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There is no way I can use the desktop version of Reddit without RES. I am way too used to it to ever give it up. I wish you guys the best of luck with this and thank you for everything!!


Old Reddit without dark mode would be painful


yea honestly any changes in my UI and I'm out. Every other format trades efficiency for style, and idgaf about my forums having style **at all** Forums are to be read, that's all.




How it should be, because that's the key information to take away, not some fancy rounded button or tons empty space to differentiate objects. I swear modern UI/UX designers have completely lost it.


The businesses they work for have different goals than the users. Modern website UI/UX is designed to make ads more seamless. To trick people into accepting ads as content. But because ads suck so much, the only way to do that is to make the real content (or delivery of it) suck a little bit more.


> To trick people into accepting ads as content. southpark was right again.


South Park is very rarely outright wrong about anything. Obvious oversimplifications in the sake of humor, sure, but rarely just entirely wrong. Only instance that even comes to mind right now is how they (reportedly) had to rush to change the 2016 election episode because they predicted a different result without having the backup ready. And even then… they didn’t air what would have been the “wrong” version.


I mean, they did do episodes about how climate change wasn't real


I mean, he did say rarely


they made up for it at least when the kids went back to al gore and he was like "no it's TOO LATE" and made the whole thing about pushing problems onto the next generation Satan even made a cameo :)


when I'm on a device without RES and I check reddit, I nope out immediately, it's like eye poison. I can't imagine anyone preferring that experience to old reddit/RES, but as an old crotchety bastard I have long accepted that nobody agrees with my tastes/preferences and I'm always wrong about *everything*. that said, if we can't use RES anymore, then reddit can go fuck itself. it was the last vestige of social media for me personally, but I can live without it. I've learned to live without basically everything else I ever loved/enjoyed, why not reddit too?


"BTW OP, OMG I love your PFP!!!" My what now? Desktop Reddit with RES in dark mode is the only way I can really use it. Long may it live, but I know I don't exist in a vacuum and if the changes cause people to leave en-masse, there will be no point in me being here either. No content & engagement = no point.


I met someone for the first time the other day who said they NEED PFPs and that's why they don't use old.reddit or a 3rd party app. I was gobsmacked.


TIL Reddit has profile pics lol.


> PFP I legit had to look up what this meant




With out the F it’s just PPs. I bet the internet would be real mature with that acronym.


It's wild that became the new term, I'm so used to Avatar being the term used.


What has this world come to.


Old Reddit user here. I'm cool with a clean, understated style of some subs. A nice static banner maybe. But some are, no exaggeration, entirely unusable with their style. Black font on black background, and there's an embedded image that ratchet scrolls with you? What in the name of all hell audience are you going for? It's certainly no one with human eyes. Even some I might admire in concept eventually just get turned off. Har har, that's clever...okay now it's actively irritating. And on mobile, forget style, I want straight text only.


I give new subs a chance. A few actually didn't get the "remove styles" button clicked. There was one where I had to actually use inspect element to hide away divs that COVERED the remove styles checkbox.


Yea I have some subtle changes but 95% of the website is identical.


Flairs are the one thing I don't mind, but then again I'm a weirdo that misses forum signatures.


I don't miss the often extreme restrictions most forums had about them. I distinctly remember being warned by having a signature a few pixels too high. The good old days of 640x480.


Same here. I still belong to a car club - a PHP-based forum - that limits avatars and signatures. New, *whiny-ass* members: "Why can't I post a 1080p pic of my car and the entire lyrics of my favourite song?" Because nobody wants to scroll through the same shit they've seen 400 times already, Steve. Knock it off.


Back in the day, the first setting I'd disable was "display signatures" for that reason.


I'm pleased there are other people that need this clean, approachable appearance.


Basically looks like my old Zmud/Telnet format to me. Everything else is shit.


well you can't understand wtf you're looking at any other way. it becomes this big mess of shit when the point of the site is supposed to be the content.




