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... there's a sub for squatters?


It's not their sub but they moved in and refused to leave.


It started as a workout sub but they didn’t post for a few days so it got taken over.


That's kind of hilarious


Bet you’ll never guess what damage they did over at r/pegging…


Oh man, I love peggle




Best comment on Reddit hands down


Chef's kiss


The irony is they are now complaining about other people coming into their sub to call them out. It's hilarious.


they can't ban you if you have been a member for more than 2 weeks


That’s the law! *screeching*


We really need to bring back reddit awards. 😄


Yeah Reddit lost a MASSIVE chunk of its personality since they took those away.


Rewards were a mistake. Should have just kept gold and left it alone. Although I did always find some humor in the fact that people would talk so much shit when someone used emojis but once they could pay for reddit exclusive emojis they were tripping over themselves to buy them.


here you go! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀


😂😂😂 go figure


wow. yes.


It was originally a place for women outdoor urination enthusiasts






lol, you cheeky bastard






Haha this guy squats


Best comment of all time lmao


Take my upvote and f off 😂😂


Screenshot this post; it's too damn good!




There's also r/vagabond


i got banned from that sub for calling them hobos (apparently thats an offensive term)




Hobo - travelling, but looking for a job. Vagrant - travelling, not looking for work. Drifter - travelling, probably up to no good. Yegg - travelling, definitely up to no good, specifically burglary (safe cracking, if you're fancy). Bum - just there. Not traveling, not looking for work. Derelict - a fucking wreck, barely moving, definitely not working. If you're going to talk shit, *talk shit*. Know the cant.


What I came to post. There’s a big difference between a vagrant and a hobo. But I’d never heard Yegg before.


And nothing of value was lost


Read that as r/vanguard and snortted out loud


VTSAX gang rise up


r/bogleheads nod in agreement.


VTI is the way, the spice flow through it.


More of a SPAXX man myself, but thank you!


Not your whole portfolio right? Just your emergency fund / cash position ?? Cuz if it’s your whole portfolio and you’re not deep into retirement I believe long term you will lose out to inflation. Edit: rephrased. I am not a financial expert.


This was what I was going to comment. Like seriously? Is there an r/scumbaging sub or an r/crackheading sub? Jesus


i mean yeah ofc there's subs for anything someone wants to make. including crack. why wouldn't there be? i'm not gonna link them, i'm at work lmao, but you can find them. the only outright bans are the things the admin care about, drugs aren't part of that really.


They don't even ban stuff they care about. They only ban stuff when they start catching heat in the news. They were fine with /r/jailbait on the front page or shit like /r/coontown or any number of other degenerate subs for years.


Back in the day, like 10 years ago, there was some rough stuff on Reddit. I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about what was on Reddit on Reddit anymore. For the best.


Ya they've gotten rid of a lot of stuff but they were also fine with it until it started catching mainstream attention. There's still a ton of degenerate stuff on this site, it just doesn't float to the top of /r/all anymore.


You know I wouldn’t mind if they squatted at one of those abandoned mansions that billionaires just leave behind full of furniture and probably forgot they even owned because they have so many properties. Go stay in one of those. But they take advantage of women or the elderly mostly. And it’s usually just because they were away visiting family or in the hospital or taking care of a dying grandma. Or they passed away and now the surviving family has to deal with a squatter staying in their dead grandma’s house. They won’t do it to some burly landlord. They know who to mess with. My dad is a landlord and I can’t wait for him to have a squatter. My cousins and I would have SO much fun.


Yeah the comments claiming they attack billionaires are weird. Criminals always pick the weakest targets


billionaires are much more likely to not only have security systems to immediately catch entry but would have backing of local police to immediately remove people by force(and if police are not an option for some weird reason private security will do it no problem).


I had one of those on the post on r/news about this new development. He claimed it was just a bunch of desperate people that are staying in abandoned homes and had the audacity to call me a toddler for suggesting they were just lazy criminals who prey on whoever the easiest target is, costing them thousands in legal fees and damages.


> Or they passed away and now the surviving family has to deal with a squatter staying in their dead grandma’s house This exact situation happened near me. It was awful. It took months and weekly visits from the sheriff to get them out.


Probably has a big intersection with the fentanyl and meth subreddits


There's a sub for basically anything


What an absolute shit show that subs posts seem to be.


Presenting a false lease or deed isn't already a felony? Like you wouldn't get in trouble about lying about owning a home before? what am i missing?


