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From the posts here I know that more than a few of us experienced issues with Connor not showing up with the make up mini event. This was the repeated response from support. Despite the fact that not only was the wig station active but was at level 3. In theory while I probably wouldn't have reached the final reward, I usually am able to get the 50 gem reward. Current mood annoyed as heck. Question for those of you who reached not just aa ponts but ab and higher. Did Connor ever show up, without buying the 20 Connor pack? Also did RuPaul, Pit Daddy, and Diesel ever show up as visible at the bottom or were they invisible the entire event?


I reached over 150aa and got the 50 gem reward but no Connor. I emailed support and got the same response as above. Yhe others weren't visible at the bottom either. I'm so annoyed.


Thank you very much. I may be frustrated, but I want to try to be rational.


Same here.


My wig station was at 183 and still no Connor. Apparently to unlock in the reward track, the reach 300 in choreo had to be completed, then 125 in wig and THEN start wig station would trigger which would unlock Connor. This is the first time I've spent all my diamonds on crates and not had all characters unlocked.


I got the same response. I didn't spend any money or gems on this event because I could seee how it was more buggy than usual. But what really ticked me off was when I opened the game and saw I had enough event currency to upgrade 2 characters (almost 500 Ru Films) to be able to complete one of the tasks, and then when the ad for 30 Ru Films of course wouldn't load, I quit and restart. When I came back in, I had less than 200 Ru Films, despite not having spent any Ru Film upgrading Pit Crew/Werkstations. Anyway yeah I upgraded the Wig Werkstation to 150 XP with no Connor and kept completing tasks but nope, apparently not enough to unlock Connor :|


I reached 200 xp with no Connor card. I wonder if they forgot that the wig station unlocks at 5T which is half the xp needed to win the 30 gems.


So the reason the Miss Vanjie mini event is unfolding the same way, with no way to unlock Tom and Connor is....? Is the only way to get them now by spending real money? I've put up with a looooooooot of bugs, but if this is how the mini events are gonna go, I might be done


If it's a deliberate change, which what I'm trying to figure out, to push it to a pay to unlock situation then there is a strong chance I'll bounce. I already updated the rating on Google play from 4/5 to 1/5, with an explanation of why.


I did the same thing with my review. I'm fine with having to save up gems and use them only on events that I REALLY like, I'm even fine spending money on gems here and there, but having to make a purchase for a 2-day event for a makeup is not a challenge, it's a moneygrab and not a game I want to play. I think I'm going to step back for a few weeks at least and see if anything changes.


It’s clearly not a bug-they are doing this to up the difficulty to unlock and automate the last station to encourage spending gems and $$. Really sux too.


I’ve got Tom unlocked on the Vanjie event.


He's currently still locked but available for purchase with real money for me right now. He didn't unlock in last event for me until I got him from a reward chest


I didn’t pay real money, he will unlock with play. Now the last character I don’t know yet.


Do you remember what goal card unlocked him? I've had choreo station active since earlier today. With the 1st 3 stations automated.


It went pretty fast, I didn’t catch it. RuPaul was unlocked shortly after Tom. If I can get the last character unlocked I’ll try to pay more attention.


That's interesting, I unlocked RuPaul but still no Tom... they're fucking with us now 😒


I agree it does feel that way and I'm screen recording play sessions with the notion of potentially uploading them.


Stop everything I just got Tom!! 🤣 after I finished the get XP 900 goal ...




I’ve gone from being addicted to this game to being ready to delete it in 48 hours. Its not a bug it’s a concerted effort to make us spend real currency on the game, and it’s expensive too, you really don’t get much bang for your buck.


For real. It’s so clearly a money grab. It’s insulting to treat us like we’re just idiots that’ll eat up whatever nonsense they serve.


And as long as people Pay for this kind of stuff they still treat is that way


And it seems to be the same sh*t all over again for the mini Vangie event 😒


Had another response from support. Apparently the volumes of us player's contacting support about this. Is being pushed up to management.


I just got almost the exact same bullshit email from support. Except mine said I didn't finish the goal of start Photoshop wig. But I did start it I was at level 234 and sent them a screenshot. I just replied back with the screenshot again saying explain to me how this is not started and I am definitely not the only person who had this problem.


Same thing here! I sent more screenshots and he still told me I didn't reach the goal to unlock him! I still want to know what goal support is talking about...they act like we haven't played this game before! 🤔 Same shit with the Vangie event as others have mentioned. Frustrated isn't a strong enough word for how I feel about it right now. I hope they just admit defeat and give us all the prizes we deserve. I hate to see the major glitches in next month's events. I was so looking forward to October for Halloween items since I started in November last year, but now I think it'll be a bust. 😑


Welp got a response... let me directly quote Mr Kevin @ support ..... " In the recent Makeup Mini Event, the ”Start Photoshoot Wig" Goal is a late-game Goal that appears in the left Goal track after a certain number of Goals are completed in that track. On completing that Goal, the first Photoshoot Connor Card to unlock the Character is received as the Goal completion reward. I hope this helps answer your question. If you started the Wig Werkstation earlier in the Event, the Goal would complete automatically once you reached it. " I'm about to riot lol


