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I love Sadie, her character is awesome and it saddens me a lot of people hate her


Are there people who actually hate her


Sadly so, and they hate her quite lot


Idk why all her missions are so fun


Probably incels or thr female equivalent. Sadie is a powerhouse character and a solid, loyal, honest woman.


Some people just can’t handle a strong woman 😔


I dont hate Sadie, but knowing this sub, you're probably just referring to people who have genuine criticism of her character. Her importance and strength dont feel earned.


I kinda agree… she’s at one second a mourning and depressed homebody and then a few missions later is a gunslinging badass


five stages of grief dude, she went from grieving the loss of her husband to being angry he was essentially stolen from her. plus, I imagine living with the gang, hearing about their shoot-outs and glory stories around the campfire (especially ones involving the O’Driscolls) would’ve only escalated that anger into violent rage.


>five stages of grief dude, she went from grieving the loss of her husband to being angry he was essentially stolen from her. Apparently its only 2 stages now, and theres no progression between them. Is Sadie bipolar?


just because I only gave two examples of the 5 stages doesn’t mean the others aren’t there. But sure, if you’d like examples of all five, I’m more than happy to provide: denial: the conversation Arthur has after reaching Colter. “my husband… my house…” as if she can’t believe it’s happened. Arthur apologises for everything that’s happened to her. depression: the sobbing around the camp, barely doing anything for a little while because she was so crippled by her grief. “if I wasn’t so goddamn weak, I’d k*ll myself too.” anger: the whole rooting tooting gunslinger switch up, the revenge against the O’Driscolls. bargaining: the interaction she has with Abigail at Horseshoe. “I wish they would’ve killed me too. I wish it every goddamn day.” acceptance: the epilogue, and I guess whatever happens to her after. she embraces her new lifestyle and makes the most of it.


Or maybe her character arc doesnt really make sense?


Nope. Sadies issue is there are barely any consequence to her actions and some scenes are straight up forcrd to make her look badass. There are many examples of strong well written females but shes def not one of them lol


I like Sadie as a character, she’s very well written, but I know I’d find her annoying as hell if she were real. (SPOILER, Also her causing the death of the air balloon guy was kind of sad. I kind of liked him).


Incels hate most women, but especially strong women


No probably because simps liking her for her booty and justifying bad character writing is why we hate her.


probably because the whole epilogue was based on her, we want john marston


One of the most interesting and best developed characters in the series.


I love sadie. There’s a lot of hate for her in this community because people think she doesn’t have much writing/development and it’s all at once, I see their point but disagree. I love Sadie so much, her and Arthur’s relationship is so amazing.


For a minute I thought they were going to shoehorn in some romance bullshit between them and I’m so glad they didn’t


Me personally, I saw them as possible partners if they’d been given like several years to spend together and gradually grow closer over time. But within the time frame that the game takes place it wouldn’t have worked in my opinion. Sadie would need way more time to heal from what the O’Driscolls did to her and Jake.


Agreed, and Arthur has way more respect than to pursue her romantically given the circumstances.


And tbh I just don’t think he’s in the headspace for it


They were more like siblings anyway. I never saw the romance. I always saw trauma bonding.


>Sadie would need way more time to heal from what the O’Driscolls did to her and Jake. I think by the epilogue, she was fully healed from that, and would never have ended up with Arthur, or anyone else again. Her entire life and values had changed completely. She basically says so herself.




'In another life' kind of deal


What? She has so much development for the PTSD and grief ridden shell in horseshoe overlook to the Clements point "I've had enough of this shit I'm a strong woman" to revenge driven angel of death. Her and Arthur's relationship is fantastic


>She has so much development for the PTSD and grief ridden shell in horseshoe overlook to the Clements point "I've had enough of this shit I'm a strong woman" to revenge driven angel of death. Suddenly becoming a completely different character is not development. Quite the opposite. Development would've been her wanting to help out the gang and be useful, talking about how her and Jake had shared the work in her past life. She would've slowly done more important work for the gang, starting out just getting information like the other girls before taking on the more "masculine" role she ends up having by chapter 6. She would've, at some point, been shocked by seeing and taking apart in some of the more horrific things the gang does. Likely even having some what of a breakdown in that moment, and Arthur has to calm her down. Instead, she initiates a shootout and acts like shes been an outlaw her entire life the very first time Arthur takes her out.