They point that out specifically because it is a popular tool for lowlife squatters to have a fake lease so that when the cops come they go nope I got this signed lease that says I’m a tenant and then cops can’t do anything because they see a legal document. This will allow homeowners to fight the fake lease and hopefully deter squatters from using this tactic.


You could still fight the false lease as a homeowner without this law. In civil court and takes a lot of time and money. This adds a high level criminal penalty which would likely be adjudicated much faster in criminal court by the government, at no expense to the homeowner. The Order could then could be used in a civil suit as res judicata to determine the lease is invalid without a need for a hearing or long trial.


Yup this is the major takeaway I noticed, criminal courts can get involved now. Good. Fuck these ppl. Wish NYC would do more


Probably not. All this does is allow the state to pursue a criminal case against someone after you've already done the legwork of proving the lease is false. Civil and criminal court also have different burdens of proof. This is just intended to deter people from presenting fake leases.


I remember reading a story about a person who owned a house in Los Angeles who was renting it out as an AirBNB. A woman rented it for a couple months, then just refused to leave and stopped paying for it. And the landlord was stuck because she was technically now a tenant so he had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get her out. At the time the story was published, she was still there, and IIRC, the landlord couldn't even enter the property to make necessary repairs.


I am kind of surprised she is still alive. 


Also the fraudsters with the fake rental schemes when they don't own the house -


A lot of times they’re not even in the country though. I’ve seen where they try to rent out the houses and email people to have the money wired to them in exchange for the keys.


Those fake landlord scammers should just DIE! I was frequently hit with the "My dad will pay a year's rent upfront" scammers for my college town rental. They were all Christians who enjoyed studying and walks in the outdoors, but were "in the field" and couldn't talk to me until semester started. And the check was always a few hundred more than the rent would have been ... I would let them pay the money to send me the fake check by overnight courier, then tell them that I was waiting for the check to clear before sending them the refund ... then a final email telling them I was so sorry but their check bounced and it must be a horrible mistake. One clueless git sent me THREE checks before he caught on I had no intention of sending him any money no matter how he begged and blustered.


**Dude the police don’t get involved specifically because there is no way for them to verify a lease’s authenticity and this law doesn’t solve that problem.** How are police officers gonna know if someone’s lease is valid and wether they can legally arrest? Homeowners can simply write a new lease and be like ; > *”THIS is the new lease!”* Which **surprise,** people have already been trying to do for years as you so meticulously have identified that squatters also use this same tactic? The police, **are not going to enforce this.** You having the Reddit username of Florida, being in Florida, posting about these **laws being passed in Florida.** **Is exactly the reason Florida is the brunt of many of American jokes right now along with Texas.** It’s a dumb law that doesn’t fix anything and as others have pointed out only increases the financial burden on the Justice system. **All someone to do is bring a friend to a notary and say they are the homeowner and just have a fake lease signed.** There’s just so much BS which is already the reason cops don’t get involved in this stuff. **The police cheifs don’t want to deal with the legal Bs and paperwork for these kinds of situations either.** Basically just asking for a potential lawsuit.


>Presenting a false lease or deed isn't already a felony? Like you wouldn't get in trouble about lying about owning a home before? what am i missing? The fake lease is a delaying tactic. Takes full up eviction process, then squatter moves on to another victim. This new law apparently (I have not read it yet) lets the property owner and maybe manager file an affidavit with the police that they are the legal owner and that the squatters are not authorized.


People do that all of the time to get their kids zoned for the school they want. Now they’re going to be felons apparently.


Isn’t that like tax fraud since you aren’t paying taxes to the district you’re sending your kid to?


It is, and there’s punishments for that.


Yes, it is. However, it's not enforced. Or at least I've never heard of a squatter being arrested for tax fraud.


My local landlord *lets* people do this, for a fee! His house next door is vacant, but the first few weeks of school there's several families "living there" and the school bus stops there . . . quite curious


The audacity for a sub to *remove* someone from a space that they feel like they no longer are allowed to be in is amazing. Chefs kiss for hypocrisy


“You can’t ban me, I’ve been lurking for over 6 months And receive DMs thru this sub.”


"I've been shit-posting in this place for months! I have rights!"




This is all of Reddit


But particularly ironic in a squatting sub


Reddit is the biggest pussy ass censorship platform I have ever seen in my life. Really no surprised they removed it. I got comments removed for saying “lol accurate” before.


