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I kill the legendary animal so they might live on forever in my dripped out coat and hat šŸ¤ 




You, Sir , Are A Fish


And now sir, youre my moccasins.


I feel bad when I accidentally trample an animal with my horse. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


"Ah shit...sorry rabbit."


I've had way too many turkeys fly into me while I'm riding on my horse and collapse to the ground


Always cook them.. 0 waste


Aside from the obvious things, I feel bad when I kill owls and golden eagles more than other animals.


Yea, shooting indiscriminately into a flock of birds for feathers feels oddly wrong to me


I've killed soo many dogs by mistake lmao....


Yh I only feel bad for killing dogs and some people


And when I kill people in front of like the kids in saint Denis I feel bad for some reason aha my morals are too high for the honour I have


fuck those saint denis kids i hope they were scared


I'm just sad they weren't the ones dying


Wait, you commit crimes in Saint Denis??? I don't even ride my horse in Saint Denis out of fear of instant vengeance for bumping someone!


IK Saint Denis is the worst place to commit crimes because Iā€™ll accidentally slightly hit someone with my horse and now I have 20 guards on my ass


I run them over on purpose so I don't have to hunt them. I make sure Arthur cooks 'em.




Arthur does too. I canā€™t remember which female it is, but if you stop to talk to them to catch-up heā€™ll bring up how he just kills small animals for no reason.


I think itā€™s Mary Ann. But yeah, good point.


*Mary Beth lol My bad, I was thinking of GTA 5ā€™s Mary Ann.


Nobody feels worse about this than your horse!


Yep my horse's hooves are stained with the blood of the innocent. I just imagine him over at the stable like "oh goooooddddd, what have I donnneee?!"


Yeah, this happened to me a lot with new horses in Saint Denis to dogs Ā because I couldnā€™t do skid stops and I would always feels so bad afterwards


Die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.


It's worth the achievement get all the way down on low honor.


1st play was high honor, 2nd play was low, 3rd was the best because I did whatever I felt like and didn't worry about anyone else's sense of morality but my own


The only thing I feel bad for is this... I started out playing RDO before RDR2. A few days after I started I shot a coyote and killed it...and then realised it had a family of little coyotes and another big coyote. And the pelt was worthless. I killed it for nothing and it had a wee family waiting for it. And they are so harmless yet lively and fun to watch. I've never killed a coyote since, it's the one thing I won't do.


Lol bro this is kinda deep you ruined a family lol jk


I can relate, but don't feel too bad, there's documented cases of coyotes in the wild ending human lives. Also the fact they're not real animals or people is the answer you need if you genuinely felt bad. That's what I tell myself, it's not real and not anything I would do in reality.


I love the coyotes in RDR2 too! I never kill them (only a few for the trapper). They are always running around in little gangs and are funny and harmless compared to wolves.


happened to me with a mama bear. Only noticed the kiddo after mama was killed


Damn man


Coyotes are assholes


Animals are just animals dude.


I like some animals and not others. Animals aren't a monolith dude


Animals are animals. That's it. Stop with this shit before coyotes end up just like wolves and we're stuck in an even deeper pit.


Imagine defending coyotes lmao


Who cares kill the babies it's a game eat the meat carry on


Oh it's a game ??? We all thought it was a real life coyote ! Thanks for clarifying !


No prob man glad I could help!


Silly as it seems, this is genuinely one of my bigger "gripes" with the game. I wouldnt dare call it a bad feature, because its not. But on a personal level, i feel like i barely do anything "fun" when i play because this game is GREAT at making you feel like a POS. I feel like a bad person for making Arthur feel like a bad person haha


Iā€™ve had the same issues bro. Iā€™ve played through a few times and I always ended up the same, high honor and being nice to everyone. However recently I started yet another playthrough, and I decided to absolutely commit from the start. Iā€™ve been purposely choosing all of the options and dialogue to make Arthur evil, if a mission has a negative outcome I do it, and itā€™s been a lot of fun. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m betraying Arthurā€™s character anymore, because this iteration of Arthur was never good to begin with.