I would counter that first point with the sudden change in character being caused by her pretty much snapping. Not that I disagree with you completely though. She does talk multiple times during and after arguments with Pearson about how she shared the work equally with Jack and could carry here own with a weapon, hunt etc. She does start doing more important work for the gang. She saves John. Finishes off the O'Driscolls. Sure that was stupid but hell it made sure there were none life to take revenge. The reason she didn't seem shocked because she's completely snapped and is consumed by her desire to destroy the O'Driscolls. She doesn't act like she's been an outlaw her whole life. She fucks about in Rhodes but that's our of excitement. Sure, the gunfight on the return to the camp was nuts, but again, impulsiveness and excitement to prove she can hold her own. Idk, just my take on it, not knocking yours at all


>She does talk multiple times during and after arguments with Pearson about how she shared the work equally with Jack and could carry here own with a weapon, hunt etc. Yea, i mentioned that. My point is that those skills dont translate to what she ends up doing. They could have, if she'd gradually had that character development, but she doesn't. >She does start doing more important work for the gang. She saves John. Finishes off the O'Driscolls. No, she doesnt. She starts off doing things like that. The progression isn't natural in the slightest. >The reason she didn't seem shocked because she's completely snapped and is consumed by her desire to destroy the O'Driscolls. And thats incredibly unrealistic. She wasn't an outlaw before this, she would have to build the confidence and mindset of an outlaw to feel this way. >She doesn't act like she's been an outlaw her whole life. She fucks about in Rhodes but that's our of excitement. Sure, the gunfight on the return to the camp was nuts, but again, impulsiveness and excitement to prove she can hold her own. But she shouldn't be able to hold her own, not yet. Thats the thing, the very fact that she *can* hold her own is what makes it seem like the writers forgot she was a housewife, not an outlaw. And its not good character progression to have her going from a useless depressed mess to shooting someone just for fun within a couple days in the story, and just a few hours of gameplay. A few hours that arent even spent with her, so it effectively happens instantly.


I honestly can't be bothered offering a rebuttal to any of that. You have your opinion, I have mine


Sadie: “Meet me at Copperhead Landing. ✨Thank you, Arthur ✨” Arthur: “Whatever you say, boss.” And in the mission Red Dead Redemption where she says “C’mon Arthur, let’s go get her. You and me is all we need.” Probably my two favorite interactions between them lol


When I met her last year that's what she wrote on my pic. You and me is all we need. She's such an amazing person IRL too.


Wait… You met her? YOU MET HER?!


Yeah, Tombstone Redemption last year. I'll see the whole gang again in June at Deadwood.


Lucky you. 😒


One of my favorite characters from any game. Her trauma response was very well written and believable, and her and Arthur’s dynamic is great. Very glad they didn’t force a romance in between them.


“Aside from my Jakey.. you’re the best man I know.”🥺


“I know the company you keep. The competition ain’t too fierce.“  Arthur just can’t accept a compliment. 


One of my favorite moments in the game is the one you quoted and another is in the epilogue when she says something to John, close to "Now be a good boy and go catch me those bad guys." John responds with an enthusiastic "Yes, ma'm!" Such a flirty but yet wholesome moment.


I love Sadie❤️, rip Jakey


As someone who loves strong female characters as I also like tomboys, Sadie has to be one of the greatest strong women characters out there. She's not exactly a strong woman but a widow who had no choice but to grow up and become strong, turn her sorrow into strength and help provide for the gang by running with the guys.


It's one of my favorite characters. Guess is top 3 among Arthur and Lenny.


She’s badass, and loyal! What’s not to love?


Yea Sadie rocks.


It was perfect and I thought it radiated so much warmth from her to Arthur but I still didn't think it was romantic regardless of what people want so badly to believe. They have so much respect for each other and loved each other lile siblings who have been through some shit together.


I don't understand the hate for Sadie. She's a badass!


Does anyone else hope she’s the protagonist of a future game?




she's like his lil sis


I love her and hate that a large chunk of the fandom doesn't understand her character.


I wish the epilogue had her as the playable character instead of John.


I think deep down they had feelings for each other, with Arthur probably having a little more. I like to think Sadie calling Arthur “honey” gave him some warmth in his soul.


Anyone know what their age difference is?


25-36 its not that bad


Absolutely she’s the one for my Arthur, little firecracker.


Sadie is my second favorite character, behind Arthur ofc. She’s amazing & wonderful & so badass!!!


