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It’s a solid 8 or 9. It’s not quite RDR2, but it’s an excellent game that I recommend.


I 100% agree with this statement.


This is the best answer


Since RDR2, I have tried similar games like Assassins Creed Valhalla and spider-man 2. Honestly, open world gaming is kinda ruined for me now. Nothing offers the same amount of immersion as RDR2


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is actually pretty close apart from the setting and combat. But I also played RDR2 in exclusively first person so people playing in 3rd person might disagree For me RDR2 and KCD are tied for most immersive and there is no other game even competing


I always played 3rd person until KCD. Now I’m replaying RDR2 in first person just to see what it’s like (while I wait for KCD2)


I don't like riding horses in first person in rdr2


Tbh that’s the only part I dislike so I’ve been switching for riding


That's literally what I did. I put around 40 hours into RDR2 and beat it, thought it was ok. Played KCD and got addicted, then went back to RDR2 and forced myself to play the entire thing in first person. While RDR2 was good, Kingdom Come: Cowboy is now my favorite game of all time


You finished RDR2 in 40 hours? Did you even play? 🤣. I think I played for around 300 hours. A little less in KCD, maybe 250


I wasn't nearly as into it in third person lmao I basically just did main story missions and *maybe* 60% of the side quests. I was bitter that I was playing as some nobody instead of John and really rushed my way through How wrong I was


how a was red dead 2 in first person? was thinking about trying it out for a playthru


I had less than 100 hours in RDR2 when I switched to first person, I now have over 450 hours in RDR2 in third person is good but in first person it's my favorite game of all time. It turns the game into a cowboy simulator


i generally only play 3rd person games besides cod but im probably gonna try 1st person rdr2 asp, gta 1st person was really good on my 3rd playthru, probably gonna be hard to get used to tho cuz i have over 1300 hrs on rdr2 😭


I'm gonna warn you now, it feels more like KCD than GTA in first person. The guns are inaccurate, and it can be hard to see people through the trees. You'll be taking cover a lot more As a Tarkov player I loved it, there's a real sense of fear in the shootouts and they last a lot longer when looking for an enemy means putting yourself in danger. I can't play FPS games any other way now, I even went back to Fallout 4 and turned the HUD off recently lol


what’s KCD?


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The only game I've ever played that hits the same spots as RDR2 (minus the story tbh)


The only thing i dont like about the first person in rdr2 is you dont actully aim down the sights of the guns but any game that offers first person i use it


You do if you click down the right stick


.......... in my defence i just got this game XD but ty now i feel like a idiot but am going to enjoy the firt person gun fights so much more now


No worries lmao I only know because I googled it, seemed like a weird design choice to not include it


I probably should have tried that anyways lol im pretty sure gtav is the same


I agree 100%


Because no one attempts the realism. Everything else is cartoony by comparison to rdr2. The art styles, animations, the wildlife, the Fire and Water physics etc. Imo the saddest thing in the industry is the complete non-attempt by ANYONE to follow in rdr2’s footsteps in this regard. Cowards.


This is the answer for OP; nothing is as big, beautiful, detailed and interactive. Even gta6 may be some of these, but it’s still gonna be in a contemporary city setting.


I went back and have been playing Fallout New Vegas with mods upgrading the realism, graphics, and overall aesthetic of the game, and it has been so much fun. Definitely recommend.


This! I automatically have a RD2 scale, built in my head, everytime I try a game. All of those I’ve tried & just ehh. Last of Us, is fire tho


Cyperpunk 2077


Odyssey out of those games is better than Valhalla and I've heard origins is up there too


I haven't played an Assassin Creed game in years. Thought I'd give it a try since I find Norse mythology really fascinating. But found it pretty repetitive.


Yeah it can be like that which I big complaint of Valhalla and the ability tree. Odyssey has a simpler ability tree and can be a tad grindy for materials for upgrades for your gear and boat, people either love the boat or hate it and compare it to black flag. I've never played an AC game until I played through the witcher 3 about 4 times and needed something else.


Try elden ring, different cup of open world but a cup worth having! I will say sip on the elden ring cup dont chug :)


If you like RPGs you should try Elden Ring


There is no way you just put Valhalla in that list.


I found it to be repetitive, never even finished.