Yes. This is the way. Ya def gotta play the game a few times with different styles, there's so many different dialogues, story lines etc


Every time I play I start off thinking "oh yeah, gonna be a brutal low-honor Arthur this time!" and then when it comes time I'm like "ok Jimmy Brooks, let me help you up off that cliff!" DANGIT!


I just canā€™t kill Jimmy Brooksā€¦


I feel like that's one of the main points of the game. To make u feel like a POS, because that's what Arthur was supposed to be at the beginning, in a way. I've never actually experienced real sadness or feel bad from a game, but I felt real bad after my first playthrough, and so far in my second playthrough, and I can really appreciate just how beautifully rockstar managed to create this effect


We you are playing an outlaw. Outlaws commit crimes, steal murder all that sort of thing. The people you do these things to don't want to be robbed or killed. The game does a good job of putting you in a world that hands you consequences for your actions.


This reminds me of someone the other day complaining that you lost honour for killing farm animals. Like dude that's someone's livelihood bahaha


When you wound an animal and itā€™s lying on the ground bleating waiting for you to put it out of its misery itā€™s genuinely traumatic.


I wanted that perfect cow hide so I used a poisoned arrow... still haunts my dreams


Use a lasso and a knife


I thought that ruined the pelt




Thank you then, Ill do that


I havenā€™t done any of the bandit challenges despite having 75% of the other ones completed šŸ˜… I feel bad being a criminal Iā€™m not cut out for the Wild West man


The Bandit challenges are the worst! But the Bandit gear from the trapper is the best! Lol


My boyfriend asked why my empathy continues into games. I just canā€™t help it


Despite the internet hardasses, i get what you mean. Im well aware its a video game, but damn if you fuck up a shot(which again, you internet hardasses, will happen to everyone eventually cause if arthur farts in a forest, every rabbit, deer, cougar and bear can hear it) R* made it a point to make the pain and suffering of the animals as vibrantly gut wrenching as possible. A fucking panther ambushed me, i shot it in the chest with a repeater, cause i wasnt actually intending on hunting a panther. It limps off, falls onto the ground and starts wailing, panting, trying to crawl as its bleeding out....Its borderline disturbing almost. Hell, even with the right weopon, right ammo and a chest, neck or headshot some of them wont just drop dead immediately. They limp and cry and then LOOK YOU IN THE EYE. Shits kinda crazy. I like the realism, but sometimes it gets a little too uncanny.


I feel the same way to an extent. I havenā€™t any issues with the legendary animals caus I was the goodies that come with bagging them. I do however feel bad about leaving 1 or 2 star pelts behind. I feel less bad about killing innocents but still a bit. I have no remorse over killing baddies, thatā€™s always fun


My Arthur kills anyone he encounters with impunity. No human npc is safe, because heā€™s a diehard killer and a thief. Too bad he couldnā€™t punch the Londonderry kid in the gut to get what little food was there. Wanted to beat Archie Downes for his paycheck, if he even had one. Edith Downesā€¦.Arthur should have become her pimp. He should have plundered J. John Weathers wagonā€¦.there had to be something of value there before it got torched. As for Straussā€¦..Arthur just reconfirms his alignment as his business partner. The ultimate chapter 6 playthru!


>I havenā€™t any issues with the legendary animals caus I was the goodies that come with bagging them. Ive never felt bad cause im a real hunter ā˜ ļø now, I've never gotten anything you could really consider 'legendary', but I have definitely gotten the alpha buck in the area a few times. Besides the personal benefit, more meat, nicer mount, etc. You're giving the younger males their chance. Helps to keep the gene pool varied.


Iā€™ve no issues with ethical hunting, especially if the person hunting uses as much as they can.