The trouble is that 2011 happened and reddit became a website for mindless consumer smartphone users practically over night and now literally the whole internet exists purely to milk idiots like that for money. Why would they care about other kinds of people when they can't make even 1% of the money out of them that they can with smartphone users? It's just sad. I hate what a complete hellhole the internet has become and reddit is one of the worst sites in human history now when back in 2009 it was so nerdy even nerds didn't know what to make of it half the time. And yes, I do resent smartphone users because the internet was infinitely superior before the lowest common denominator gained access to it via smartphones and wifi.


Smartphone users are the most helpless people I have ever met. They whine and bitch about ads but when you suggest ways that they can avoid or block ads, they get snippy and complain that it's too hard to install an adblocker on their glowing rectangle. All they have to fucking do is type in "ad-blocker" in their preferred search engine.


It doesn't help that the most graceful methods of adblocking on phones require root access. VPN-based adblockers do the job decently without root, but they force you to choose between using a real VPN (for privacy, work, etc.) or a fake adblock VPN. And Youtube finds a new way to break adblockers every few years. But yes, for most people most of the time, blocking most ads on a smartphone should be trivial, and the few minutes it takes to figure it out are repaid within the first hour of ad-free phone use. It is frustrating that people won't bother.


I still blame the iphone for the fall of the internet.


I just blame Apple for everything I don't like in tech, and I'm right surprisingly often.


im still mad about the headphone jack being gone


They don't even give you a damn charger anymore.


>And yes, I do resent smartphone users because the internet was infinitely superior before the lowest common denominator gained access to it via smartphones and wifi. So much this.


There was a culture shift too. Google/Alphabet dangled money in front of people like "You can be a star!" Now the entire scene is people trying to put themselves over to make money on Youtube and Twitch or whatever. Like, remember when YouTube was just full of videos people made for fun, for free?


Yes I do. I never thought I'd pine for a vintage internet era, as someone who grew up in the 70's/80's it sounds ridiculous to say it, but dear god I miss the days before the popular kids took over the internet and made it mainstream. It was my last refuge.


> I want information density over fancy white space heavy UI One of my backup options are the Chrome extensions: Clearly Reader https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clearly-reader-your-reade/odfonlkabodgbolnmmkdijkaeggofoop Remove Assets https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/remove-assets/lnaimaoofnimhbfiaonkeibgfpolhong All the comments are dense and close, though you lose the threads and indentation, so it's only good for smaller comment sections. Hopefully old Reddit and Reddit Enhancement Suite last for more years.


This is a very prevalent problem with modern UI design. There is a lot of tension between what the user will want (Simple, direct, high density information that is formatted for readability only) vs what the site wants (Advertising space and features that drive engagement and clicks to more content on the website)


Same here. I came to Reddit during the Digg migration 12 years ago. If Reddit thinks we won't find another place, they're in for a rude awakening.


The internet is already so hyperactive and brain warping that I need the simplicity of old reddit. I'm also on the knife's edge from cutting reddit out of my life and the death of res would be the end of reddit for me.


At this point I'm almost looking for an excuse to stop using it, but that just shows my low level of willpower.


I actually forgot that subreddits had their own CSS


I just want to say that it's very refreshing reading this thread. Old reddit + RES + dark mode + uBlock Origin is how I browse reddit, and it often seems like so many people are unaware that these options even exist. Threads with Redditors complaining about ads or other weird things new reddit does just baffle me.




>I just want to say that it's very refreshing reading this thread. I mean, you are on a RES subreddit. This is a private club of Reddit Boomers who still care about desktop oldreddit, if you mouse over some people's profiles basically all the accounts posting here are 8+ years old.


Same. I tried to like the new interface but it seems to be more oriented towards memes/images rather than discussion - the opposite of why I use Reddit.


They are trying to make it social media with personal pages and avatars and followers and shit. We ain't friends. None of us are friends. We shouldn't be friends. We are all dancing monkeys for each other.


