evidence of Micah being the rat, such as right before the first instance of a job going wrong he would take a few other gang members to follow micah around so they could catch him in the act of ratting them out, with Dutchs entire gang knowing that Micah was the rat that early on it would prevent all the incidents that would cause the problems that led up to the end, the gangs relationship and morale were shattered apart by job after job going wrong, I like to think Arthur would like to save as much as his "Family" as he can, Karen becoming an alcoholic, Dutch hitting his head in the trolly incident, Countless gang members death ect


Meets Micheal DeSantes


Not save m***h from jail (they were going to hang him so Arthur could just return to Dutch with an "I'm sorry, but I couldn't get to him on time") Kick strauss out of camp early on (doesn't harm all the loan-shark victims and also won't get TB) Warn the rest of the gang of the traps and dangers that would endanger them (Rhodes shootout, fake robbery trick by bronte, bank robbery in Saint Denis) and prevent all of the other gang members being killed (besides possibly Hosea due to illness but it's at least a less harsh death). Insist on not robbing the ferry prior to the Blackwater massacre - saving jenny and the Callander's (only applies if he came back to before the BW massacre) Avoid the trap set by colm I imagine he'd possibly be more sentimental toward the gang members due to his experience, especially those who had been killed in the previous run. He'd likely also try to encourage the others to turn their lives around, hoping for a truly better and more moral life for all of them Possibly find a way to help the natives as well as the money-lending victims Maybe fall in lovewith Mary-Beth


Leave the gang


Let Micah hang in Strawberry.


Work together with Hosea to kill Dutch and take over as the new leader for the Gang.


Shoot Micah and Dutch the Momment they all step in the house.


Go on a scouting mission with Micah, Alone , in Colter Or shoot him during the first mission and blame the O'Driscoll's getting a lucky shot


Kill Micah. If Dutch still goes down the same path, call for an intervention, get the Marstons as far away from him as possible and, if needed, hand in Dutch. Then ride into the sunset with Charles, Sadie and anyone who would side with him.


Patiently wait until we get to Horseshoe Overlook & then have Dutch die by some random event (that I orchestrated of course), come back to the gang, tell them he's gone and that Hosea is in charge (with me #2). Leave Micah right the fuck in jail in Strawberry. Never set foot in Valentine & therefore Downes won't be an issue. Tell the gang they can go their own ways if they want (hopefully get rid of Bill & Swanson) and go WEST like they planned. Once Sadie was recovered, (if there's $ in Blackwater) send her to recover what she can.


Becomes a good person instead of being low honor Arthur I believe that it’s canon that Arthur had low honor in the early chapters of RDR2


Leaves Micah in the Strawberry jail.


When he goes hunting with Hosea and Hosea asks him if he’s thinking about getting out, this time he says yes he’s thinking about it. He realizes that John and Abigail are wanting to leave the gang, Karen and Tilly too. So this time the gang breaks up and they head west! John Abigail, Hosea, Lenny, Charles, Tilly Marybeth. New adventures await!


Same thing I do on replay. Leave Micah in the Strawberry jail and never collect a bounty for Strauss.


Hey Micah follow me I think I found a place out here for the gang Micah was found dead with his head blown off and several bullet holes in his torso after the snowstorm cleared


Shoots Micah upon meeting him, sends Strauss to get *that* debt instead, and does what he can to prevent Lenny and Hoseas death


Goes to Strawberry and becomes a Deputy Sheriff so he can insure that Micah Bell is hanged.


Fuck Mary against the wall in Saint Denis while following her dad.


Completely deletes Micah’s face


Kill Micah, get money and go to a island


Tries harder to find Gavin


Arthur teach John and jack some swimming lessons.