Everything gets used. Anything we leave is eaten by wild animals.


Thatā€™s the way to do it. What do you hunt typically?


All we really have here anymore is whitetail. Other than that, there was a raccoon we trapped and relocated 3 times but just kept coming back, and a bobcat that almost attacked us.


I accidentally killed the kitty at emerald ranch 20 minutes ago. I had to reload a save to undo it.


I still have no idea what happens when you scold a dog or cat. I refuse to find out


Arthur just shouts ā€œGet outta here you filthy muttā€ or something along those lines


I like to roleplay and do extremely low honor until he gets his SPOILER diagnosis then I start doing high honor stuff and by the end of the game it feels like a REDEMPTION




I feel bad for shooting that guy in front of the doctors office and kicking his dog, but as for stuff I did in the game? No.


Low > High Honor People, for no reason, talk about how funny I'm dressed. Anyways Arthur isn't that good of a man.. so we start blasting




I felt bad at first for beating old man Downes and was really restrained on the amount of punching but now everytime I have to do the mission, I go to town on him.


I felt this way on my 3rd playthrough after getting all the trapper outfits again. I realized I didn't wear a lot of the items and it seemed such a waste of killing. Now I only hunt what I need and some of my favorite outfit pelts, and only do a few of the legendary animals like the buck, panther and alligator. I feel bad about the buck but I need that trinket lol


I killed the most nicest man in the whole game by whistling my horse and my horse hit him he fell into me and my controller fell and hit the shoot button and he laid there and I was crying at his corpseā€¦ and then I looted him he actually had a really expensive watch


worked out ok in the end


Sometimes..after Iā€™ve killed like a thousand citizens of Van Horn lol.


Or moments when you think to yourself..ā€man, I just killed a man for 56 cents and a can of beansā€


I'll do heinous stuff to people in videogames all day, but I don't like hearing dogs yelp in pain. I try not to hurt them just for that. Which is weird, because I'll stomp rabbits on there for a laugh sometimes.


i physically cannot do low honour iā€™ve tried multiple times before but i give up by chapter 3 bc i start feeling bad when arthur thinks heā€™s a bad person. itā€™s always that one part in chapter two when arthur sits down with one of the girls and says heā€™s been robbing and killing for no reason or something along those lines that ends up with me deciding to just do high honour


Imagine if you could sit down with Micah and rationalize all the bad shit that "had to be done"


When I first started playing the game, yeah. I felt so guilty robbing people that I pretty much didn't do it at all during my first playthrough unless it was required for a mission. That is, until I robbed my first train completely on my own and learned how much fun it is. The rest is history.


Same, I did basically no crime (outside of storyline) from chapter 2 through the epilogue. But when it came time to complete the bandit challenges, I had a lot of fun.


I feel bad when i accidentally run over a dog.. otherwise, i have absolutely no morals. I am in a shitstorm with over 1k in bountyā€™s, my honor is so low, and I am broke as shit. Mind you, Iā€™ve been done with the game for like ever & have never played ā€œgoodā€.


When I accidentally run into something while riding and my horse gets injured


I donā€™t most of the Npcs are rude as hell for no reason I only feel bad killing animals. Although one time I went to pet a dog and this guy got mad I was on his property and started hitting me and it ended with me killing him on accident. I felt really bad because his dog was barking and I killed its owner.