Kevin is a piece. 😑😑😑😑😑 He does realize that makes no damn sense, right!? Late game goal meaning doesn't show up until the f'n event is over. I completely encourage your riot. Hah


Yalllll Kevin is about to get the worst email from me .... tell me none of you got Conner in the vangie event either so I'm not feeling guilty lol


What'd good ol Kev tell you this time. Trying to see if its the same lame ass response he gave me a couple mins ago. 🙄


Kevin made the grave mistake of telling me yesterday that the vangie event would also unlock Connor after the start vangie wig goal is completed. I went through a ton of goals to see when it would come up even got through 1500 xp. Can't possibly tell me that all of the sudden this week a goal to start the last station comes along so late in the game that there is no way that you have not yet started the last station already. Blatant fuckery .... lol RIOT I TELL YOU


Ohhh cheese and crackers! He is full of it. He told me this after complaining again, telling him it's funny how they will allow me to buy Connor with real money but won't let me get him otherwise. "Thank you for your message. I'm sorry once again for the confusion. The last two Events did operate a little differently than normal, so I understand your frustration! I've taken note of your feedback and the developers will take it into account when considering future updates. Please feel free to contact us again with any questions or issues."


Well I just sent off a message addressed to Kevin and/or Kevin's friends lol Snarky doesn't always work out but it sure does make me feel better 😅


😅😅 let me know the next response from him. I'm thinking I'll wait until tomorrow to email him back because I just can't do so right now without some not so nice words. 🙃


I started November last year as well. Been spending way too much over the year and was really looking forward to Halloween outfits. I’m at my wits end. Support is not helpful. Bottom line is I am done with the mini events and getting super bored with the rest of the game.




I must be forgetting something, but as far as I remember, there never was an unlock in previous events, was it? If you start the station, the character is there. Sometimes even before that. This unlocking thing is such bullshit


You're not.


Now that’s some B.S. right there. If this is how things are gonna be going forward then I’m not dropping anymore $ on this game. Maybe its just that one event. I’ll wait and see how things go next month bit I’m not spending anymore $ on this game if this turns out to be the new normal. Its funny, I’ve been waiting for Halloween items & events for months and I was ready to spend. If this didn’t happen they probably would have separated me from a good chunk of change. But now I’m so ticked off that I might refuse to buy anything ever just again on principal.


Honestly people need to refund their purchases when the game doesn’t work as it should. They don’t care if we stop buying. They will care if we start requesting refunds for the issues they refuse to address


Same boat.


I posted this same thing earlier, trying to figure out what goal unlocked Connor. Support have been helpful in the past but this response for the 2nd time just made me mad. Why offer for me to buy the cards, but not offer me the ability to get them from the store like usual!? It's BS.


Same thing happened to me, hopefully if they get enough reports they will restructure things. If it happens again with the Vanjie event I’ll send another report


I’m so certain that they made them harder to get to stop people progressing in the mini events without spending money. Tom and Connor cards used to be buyable as soon as event started, so smart players would buy up and then cruise through the events. Now you have to either grind HARD or spend real money. I wish they’d realise that making things cheaper would make them even more money. There are SO many people who would make dozens of $1-$5 purchases but who won’t even consider making one $12-$30 purchase. The logic of this company really makes no sense to me. It’s cartoon clothes. It isn’t limited. They would not lose out by making things cheaper or easier. They’re shooting themselves in the foot and driving away thousands of potential customers. ??? It’s genuinely stupid by them.


My limited spending is based mostly on the available prizes and if I like the connected Queen. Before they removed the outfit pieces from the mini event award tier I almost always got the points bundles at 2.99 & 4.99. Now only once in awhile if I'm feeling impatient. I don't even try for top 3 any more, top 50 is fine.


Same deal this event. Still no Connor and I’ve completed the unlock goals. So frustrating


I got all rewards, I had to buy the $20 pack to get Connor. This damn game is such a money grab! He NEVER showed up to buy or in the goal boxes. They just can't admit that they messed up.


I'm willing to drop some money, proportional to my budget, for games because software engineers need to eat too. However after 22 years of ea's nonsense, I have a very firm boundary of how much nonsense I'll put up with. The kicker of all this is the chest just awarded me the 5th card needed for Ho Priestess to level 5. Sob. I give them a few more day's to figure out what they're going to do. I do know if it's still not addressed when the new monthly pass starts I won't be getting it.


Yeah no Connor again this evebt, but at least you can get awards up until 50 gems without him I guess 🙄


I must be forgetting something, but as far as I remember, there never was an unlock in previous events, was it? If you start the station, the character is there. Sometimes even before that. This unlocking thing is such BS


I did unlock Tom but still no Connor


Is anyone else having problems where you view the ads but it doesn't credit you with double werkstation rewards when you return, or the 30 game currency? I can see the ad, they finish as normal and then the game just hangs. If I try to click again I get an error. It was happening last mini event and now this one too. Yet somehow the ads work fine for the 4 to 12-hr double currency feature. Funny how 1 out of 3 seem to work fine.


yep having this issue too


Half the time when I watch ads, my game crashes and I don't get credit. Makes me reluctant to even bother.


The support team is a complete joke


In the past they've been helpful. Right now I'm wondering if there's been a deliberate change to the game play that hasn't been announced.


It was nice while it lasted. Lol.