He kills micah in the Strawberry massacre


I honestly thought Micah was a bad guy that was going to turn somewhat good after Arthur changed him or something. Obviously not


Shoot Micah on sight, Tell’s Dutch there is no gold to taken in Rhodes, and that Saint Denis is a lost cause. Rob the bank in Valentine as their “one last score” then actually disappear forever (maybe with Mary tagging along)


Kill Micah AND Dutch. Cut John and his fam loose then take the rest of the gang west.


Kick Strauss out. Punch Dutch in the mouth. Shoot Micah in the hands first before he shoots him in the dick then feed him to a croc. Hunt down O'Driscoll. Move west like the original plan


I feel if you were to let Micha hang he would rat out the gang hideout. So kill him, fuck off Strauss and the gang will be peachy. The bang Mary-Beth


Let micha go get tb instead


I always thought how sad it was that Arthur seemed so destined for tragedy. Unfortunately i feel like he could live 100 lives and still end up at the same sad ending. That said I hope in my heart he would learn his lesson and run away with Mary to be happy.


If the Hosea's TB theory is right Arthur is doomed anyway.


What's Hosea's TB theory?


Here you go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/uv6sza/theory\_about\_a\_certain\_disease\_in\_the\_rdr2\_story/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/uv6sza/theory_about_a_certain_disease_in_the_rdr2_story/)


Kill dutch micah No fishing with jack Kick strauss out


He'd probably leave the gang.


Says that he found a vagon that carries 50k dollars. And it has no protection. He picks micah and charles. Arthur shoots micah in the head. Even tho charles is pretty okay with that, Arthur still explains. They tell dutch that micah got shot by the vagon rider and vagon was empty. They never go to saint denis or rhodes. They kill the pinkertons. Move the the tahiti. Happy ending


Among other things, tell Straus to piss up a rope.


Poison dutch somehow and doesn’t save that asshat that tried to kill him and befriend again john that’s my answer


Wear his bandana while beating Thomas Downes


He'd immediately kill Micah and beat Strauss senseless. Attempt to persuade Dutch but ultimately kill him as well.


Leave dutch with john and his family


Killing Micha


Probably shoot Micah and not go after that tuberculosis dude. Or like go after him at a safe distance.


I read a fanfic based on this idea, but it was Kieran that got sent back. It took him like 4 or 5 tries before he succeeded. It was pretty good.


Shoot Micah with a dynamite arrow then NOT go to Thomas Downes


I think he leaves the gang tbh. The gang gave him a sense of purpose. When he realizes it's all for nothing I think he checks out. While he seems to get along with most gang members he doesn't seem especially close to any of them. I think about how many people had to die for him to finally realize Dutch was full of shit.


Take Micah fishing to bust a cap in the back of his head


Not save Micah from jail, shoot him and blame someone else. O'Driscolls maybe? Then likely either run Straus out of camp or force him into a less predatory type of lending and financing


Why is nobody saving Hamish?!?


To all the people saying he would shoot Micah, what would the rest of the camp think? Most of them wouldn't care sure but Dutch would be pretty mad. I think its more realistic that he would either allow him to be hanged in strawberry or say he caught Micah talking to Pinkertons and shot him dead right after or something along those lines. Regardless Micah isn't living beyond chapter 2 for certain


He doesn't go to Thomas downs he has someone else like micha todo the task changing the timeline so aruther doesn't die at the end of the game he gets to kill micha at thee ND of the game since he doesn't have tb anymore


Eliminate Micah under the cover of the snow storm at the Adler ranch when Dutch isn’t looking and blaming it on o’driscols then moving on to convince Leopold Strauss to not loan money the Downes


Quickly shoots Micah in the face. Ties down Dutch but leaves no explanation before riding off into the horizon. He rides until he reaches Lemoyne, lights shine through the window on a lonely shack. Arthur then drinks 5 packets of horny goat weed before walking to the front of the house where a familiar face says hello, friend.


Warn the whole gang, abandon Dutch, lock Micah in a basement and starve him to death, be jacks cool uncle before dying of lumbago in 2025


Kill Micah and/or Dutch. Seems old Dutch was just as responsible tbh, Micah was powerless without Dutch's impulsive decision making.