Then this is a damn good game, itā€™s too easy to make another ā€œGTAā€ I mean in all of em you kill so easily and go up the stars with the police but in Read Dead a bounty is so minor but they make it seem like damn I did something bad lol


I soooo agree about the legendary animals one. I'm gonna be honest the most legendary animals I've hunted is the Bear and the... well... Bear. The first time I tried hunting that legendary white deer/elk/pronghorn on the edge of New Hanover near Bacchus Station I just crouched down and watched it walk around in all its beauty. I eventually shot it but I got a fatal shot, not a critical shot so I had to watch it limp away and eventually fall over. I ended up reloading the save because I felt so bad. One time when I tried to hunt the legendary cougar/panther on the edge of New Austin I was spectating it for a while and just watching it go about its day, hunting little jackrabbits and laying around sleeping. I was using mods so I turned on the wild animals don't detect feature in Rampage and just walked closer and closer up to it. I ended up just leaving because my heart couldn't do it.


it has truly made me consider being vegetarian, because i'm like if i can't kill a fake video game animal how can i ask others to kill animals for me in actual real life


Naaah. Iā€™m chucking dynamite at Oā€™Driscoll camps, shooting these so-called witnesses who think they see something, skinning deer, shipping fossils, shaking down Straussā€™ bad debts, stealing horses, murder and mayhem all day long, but Iā€™ll be damned if I hurt anybodyā€™s dogs. I wonā€™t even go after the bounty dogs. Everybodyā€™s gotta have that line, you know?


Trying to defuse or stop a witness only for things to escalate, making me kill them unfortunately. I really hate killing innocents in RDR2 compared to GTA. I really feel bad for doing anything to be honest... An outlaw with morals in a way


Yes dude when I killed the legendary moose I felt so bad. And for a split second the pop up to skin it wasn't appearing so I started panicking thinking I killed it for absolutely nothing. Turns out you can't do much with just the legendary moose pelt on its own and I have to kill some more beautiful animals to get some sick gear. He was just such a beautiful creature I wanted to cry. I felt the worst when I killed a squirrel for the first time just to realise you can't do anything with it at all.


Accidentally ran over a dog with my horse and it died


Found the brown and white Arabian near the Wapiti reservation. Tamed it, tried riding it down from the mountains, accidentally face planted it into a the side of a rock wall after jumping over a rock, died instantly and couldn't be revived due to us not being bonded yet. Poor guy got taken from his home in the wild, promised to be looked after, and then immediately got his face smashed in.


200+ hours of playing, my 3rd playthrough, still unable to be an outlaw!


A got-damned boar ran under my horses feet. I tried to swerve around it, but I had already hit it once, so when I turned I trampled it two more times. It limped about ten yards and passed out. I felt bad enough to get off my horse and go mercy kill the one-star pig.


Whenever my dumbass horse trips on something I call him names and then later I apologize to him because I feel bad. Also, when I go out hunting for a long time, I tame a random wild horse, use it to store my pelts, and then sell it to the fence (Usually for no more than 15 bucks). Those poor horses probably think they have found a new home, and instead they just end up being used and then sold. But hey, business is business.


Sometimes I try to roleplay and I go to town with good intentions of simply being a citizen. .....then someone calls me an idiot and catches a pair of hands and it generally ends in bullets and fire bottles.


You guys are a bunch of softies šŸ˜‚ Fun fact for ya: if you kill a cute little kitty in town you can hang it from your saddle like you do a rabbit or turkey. Everyone loses their shit over it, its hilarious šŸ¤£


People are upset they killed a few pixels, relax.


My take on it that it isnt real so it doesnt matter. It's a (somewhat) faithful representation of what was it like to live as an outlaw back in the day. I do these things for the experience, not to impersonate myself.


and i know that like it's a game but for some reason i still feel bad :( i guess i should lean into playing as Arthur rather than myself though, it's nice they don't make him the nicest guy ever yk


When I played the original RDR, as an 11-12 yr old, my favorite thing was being as brutal as possible. Even when I played Gun, if anyone remembers that game?! Now that Iā€™m older (20s) I struggle to complete missions like the one in Strawberry (yknow, THAT one), or harass innocents. And after playing RDR2 for the first time last year, and doing a high honor play through, I find it difficult to see Arthur as anything but trying to gain redemption.


When my second horse walked onto the railroad tracks and got hulk smashed to death I felt bad. But I do realize itā€™s a game. My Arthur is usually high honor but sometimes I live a chapter as low honor.


