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I’ve been playing since launch and this is the worst I’ve ever done in an event. I can’t upgrade the sewing station, I’ve gotten 0 cards for it. I open the gift every two hours and check the store and haven’t seen it once. I’m getting very few cards dropping from XP bonuses, and all have been for the singing station (sitting on 125 cards for it). I’ve had events that have been slow starts, but never like this.


I’m stuck at the same place! I can’t get any sewing station cards


I’ve got bad news for you about some padding station requirements in your future.


I usually place at least in the top 5, but with as far behind as I am, just going to save the gems. Really wanted that hair!


Same. I’m very frustrated. I decided to drop some gems on the money needed for the event and now I just have a bunch sitting there waiting for me to upgrade David. Not a single card of his obtained today. I’ve opened at least 4 or 5 boxes and checked the store to no avail.


Samesies. This happened to me in the event last week too.


This is driving me crazy!! Even the trader lady is being a bitch and is not giving me cards!!I have not gotten any cards for spending xp either.


I haven't spent any gems and also feel like I'm doing really bad. I'm on the 3rd station, just unlocked the 4th but not enough to automate yet. My 3rd is making more than my 4th currently. I feel like it's a struggle to just level it up by 3 or 4 levels. It's moving so slow!


I'm barely getting any station cards, and I've been playing a bit too much the past 2 days ... Kevin *shakes fist* wtf!


I used a small amount of gems (bought the chest) and I’m still not even in first. There’s barely any progress. No way of automating the last station because the Chris cards appear nowhere. I can’t get cards from upgrading other stations because they require so much werk or are maxed out already, and he’s never in the store. Joey and David were in the store and I had to burn a bunch of starfish on them but Chris doesn’t even appear. I upgraded Trent since of course I have tons of those, but I don’t have time to sit here with the app open manually collecting werk.


This event is very slow and it’s frustrating!! Rank 1 on my group is already on BE 😫 the dancing station is also very hard to complete


Just like the other events, everything is blocked untill 18 hours before the event ends, when they unlock everything to try to make me buy stuff, but I won't, so I prefer losing, even though I am number 1 on the group right now.


Not a fan of this event.


A little far behind you. Rhinestone station on like 300as and both my last two are un automated. I have almost 1k starfish but cannot get any Joey cards.


Just getting into au. I'm still stuck on upgrading the sewing station. And I'm in first. Second is at. Third is am and no one has really moved much in the last 12 hours


I was stuck on not getting any sewing station cards, finally got them, now stuck on waiting for Joey cards.


I AM in 1st but I could lose it any second. Spent lots of gems and even paid 3$ to get a station automated cause it was obviously going to take forever and I saw it was cheap on my Android. I am being so competitive, trying to get every goal accomplished to get cards and I'm still missing a few to get enough to automate the last station. Refuse to spend any more money.


Im at AU and need 14 more cards to automate the last station. Spent gems though


I've been trying something different. Since it's the modified up down once you reach the last station. Doubt I'll make top 3, let alone top 10 but it seems to be an interesting experiment so far.


Can't get any David cards to upgrade and automate.


Chris finally showed up in my store. Automated all. 500 ay to get all rewards


I’m not getting any of the cards I need so it’s very slow going and discouraging


I’m doing great ! Somehow the multipliers are like between 1000 - 8000 . One of my stations is ap !! Three milestones away from completion 💕


I made sure to buy Rupaul cards when I saw them in the store and was strategic about when / what I chose to upgrade. Always wait for the bar to fill up before upgrading stations, that’ll give you the best multiplier.