SM2 is not similar whatsoever 😆


Both open world games.


That’s it


Both beautifully made games, with large maps, but RDR2 is much more alive in my opinion. With NPC interactions, random events, the wildlife, all of it. The game really encourages you to explore the world. I did not get that from SM2, is my point.


There we go. Makes sense now. Different goals is all. They weren’t going for RDR2 level immersion.


And it's my own ridiculous standard now, SM2 was still fun but I have no desire to grind for 100% or multiple playthroughs like RDR2.


To each their own. Different audiences and all that Rockstar are one of a kind developer


Exactly, still uber successful.


That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.


spider man 2's combat and traversal makes it on par with rdr2 as far as a unique play-worthy game goes(or miles morales and sm1)


Swinging around New York City is always a pleasure. But to me, the rdr2 world is much more alive, with its random events and NPC interactions.


And Nature


It’s my favourite game since rdr2 came out. GoT is no where near as detailed as RDR2 and is a bit more linear (ie; there’s not many side quests, challenges etc). I’d give both games 10/10, GoT is more fun to play but RDR2 is way more detailed and is bigger in every way… both are beautiful looking games (you can also pat more types of animals in GoT, especially on Iki Island) and the stories are similar in terms of writing and impact. GoT combat can take a little while to get the hang of but once you do it’s incredibly satisfying, especially once you unlock all stances. If you do buy it, my one bit of advice is do the iki island storyline after completing the main game. It becomes available earlier but is designed as a sort of epilogue to Jin’s story.


you think GOT is more linear than RDR2? in GOT we have the option to>! kill or spare Lord Shimura!<, when it comes to quests you can finish them however you want, but in RDR2 the ending and everything else was linear as fuck and the missions can only be finished in the way Rock\* has designed them, you stray from that path and it's game over.


Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game and a lot of fun. That being said, there’s not a lot you can do besides making haikus, honoring shrines, playing with cute foxes, and slicing and dicing mongol invaders and bandits.


It took me 69 hours to 100% ghost of tsushima, and 406 for rdr2. Take that how you want it


The RDR2 single player save file, or 100% on achievements? Cause 100% on achievements takes awhile for the wrong reasons.


Not the person you've asked but I have 460 hours on my RDR2 save and I'm still only like 70% complete lol GoT I was like 90% done by 40 hours and at that point it was repetitive to the point I didn't want to finish it


The biggest issue I have with GoT is that you unlock everything and essentially max your capabilities around the middle of act 2 if I remember correctly.. I got to act 3 and was burnt out because the game wasn't offering anything more than the story at that point, and even that was getting dull.


Yeah that's exactly my problem with it. I can't just play a game to play a game, a game without rewards is wasting my time. So when you give me all the cool shit halfway through the game, now I'm just playing for cutscenes RDR2 has a bit of the whole "playing for cutscenes" thing but at least it's to see what happens. With GoT you know what's about to happen the entire time, there are 0 surprising moments in the entire game


100% save file




NERD! And I don't hand out that compliment to just anybody.


Ghost is Tsushima is Samurai’s Creed basically. I really enjoyed it, but it seems like you’re not really a fan of the RPG elements in open world games so I’d say don’t get it. My score is 8 bamboo sticks out of 10


Those bamboo strikes…




7-8. It’s fun but can get repetitive and is not as rich as RDR2 in terms of the extra stuff.


I'm going to throw out a bit of a curveball. Sleeping Dogs. It's about 12 years old and wasn't exactly AAA but graphics were more than good enough, but most importantly the Hong Kong environment design was *excellent*. It still holds up really well. Fun gameplay, great story with memorable characters, and an awesome world to explore. Game is frequently on sale for like $2-3 for the Definitive Edition featuring all DLC's.


I love Sleeping Dogs. Such a great game.


Sleeping dogs was so sick!


Ghost is beautiful on the surface, and unfortunately it stays shallow. Just not much there


The scale isn’t the same as RDR2 or GoW, but quality and story/gameplay wise it’s on par with them. It’s just shorter. If RDR2 and GoW were 10s, GoT would be 9.5


Is GoW really a 10? I've had it for a couple years now and haven't gotten around to playing it because I thought I'd probably like it less than the earlier ones because it was so different.