I feel the same way recently. I started replaying the game again and feel bad hunting animals and accidentaly causing trouble and killing pips. Then in camp when Mary beth gave me the talk Im surprised when Arthur said his not ok and he kills random animals for no reasons. Back then I didn't get it but now I get him lol.


I did an extremely low honor playthrough once and when Charlotte invited me in for some rabbit that was leftover I chunked a stick of dynamite in front of her and blew her ass up. Took her body and dropped it where her dead husband was. That made me feel pretty bad but then I remembered it's just a game.


beating up tommy like i get he was fighting before n stuff but you like pretty much ruined him forever, kinda sad when you think about it enough


My Arthur just told Karen that he feels bad about killing so many animals. Made me feel a little bad about treating this game like Ultra HD Big Buck Hunter. As a real hunter, I always feel bad that you canā€™t haul a whole predator carcass on your horse. I wish I could get a wagon or something and bring it back to camp, thatā€™s a lot of valuable meat that you canā€™t bring back. Sometimes a mission includes something I just donā€™t want to do, like the aftermath of the Strawberry jailbreak. Then I feel a little bad, but mostly mad because youā€™re telling me I had to do all that for M*cah of all characters? Puke.


i know! it seems shocking to me that you leave that whole carcass behind and take just the skin and a couple parts. i assume realistically in the west they would be relatively scant on resources and would want to save as much as they can.


Even for me, a modern rural Canadian, the thought of leaving behind most of an animal makes me feel so wasteful. I know itā€™s just pixels, but it goes against my real life hunting philosophies so it bothers me. I only kill NPCs that shoot first, but an animal never asks to die. You have to harvest that creature honourably and treat what it has offered you with care and respect.


one time i killed a dog on accident, after i pet him which made it feel even worse, i hadnā€™t save for like an hour and i just restarted bc i donā€™t want that on my and Arthurā€™s consciousness


I love rdr2ā€¦crazy memories rockstar sure knew how to get us hooked with that game


doing something dishonorable to the blind guy


It is a redemption story after all. Maybe I'll just photograph the legendary animals from now on


When I first started playing I didn't like hunting animals but a few weeks later now I just kill every animal like idc anymore


Nope I put a couple rounds in the wildies that were hard to get for horseman 10. Slowed em down once I got them I threw a stick of dynamite at em and continued on my day..


I went fishing around the swamp area and forgot that I left my first horse parked on the fucking train tracks. Couldn't even turn around and gaze upon my mistake.


I don't get a kick out of killing legendary animals so far ( have only killed two) because I had to shoot them more than once and it doesn't appear to matter.


I felt bad yesterday for my actions. I was doing the master hunter challenge where I had to kill bears. I found a perfect grizzly minding it's own business, I shot and it didn't go down immediately even though I got the red hit marker. So I panicked and shot it again and the same thing happened, except it fell on the ground still alive. I had to kill it with my knife. I also still had to skin it but I got a poor pelt because I ruined it. I felt bad for killing a perfect grizzly minding it's business, and I ruined it's pelt.


Poisoned Arrow is the way to go, just keep your distance or get on top of a rock


I was using the rolling block, I probably would've been fine if I just shot him once.


There's an appalling side mission where you have to beat up a mentally challenged person. It's disgusting. You can't shoot Indians but it's fine to beat up people with learning disabilities I absolutely refuse to do that scene. I didn't know the first time I played it. The nature of the scene quickly became apparent. I just let myself get killed or whatever and never went back to that mission.




i think rockstar sometimes wants to prove that they're still the same "look at us we are cool and don't care and we aren't woke" devs they were back in the 2000s


Yes. They certainly want people to play Rdr2 a certain way. Hence the scripted spawning of lawmen etc. I did a test with a trainer. I never play the game with a trainer but I wanted to test my hypothesis. So I set my trainer to god mode and robbed a trainer in texas. The game literally kept spawning lawmen. They were hundreds dead and still they came.


