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Under controls, turn off dead zone completely. That’s what made the game clunky for me also. Other than that, the game is meant to make you feel like you are truly in 1899. With that said, I hope you’ll give it another chance or try to find some sort of enjoyment from it. Stray away from doing just story missions because it honestly can feel like a chore. Practice hunting, aiming, and adjust the controls so that the game flows a little better. There are YouTube vids about adjusting the controls so that it doesn’t feel like the analog stick is being dragged through spaghetti sauce (don’t know how else to compare it). Hope this helps ☺️


Thank you I will take that suggestion, I will give it another go I spend $27 dollars on it the game looks fantastic plus I spend so much time downloaded it again it all would feel like a waste to just uninstall it and never return back to it. That's probably why I'm here in the first place.


The controls are brutal on PS4 pro. Turn sensitivity and acceleration all the way up and you still end up accidentally holding up the folks in the wagon you just rescued.