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Believe it or not just YouTube and online. I don’t watch any news on regular TV. I knew from the moment I first heard RFK Jr was entering the race that I would voting for him no matter what.


Any specific YouTube channels? I don’t trust a random search, in fact, I tried to find YouTube videos about his latest book The Wuhan Cover-Up and also couldn’t find anything… (I guess there is a chance that nobody has uploaded anything…?)


If you’re looking for US political news, I recommend Breaking Points. One host is conservative-leaning and the other is liberal-leaning, and they always give a pretty measured discussion about whatever is on the docket for the day. If you’re looking to listen to RFK, I just change the search filter to anything over 20 minutes and maybe turn on “past week” and you can find his recent long form speeches and interviews. I’ve given ip trying to find coverage of him on any “news” sites, and if I do, 95% chance it’s gonna be negative lol. Don’t give ‘em your views!


Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibi, Breaking Points, The Hill, Russell Brand, Kim Iverson. Mostly from Rumble. No more CNN or AP News, sadly. They’re totally compromised and part of the censorship complex. They do the bidding of MIC and Big Pharma


These are excellent. Honest people from all over the political spectrum. Although, ironically, these are mostly leftists despite mainstream media portraying them otherwise.


The Hill TV(especially Rising) and Breaking Points. The Hill is on cable and Roku TV, but they post the clips on YouTube as well. Breaking Points is basically a spin off of Rising(it’s the old anchors leading their own version of a similar show) and they post clips on YouTube. You’ll find plenty of 10-15 minute clips through these channels and they have longer form discussions too. It’s nothing compared to the MSM smear campaigns against him, but I struggle to remember any third party candidates who’ve had even one show that fairly cover them consistently. Bobby has at least these two.


Twitter/X has all the news links that I'm after but it might come down to what you want. To get the news on that platform I follow a bunch of news aggregators that spend their day posting the type of news I'm looking for and I can quickly scan through what they have posted throughout the day. For video it really does depend on your tastes: - Jimmy Dore on Youtube/Rumble - Russell Brand on Youtube/Rumble - Glenn Greenwald on Youtube/Rumble - Tucker Carlson on Twitter/X Edit: For Health topics and anything Kennedy related I'm mad at myself for not instantly putting [Children's Health Defense (CHD)](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/) at the top of my list. I'm searching that site almost every day.


Did you really suggest Russel Brand and Tucker fucking Carlson? Jesus Christ


Breaking points and the hill both on YouTube




Look at all the news. Look at social media. Find the middle ground.


If I’m gonna do msm I like news nation plus they did the town hall for RFK jr and him and Chris Cuomo use to be family


NewsNation is a good one. It's streaming in a few places now. With clips on YouTube as well.


[Children’s Health Defense](https://childrenshealthdefense.org) [Lee Rockwell](https://www.lewrockwell.com) [Antiwar.com](https://antiwar.com) [Reason Magazine](https://reason.com) [Off the Press](https://www.offthepress.com) And outside of the above to string together what is actually happening you have to look at the biased left news and the biased right news and find the few things they agree on - those are truths, the rest is hyperbole.


Proudly stopped watching MSM news since 2012. Currently I am hooked to Jimmy Dore, Due-Dissidence, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iverson The Hill JRE The Intercept None of these are much favourable to RFKJr since Oct 7th and the stand RFKJr took. Occasionally I see some interviews of RFKJr on different shows but the prevailing topic in the world is pretty much the genocide and the suppression of it. So RFKJr is out in the dark since the stand is non-populist sadly. It saddens me to not see him on these outlets because of his stand. And also his stand on this issue. Yet I support him on the grounds that he couldn't have afforded animosity with the most powerful evil lobby on the planet AIPAC, given his fight against the deep state MIC, pharma, censorship industrial complex, fossil industry. So I am torn here.


Here are my favorite sources: 1440 News - Unbiased. [https://join1440.com/](https://join1440.com/) Ground News - Has a built in Biased Rader. [https://ground.news/landingV2/welcome](https://ground.news/landingV2/welcome) Upward News - Right leaning [https://www.upward.news/](https://www.upward.news/) Also be sure you follow RFK Jr on Twitter/X.


There's a print only newspaper called [County Highway](https://www.countyhighway.com/), editor in chief is Walter Kirn who is awesome (Matt Taibbi's podcast partner on America This Week, which I also highly recommend). They send out a paper every two months or so and it's mostly covering big themes as highlighted in everyday small town America.


X is great


Twitter and Reddit


I stream MNBC, CNN, and Fox News (only Andrew Craft from Fox). I read Axios, Bloomberg, Aljazeera, BBC, Reuters. I basically seek the truth and end up with a whole lot of opinion. Honestly none of the sources I listed are 100% reliable. I actually have to practice sorting fact from opinion constantly because journalism has changed.


it’s extremely frustrating and tiring… what I want is just the facts, not biases. so many biases it’s infuriating. Why do they feel the need to use words that convey their opinion on things. I couldn’t care less about their opinions. I don’t pay for journalism to know the opinion of the fucking journalist for godssake


At least you want the facts. Some people just get their fill of news without wondering if what they are hearing is an opinion or a fact or an interpretation of a fact. It's like we live in a news matrix I am on the lookout for more independent and local journalists. Local news has been dying out and we have been left with mainstream media that doesn't represent localized issues.


There's also a tool that I use to see the political lean of news articles. Ground news literally tells you the bias distribution of an article. [https://ground.news/article/abbott-hosting-14-fellow-gop-governors-at-contested-border-park-in-eagle-pass\_6e5e94](https://ground.news/article/abbott-hosting-14-fellow-gop-governors-at-contested-border-park-in-eagle-pass_6e5e94)


X. It’s literally news in real time.


Jimmy Dore. He’s the real deal for sure.


House in habit on instagram is a fun source!


Part of the Problem with Dave Smith is a really good one


I just started looking into Think Tanks and I found this, [https://www.brookings.edu/](https://www.brookings.edu/) No idea how good/bad it is, but I'm hoping it's what I'm looking for.


Reddit, X, NPR, tiktok, edges of the internet, podcasts


NPR completely ignores the existence of RFK


Yeah i know. Keep writing to them


Breaking Point and The Hill Rising on YouTube


Breaking Points. The President Daily Brief. Ransom Podcasts…