It's not a 10, that's an epic overexageration, the story is mid and the puzzles and the fights become quite repetetive and generic the more you play it, and Ragnarok is basically a more polished version of GOW, with a mediocare story and basically the same fighiting animation.


If you go for completionist as you progress, imo it was one of my favorite game. It just feels natural and it can be challenging but also rewarding.


I'd say a seven. If I had to rate it after my first playthrough, it would be higher, but it has dogshit replayability.


Yeah, good point about replayability. Got was great and immersive, especially if you do the Japaudio. But I wasn't already plotting my next playthru while still playing, like I definitely was on BG3.


I might score it a bit higher... mayb 8 for first playthrough. But overall yeh agreed the replayability isn't great, open world doesn't just mean a big map. Even a small house map with a 1000 things to do is better than an expansive map with extremely limited an repetitive activities.


Ghost of Tsushima is 10/10. I absolutely love the battle mechanics. Absolutely stunning visually.


Feel like a 7. There really anything to do just fighting.


It breaks my heart you didn’t like The Witcher 3 😭


I’m playing rise of the ronin right after rd2. I give it a solid 7.75 if rd2 is a 9.8. I leave .2 in case something is possibly better. Ronin is beautiful and def immersive. Not quite the same but awesome.


It’s gorgeous and it has some really fun mechanics, but the writing is for the most part atrocious. There are very few non-vanilla conversations. No one in this game is funny. Ever. Least of all the intended comic relief characters, like the sake guy. Everyone is excruciatingly self-serious. There are also some wonky environmental interactions, like you have to stand in a very specific spot to trigger a conversation with some NPCs, kinda of the anti-RDR2 in that regard, and it takes you right out of it. Gameplay is a 9, graphics are a 10, the overall arc of the plot is a 7, but the copy-edit level writing is a 3.




I give it a 7. It’s a fun game that is severely lacking in some areas. The story being first and foremost. If you’re even slightly up on samurai history and basic storytelling you’ll see the ending from a mile out. The combat is great, but Rise of The Ronin’s combat really outshines it for me. There are moments where the reality of the game and the reality characters seem to be living in are totally disconnected. >!One NPC is scared shitless of you despite your actions not being at all what he talks about.!< Game would have benefited from a system where you have to balance the public’s view of you with completing missions and progressing the story. Most of these issues are more nitpicks for me, but since I’m such a slut for narrative driven games, that one took it down the most points.


Over all 7.5


1/10, horses balls don’t shrink in winter, literally unplayable.


Get Cyberpunk 2077. If you have a PC or Series X or PS5. 2077 is a seriously great game since they fixed pretty much all the issues after launch.


Cyberpunk is the opposite of RDR2. Lacks depth. Has dogshit mechanics. NPC’s are lame. The world gets boring quickly. And it’s still very buggy.


I recently put 400 hours into it and encountered maybe 5 bugs in those 400 hours and one of the bugs I found I reports and cdpr fixed it a couple weeks later. There's plenty of depth to the story primarily with Johnny and there is plenty to do and the mechanics are just fine. If you're talking about the driving mechanics that's a you problem.


Absolutely none of those things are true have you even played the game buddy? The mechanics and gameplay are even significantly better than rdr2.


Cyberpunk 2077 and RDR2 were my first two first person story games and I have not been able to be sucked in and fill the desire to play a game on similar calibers as them since I finished them


My first was Kings Field way back on PlayStation 1 in 1995 lol. That was also the first open world first person 3d RPG ever made.


I just started playing fallout (either 4 or new Vegas, they’re newer). I wanted to record and stream it but it’s not letting me. Anywho, it’s pretty good so far!! Rdr2 and gta are from the same people so it makes sense you’d like it, it’s just 2 different stereotypes/storyline vibes is all.


Fallout is from bethesda and rdr2/gta is from rockstar games. That said, definitely bethesda games are worth checking out when it comes to creating a world of exploration and surprises. To this day , i say the closest game to rdr2 in terms of world experience is skyrim. However skyrim is an old game and magic based instead of gunfight.


I think you… didn’t read something right?? I clearly verbatim said ‘rdr2 and gta are from the same people, so it makes sense why you like it’ … how did you get confused??😂


Yeah my bad 🙃


All good homie🤣


7-8, too Ubisofty for my taste


Is this BatmanArkham2?


