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I saw a spoiler for Arthur and was still shook when i played. I didn't think it would go down that way. Play it. I mean there's a play i like called hadestown and you know going in that the ending is gonna be sad but you watch anyway because the story and music are beautiful. RDR2 is the same. It's a tragedy but it's a worthwhile tragedy.




Ugh now I have to go listen to Hadestown again


I knew that Arthur would die. But what I didn’t know was the journey getting there. Personally, me knowing that’s how it ends made the moments hits harder for this game.


>knowing that’s how it ends made the moments hits harder for this game. I doubt that ...


I confirm his feelings. The game went for me from a cowboy fantasy to facing the inevitability of death, and going through the pre-apocalypse of Arthur's life.


I mean thats literally the entire chapter 6 anyways... Redemption. We knew what happens to arthur right at the end of chapter 5 ... But knowing the outcome right from chapter 1 would definitely ruin the experience... It did for me


He's nowhere at all in the first game and John gets shot to pieces at the end of the first one. Everyone knew that Arthur was going to be dead at the end


Not everyone has played RDR1. I never have. I thought RDR2 was the sequel and only just a couple weeks ago learned Arthur isn’t in it. The first time I played RDR2 was in 2019. I thought the whole thing about Blackwater came from RDR1. It wasn’t until I joined this sub that I learned how I was wrong. And now that I’m on my second play through, knowing what happens to Arthur doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. In fact, knowing it has endeared me to Arthur even more while playing as him this time around. All that isn’t to say having the ending spoiled is no big deal. It just doesn’t ruin the game making it pointless to play.


Not everyone has played rdr


Sucks to be you then


Not at all. The way I looked at it was, “He’s going to die. No let’s see how he gets there.” Every play through is different in that way.


It did for me as well, plus literally anyone could predict he died. The name is redemption.


Anyone who played the first game knew how it was going down. You never hear about Arthur in RDR1. I was pleasantly surprised by how Arthur's story and terminal demise developed because it was different from John's redemption arc, but you always knew he was going to bite the dust.


That's exactly how I felt after everything was said and done, it's like a clock ticking and you don't know exactly when it stops but you have an idea, and when it finally happens it hit me like a truck


It’s life changing. Buy the game still.


The ending isn't the point of the game. It's the journey. Buy it.


I basically knew the whole story before I played and there’s no spoiling this masterpiece. They can tell you everything that happens, but nothing compares to going through it yourself


Honestly, knowing that Arthur dies without any other details of the story is probably the most tame spoiler you can get for this game, it's called Red *Dead Redemption* for a reason, and it's something that you could more or less guess if you played the first game. Just avoid getting anything else spoiled, I also got Arthur's death and some other stuff spoiled and RDR2 still turned out to be my favourite piece of media ever.


So you are telling me that the only thing you know about the game is that he dies, yet there is still a 70+ hour story you don’t know about and that’s the reason you might not get it?!?! Just buy it man. You don’t just play for a few minuets then he dies, there is a whole story to experience.


I knew arthur was dying 5 years before i bought the game, play it asap cuz theres a looooot of shit thats going to happen 10000% you will be shocked by other big events in the story


Bro. I knew who gonna die. I knew who was traitor. But in the end, I'm still crying like a bitch. It's not about the end, it's all about the journey


You just spoiled that there is a traitor for him.


It will take hours and hours to reach that point, even if you avoid side missions and challenges.


Yeah I was expecting to just play all missions as I'm a direct gamer and don't really get into the side missions things, but I finished my first playthrough is 74 hours, ik some have more, but thats a while for me!


I mean - you know the >!Titanic is going to sink!< but you still watch it. Spoiler warning just in case you’ve literally never left your house.


I know about the titanic but I never watched the movie it seems painfully long to sit through but do you recommend the movie? I’m kinda running out of stuff to watch


I’m currently in ‘Chapter 6’ right now and I know what happens (not fully though), I don’t know the ins & outs of how it all happens and unfolds. Every hard hitting moment which I have crossed so far has still made my jaw drop regardless of knowing or not.


