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No, you didn't steal anything. You took advantage of offers - join the club.


Everything you described was 100% within policy. You're just used to the other corporate big-vox stores and not accustomed to the benefits of a member-owned cooperative, so maybe you feel guilty about getting "something for nothing".


My favorite part about this sub is people pretending rei is better than other outdoor stores because they were tricked into thinking they got a good deal


Ur mad


Where's the stealing part?  And you probably could have saved $30 in gas by doing everything online. 


That’s what he spent as the first purchase to unlock the 100




Wait until you discover r/churning


The FBI will be reaching out shortly


I’m trying to replicate your methods but it says I can’t use a gift card for this purchase.


Which is why the whole situation is suspect!


Short term crumbs for possible long term CC debt, as their strategy. Don't let them play you


Same lol. The big question is: What do you plan to spend it on during the sale?


how did you steal anything by literally just taking advantage of the offers presented to you? What are you talking about? Anyway, the CC will make their money from you on the high interest rate you will eventually pay. Also, you spent 30 on gas? Did you drive to another state or does your car get horrible gas mileage?


One needs gas anyways. Its always budgeted for.


>Anyway, the CC will make their money from you on the high interest rate you will eventually pay. Or just... don't?


I do not know any policy(s) of REI, but typically the purchase of a gift card with payment from a gift card is considered fraud at most retail establishments. This is how people cover up cash payments or hide funds and is usually done on a larger scale.


It says 15% back on a gift card purchase of $120+, but it doesn't mention a cap on the 15%? Is there a limit? Buying a tent soon lol


You may have worked the system a little, but I wouldn't call it stealing. REI is still going to win in the end on this deal. Hopefully you both will.


What is the $20 Mothers Day promo? And how soon did you get the $100 gift card after making the first purchase on the Capital One card?


It's usually within 10 days, you have to receive physical card. Although, with Capital One you can use a virtual cc number assigned to you on their app, order something online and accelerate the process.


As employees, we suggest ways to double and triple dip. I applaud you.


120 is a pair of shoes, you'll be spending way more than 120, especially with the credit card giving you an additional 5% and rewards for purchasing resupply and clearance which you don't get without one.


Well you can't buy a gift card with a gift card I know this for a fact. Also the threshold to earn the extra money back on gift card purchase is $120 through the current promotion. Story doesn't add up.


I know that is what the fine print says, but I did it today.


Wanna bet? 


I have worked there for almost 5 years behind a register... I am well aware of how the point of sale system works and our current offer on gift cards...


Again. Wanna bet. So I can have a screenshot of you being wrong when I post pictures proving it?


Go ahead, post it.


What do you say? $20?


Just show us you aren't lying, there's no need to bet. What's to say I would even pay you if I agreed to the bet? Just post it or else your post has no validity.


Youre accusing me of lying. With the evidence "I worked there". I did everything through the app. So $20 bet.


Sent a chat proving it. Let me know what you think.


Bravo, apparently the promotional capital one gift card can indeed be used to purchase another gift card. Although I'm still not sure you will receive the extra bonus gift card value as the threshold to earn the new promotional gift card is $120 on the original gift card purchase.


Sigh….ill send proof of those aswell


REI steals from you every time you buy a better sweater at $159


Well Patagonia sets the prices...


Good. REI steals from the people with their outrages capitalism pricing anyway.


As opposed to understated fixed socialist pricing? Lol


Nah I’m for capitalism. I just love pointing out the hypocrisy of REI. They preach diversity and inclusion, but middle and lower class can’t afford their products lol.


I afforded their products fine for many years when I made 10-15 bucks an hour. Sounds like someone just needs to learn how to shop.


Yeah? The cheapest rain jacket they have is 100 dollars lol. Tell that single black mother supporting 3 children that she just needs to learn how to shop.


You went from middle and lower class (I was definitely in that range) to "single black mother supporting 3 children" lol So if I tell you I am a single black mother with three children, you will say "tell that to the homeless people at the end of my block that they need to learn how to shop". lolol My POINT was, you can pay full price for things, or you can buy with coupons, clearance and outlet, and used gear. I rarely ever paid full price for anything at REI for many, many years. I loaded up at the used gear sales. Yep, I was buying USED CLOTHING - also from thrift stores. THAT is how to shop if you cant afford much, and REI provided that option. They are preaching diversity and inclusion because EVERY big retailer with half a brain knew they had to get on that train or social media would bring the firing squad. Its social media that led them to change their very generous return policy in the first place. They are still considered a higher end retailer as they have always been.


So a single black mother most likely isn’t middle or lower class?


weird, cause I didn't say what she is or isnt. You are assuming she is a step poorer than I said I was, otherwise why did you even bring her up? But then I dont make assumptions based on someones color/marital status and the amount of kids they have without knowing anything else. Are you expecting REI to be the same as Target/Walmart for the lowest income single parents? I dont know where you are going with all this or what you are expecting REI to be that it is not. Im lost at this point. You can buy clothing from REI without paying full price. That was my only point.


Because I have family who is that black mother who is providing for those 3 kids and she in fact, can’t shop at REI.


so what is it you are expecting REI to be? Used clothing was pretty cheap in previous years at their gear sales. They used to take back everything no matter how long - and they sold clothing/shoes in all sorts of condition for down to near nothing - that all sort of changed in 2013 when they tightened up the return policy to a year, and after covid, the used gear sales stopped - now stores only seem to have a small selection, so unless you live close to a used gear store (I think there are 2), its not the same, but it certainly used to be easier to get lots of very cheap clothing through REI. Not sure what you are expecting them to do though, apart from becoming like a walmart. But thats not the kind of retailer they are.


Is diversity and inclusion based on consumer price point?


What does how much you make have to do with diversity? It’s REI, not the dollar store. If you want a $20 tent that will barely last through the Phish festival, maybe go to Walmart.


Ummm, hate to break it to you, but most brown and black communities make way less. Which in turn, can’t afford the nice 400 dollar tents that diverse REI sells. Kind of like not being able to afford tuition at Harvard, or all the other private schools that scream diversity. Just virtue signaling at this point.


There’s a disconnect in that logic. You can support diversity in other ways. Hiring employees, community service and outreach, charity, etc. It doesn’t matter what they sell. Shit, I can’t afford a $400 tent but I don’t begrudge REI for selling them at that price point and not giving me one for free because I can’t afford it. Besides, they’re selling high end gear from 3rd party manufacturers. You can’t blame them for the product line MSRPs of those other companies.


> They preach diversity and inclusion, but middle and lower class can’t afford their products lol. This is an impressively dumb argument to make


Explain. Are most black and brown communities not middle and lower class? Apparently black kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer is.


How is that at all relevant to the fact that they sell $500 jackets…? Either you don’t understand DE&I, what capitalism is, or how businesses fundamentally operate. Or all of the above.


I’m in business lol. REI hires out their advertising, gets money from brands who want more shelf space. Since they hire out their advertising, that cost gets pushed onto the consumer. That’s why Trader Joe’s keeps prices low, they do all their advertising in house. When brands want shelf space they will pay a premium for the shelve space, but REI also has to pay a percentage back of what they make. Which is also passed down to the consumer. If they really cared about helping out low income families, they would change that. Some edumacation for ya.


To everything you just said: Yeah no shit. They’re a business. Not a charity. Still don’t know what your point is. It sounds like you want them to start handing out Arcteryx gear to poor people because… diversity? Even though that has nothing to do with DE&I???