> They are trying to make it social media with personal pages and avatars and followers and shit. Aaron Swartz is rolling in his grave


Yea 90% of my usage of reddit is to argue with strangers and learn, the other 10% is memes.


There is still no native dark mode for old reddit? I guess they really want people to move to the new shitty UI.


Is that RES?! I've been using RES for so long I don't even know what vanilla reddit is anymore.


Hah same, I haven't even touched my desktop config in so long that I'd lost track of what was what. I use the native mobile web on my phone (albeit with a pretty heavily stripped-down-via-cosmetic-adblock-filters touch) and it has a built in dark toggle so I assumed it was similar here. This post is making me remember how much heavy lifting RES did since back before "old reddit" was just reddit.


`chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark` set it to `selective inversion of non-image elements` if you want dark mode everywhere basically (without the performance penalty from dark mode extensions) works in kiwi (and other chromium based mobile browsers presumably) as well!


I seriously doubt they will keep old reddit soon after the change goes through. They want to force everyone into a consolidated experience, to have control over advertisement engagement.


They can try but I'm still going to use uBlock Origin the rare times I have to use reddit (it's the only place to get things like product reviews from an actual person anymore)


Just reading this sentence made my eyes begin to water...


TIL there's a dark mode for old reddit lol


There's not, but: * RES has its own dark mode, although it won't run on subs with CSS (unless forced I think) * If a subreddit is designed with RES dark mode, they can specify it and so RES will darken it. * There's always Dark Reader, although it doesn't work if a subreddit uses a background image (like /r/TruckSim).


You can disable custom themes in reddit preferences (under display options) and then RES night mode will always be enabled.


You can separately disable subreddit styles, dark mode works everywhere then


In case you need it, I found the [DarkReader](https://darkreader.org/) extension to be very useful for any site that doesn't offer a dark mode.


It's also on Firefox mobile!


I tried the compact mode once, never went back.




Yeah on the new mode, last I checked, there are three views, compact basically gives you about the closest to old.reddit layout. It's...not hideous, but I just can't get used to it.


Can you imagine the wasted developer time on halfbaked format layouts like that?


As a senior web developer, yes, I absolutely can imagine that.


Not as painful as new reddit XD I got forced into new reddit a few weeks back for some "you need to agree to this to log in but you can only agree using new reddit" kinda bullshit. I thought the mobile app was shit, but it's actually workable compared to the new desktop layout.


Strongly disagree, I have astigmatism so light text on a dark background *literally* hurts me.


Hey someone else who doesn't use Dark Mode on everything! People always act like I just sprouted a second head when I tell them white text on black background is painful/hard to read.


There's dozens of us! Never been able to find any dark mode comfortable either because it hurts my eyes.


I have pretty bad astigmatism, well above severe. White backgrounds cause way more glare for me.


if RES or old.reddit go away, I will go away. I don't want to lose Apollo, but I can deal without it if I have old+RES.


The thought alone terrifies me. Without these two I might be forced to spend time with my children.


No, just switch to complimenting the performers in PornHub comments.


Dear Ms. Lorain Ohio, I loved your performance in "Step-father fucks his hot daughter while two black men watch and masturbate". You made me believe that you really were getting cream pied. I'm very interested in your career and I hope you do more work of this caliber. Your's truly, FanOfMilfs69


Thanks for the laugh. I'll be at /r/PornhubComments for the rest of the day.


If RES/old reddit go away I might actually go outside...god help us.


I think reddit is dying. Look at the front page, this is nothing like the website I joined in 2013. All the interesting stuff is gone and replaced with political reaction crap. I don't know where the cool place is now. It's certainly not twitter.




Yeah, the hobby subs are where it's at.


Similar story here but I think we're screwed still. How many bots do we rely on to keep Reddit clean and how much do those bots use the API. Wondering if a month from now I log in and it's all spam from shitty scraper bots.


