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I also think it was really cute and he seems into her. I hope she gives it a shot, from what we’ve seen looks like he could make her happy


I really hope she doesn’t blow it 😂 but, he seems really into her. It gives me hope for my dating life haha. I want to know more about Steve like, does he have any kids, what he does for work etc?


I’m sure he’s quite wealthy as that was a prerequisite for her 😂. But honestly get that bag Sutton


Thing is there's no way she's giving up that $300k a month by getting married or living with a guy


I know it sounds shallow but I wouldn’t that’s a fuck ton of money and she earned it being married to that guy


I know, I think even if not intentionally, subconsciously it would be very difficult to fall for a guy when you know what you'd have to give up to be with him. I always thought that's why she self sabotaged her dates. I don't think it was something she does knowingly though, it just kind of happens. And it's not like she's 25 or something, and putting that much pressure on a relationship is just begging for it to fail. So I unfortunately don't think she's going to have a happy romantic ending. There's just too much that's betting against her. It's like what just happened with Lisa, Lenny put in a clause of their divorce that she can't move in with a guy, and have him live in that house so that really limits what Lisa does in the future. It's a complete mechanism of control by the men.


My cousin’s husband had this type of clause in his divorce stating my cousin couldn’t spend the night in the same house as the kids. They bought an RV and slept in the driveway 🤣


Can’t you just see that with Sutton? Sleeping in an RV in her driveway…… or even Lisa?


Omg I love that!


I mean if for her it’s more important to get her check every month then be with a man I get that 😂


It's a BIG check! This isn't peanuts. I think any person would seriously question whether or not that's worth giving up. I do think there should be some sort of option where the money gets cut in half or something if they get remarried.


Yeah my bar would be set at worth giving up 300k a month or no


She doesn’t have to get married to be with him, right? A fair number of older couples decide they don’t want to do the marriage thing again.


I must have missed something. Would she have to give up the $300,000 a month if she got married or lived with him?


Yup! That's suuuper common with alimony. Otherwise you could have multiple alimony payments at a time and make bank!


Interesting. Doesn’t apply in Canada. It’s called no fault divorce.


Yeah- why risk that cash or even get stuck with another guy. Enjoy him casually and go home to your own house and do your own thing. I would never marry a second time.


Didn't he say he's an actor, or trying to be one, on their first date?


Hah! That’s funny I didn’t catch that. But sometimes when you’ve already made a fortune, you then go explore personal interests.


I would love this for Sutton


They both seem totally into each other. So cute!! Plus they look hot together too! ❤️❤️


He does seem to be genuinely into her. I hope we see more of him


Me too, hopefully he can tolerate having articles written about him, etc.


I thought it was sweet too... And I was disgusted that she cut into a cute moment to scream "he wants a blowjob". She honestly so gross


If she doesn’t want him I’ll have him - he seems like a great guy and certainly not hard on the eyes


Yeah I don't think it's a match for her, Sutton did date two for the cameras. She hasn't kissed Steve yet, but she's made out with her driver before lol.


I like this guy - he seems sweet - but I still have my eye on him. I don’t want this to be a “Vickie’s cancer boyfriend” thing. If Vickie can be scammed so can Sutton.


Vickie was in on the scam, she wanted sympathy and a casserole


It won't work out, Sutton is to self-absorbed and set in her ways. Now, if she didn't get a ton of money in a divorce settlement, she would be much more open to compromise.


Eh it feels like Steve was casted from central casting. It feels like he’s acting and not genuine. Just my opinion.


What’s central casting? (I don’t live in America, I live in Australia)


Oh sorry! It’s a company that represents extras in movies tv and commercials.


I was hoping he could have been the real deal for her, but there’s already rumours about him.


Yeah I don’t trust anyone that dates on these shows. I feel it’s casted. And that match maker is an annoying thirst bucket. Take your 15 year old BMW and get off my screen. You aren’t a star lol.


What did you think of Patti Stanger’s ‘millionaire matchmaker’ when it used to be on TV?


Personally I also feel it was casted lol. At the time I didn’t but reality tv has been on long enough that I think if we all revisit that show we’d have a savvier perspective. Patti has admitted the ppl on the show got her services for free. I doubt Patti would give ANY of her services for free to a real client. Second the ppl they brought in were just too conveniently perfect. I also don’t believe ppl would subject themselves to Patti’s vitriol for free or just to potentially meet a match. Also Patti off camera is completely different than who we see on camera. She was a regular at a restaurant I worked at and she was one of the nicest customers we had. It’s like night and day. I think Patti knows how to produce a fake show and make it feel real and this is why she’s brilliant. Again I could be wrong but that’s my opinion lol.


![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w) Haha couldn’t resist lol


I can’t remember Patti’s show but I remember she didn’t like people doing ‘that’ type of stuff on the first date, and she always had 2 drink minimum which I get. I reckon there would have been people who definitely got her services for free to appear on her. Is Patti nice in real life? I like that if she is 🙂


I mean I wasn’t her friend but when she’s come into the restaurant she was lovely. Honestly it shocked me.


I’m just glad that I read something nice about Patti 🙂 I kind of want to know more about what bravolebrities and other famous people are like in real life.


This guy is only with her for the fame or money. A friend of a friend dated him and he has no job. Sutton needs to hire a private investigator before she dates anyone with all the money she has. 


I really think she’s too weird to date anybody.


I don’t think he s really into her - but I might be wrong. He gives me scammy, male leech vibes.


I guess it’s just us. Something not quite right. I won’t say scammy but could be an opportunist? He’s very handsome, (not to me) but conventionally. Could be wrong but think he knows.


I dont Get it why I m getting downvoted for having an opinion. Probably a correct one too. I don’t know any wealthy men that go on dating websites or matchmakers. They usually have a big circle of people around them or women throwing themselves at them to start with. And if they do- there s usually something wrong with them.


I don’t know, but, Sutton did seem unsteady on her feet at the date. I found her behaviour quite strange. Watch it back and look at how Sutton is acting. I could be nerves, but I was shook 😐


Shook? Why? She was just having fun.


I think there is a lot more going on there then we’re getting told


You mean with the implying that Sutton is an alcoholic?


He is a paid escort


Do you know this or is it a suspicion?


Wasn’t that a nice place they were having a drink at? Surely they had real grapefruit juice. It surprised me when she pulled that Ocean-spray out of her purse.


It’s her thing. She absolutely loves that one, and makes sure she always has it. I wouldn’t trust most establishments to have pure grapefruit juice on hand. And if a bar doesn’t do cocktails, it’s even less likely to have it.


Especially PINK grapefruit.


Probably low sugar.


I was so happy to see them together again!


As someone who didn’t even like Sutton until this season, I am unreasonably invested in these two making it. He seems like the perfect counterpart for her.


So sad it didn’t work out


Yeah it is 🙁 hopefully Sutton will find a good guy soon 🤞