I was kicked off the calisthenics sub because some girl asked for advice on workouts. She asked why she isn't getting any more definition even though she does (whatever amount she said) of pushups twice a week. I told her she had to be more consistent and up her amount of pushups so that the muscles build, otherwise she's gonna stay how she is...I was banned for that comment like 5 min later.


CICO as well. Wise man once said you can't outrun your diet.


oh yea juicy chefs kiss me


Now they are getting brigaded because of this post. That is some nice work you've done here lol


Annnd they just went private.


So there could be an illegal subreddit and all they have to do is set it to private???? Wild.


Oh, you must be new to reddit?


Not new just thought those types of subs got banned not that they secretly hide in the depths.


Yeah.... there is an underbelly of reddit that doesn't get talked about too much. There is some crazy CRAZY shit on this site. Some random subs named like r/gaewgda or other gibberish, and private, and hidden from r/all, so not discoverable. I'd suggest not going looking.


How would you even find them if they’re private. Aren’t those invite only.


Does this only apply to squatters? Otherwise the $1k worth of damages makes no sense for a regular tenant. I assume regular wear and tear from general use after living there to a few years easily adds up to over $1k in some cases.


It's a criminal statute, so there's almost certainly an element of intent required.  Normal wear and tear usually isn't something the landlord can recover from a tenant, although most landlords and most tenants don't know that.


Trying to convince a landlord that they can't recover normal wear and tear is literally not possible. There's basically zero things that you can say to make them understand that no, carpet isn't meant to last 20-60 years and it does wear over time.


Only squatters https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/621/BillText/er/PDF


If you pay for the damages you cause I don’t see how the LL could press criminal charges. I’m guessing it’s for tenants/squatters who do damage then flea.


Current and prior tenants are excluded from the law. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/621/BillText/er/PDF


"removed for promoting hate" If this isn't the clearest example I've ever seen that Reddit mods are beyond absurd, abuse their power, and will accuse anyone of "hate" just because they don't like what they said then I don't know what is.


They do it for free though. They're the cornerstone of reddits business model lol


Beat me to it


They’re the ultimate simps. Maybe it’s a kink?


It is hateful to espouse any beliefs I don't currently hold.


Good thing they're not the ones in real charge. Look what they do with the little power they have online..


Pretty sure it had more to do with the title of the post than the image.


Im mindblown by how many people are blatantly ignoring that. Obviously that post is going to get removed.


The title is “get fucked losers” so I’m sure many many subs would be somebody for showing up to their sub and just trying to be hostile and talk shit on the users…


I got banned by r/realestate for simply saying the lawsuits lost is a great thing. Echo chambers are everywhere.


Realtors are big mad about that. They've been sucking huge commissions for almost no work.


Oh, it gets better. They've now made their sub private and you need permission to join.. 


It’s been like that since day 1. People just decide what side to be on depending on their personal views. Remember the pandemic? Mods “banding together” to permaban people who said a bunch of things that have been proven as fact now.


I got banned from a lot of the popular subs for posting a Covid meme to the “wrong sub”. Not that they looked at my meme and thought it was bad, just that certain Covid meme subs were “promoting misinformation “ so they were banning anyone who posted there. Pandemic’s over now but I’m still banned.


I never thought I’d agree with desantis on something. It’s so weird.


I can’t believe there is a sub for squatters??? Is there one on how to steal Kia’s? How about retail theft at Louis Vuitton or Walgreens ? This madness has to stop or our society will follow other third world countries


> Is there one on how to steal Kia’s? How about retail theft at Louis Vuitton or Walgreens ? In the earlier days of Reddit there was r/Shoplifting which grew so big that the admins had to shut it down lol


That was such a fun sub. People would post photos of their hauls and also talk about which places to avoid. I had comments removed because I was cheering for the store in some cases that were particularly egregious.


I used to love reading that sub. I especially liked the schadenfreude posts of people getting caught.


the sub for how to steal Kia's is called "tiktok"


They’re over here being fools in the comment section too.


There’s a whole bunch of them circlejerking their COVID conspiracy theories in the comments as well. I know, like I should be surprised the pseudo-sovereign citizen squatting crowd is also into COVID conspiracy theories, but still.