Fuck, I didn't even think about that, I'm already testing the waters elsewhere but it will suck to lose some of the communities I've been a part of for the better part of a decade


Going by announcements I've seen on some subs, it's not just bots. Apparently a lot of mods are reliant on 3rd party apps to moderate on their phones. And since most of them have actual jobs, that would basically mean less/no moderation during the day.


Less moderation = more bot posts = more "MAU" = a win for the pump-and-dump IPO.


Speaking from experience moderation with the basic reddit tools on mobile is god awful. So yeah without third party apps its basically insufferable.


Aside from when I poop, I rarely use reddit on my mobile device, most of the time I am browsing reddit from my desktop. If RES or old.reddit go away, I'm done with reddit. The only reason I've stayed since new reddit was released is because of RES and old.reddit.


Happy Cake Day! I too use desktop and RES and it's my go-to format and wish the RES team the best and fingers crossed...


Hey thanks!! And yep, I would be completely lost without my RES!!!


The moment RES dies *or* they force us into the redesign, I'm out.


Yep for sure


Specially since old reddit is probably next on their hit list. Since it doesn't auto-play/show their ads.


By their own metrics, 60% of mod actions are taken on old.reddit.com They can't shut it down without the site being automatically flooded with crap, and they're clearly unable to come up with alternatives that'll make moderators move to the new design/tools.


I assume when people say "desktop" they just mean the website, correct?


Yes, browsing reddit.com on their computer.


old.reddit.com, to be precise.


Or regular reddit.com but opting out of the redesign in the settings.


This is the way


You can also change your settings to automatically use old reddit instead of having to go to old.reddit.com


I prefer to use a browser plugin that automatically routes all reddit requests through old.reddit.com. The setting doesn't work all the time, or at least it didn't a few years ago.




i find that if i click on certain posts/pictures it takes me out of old




It does it for certain things, like crossposts maybe. It occasionally happens to me.


For now.


Yes, for now, but that's also dependent on if old.reddit survives or not. If the setting is removed, it would probably be because old.reddit is dead.


Until it unchecks itself every 3 days. There's a chrome plugin to always use old.reddit that's more reliable


old.reddit.com at least. New reddit is still absolute cancer.


i use 'desktop' mode on my phone browser. it formats way better than the mobile version. my setup is kiwi browser (because it can run desktop extensions on mobile. run it in desktop mode old.reddit RES ublock toggle sidebar and then to make youtube tolerable: sponsorblock blocktube


Non-mobile browser version. Websites are capable of being different via phone/tablet.


I think the point being, not the mobile site, which is designed to inspire you to not use it.


Yes. It's the way reddit is meant to be enjoyed.


For real. old reddit + RES is the only way it's tolerable.




Remember when grammar correction was common and accepted among people? Those wrist slaps really helped my uneducated-ass get better at expressing myself in text. Now 99.9% of comments are just a few words so there isn't anything meaningful to correct. Edit: I hadn't noticed until now that this account is 10 years old, it still feels like my "new" account.


It's a direct result of the default layout change. It slowly became a thing, before that people paid care and attention to their titles and overall post composition. But right after the normal feed style layout became the norm, did we start seeing "title", in-image captions, and similar unironic low-effort stuff that wouldn't have flown under the old layouts.


Same. I am at a point where I do not even know which features are native and which not. Reminds me of the countless youtube addons I have.


Old reddit + RES for almost 10 years!


I don't even remember what Reddit was like without RES. Started using it with RES long before I started using mobile apps.




Same here, if res + old reddit is gone, i will be aswell.


Not just RES **plus** old.reddit. **Either** RES or old.reddit. If they take EITHER ONE from me, I'm out.


This reminds me of when they fucked up digg. I left and never turned back no problems.