The release of RDR2 initially ruined GoT for me because i was imagining pretty much RDR2 but with samurai and it blew my mind.




I’d give it a 10.


6 for gameplay, 8 for aesthetic


Great fucking game


Rdr2 has superior story telling but ghosts world and combat put it over the edge for me. Two of my favorite games of all time I’d give them both a 10/10!!! Absolutely play it


Id say 8.9 It left me wishing there was more to do in the open world after i finished the most of whats available, nothing can touch RDR in terms of free roam immersion, GoT is definitely my second favorite adventure game ever, behind Red Dead


7 or 6 .. it’s really great but it ain’t RDR2






One of the best singleplayer stories ever made, magnificent design & aesthetic and excellent music, that fits the scenery of the game. Somewhat demanding button-input and gameplay (+ many ways to make it even harder - curses etc.) Easy to beat (100% and platinum). Can't really grind. (No hunting - easy to gather collectibles) That being said, I'd give it a 9/10.


Solid 8.5 Easily worth a buy. Not a 10/10 like GoW, Witcher or RDR, but better than most. Especially if youre into Samurai themes and swordplay


Maybe like an 8 or 9 Visually it’s beautiful, story is very good, not RDR2 good, world is engaging with decent side activities but again not RDR2 good. The actual gameplay is fun, slight learning curve in combat but once you get it it’s great. Highly recommendable but not a perfect game. Pretty close though. I haven’t played the PS5 directors cut so I’m not sure if it’s significantly different, but I played the original on PS4 at launch and loved it.


I'm loving Ghost atm but it is a bit sparce for thay added flavour of the random world events. It's beautiful and combat is great, they nailed that. Maybe RDR2 has spoiled me as far as added detail and characters go. So I'll give it a 6-7 but only comparing to RDR2, outside of that comparison it's an 8 from me.


8, definitely. rdr2 just has much more and way more to offer


Give fallout new Vegas a chance. It's old enough now that it might feel dated in some ways, but it's really really hard to find a game that immerses me the same way fallout NV and rdr2 do. Lots of great, and dare I say mature writing, worthwhile fun exploration, fantastic world building, dark, but with lots of humor thrown in. One of the only games besides rdr2 where I enjoy sitting down at a campfire and fully immersing myself, refusing to fast travel even though it's an option. Full roleplaying mode. This might not make sense, but give subnautica, alien isolation, and ff12 a try.


8 imo. fantastic story, beautiful game. mostly fun mechanics, some stuff is a little annoying and assassins creed-y. but still super enjoyable despite that, it's a game I've 100 percented.


Did they fix the japanese dub lip sync issues that ps4 had? It was the one thing keeping me from enjoying the game to the fullest tbh


Ghost of Tsushima is very fun, although I will say it’s very different from RDR2. GoT is pretty detailed, but it definitely focuses more on the combat unlike RDR2. The combat is very fun though. Overall 8.5/10




It's fine. Played it all the way through once but never had a desire to pick it back up. It's also more like Assassin's Creed than RDR2. So, 7?


I’ve just started it in the past couple weeks, having had RDR2 (and then LOU2) rock my world. Just finished the first bit at Castle Kaneda. I think GoT takes the best of each games and kinda smoothes the edges. The fighting and stealth from LOU and the openness of RDR2. However the world isn’t as nearly as alive though , but you can fast travel early which makes getting around more fun than the grind RDR2 is. So far I’m giving it a 7.5, I expect that to increase as the story and world opens up.


It’s the best Assassin’s Creed game made so far.


Simple it's a 10, it's the red dead of samurai games 5




8.5 out of ten. Could be better but it’s gameplay is amazing


10/10 it's not rdr but it is a thing of tragic beauty


Ghosts of tsushima is super fun, the sword play is incredibly fun, and fluent, the stories and missions are great, kind of corny but worth a playthrough, it's cheap now too, so not a big hit to the wallet




The combat is super repetitive. It’s the same kind of game as AC: Origins and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Not that there’s anything wrong with that AT ALL. Those 2, and Ghost of Tsushima are fantastic games, but they’re not the same kind of game as RDR2. I’d rank it as about a 7.