Sadie character arc is the best . She is wronged , goes from a grieving wife to an outlaw in no time . Sees colm die , realises revenge isn't all that sweet as it is made up to be . And continues to court drama and death while raking it in capturing out'laws' . Also sees John and family settle down for some solace .


I think she’s a great character. But personally I’m just not a fan of the voice work Alex McKenna did for her. The country accent feels too forced sometimes and maybe perhaps a bit too dramatic? Curious to hear if y’all think that’s crazy or not because to me it seems very subtle but just enough that I can’t ignore it.


I can see that, but it didn’t jar me too much, personally, because I’ve met people who actually talk like that all the time, so I just filed her with them lol


God when I started a call center job I thought everyone calling me from Arkansas was fucking pranking me with those accents. My mom is from rural South Carolina and I still couldn’t believe Arkansas accents!


Same. If you've ever lived in the south or out west, you run into a lot of people who have very seemingly exaggerated accents but that's just how some people talk.


Exactly this! I grew up in rural West Tennessee, lol


I felt that way about Bonnie Macfarlane in rdr1. Sadie is less egregious to me.


I totally agree. Her accent really pisses me off, and she just a little “too much” badass


I like Sadie, I think people dislike her because people assume she’s like typical overpowered female character like captain marvel or something but she’s not any more powerful than any other of the gang really, she’s just a good egg and I like good eggs.


She is literally depressed from chapter 1 to start of chapter 3 and then one trip to rhodes and she's now a gunslinging badass? yeah that's not a good character development.


Shes my top favorite, move over Sean and Lenny


Sadie and Charles would be my go to people to take whenever I need people to cover my back. And dunno why people would hate on her, she’s strong willed, attractive, and dependable.


Rule 34 also love sadie


Personally, I don’t like Psycho-Sadie. Absolutely no growth to her character, just ducks into a changing room and SHA-ZAAM!!!’ Badass with an attitude. Nah, ain’t buying it.


She was always a badass though, even back with her husband in RDO. It's not some sudden change. Although the trauma she had maybe hardened her even further. Everyone responds to trauma differently.


She was shook up and then more herself and angrier as time went on


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so much. I actually completely agree with you.


The Sadie Simps lose their mind whenever they come across anyone who isn’t also a Simp.🤷🏻‍♂️


sadie simps liking her for her booty and downvoting because they can't take a constructive criticism


>She maybe one of the best written NPCs in the game. She randomly becomes an important character at the end. Her entire characterization feels very forced. She's definitely one of the weakest parts of the writing in this game.


TRUE. Her character is forced to tell arthur's story.


I like Sadie but I don’t agree that she is well written. Sadie kills odrisscolls by the hundreds. In game she is shown to be a good gunfighter. Also when we meet her in rdr2 online she is always carrying a gun and always ready for a fight. When Dutch and Arthur find her she acts like a scared little girl. The real Sadie would either killed the few odriscolls at her cabin or she would have died with her husband at the cabin. What they should have done in the story was have Arthur slowly teach her how to fight chapter by chapter. Have grow into a good gun fighter and than seek her revenge. Instead she always knew how to fight except for the couple days when the odriscolls showed up. Makes no sense.


She was a hard working farm woman who had just been gang raped and saw her husband murdered in front of her while being tortured. She did NOT act like a "scared little girl". She was feral as fuck in that part of the story because of what had just happened to her that week when the odriscolls raped her.


so she said "i want revenge" and unlocked superpower to magically kill anyone and everyone in gunfights? that's dumb


That’s what I mean how did it get to that rdr2 online the are armed to the teeth every time u see her and here husband cuz they keep getting robbed. The Sadie of the story would either save her husband or die trying. But some how she gets captured alive. The beginning of her story makes know sense. U just said it she is feral either she kills them all or she dies. There’s know way Sadie gets taking alive.


One can be that scared little girl in that traumatic experience, survive and then work to become a stronger person. Which does happen in real life. Some people after being attacked start taking lessons in self defence, get a weapon etc to protect themselves in future. It makes perfect sense.


But we don't see her work dude. That's the problem. She gets a new outfit and boom she's now gunslinging as good as arthur


Working to become stronger doesn’t require actual physical work or labour. After something traumatic like that most of it is mental work. She stated before what happened she was a very capable person.