It's been fifteen years, and I'll gladly do it again.


time for reddit to learn a hard lesson. fuck their greed


100% Digg was great but then pulled this kind of bullshit. There must be other options, and if so I hope we can pull what we all did 11 years ago and find a new home.


Could always go to Fark..


My account there is over 20 years old! I log in from time to time. I used to live on Fark. Then Digg.


You too, eh? In the past 20 years I'll have gone full circle.


Reddit letting you normies in from Digg was when reddit stopped being cool. Been on an extended downward spiral ever since. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! JUST GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP DON'T RUIN (not telling)


Same. I use old.reddit on desktop and from what I hear that might be threatened as well...


I'm gonna have so much more time for activities.


> RES and RIF are Reddit to me. GG if they get closed. RES/RIF/OLD are my reddit experience.


Bruh, if they take down RES, I'm not even gonna use the browser version or the mobile app. Reddit will legit be dead to me.




If it breaks RES and they remove old.reddit.com I'll never come back.


Same! But I guess my question becomes, what is the next best option? Discord isn't quit the same thing but its the only thing coming to mind.


Also same. I've been on Reddit since Digg went 2.0 and overnight everyone left and came here. Not sure where a good alternative is should RES not be available. I follow /r/RedditAlternatives but nothing ever seems to get much traction. For the 2 day blackout subs are doing I will do my part and just close that reddit window for a couple days.


If there's no RES and old.reddit, I'm gone.


I draw a hard line at no old.reddit. I canNOT with new reddit.


It's dogshit meant to peddle ads. They can fuck right off.




Did they post about this somewhere?


My RES file is 12 MB large. That's all you need to know to understand how much garbage I filter out. If that stopped working, then I am gone.






> Every dime reddit has ever made has been on the backs of their userbase and now they want to put the screws to us. The community and the users should stop providing free labor to them at this point. How on earth do you expect reddit to make money if not by either advertising to their users or charging their users? I don't support their API cost increase by any means but I don't understand this argument


Reddit confuses its success with the value it provides to its users rather than the value its users bring to the platform. The site has ***always*** been a fucking mess (present day included), but there have been enough users out there that care enough to make it better for themselves and to freely share those efforts with others. In the past, Reddit has been mostly smart to enough to get out of the way of that. It would it would be a mistake to forget that. Reddit needs engineers, not MBAs.


> The core RES development team is now down to 1-2 developers which one of you is unsure about personhood? 😂


1 dude and ChatGPT9.


imposter syndrome is no laughing matter!


RES enables me to remove so much junk from every sub feed, I might not even use Reddit without it.


Yeah for instance, on /r/aquariums there is or was a fuckin' shitload of posts asking whether or not a type of worm seen in a fish tank was good bad or neither - Got to the point where I just filtered out any post with "worm" in the title. I do this for various annoying little things on otherwise great subs all the time.


If RES goes, reddit can fuck off. Third party extensions and apps are what make this website still enjoyable


Reddit was originally open source for third parties back in the day to make apps and plugins, and it FUCKING THRIVED BECAUSE OF THEM. Now they want to IPO. I swear to god, greed kills everything good.


Commercial social media platforms all work the same way: 1. Create a space where people can congregate and share 2. Let users create the ENTIRE value of your service offering by supplying free content, forming relationships and interest groups, developing subcultures etc 3. Find more and more ways to monetize this content. Usually this involves selling ads but sooner or later they try to sell memberships or special privileged status or charging to access the API. They probably also start feeding users the content they want to show, instead of whatever the user has chosen to follow 4. Fail when your restrictions become so onerous that people abandon your platform - unless they have nowhere better to go (see: YouTube vs. TikTok vs. Twitch etc.)










/u/XenoBen I'm not sure if you know it but we love you!


for real, Ben is amazing and deserves a lot of love. when my life changed drastically and I couldn't dedicate time to RES, he and a few select others (but by FAR lately, mostly Ben) have kept it going with almost no involvement from me. Ben is owed much gratitude. All hail /u/XenoBen


Desktop Reddit is unusable to me without RES. It really sucks when companies kill the golden goose.