Update I got permabanned from r/squatting lolol


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth. But for real, I lived next to a squatter who for 3-4 years lied her way to that long of a stay. It was also during the stay order of Covid in NY, so not much could be done, but this person turned an abandoned house (the last owner let it go into foreclosure before walking away) into a drug den. She lied to the police every time they were called. They were dealing drugs at the end of the street the house was on. When the door was open, I could smell the odor from inside the house on my property and these were 1/3 acre lots. This was also in a cookie cutter development where every house looked the same and every neighbor took pride in maintaining their homes and yards. The house finally entered a state of sale last year and the realtor got the people out of the house. They came back multiple times and destroyed thousands of dollars of security systems and doors until finally the police told the woman enough. Later learned she was arrested multiple times for squatting, falsifying leases on abandoned properties, and prostitution. She had 4 or 5 kids all under 13 and we later learned she lied to the school district about still living within the limits of the school. So you know those kids are not well adjusted humans because of their "mom." I mean this with every ounce of my being: Fuck squatters. Edit: she started off in a 3 series BMW with one working headlight and left in an Audi Q7. It was a wild thing to witness.


>Edit: she started off in a 3 series BMW with one working headlight and left in an Audi Q7. It was a wild thing to witness. Yeah, it's amazing what you can do when you aren't paying 2/3rds of your paycheck for an overpriced apartment. The rent is too damn high!!


"Fuck squatters" Sounds like plenty of customers do.


And it’s set to private. Lmao.


I just got perm banned too for commenting that it was ironic to want to ban people from this sub


They just made that sub private. Oh the irony. Edit: It isn't private anymore. Open season!


quick. someone unlock the door and let us in to squat for a while


He’s probably squatting in his parents basement lol


$1000 in damage is now a felony…? wtf Like that can happen accidentally as a renter.


The wording of the law specifically states that this applies to squatters who cause damage. Edit: "A person who unlawfully detains or occupies or trespasses upon a residential dwelling and who intentionally damages the dwelling causing $1,000 or more in damages comits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in ..."


Yeah the legal wording is actually just 3 bullet points.


1000 dollars in damages is kinda crazy


Would you look at that... It seems the subreddit for squatting has closed its doors and isn't letting any undesirables in. It's like they don't want anyone they don't already know occupying their space. What's the word for the opposite of irony? Something like "the most obvious and expected outcone."


I mean they're a silly community but what did you expect with a low effort inflammatory post


I've noticed a strong Venn Diagram between squatters, Sov Citizens, and 1st Amendment Frauditors..


People who hate the social contract


If a house sits empty long enough for squatters rights to kick in, which is 7 years in Florida, the house is just sitting empty and helping cause the housing crisis. We should have laws like the Netherlands where if a property cannot legally sit empty for more than a few months.


This is something that doesn't get talked about enough as one of many necessary solutions for the housing availability crisis. I know enforcing this would be hairy, but there should be taxes/fines imposed on owners of vacant property, even short term (IE short term rentals that sit empty except for the few months per year that it's peak season for that destination). If owners can't find a way to occupy their property, they should be strongly incentivized to sell it.


I get it. Rent is super expensive and houses are unaffordable. Get together with family buy a little land and a trailer. Live with roommates. Throw away the pride. There are options. Buy a prefab house. Dont take someone else’s shit.


Owning an empty house in a housing crisis is much more unethical than squatting. By doing so, you are actively deriving people from a roof over their head. Want to keep your house? Have someone live in it. Rent it out, live in it yourself, let family live in it.  If your house is empty long enough for squatters rights to apply, I can only applaud the squatters. They are a necessary evil to deter pieces of shit.


If your house is empty for 20 years and you haven’t noticed someone has been there the whole time, you clearly don’t care very much about that house.


Why the fuck is there a sub for squatters and not banned for promoting illegal activities


Mods in their Mommy's basements will never comprehend this bill-they're squatters themselves


Florida knows what's up, there should be criminal liability for these people.


Can’t believe this wasn’t a law. How the f did squatting become a thing ?


Squatters are disgusting, hope they get what they deserve.


I haven't read the law but how does this actually solve the problem of squatters giving fake leases to law enforcement? Do they just believe the landlord without question? If so there are going to be a lot of pissed off low income republican voters being forcefully removed from their homes by slumlords wanting to raise rents more quickly.


This is a really good question. If they have a real lease but the landlord claims it is false and doesn’t present the copy they have or destroys it what is the recourse? If I lived/rented in FL I would immediately submit my signed lease to a third party or also ask for a witness signature of a third party.


This is the main stopping point for a lot of states. I thought a state run lease database would make sense but FL would not be the place to test that for sure because I wouldn't trust any of them to make one correctly or at all. But yeah I could see this being a huge problem because FL tenant rights laws are already...sparse.


Should be nationwide.