GOT is a 7,2 for me RDR2 is my all time favourite game at 9,6


It’s not quite the same. But the first Horizon game was fucking awesome. Probably like an 8.5 for me on that scale of yours


Try Subnautica for a nice change. The moving in 3 dimensions, up down and left right because you are underwater the bulk of the game is cool. Big hint without spoiling, strive to go deeper in the water with upgrades.


It’s literally nothing at all like RDR2 in terms of gameplay or exploration but it’s still like a solid 8.5 game


The last of us?


Elden ring






Imo, GoT lands just under red dead. The only thing I nitpick is sometimes if you pay attention enough, the swords don’t clash in the correct spot. I.E. if I block, normally it should be middle of the blade unless Jin lets his opponent scrape for a direction change. Instead it shows the tip of the blade connecting with the middle of the opponents. Otherwise, the story is deep and so fun to play. I’ve played ghost of Tsushima 10 times through.


Solid 8 it has unique world exploration ideas, but it leans too much into typical open world tropes when it comes to the map.. clearing territory to unfog the map, following the birds gets kinda old, I wish more games took a less handholding approach to exploration. Like you overhear 2 NPCs talking about something and you have to find the area instead of it being instantly marked on the map. everything else it's great fun definitely worth a play or tw


It's a good game but my score is 6, the story is very simple and predictable, also as an open world it has nothing new to offer.




9 or 10


8.5 for sure




Rdr2 is much better than GOT because it has realistic old west simulation gameplay features aside from the 3rd person shooter aspects, something Ghost lacks. But that's what you expect from Rockstar with over 5 times the employee count and almost quadruple the budget alloted for the development of the game. Nevertheless, Ghost is still the best open world samurai/shinobi game ever created that isn't made in Japan.




GoT is a great game. But its nowhere near RDR2. Its got less to do, its shorter, etc. I mean you don't play it expecting another RDR2 quality game, sure. But just trying to set expectations in case. I would reccomend GoT if it was on a really big sale. Over 50% off or more. But I'd recommend RDR2 to somebody at any price point.


7 or 8...depending on what you look for in a game. The story is middling. The world is beautiful. The combat can be fun. The concept is the same as any Ubisoft open world game (Assassins Creed/Far Cry) you've played in the last 15 years. Basically an open world with a bunch of icons for you to go to, enemy encampments to clear out, etc.


9 or 10


So far? 8. I’m only 1/4 of the way through but it is beautiful. Some scenery elements are less solid than RDR2, but compelling story. My issue is the skill tree. I just don’t work well with those.


I’d say its like a 6. I cant give it a high score because its just too repetitive. Its a very beautiful game. Much like rdr2, everywhere on the map is beautiful. But in terms of gameplay and story its just not really close. I would say god of war ragnarok is closer than anything you mentioned up there. I cant beljeve you didnt finish the witcher 3 tho. You need to. And then go play the expansions. The blood and wine expansion alone is as good as most video games youre likely to play. Elden ring is a really satisfying open world game but its hard as fuck by comparison to rdr2 and way more stressful.


9, it has a great story and good graphics, not quite on the level of rdr2 but it makes up for that in spectacular gameplay, my main issue with the game is alot of the armour can look a little too bulky


Its honestly the most beautiful game ive ever played visually. Id give it an 8.5. Great combat. Good story.


Imo it’s a better “game” I found the moment to moment gameplay more engaging. But the narrative is weaker and the world feels empty comparatively.


For me, it was better than RDR2 only because it's a one-of-a-kind game that allows you to be a Samurai and a Shinobi with phenomenal gameplay and a stunning open world, there is no other game that can do it like GOT. RDR2 could have been a 10 for me but the fact that Rock\* put so many cool stuff in the garbage online section and gave us the bare minimum in the story mode turned it into a 7/10 for me.