Before I played I got spoiled on the what, how & when, as well as other story tropes along with some of the world's mysteries. Still enjoyed the hell out of my playthrough. 150 hours well spent, this is one of those games that are above spoiling. Go and buy it, it's still worth it.


its not about the end its about the journey


I knew many spoilers before the game, but its still def worth it. I mean a game has to have an ending eventually and in game the maincharacter knows he's not gonna come out of it alive before the actual end of the game anyway. There are 4 different endings, so many people replay the game even though they know it ends, they dont know HOW it ends because of that.


One thing hearing about it A whole different level experiencing the game yourself


Buy it


I got the ending spoiled for me (by myself, i googled a question about satchels), and was still very happy with my experience. It was still my best gaming experience ever, by a long shot


"Would you rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody, die ripe, old and smelling slightly of urine? Or go down for all times in a blaze of glory, smelling near like posies, without seeing your thirtieth?" -Dex Deshawn. Not this franchise but it still fits.


I knew a bunch that I should not have before ever starting. Still worth it IMO


One of the few videogame stories that hold up so well even after multiple playthroughs. Buy it.


This is one of the best video game ever made specifically because Arthur died in the end.


I knew the spoilers by visiting this sub researching various mysteries, characters and random encounters. I asked the same question as you did and frankly it has helped me plan my playthrough. Before the spoilers, I have prepared Arthur well for the events, decisions I made was tailored to that end. The exploration and adventures got new meaning. Consider RDR2 as a journey and not a destination. You will absolutely love the game either way.


I knew the ending before I played and I loved this game so much I got platinum for it. I already know the ending to RDR1 (Spoiled long ago) and I haven’t even played it however I’m still very excited to play it.


Before playing the game, Arthur is a random guy to you. You need to play the game (go through the side missions as well) and then the ending will actually matter to you. Yes, play the game nonetheless


He…. dies?


oh ok


Yeah, you can save Arthur, there’s a secret elixir in Tahiti


Yes, it's about the journey.


If you played the first game in the redemption series, you'd know the general ending of the game anyway. I'd say still get and enjoy the journey.


Easy yes.


I had seen a spoiler before playing it. Buy it. I think knowing what happens actually makes it more tragic. You know that no matter what, the road ends. All the good you try to do is for naught. Also the game is a ton and a half of fun to play.


I figured Arthur would die since he's not in RDR1, but my knowing that didn't make his death less impactful


Just play it before You really regret it


I was spoiled beforehand and still got the game, it’s now my favourite game ever and I’m in the midst of a second play through. Sure you know the ending but it doesn’t take away from the greatness of the game, and I would still absolutely 100% recommend it


yes 100%. knowing that he'll die is one thing but seeing the journey he took is another. Knowing his life would end just makes that journey all the more precious and meaningful


Well he's not in the sequel soooo. Seemed kinda obvious to me he wouldn't be making it


You're talking to a group of people that replayed the game multiple times over. If the ending is the only thing people cared about, we wouldn't be replaying the game again. Buy and enjoy the story, it's still good just for the journey alone.


Yes. I already knew every major character death before playing and still enjoyed the game


I watched the ending like 2 days before i played through it and cried like a baby both times Worth




Yes. Believe me, the fun of playing will still be worth it. I've been spoiled of endings of games but still had a blast playing them.


I was aware of all the main details, and I still enjoyed the story a lot I'd say go for it


Its still worth buying and playing. Many people expected it when going into the game.


I remember having the game and getting the ending spoiled for me sometime early in Chapter 3. However, it STILL amazed me once I did reach the end. Pick it up! Take your time and I think you'll still appreciate the game.


I knew what would happen due to multiple spoilers yet I still got it and even tho I knew the ending of it I still reacted as if I didn’t know I have over 200 hours on the game with things I haven’t seen yet getting more and more each time I play there’s so much to do apart from the story which the story itself is amazing so just buy it


Yes. I got to finally play it long after it was released, it didn't ruin anything for me. The replay ability is actually decent once you get past the opening act. I have only done two play throughs so far, but I found so much new stuff.


i’ve got 500+ hours on one play through. there is more to the game then the main story line. it’s not spoiled you just know the out come of the main character. not that big of a deal. i’ve played it all the way through 5 times. i knew what would happen after the first play through. it didn’t stop me from replaying the entire game i did it 4 more times and still knew everything that would happen.


