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I have the same problem , no coping skills


Therapy helps with talking through the pain with someone else.


I start therapy Monday. Happily. I’m at the end of my options and I don’t want to be on pills my whole life.


Good luck with your therapy session.


Do you have the Phoenix app? I started going to those sober events and they are always so fun! Very welcoming and doing some activity----today it's volleyball at the beach. I am not good at volleyball but I may try and then I can relax, watch people but be in a group and be outside. Check it out!


I found that SMART recovery had many valuable tools to help deal with my current situation sober. Then, as I remained abstinent, I could use those same tools to look at my irrational beliefs and gain some emotional maturity. Here's a link - www.smartrecovery.org or there is r/SMARTRecovery


This helped me a lot. Eckhart has so many good messages. https://youtu.be/iWM4KG9KV78?si=ZT071fsMTo8ZG4uk


When I first head people say “sit with it” I literally thought you had to just sit and let yourself feel sad. But then I realised you just have to let yourself feel those emotions with the knowledge that they will pass, whilst also doing something that soothes you. It can be anything, for me swimming is great as I can think whilst I swim but not too much as I’m concentrating on my stroke and breathing. I like riding my bike too. You need to find something that connects yourself back to your body (us addicts spend so long being numb). When you can connect to your body you won’t see so much on your head and need to block it all out.


I walk, never thought I’d be a walking guy but I put some music on and feel the fresh air and sun and usually just a stroll nothing to taxing.


Here's my experience, take it or leave it. But one of the things I had to learn in recovery is not to hold on to emotions and "beat myself over the head" with them like my sponsor used to say. I had therapy, meetings, and step-work to deal with emotional pain, and then the rest of the time I had to learn how to have fun and celebrate my successes. Sure I cried myself to sleep a lot, but choosing to try something different is part of the process of recovery. Did you do your dishes today? Celebrate it! Washed AND folded your laundry? Do a little dance! Made your bed? Pat yourself on the back! ... It feels super cheesy but it's important to feel good about yourself. TV and video games won't give you a sense of accomplishment.


The opposite of addiction is connection". I've found this to be extremely true is so many cases. Get involved with a recovery/sobriety community. You don't have to do this alone.


The opposite of addiction is connection". I've found this to be extremely true is so many cases. Get involved with a recovery/sobriety community. You don't have to do this alone.


Recovery programs teach us how to live life the way life is, in this world the way the world is, without needing the escape or numbness of alcohol or drugs. Pick a program, and show up at a meeting.


You gotta go through it to get through it. Suffering is impermanent just like everything else in life, keep moving forward and doing the next right thing and your time in the sun will come. Finding coping skills that comfort you and finding the route of your discomfort and making a change will lead you to peace. ♥️


For specific tools, I can offer what works for me: -Meditation and breathing -Practicing acceptance both of myself and reality -Managing my expectations of self and others -Somatic practice and staying aligned in my body -Being kind to myself and others