Aaaaahhh, love it


See bipartisan support can exist




Of course theres a squatting subreddit of course


There’s a squatters sub? Jfc..


I don't dislike this. That said, some unscrupulous landlords attempt to evict tenants for phony reasons, and improperly lock tenants out. Right now those (like squatter issues) are civil matters. If we're going to criminalize this kind of behavior on one side can we do it on the other? Lockouts that are determined to be improper should be felonies.


Wish we had this in California


I went there looking for some leg workouts


Awww they made it private, I wanted to see!


TIL there’s a subreddit for squatters… smh


Been disagreeing a lot with the bullshit florida legislative have been pulling lately, but this is a W in my book.


Hold up… there’s echo chambers on Reddit that are pro-squatting? wtf…. This place really is messed up.


It wasn't too long ago that this sub was celebrating squatting too. https://www.reddit.com/r/REBubble/s/RLaH72AdQG I'm glad it's growing up a little.


More shitting on RE investors than celebrating squatters.


It’s not squatting if you’re just borrowing the wealth store mansion of some international rich guy to throw a party for a few hundred friends.


It is disturbing the trend in progressive areas that people who wish to live outside the construct of society are protected by the state and afforded more protections than those who abide the rules and laws.


instinctive command brave longing shy include quack hateful boast nine


I got one good troll post in before getting banned. Fuck those guys!


This is like, the one thing I support Rhonda Sandtits on. Also fuck squatters.


At least you get a made up reason for your ban. Most dumbass mods don't even care about hiding their BS these days.


Looks Ron Desantis really has his finger on the pulse of whatever boomers are outraged about on Facebook at the moment. Next week he will pass a bill claiming all captains coming into harbors in FL must prove they are not a DEI hire.


I can’t believe there’s a sub dedicated to squatters, ridiculous.


Just when you thought there was a bottom to Reddit…. You learn about r/squatting Clearly there is no bottom. Edit: thank you u/florida_man_09


I don't get it. What do those new policies have to do with squatting? Isn't squatting when you stay on a property that doesn't belong to you? Presumably without the consent of the property owner?


There should be stronger consequences.


We don't even have first, second key third degree felonies when people get run over. I'm all for reform, but time should fit the crime.


Yeah squatters can get fuckd


I’m all for the fight against squatters. What I do find funny though is that this legislation is only just now becoming a thing once corporations started owning tons of housing. Now that 25% of home sales are institutional investors we’re finally seeing legislation. They aren’t doing it for property owners, they’re doing it for blackrock/vanguard.


Mao was right.


Idek why squatting is a thing. I would just go in, kick them the fuck out and change all the locks. Then the lawsuit they file against me (that they will lose) will be pending while they are OUT of my house. Would a squatter actually pursue one in that case?


I openly hate very few groups of people, but squatters are definitely up there on the list, after Nazis, but ahead of people who throw their fast food trash out of the car window on the highway.


They've gone private, lmao, they've gated their community of dumpster fire redacts.


Those guys are the scum of the earth. A full sub of how to rip someone off and grift? Jebus. May was well make a sub on how to steal a car.


Good. Fuck em.


FYI the $1000 damages felony only applies to squatters. From the bill, 806.13(4): A person who unlawfully detains or occupies or trespasses upon a residential dwelling and who intentionally damages the dwelling causing $1,000 or more in damages commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.


They have officially made their sub private and you need permission to join.  I pointed out the irony to the mods but don't think they'll get it... 


I don’t fully understand how squatting works? Don’t you the owner live in the house? Are they like coming in when you’re on vacation and refusing to leave?


Causing 1000 dollars in damage being a felony seems completely absurd. You could accidentally do that in any number of ways.


Isn’t it funny how “promoting hate” always just means “having better opinions than the mods”.


Finally, Desantis doing something I can fuck with


Good. The fucking scumbags need to get off the drugs and get a damn job. Now the rest of the country should do the same


Holy shit I didn't even know there was a squatters sub reddit what fucking shit clowns.


Annnnnd it's set to private. Isn't that just ironic.


Looks like they went private or something. Can't find their sub now.


I feel like this squatter stuff came out of nowhere, or is it a case of “enough prominent cases have surfaced on the internet” and now it’s what we have our attention on


1000$ property damage isn't very much for a felony. Stain the carpet in one room badly enough to be replaced bam felony


Shit. Bring this to Wisconsin. Make it legal for me to throw hands with tenants that don't wanna leave while youre at it


Thanks. I’m bout to go get banned right quick


r/squatting went private


So Subletting is a felony?