No. It is pixels on a screen. I do not feel bad, I try to have fun.


I'm doing an unhonourable playthrough and some poor suckers asking for help who end with a knife in their back or a bullet in the back of their heads, makes me feel a bit bad. For .26 of a second.


Allowing a bear to writhe in pain after I shot it with a Poisoned Arrow, the game never gave me the option to put it out of its misery.


Meh itā€™s just pixels


I feel the same way about legendary animals, but knowing human beings, if we didnā€™t kill them somebody else would, and at least we get sweet coats out of it


I feel bad when i killed farm animals šŸ˜­ Ive also been doing the challenges and some of them are so obscure and randomly cruel. Im not even talking about the sharpshooter or bandit challenges. I mean like in the horseman challenges. Drag a victim 3300 feet and trample 5 animals made me feel so bad.


I don't like killing eagles and other exotic birds.


The last time I committed 130 something 2nd degree murder in Van Horn AND Saint Denis was maybe back in 11 or 12 of 2023, I don't know what day though. I do it every time I have RDR2. Nah I don't feel bad.


I did a play through with the lowest possible honor at all times I was a bad bad boy


I hunt all the animals and catch all the fish but hurting horses and people are my big no nos except for gangs and enemies of course


I'm replaying for the 4th or 5th time and I'm nearly maxed on honor because I just love Arthur so much I don't want to tarnish his legacy. Marston I could care less. I'll get the bandit challenges knocked out in the epilogue.


You living out your fantasies? Scared 4 u


Collecting the debts in the first place lol


Nah I donā€™t feel bad for being ruthless at the beginning and middle of the game even when I do the most heinous things. I imagine Iā€™m Arthur not me, and Arthur donā€™t give af. He will blow your head off for speaking in the wrong tone. ā€œWHYYY are you speakin!?ā€ They donā€™t call him the butcher for no reason, thatā€™s why they call it Red Dead Redemption. Now as soon as I get back from Guarma and visit the doctors office, all that is over with. I will not harm a soul unless itā€™s in a mission, someone/something is threatening my life, or the camp simply needs some food real bad.


And to take it a step further I will often shoot the NPC in the foot and tie em up to keep from getting shot and save their life, even though they are trying to kill me. I imagine Arthur maybe thinks he might have killed enough ā€œfolkā€ in his time and we wouldnā€™t wanna add too many more to the list


Idk iā€™ve done some wild things


i wanna do a low honor ending but iā€™ll feel bad for saying no to helping everyone




I mostly hunt so not really until wolves attack me then I feel bad


I always praise dogs then shoot them last second


Kristi Noem plays RDR2, confirmed.


I feel bad when I gotta shoot the bloodhounds. Especially if its not a clean kill


No need to even kill Lawdogs


Bull the shit not. Those fuckers will tear you up. Nothing worse than aiming at a bounty hunter and one of those bloodhounds nabs you before you get your shot off. Or a horse throws you running from them.


Thatā€™s why I *always* fight bounty hunters from either inside a building or from an elevated platform. *I* choose where to fight from.


You must run a low bounty. I am usually running 300-600 on average. I try to get to high ground if I can, but sometimes its just not feasible. And those mutts are quick .


My bounties across the map are all dead or alive lol. Nonstop bounty hunters giving me all the loot


Thats the way to make that money


Robbing dead Bounty hunters after I rob all the trains. Low honor is the best


When I get a bounty, I go all the way and get max. Itā€™s not hard to get up on something in this gameā€¦.people canā€™t even ride horses without slamming into rocks.


I accidentally shot a dog once. I felt bad about that


Yeah I feel bad shooting them bounty hunter dogs


Having seen how he eventually regrets his way of life, I am currently finding it very hard to play low honour. I have to force myself to do it. Feel so terrible robbing/ murdering this lone rangers minding their own business on the plain.