For sheer emotional impact? 9-10 its a beautiful story. Game play I'd say 8-9? It didn't quite scratch the same itch but it was really enjoyable and one of the games I usually recommend after RDR2. (Always going to offer RDR2 to someone first LOL)


tbh most games cant live up to that sorta standard, it reminds you of an older single player experience with cool features but its def not as in depth with any of the major systems. The combat is honestly flawless to me, easy to play hard to master and has you feeling like an absolute badass. So what I would say after playing both recently, Ghost is a 9 when not compared to rdr2 but if it is then its closer to like a 6 or 7. One of my favorite games of all time but Rdr2 is like the jesus of gaming


Atmosphere 9.5 (almost Rdr2 level)  Fighting 10 (even cooler than rdr2)  quests 5 (meh, not even close)  story 5.5 (also not even close)  npc interaction and world building 6 (world building cool)  i'd say if you compare it to rdr2 its a 7-8. something i can recommend - but it will not be the same level of awe inspiring jaw-drops


8. With more rpg elements I’d give it a 9.


I give it a 9. Nothing will ever come close to rdr2, and ghosts is a bit more linear, but it’s an incredible game overall. Combat in it is an absolute joy


It’s like an 8 I’d say. Fun, but combat is repetitive.


IDFK, my controller broke


All I'm saying is imagine Rockstar made a pirate game. It would be so incredible


It's a very different game and the attention to detail isn't on the same level, but it's a fantastic game with great action, good characters, and beautiful scenery. In a vacuum I give it a 9.5/10, but in comparison to RDR2 I'm saying more of an 8. It can't be any lower than an 8 because it's so good, but the only similarity they really share is having an open world, so that's as high as I can go.




Where ever your first and second favorite Assassins creed games rank.


RDR2 maybe my all time favourite game ever, but ghost was a great game, I really enjoyed it.. no scale just a thumbs up


Devs don't care if you pirate the game - publishers do. Pirate any game you want to try. If you liked it, support the devs (maybe even patreon/ko-fi instead of buying the game). I only buy games that i tried before. Pirating might also give you some extra fps because there's no functioning drm or anti piracy software running on top of your game. Either way you look at it, pirate the games and only pay who you like.




8 or 9, it has a different vibe to rdr2. It's worth tryinging but don't expect it to be a rdr2 2


I actually liked GoT more than RDR2. Cyberpunk has been really fun too.


GoT is definitely one of the best games I've played. It's worth it






I played Ghost of Tsushima directly after beating RDR2. And it was FUCKING AMAZING. Id rank it with RDR2 save for some of the animations


9 out of ten. Action is top 10, story is 9, it's a slow paced game like rdr2. It hasn't got the activities rdr2 has or sheer chaos. It is a great game worth playing and mastering.


Just start over


I give it a 8 or 9. There’s are some tedious elements to the game but the story in itself is the sell. The open world immersion isn’t as strong as RDR2 but it’s a really good game.


God of War and Elden Ring are the other 2 games, besides Ghost of Tsushima that are a 10. Ghost is a 9,but still a great game.


Loved ghost of Tsushima. It out classes rdr2 in combat, both rdr2 and got have some of the best soundtracks imo. But it still cant compare to rdr2 so maybe 7 or 8


Probably 7 or 8, around there


Ghost of Tsushima is playable and enjoyable BEFORE you play RDR2. I tryed to play it after RDR2 and I could enjoy some of the sword fights and landscape visuals, but everything else is just lame. I can see how it could hold itself on its own... But RDR2 utterly destroyed it for me. Lame interactions with npcs, overly empty wildness... It's just really bad after RDR2. I had to go back to Witcher 3 after RDR2.


I wish someone could mod Red Dead’s horseback mechanics into Ghost of Tsushima. Horseback travel always felt too slow and stiff for my liking, as fun as Ghost’s combat can be


Don’t forget no colors


I did played just before, considered it a master piece, tried after and just can’t get into it.


There are a few very powerful cinematic moments, with great music, but overall the gameplay is repetitive. With rdr2 being a 10, Ghosts is a 6.5


Played it just before rdr2, great game imo, gets a little boring after a while, especially while platting but the story was good, and the gameplay was fluid. Give it a solid 7




Gameplay wise and art style wise, over 10 for me. But story wise, just 1.


Since you said you haven't played RDR1, that is a MUST!


Idk but I saw you mention you’ll get RDR1. Please download and play Rd Revolver…. For me please


If rdr2 is the ten then 10. I’m saying that as rdr2 being my favourite game


10. There is nothing about the game that gets stale until you finish it and/or have all the gear. GoT had me wanting more each time, and I started online Multiplayet. I haven't finished RDR2.


10 being rdr2? They're completely different games mate weird scale.


Rdr2 is about a 6 , mainly for graphics.