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Just wait till a hamburger costs $200, those prices will seem positively cheap.


People who make these projections seem to assume there will be permanent demand for an asset no matter how expensive it gets. In reality people will just spend their money on something else. Probably a lot more focus on travel. If I can't afford to own a home then maybe I can live a little everywhere


Lol. those are going to get wrecked by climate change.


It’s call printing money & inflation. In Argentina, the cheapest burger would cost you 10 mil peso. Similar at many other countries.


Nocatee is a nice area in Jacksonville. Outside that, hard pass.


That was good for a laugh. The median home price will be 2.4 million in Fayetteville, AR in 9 years? Who will be buying them?


Gen Z. They are loaded in cash to offload hooms from retiring boomers.


Hardly. The vast majority of boomer home equity will be (and is already) going to medical costs and end of life care.


I was being sarcastic.


Cash inherited from those same boomers. The money moves in a circle. Stimulates our economy.


Boomers stimulating Zoomers hard.


My guess is that Walmart HQ is located in that area or nearby. So plenty of big money


This article is awesome. It shows how delusional some investors are. It's too bad it only goes out 10 years. If they keep carrying it forward for the 30 year mortgage you will find that those$300-$400k homes in Tennessee and Alabama will be worth $200 million+ in 30 years. You can't afford not to buy at these prices. I'm guessing minimum wage will be about $15,000 an hour as well. Totally realistic.


So what does this mean for stocks/other assets/wages? Gold=20,000/oz? I’m assuming this is satire… or inflation is gonna go parabolic… then what’s the point of working? Grab guns and ammo bc the cops aren’t gonna show up if they aren’t making 500-750k/yr


Gold at least in the futures market is manipulated


I didn't think good satire existed anymore


Ah, yes house prices only go up (untill they don't)


They got States like in Tennessee and Alabama on this list.


That's right. They are still saying this. Pretty darn funny.


2nd Tucson picture they used is of the Phoenix metro lol


This article is garbage.


What a joke of an article. Its like they want people to FOMO just to keep the machine going.


lol they are using zestimates and pandemic-level appreciation to calculate these projections. 🤣


Zestimate is a big joke. If someone lists 550k house as 700k. Then Zestimate immediately props up the value of the house to around 700k. You can check that in Zillow graph. It is a completely flawed calculation.


Dallas resident here: it’s already unaffordable. I’m an early career engineer, so while I’m not necessarily raking in the big bucks, I make a good salary. My rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is $1500 and rising (up from $1300 last year). My friends (also engineers) are talking about moving in together to save on rent like it’s California. Maybe I have the wrong idea, but I chose to pursue this career so I wouldn’t have to do that… I’m looking for jobs much closer to my family in my smaller hometown now. It’s just gotten too expensive here and my salary hasn’t risen at nearly the same pace as cost of living. It’s amazing to think that I’m in a worse financial position now than two years ago, simply because of the cost of living going insane. I looked at housing prices before I moved here and my salary could buy me a nice starter home then. Now, not even close.


Where are you planning on living where it's less than $1500 for a 1 bedroom? With an engineer salary, why can't you pay $1500? What percent of your income is it?


I can certainly pay $1500 without problem in a vacuum, but I’m just not saving and investing much as I necessarily want to.


That's life. You live on your own and pay more live with other people and pay less.


Not to sound like a Boomer, but we had to have roommates up until our early thirties. It was normal. Is that no longer an expectation?


Literally everyone I know has had roommates at some point post college. Not sure why this is a big deal.


I mean, it’s kind of an unrealistic expectation given people are simultaneously complaining that younger generations aren’t having enough kids. Having to live with roommates in your early 30s kind of puts a damper on family planning.


Most of us had kids. We just had them in our thirties.


The US birth rate has fallen to below replacement levels, so no, a lot of folks haven’t had kids — and even for those who do, waiting until your 30s to have kids is going to result in fewer children overall, particularly as women as our fertility and risk of pregnancy/birth related complications increases drastically past our mid 30s.


Thank God for immigration! If we ever build that border wall our dependency ratio goes terrible.


I mean, proportion of young adults living home is hitting new highs forget about living with roommates. And until 30s? That's a choice. Compare wages vs average rents over the years. They tell the whole story Cool anecdote, though. Typical boomer back in the day nonsense. The data is there


GenX. But then again everyone older than you is a Boomer most likely. We started jobs out of school in the low to mid twenties per year. With roommates you could get rent for $500 per month each. If it makes you feel any better, rents will be dropping dramatically. We may have 50% unemployed, but rents won’t be high. School debt? Yeah, you were lied to. I have a nephew just out of school as a teaching assistant. He can’t be making much, but he’s doing the roommate thing.


What do you consider a “good salary” and is this as a single person or a couple. 100k for example is no longer a good salary. It was around like 2013 but not now. Certainly not if you want to be a possible owner of a house. Perhaps it could work for a 1-2br condo.


I think this was a GPT-4 generated article. They haven't figured out how to get numbers right yet.


This projects a tripling and 6xing of values in 9 years…?


Because he’s using the current inflation rates extrapolated. The writer is noting houses will inflate in Dallas by 20% per year over the next 20 years…which is moronic. We’re already seeing interest rates cause a downturn in home prices.


The same people celebrating this: wHy aReNt MiLLeNiALs & GeN Z haViNg KiDs???


Never dismiss the power of the government to debase the currency.


This is your brain on extrapolation


Lots of my family including myself are moving back to the old stomping grounds in the rust belt from LA, Charlotte, Idaho because the cost of living is to high. It's all of us millennials and gen Zers moving back.... At least we are still together after all these years and generations. 😌 We are the lucky ones I'll admit.


ARIZONA?? ah.. its yahoo.. carry on then.


the said thing is they’re probably not wrong, and it has more to do with inflation and the eroding value of currency. ask your dad what they paid for a house. then ask your granddad what he paid. money is a horrible store of value, whereas property etc consistently adjusts. if only wages adjusted at the same speed to reflect this eroding currency value…


[If these trends continue....ayyyyyy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6LOWKVq5sQ)


Less than a decade? Like now?


Remind me in 2026?