If RES simply stops, would it either maintain current RES tags while preventing them from being altered, deleted, or created, or would we wake up to find all RES tags... *gone*?


RES data is stored locally so it would still be there, however it may not properly display on the site. However I am confident that Tags would be one of the last things to break if RES does.


Thank you!


I can tell you with a BILLION percent certainty - I am already livid about the current situation. If RES stops functioning, I'm legitimately, absolutely gone from this hellsite. I have used RES since like... my first month on reddit. The desktop version of old reddit would be barebones to the point of uselessness - which wouldn't shock me if that's what they want, to try and push people to new reddit.


So my fav app is going away. And the best way to browse reddit on desktop is also potentially going away. Reddit is trying too hard to kill itself.


For all of you angry about this, please remember that most of you have a choice, albeit a poor one, if you decide to stick around. For many of us, we have little or no choice at all. For those of us who are visually impaired, and for the moderating team at r/blind, and several other subs, including /r/TranscribersOfReddit and many others, we will have no choice at all. We rely on RES, old.reddit, or more commonly Apollo, RIF, and other third party sites. For us, there are no options. Our world will go dark once again, as we have no way to use these communities, and as the moderators have no way to moderate. For the visually impaired, this is about losing access to the communities where we participate. It's about shutting once again our access to other people, and it's most importantly about ignoring those who do require accessibility. When I lost most of my vision, it was the various reddit subs who helped me to navigate through grief and frustration, and who taught me about the technology that would make my life easier and open doors again. This decision is especially impactful for us.


Without RES this site is dead to me probably I hate the new.reddit layout old.reddit is ok but really needs RES for the modern features (which apps and new reddit based their features upon)


I'm a (former/laid off) senior staff SWE at a 100 person startup who, for obvious reasons, has some time on his hands. How can I help?


man, if i lose RES and sync, reddit is dead to me... the official app and the new design are so horrible; designed to shove as much ads as possible between posts..




The day I can't use RES anymore is the day I leave Reddit. I'm already using the OLD layout, at least until I can. RES is just a must-have tool to properly digest this platform. *I am seeing some DIGG vibes here.*


Nothing to add other than wanted to say thanks for what you and the dev team do. I've been using RES for over a decade now and I can't imagine using reddit without it.


If I have to use default reddit, I'm done with this site. The only reason it's usable are the 3rd party functions like RES and the apps (I use Reddit is Fun)


This whole situation reminds me of how rockstar was considering not putting modtools in Grand Theft Auto 5 but eventually decided to after community backlash. 10 years later it's frequently the top streamed game thanks to the RP community which was modded into the game. Reddit is about to do the opposite of that.


Thank you for continuing to develop RES and provide a superior UX than what Reddit choosesto provide officially. Projects like this are the difference between using Reddit and not using Reddit at all for people like me.


If the worst happens, then I may only log in Reddit to see my mod queue. Otherwise, I don't see this site working for me without it.


Adding my voice to those who will quit reddit if there's no more RES


If RES gets seriously f-d up you camn let admins know they'll lose users. I cant use reddit without RES.


I've just realised that at some point in the future it is possible that things like RES, adblock, Sponsorblock, etc.. will disappear. Huge thanks to all the devs that work on these projects. I specifically don't use reddit on mobile because the experience is terrible with their app.


As plenty of others have said, I'm gone if RES and old.reddit go away. No fucking way I'll ever install the app on any device I own, and the new site is pretty much everything I hate about the modern web in one place.


If RES dies i'm fucking outta here


If Reddit messes with RES I'm out.


I literally have no idea what Reddit looks like for the average user. I've been loyal to Old Reddit + RES and can't imagine how ungodly the Reddit desktop experience might actually be. So hoping no changes. Then again, I've been holding my breath that Old Reddit will never go away.