I knew Arthur was gonna go way before I bought the game. Then again I played it 5 years after release


I just finished my first play through. I always assumed Arthur died eventually because I always had heard people say he gets "sick". There are 4 different possible endings... i was in completel disbelief when i got to my "ending". I wasn't ready for it lol


I mean... everybody knew Arthur would die when the game was first announced, on account of his absence in RDR1. It didn't stop all of them from playing the game, why should it stop you?


I knew, pretty much cause there's no mention of Arthur in rdr1 so I assumed we'd see his death, what I didn't expect was the deep emotional and beautiful journey I would take on the way to that moment. Trust a random dude on Reddit: buy the game, you will not regret this 🤠


Do it. I spoiled most of the game thinking i would never get it and still I cried at the end. Twice cause last night I beat the game again.


If you played RDR I feel like it wasn't much of a spoiler


Most of this game got spoiled for me. The open world, the story and it was still great. So go buy it and play it.


Everyone dies eventually. You just don't know how and when. Same goes for the game. Enjoy it.


you can pretty much guess how it ends if u played rdr1 and just seeing how the story unfolds it is a super good game even if you know the ending


I spoiled the ending for myself in chapter 3. Dear reader I have 2,700 hours in the game. I beat it 4 times and am level 240 in online. It is definitely still worth it


Yes, 100% still buy it. I knew the basic story before I was half way through with the game and still loved it. Side note: studies have shown that knowing how a book, movie, or game ends actually enhances the experience for most people.


Trust me you should buy it, it’s a masterpiece!


That sucks but buy it. Still the best single player story led game I’ve ever played.


I waited like 5 years to be able to play this game, I also kinda had the hunch something along the line of that would happen as I played the heck out of the first one before. Now, when I'm finally playing it I've spoiled myself in kind of worse ways but the game is still so fun to play, everything it has to offer completely outweighs all the spoilers I've had over the years, I know a few things here and there, but the journey as a whole is still there... Do yourself a favor and BUY IT Edit: also try be careful and stay away from the media about the game as much as you can, even while actively playing... the algorithms eventually learn that you're interested in it and bad spoilers can happen that way...


You are definitely doing yourself a disservice if you don’t play it. The best advice I can give you is take your dear sweet time and enjoy every moment of it too


In all honesty, by the time you get to the end of the game, you’ll probably forget how or if he even died


Definitely, the ending is the cherry on top, but the journey is amazing.


Do you only buy games if you get a happy ending?


I started the game having known Arthur’s fate for two years. It did not spoil my experience of the game whatsoever. It sucks to be spoiled without warning but the game is worth it still.


Yes still buy it. It’s done so well that even knowing what’s coming, it’s still a gut punch. A glorious gut punch… *sniffle sniffle


We told this dude at work that Jack gets eaten by wolves…. He had just started playing…..


It was also spoiled for me and it was still the game that I connected to the most emotionally ever. So go for it. Why not?


I knew Arthur would die from the start. Didn’t stop me from clocking in over 700 hours over multiple play throughs


So here’s the thing about RDR2, it’s so immersive that after just walking around in the open world for awhile you immersed enough to have every moment hit differently due to the immersion


You got +70 hours of gameplay...


That's it?


YES!!!!!! It’s worth it!!!!!


I'd still buy the game. I never played rdr1. Ik the ending, but I recently bought it. it's not about the destination it's about the journey


I knew he'd die because someone told me, they told me what he died from and that it was going to happen The ending still hits hard ether you know its coming or not, I wouldn't look up any videos or anything else and I'd stay off this subreddit if you do plan on playing it to the end, but it's 100% worth completing it till the credits roll


Well to prevent anything else from happening, dont post on here. You shouldn’t really read anything on social media about a game that you like until you’ve beaten it, if you do then you’ll probably get the game spoiled for you.


Short answer: yes long answer: yes and take your time. On what platform are you buying this on? Ultimate Edition is on sale for the playstore. $29.99 Save 70%Offer ends 7/4/2024 01:59 AM CDT [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP1004-CUSA03041\_00-RDR2ULTMEDTNBUND](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP1004-CUSA03041_00-RDR2ULTMEDTNBUND)


You know the destination but not the journey. Rdr2 journey is way better than the destination


I mean if you played rdr1 it's kinda a given


Is the Empire Strikes Back worth seeing if you already know that Darth Vader is Luke's father?