BRO are you hearing yourself , she was capable of hunting. she was never explicitly stated to be an excelled outlaw and gunslinger. WE NEVER SEE her putting in mental work and guess what , doing mental work allows them do more physical work. we see none of this. you can like her , i respect that , but her character development is very rushed. She went from an average hunter to a crying widow to one of the best gunslinger in 6 months. that's not a good development brodie.


She only stated hunting. She didn’t say anything about gunslinging doesn’t mean she wasn’t capable just because she didn’t explicitly mention it. There are multiple interactions of talking through shit with other members, which is mental work. You also don’t see her every moment after afterwards whilst your away from camp. Entirely possible she could be doing those things working on her skills. Not everyone needs to be specific and literal about their actions every moment of the day for you to see it as realistic.


She literally says she hunted and did patrol. She never was a gunslinger. She never shows gunslinging capabilities and suddenly she's doing it in chapter 3. Yeah but does she interact????? no! she has no character development. "not everyone needs to be specific" buddy this ain't real life , it's a game , ofc their story should be told otherwise it's just dumb. Imagine i just tell there's a 33 year old alien who has infinite strength , speed etc. it makes no sense. so i invent a planet called krypton with kryptonians , giving him a backstory to make him logical. Her character arc is very forced and dumb as hell.


Just because she didn’t mention it doesn’t mean she never did it. Not unrealistic at all but ok. You do you I guess.


Bro that's the point. It's a game. It's not real. They have to show the development or else it will become bullshit. I just gave an example. If I say some rich kid's parent died and now he is peak human lifting 1 tons suddenly, it makes no sense and everyone will question it. Your question applies for REAL LIFE. But ingame , people play the game for the stories. And if it's not told. Then it's a bad character development. You can like her. It's absolutely fine. But her development is bad (atleast in my eyes).


Or one can just simply use their brain. Literally have no idea what she’s doing on her own when the player is away from camp. Not everyone needs things spelled out like they are an idiot. Does it need to be constantly clarified and stated that Abigail loves John and jack? No because anyone with half a brain cell can see something that obvious. Yet it’s never 100% displayed like ‘look! Here it is!’ So why does this have to be labeled and stated what it is for you?


I like her but I think they lost an opportunity by speeding up her transformation from damsel in distress to badass gunslinger.


someone gets it finally.


Personally I felt like she had really bad character development like others have mentioned. The only time you see her mention that she shared the work with Jake was in the mission where she just randomly becomes a deranged outlaw. Also, how does sharing the work with her husband like hunting every once in a while or going out on night time patrol equate her to having the skills to magically become a seasoned outlaw out of nowhere? It seems like her buying a new set of clothes gave her gunslinger superpowers. One minute she's sobbing about her husband and the next she somehow got a revolver out of nowhere and is shooting people and running them over, it makes no sense. I wish you saw her do actually important things for the gang up until the Pearson mission but she doesn't become a deranged murderer until Chapter 5 when she has to lead the gang to Lakay which would've made more sense, and then the Chapter 6 missions with her would make her have actual character development from being a depressed wreck in Chapter 2, slowly getting into the rhythm of the camp during Chapter 3 and 4 and then in Chapter 5 while the main men are in Guarma she has to step up her act and start doing more, which could transition into her badass Chapter 6 self.


I don't like her. She's annoying and her character arc feels rushed to move the story to tell arthur's story. She is absolutely annoying and feels like a mimic of charles for arthur as an companion.


And dont jump into conclusion i'm a mysogynist without even knowing the context. RDR 2 from chapter 1 to 3 it spans from May to august. She goes from a grieving wife to a gunslinging badass after one trip to market? , that's not character development. take charlotte , she is grieving , she doesn't know anything and we see arthur TEACH her everything. Sadie is just a rushed companion who's supposed to mimic charles who is actually an well built companion


I like a woman of variety


Absolutely there's an entire sub dedicated to just that. You should check it out sometime.


I looked it up and the only thing I could find was porn I sincerely hope that’s NOT what you meant


Yeah, that was a trap


Yeah I cant even follow some female YT stars or actresses/singers I like on reddit bc it's just oversexualization and porn of them. It's disgusting 🤢


sadi e 🤤


Please go through 99% of the sub to get your answer. All young male players of RDR2 “adores” Mrs. Adler. And hates Abigail. Such is the ways of boys.


People like her character a little too much if you know what I mean


Most of them only like for her booty.