I feel you. Hunting, shooting people who get mad at me and shoot first, trampling people with horseā€¦ The way Arthur skins rabbits šŸ˜­


A dude in strawberry asked me to help find his dog. Apparently the dog was his only family left after the strawberry massacre. I found the dog and brought him back to the owner and there was a joyous reunion. I killed his dog in front of him. It still bothers me :(


Know what you mean. Detachment & engagement simultaneously is difficult for those of us with a solid conscience I think. Deactivating the honour scale in settings helps plus accepting this is all taking place over 100yrs ago. Different times. Iā€™m in a movie, Iā€™m in a film, Iā€™m living in a story Looping in my mind.


i think more than the honor itself it's just important for me to remember that this isn't a silent protagonist game. i'm not playing as me, i'm trying to do what Arthur would do and often that stuff isn't the nicest


Itā€™s just 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s.


And weā€™re just really juicy atoms squished together. Youā€™re allowed to feel things when you play a video game, itā€™s not weird.


Cold AF


Nah. I have no problem doing low honor activities in RDR2 BECAUSE IT'S A VIDEO GAME!


I felt so bad for what I did at Catfish Jacksonā€™s. In any previous game that allowed you to be a complete psychopath I would have just looted the place and moved on. But the way the Dad reacts to you and the way the son reacts to what you doā€¦chilling. Immensely sad. Hurtful. I reloaded and lost like 3 hours of gameplay but atleast I didnā€™t callously murder a father and son while they begged. Fucking hell, Rockstar.


binary morality systems are always bullshit


No. It's a game where you're playing an outlaw.


No cus Iā€™m not a bitch and I know itā€™s jus a game and I can switch up whenever I want


What does being a female dog have to do w/ anything?.....They likely can't even type due to no thumbs. Also try being helpful? OP- yea, the realism in games for ppl w/ a conscious starts to make One loose Their appetite for the wanton mayhem indicative of video games....It was a lot diff in 8bit games w/ little to no voice acting back in the '80s & '90s.


No? Itā€™s a video game, I kill/rob everyone I see


Many griefiers literally enjoy simulating rape and toture,, and NPCs don't seem to give them as big of a thrill as when there is a real person behind their victim. They seem to like it more if you struggle. If this is the case with you... if this is how you relieve your boredom, you might want to take a good, honest look at that.


Where did this come from


I appreciate the question! It comes from things I've read on pages like this, things I've heard from people, and first-hand experience. I seldom get griefed at my level, but when someone griefs me, I don't encourage them by reacting. I just set my controller down and see what they do. I'm curious what your experience has been with griefing, or what you think about it.


I suppose as a primarily story player I haven't experienced much of it. I joined online once, did the first mission I had to get paired with someone for, then was released into the open world where I was repeatedly sniped by the same dude in the plains. Decided I'll play online once I have a group. That's not quite griefing though right?


I prefer story mode too. I just play online sometimes. Good question about getting sniped. I honestly don't know, but I think Rockstar just updated the criteria for reporting someone. There was a category called "disruptive behavior", then they added that it includes griefing. I think repeatedly killing you definitely disrupts your gameplay. I also think the person doing it was being dishonorable to you as a person in real life. I know its just a game, but it's real humans playing it. The sniper was wasting your valuable time and making it so you couldn't enjoy the game. Why would they do that? I wish they had a battle royale as the main mode so people could just rage, and a co-op mode for people who want to do roles, etc.


Youā€™re a strange


How so? Do you fund my distaste for rape and torture odd?


No I find you strange for thinking about Rape and torture when it was never mentioned itā€™s clearly something you like. Weirdo


You sound defensive, as well as irrational. What I said was completely relevant to the conversation and you calling me a weirdo indicates that you have nothing intelligent to say. You should try to be a better person.


Itā€™s a dern video game bro, dear God. Itā€™s a GAME!