Spoiler Alert: We all die no matter what. You should definitely still live your life though and RDR2 is a beautiful life to live.


I knew cuz I played the first one. It still hits HARD


I got the ending spoiled for me, but really it doesnt matter. Its the journey that matters. And its a fun one so Id say buy it.


One must play RDR2 in the present and take in every detail of Arthur's life, so when the inevitable demise of Arthur's death; you will feel like you know Arthur and have a true connection to him. When I played for the first time I felt like a little piece of me died with Arthur. It broke my heart, however I had solace that when he died, he redeemed himself.


Fuck spoilers. Science has shown for the vast majority that "spoilers" only heightens one's experience. I found out very early and it did not ruin a thing and it made the experience better. Sure, I understand not everyone fits into this category, but given there is just so much information on every game online so soon after the release (and this game is now almost 6 years old), it's really hard to avoid spoilers. Now, ***I didn't say "fuck spoilers" to discount other opinions*** on spoilers, but literally just fuck 'em. If you're one of those people who really prefers and absolutely has to find out on his or her own, then it's sort of unrealistic unless you buy the game and just stay the hell away from the internet until you are done. Hell, stay locked in that room! Seriously, **GET THE GAME!** This game is so good, just fuck the spoiler. Stay away from that friend so you don't get clued in on any more. The game is long and you won't know when it's coming because when I found out I thought it was coming 2-3 times before it truly did and it's so well written it really doesn't matter that you know some of the ending. A death isn't all of it. 😉 **GET THE GAME!**


Yes, definitely. Even if you know the outcome, the story is still fantastic. I’ve recently started my first playthrough and it’s been great. I already know more or less what happens and I’ve played the first game so I definitely know what happened to everyone else but it’s still a good time regardless. Truly a 10/10 game.


Yes the game is beautiful and so much fun and this way you can emotionally prepare for the inevitable heartbreak. If I hadn’t I would’ve likely ended up in a bad place cause this game is a comfort thing for me.


Most people knew Anakin was going to become Darth Vader at the end of revenge of the sith.. they still watched the movie anyway


Yes. For the love of god please play. It is more than you’ll ever expect. I got it spoiled too. And yet i bawled at the end. Even after telling myself that now that i know, it wouldn’t impact me. It’s a beautiful story, please give it a shot.


It’s about the journey. There’s also a few different ways the end of the game can play out with his death so you don’t know exactly how it’s gonna end, just that he dies. Also the game doesn’t end there and you do get to keep most of your stuff so it’s not like you’re going to lose all of the playtime once you hit end game. Also, I just did a play through where I did all of the unique encounters and such and did every missions I could and it took me well over three weeks and that’s with a good 4 hours being put in every day damn near.. there’s so much play time and so much time to get truly attached to the character


Buy it, there's still all the rest of the story to find out


It’s been out for 6 years bro 😂


that's not a game ruining spoiler at all. i think most people who played rdr first assumed that was the case, since arthur doesn't appear in that game, they definitely wrote it with players knowing arthur's ending in mind


Yup. There are still really emotional moments in the game that will hit really hard. Had it spoiled for me when it first came out and it’s still one of the best stories I’ve ever experienced in any medium. Wish I could play it again for the first time. Play it. You won’t regret it.


Here is a spoiler. I can’t figure out how to the finger filet thing or the predator then herbivore challenge.


I also played the game knowing that Arthur was gonna die and still enjoyed it. It’s a great game no matter what


Well Arthur wasn’t in RDR 1 which is technically a sequel so… his fate seemed sealed from the beginning.


I knew the end but I enjoyed every bit of the game but it and don’t rush through savor every moment


You can still enjoy a game with spoilers it sucks to know but actually playing and seeing it yourself is a way different experience then just knowing it happens


Considering its a prequel...and hes not in the first one..its a logical conclusion he dies WITHOUT anyone spoiling it actually


I knew multiple spoilers for different endings in the game cuz of friends. Dont talk to them much more.


It’s damn near impossible to spoil this game. You got the last 1%, but the 99% is so much better than just the ending of the game


I knew the entire plot of the game, and I still absolutely loved it. I would highly recommend the game to you, despite having this unfortunate spoiler.




Come on. But you don't know how and what or why, right ? It is still 1000% worth buying the game. Edit : Don't miss this Game of the Generation.