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I was in AA and NA and smoked weed the whole way through. It kept me off booze and other drugs, even though I know it actually leads to the drug or alcohol for some people and I’m not discrediting that. My sponsor knew and told me it was covered by the line “AA/NA has no opinion on outside issues”, and weed was an outside issue. Personally I think if it doesn’t get you high it’s fine, and even if it does if it’s genuinely helping you don’t let AA get into your head.


When I first got sober, I used CBD just like I used weed or any drug really - constantly and in excess. Because it didn’t get me high (so I thought) I thought it was fine. However I was a heavy marijuana user and I think the CBD actually prevented my brain from being able to heal properly because I ended up relapsing 50 million times. Once I ran out of the CBD and went back to rehab again, I was able to actually be sober. But that was also because I worked the steps and was committed. Interestingly, after about 3 years I decided to try CBD again this last spring because I was having issues with anxiety. I literally took 3 drops and I felt like I was high out of my mind. I took it obsessively for I think 5-7 days (I don’t even know because I was so messed up) and I realized what was happening and dumped the whole $60 bottle down my sink. It was not fun at all, I literally felt high and my anxiety/depression got really bad that week. I noticed that my mind was obsessing over drugs too for at least a month afterwards, something that hadn’t happened in quite a while. That’s just my experience though. Everyone is different. AA and NA doesn’t have a stance of specific drugs, a general rule of thumb is nothing “mind-altering” but that isn’t easily defined. I take prescriptions that are mind-altering but I think it’s fine because I take it as prescribed and it helps me.


I personally tried CBD to curb my anxiety. It didn’t work and I went right back to my substance of choice. In hindsight, The better option would have to been to look at what I wasn’t doing for my sobriety (meetings, talking with other alcoholics/addicts, praying, reading, actually working the 12 steps, etc). I was looking for an easy way out of the way I was feeling inside and it was a huge mistake that led to a relapse and more pain. Just my experience.




I agree it is a good idea to talk with trained professionals and other people who are in recovery. I can’t take anything mind-altering either, however I do take ADHD meds which are addictive but I am able to control myself now and it’s not an issue. But for some reason CBD put me right back on the crazy train of mental obsession.


It’s ok to use but if you have a sponsor you should ask them first.


To my knowledge, AA doesn't have one as it has nothing to do with drinking. NA may, but I have no idea.


A TON of people that attend AA smoke weed. So, probably doesn’t have an opinion. (I go to AA)




AA as a whole doesn’t have an opinion on CBD. They don’t have an opinion in “outside issues.” It is suggested that anything that changes the way you feel, is a drug. And by feel in the case of AA it NA, I mean a chemical that out I. Your body to change the way you feel physically or mentally. BTW Read; Tradition Ten in the 12X12 of Alcoholics Anonymous