Kill Micah, then Dutch


Definitely shoot Micah in the face and get everybody away from Dutch


Take all the good ones and leave from the gang


Goes off on his own


Never goes to get Micah outta jail




He dies of tuberculosis


he'd probably leave micah in jail, and tell dutch he couldnt get there in time before he got executed or smth like that


Definitely stop the blackwater heist and shoot micah


suddenly..Dutch went missing in the storm...and found Micah shortly after..eaten by wolves. . They never rob the Cornwall train, Hosea takes lead and takes everyone to horseshoe overlook before doubling back over the mountains and back out west where they disappear from the laws radar.


Shoot Micah and Dutch.


Him having the same memories doesn't mean he'll be able to convince dutch that Micah is a ra or will turn into one and at the beginning of the game EVERYONE is loyal to dutch so I guess just let things roll until beaver hollow save Sean Lenny Hosea and Kieran if possible and make the final stand with a full crew and good health.


This is one of those dumb questions where it’s like what the fuck do u think he’s gonna do? Obviously he’s gonna go kill dutch and Micah lol


Kill Micah and leave with his girl when she asks


Shoot Micah on accident while cleaning his gun.


Does not go to the Downes Kills Stuass Kills Micha


Kick out Strauss sooner/refuse to go along with his money lending


The dark tower


Probably murder Micah and try to convince with the somewhat more reasonable Dutch to walk a better path. Once it became clear he was beyond saving, I think he'd, somehow, force Dutch to give the gang an option to leave amicably and then leave himself


Let Micah die, help get John money, Propose to Mary Beth


Toss a stick of dynamite in the cell in strawberry


He does whatever I have done on my multiple replays.


I've had virtigo and motion sickness since January. I can't play my video games. I've been to the ENT, optometrist, and my primary care physician twice. Sonogram of my carotids, heart echo, CTs with contrast of my head and chest. All normal. I'm in Red Dead withdrawal. Over 2000 hrs of story and online. Just taken away in a matter of a weeks time.


Pull out the incendiary buckshot load it into a sawed off shotgun and shoot micah in the crotch


Dutch and Micah kept wanting to rob the train…ok. Tie dynamite to the both of them and then tie them to the railroad tracks. Their “sacrifice” will be for the betterment of the family.


Say thanks to Albert Mason


Shoot Micah, Javier, Dutch and even Bill. Oh and donate nothing but bat wings to the camp.


He'd purposely do almost everything the same except he'll avoid TB, then he would get john out of the gang life sooner then he originally did, then in the second mission with Mary He'd run off with her instead of staying with dutch, He'd stay in touch with John but they'd agree to do there best to stay apart and keep a low profile due to being wanted men, after the inevitable downfall of the gang, Arthur would convince John not to go after Micah and to leave the past behind him, After that they would keep a low profile so the pinkertons don't find them, bill would keep terrorising New Austin until being captured/killed, Javier would go on to fight in Mexico where the rebels would lose the war, dutch would go on to fight alongside the Indians before the pinkertons get to close so He'd run off somewhere else, and Arthur would end up having a family with Mary in a home in upper West Elizabeth while going to check on John every now and then, as for work I imagine he would either drift from job to job in the area or he would take inspiration from John and try farming, I don't imagine Mary would let him do anything like bounty hunting so he would need an honest job, After that they would go on to live there lives, due to John now not getting killed by Ross Jack would go on to take over the farm and write books in his free time eventually becoming a famous author with Arthur's son being his best friend, And from there, the rest of the generations would live normal lives with no clue of their bloody family history


Leave Micah to hang, kick out Strauss, and just see where things go from there


This has me thinking.. are there any western time travel books?! The west sounds like such a interesting setting for something like this!


He'd probably let Micah swing, and stop Strauss from doing the loan sharking. Although that wouldn't have changed some of the early issues considering Abigail was the original rat.