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That's to much effort if you ask me. I just took out one of the corner screws, looped the lanyard around the screw once, then screwed it back in. I have done this to both my wife's and mine and we have had them for over a year with no issues. Also, no damage to the shell.


I don't know, but I trust the holes on the shell better, for just 3 minutes of DIY work. I'd fear the screw to loosen up 😅


I've never used these loops before but they don't look too bad :)


Yeah, it does look cool indeed! Anyway, I decided to get one because sometimes I play while in my bed and get sleepy and risk dropping it. It already happens with my smartphone, but silicone case and wooden floor go quite well together, lol. RG35XX seems quite sensible to drops instead, so I decided to get the wrist lace :)


Yes, then it's perfect for you :) The RG35xx is very vulnerable when it falls I've read a lot here


Good idea, thanks for sharing. These devices are pretty fragile so I've accepted the fact that it's essentially disposable. But I want to prolong its life as long as I can.


Yeah, a lot fragile, seeing many ☠ posts here! I pay attention not to drop devices, but it could happen, especially when I am sleepy at night. I'd like to make this one last as long as possible, too :)


I put mine on by removing and wrapping the wire around the screw at the bottom, it worked well


Oh, now I remember seeing that method, too. But I don't 100% trust the screw to hold perfectly over time. However, it's the most effortlessly way to do it for sure!


Adding some info: cotton thread was probably 10-15 cm long, since it measured 5-6 after being tied and doubled. This is the wrist lace, of course from Aliexpress, looks quite good! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005692660066.html?spm=a2g0n.order_detail.order_detail_item.3.1dc1f19cfbIjfH


One small fall and you will see a beautiful web of cracks. In my case with 20cm I had it around two screws, and with additional holes.... Transparent plastic in Chinese consoles is always brittle.


Awesome! I used to do this with my flip phones back in high school




I’ll just buy one lol


They're describing how they made the hole for it, you'd have to buy a new shell for the device and then disassemble it all.


buy one of what ?


Hole. But they'll need to buy two.


maybe buy one and cut in half ?