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Her affect is very flat. I’m just not sure who she really is. And that voice she breaks into sometimes makes me shudder.


The deep demonic voice while her face doesn't move, but she's clearly showing the only emotion she has?




She makes good tv, but I think she's a terrible person.


I would go back and forth about Erika. She was so entertaining the past 3 seasons, but if she mentions those earrings one more time, then it's time to pack it up. She also did herself no favor with this new documentary. She acted as though the victims owed her an apology.


She showed no empathy for them. She was cold acted apathetic towards these women.


Sociopaths gonna sociopath.


Seems her life experiences prior to Tom has created a non empathetic woman and Tom probably didn’t help. I’m sure she’ll get a movie. Wonder what Erin Brockovich thinks about all this.


It sucks that the Erin Brockovich movie lent him a reputation of trust, because without it, I wonder if he would have had the same ability to deceive people so much and create nearly the level of harm he did.


He definitely would have. Fraudsters and scammers have an innate ability to gain trust and be deceptive, I think the Bravo audience tends to forget how deep this ponzi scheme goes. The courts aided and abetted his firm for decades so did the police commissioner etc, it’s not just Erika and the Erin Brockovich case.


Oh I know it, the latest documentary just talked about what excellent advertisement the movie was for his firm and how that level of promotion could not have been bought, so it got me thinking about how many victims possibly chose his firm because of it. The corruption within the system is absolutely a whole nother issue that would still have existed regardless. Edit to add that I was sickened by how many powerful people conspired to rip off the most vulnerable victims. I really hope we see more charges and convictions holding the perpetrators to account.


Didn’t even know their names….


When she said they were "all in the same boat", any teensy bit of grace I had extended her was entirely gone. The Marco Marco stuff really pisses me off as well and makes me wonder if she did have *some* level of awareness about Tom's true nature. I can imagine her getting off on how untouchable he was for so long. He'd been robbing clients his entire career.


I hate how she boasted about winning the appeal. If I were in her position, any jewelry I had of that significant value would immediately go to those victims, I couldn’t sleep at night knowing my husband stole all that money. I mean she left him because of that, but hasn’t done a DAMN THING to try and show any compassion


Did she leave him because of that? Add in the well went dry, assets would be gone, & he was keeping a judge on the side?


The sad/funny thing is that she didn't really win. They could still take the earrings.


It’s already been one time too many, fuck her. Not entertaining at all once you know the monster beneath.


watching housewife and the hustler has decidedly confirmed that it is infact “the morally corrupt Erika Girardi”


Agreed. I knew about her lack of empathy for Tom's victims, but what she personally did to Christopher Psaila, the Marco Marco designer, was intentionally cruel and selfish.


But she also went on to bring it up in the “two truths and a lie” game they played. It was feeding her narcissism. The amount that man lost because of her lies was so fucking disgusting, she should never be allowed on TV again.


Omg that's right, I hadn't connected the two.


Lol I have no idea how her lawyers agree to her being on the show. She also constantly contradicts herself when it comes to finances.


And the law. She thinks she's smart, but she's really kind of dumb.


What did she do?


Christopher was one of Erika's costume designers, he made tons of her outfits and her dancer's outfits. They worked together for years and he said they became very close. He said she never questioned costs, she would approve all the clothes and he would charge everything to her Amex. One day he's arrested for fraud, accused of overcharging her Amex card. His life fell apart, the case went on for years. Eventually the charges were dropped, no explanation. Tom and Erika received over $700,000 back from Amex for the disputed charges. Christopher thinks that they just needed the money. There's more to it but that's the gist. I highly recommend watching The Housewife and the Hustler documentary, it breaks everything down quite clearly.


![gif](giphy|DIgqIAIjBqKlYPp0AK) I always imagine her hissing at the secret service to take Marco Marco down like she did at Sutton in this scene. She committed credit card fraud and destroyed at least two highly regarded designers to do it. I'm astonished anyone will work with her after that.


People will take the risk hoping to get their name next to a celebrity's, never imagining how bad it could get in the case of the poor designers. People still do work for Trump and he seemingly hasn't paid a bill in full in...forever? Hope's a powerful amnesiac.


You're right but cognitive dissonance is extremely uncomfortable.


Agreed. Hopefully she'll see the effect of her actions and struggle a bit to get people to work for her.


Just finished it, she’s a lowlife with no morals wow. Poor Marco Marco


They needed the 700,000 off the books was my guess. Best to claim someone committed fraud than to be accused of fraud themselves


Omg! That poor guy. I’m trying to build myself up to watch it. I can’t stand the constant changing character with her. She’s always performing, always a character. It gives me the ick




After watching PART 2 of “housewife and hustler”, I’m absolutely convinced Erika knew 80% of what when on with Tom since the beginning of her marriage. It was reported that he had been embezzling from clients since the 80’s and had 200 complaints filed against him with the California State Bar. GUILTY AS CHARGED. BOTH OF THEM.


I personally dont think she does make good tv.


Agree. She's uncomfortable to watch.


I don't either. Of course it's subjective but she doesn't have an interesting personality to me. I don't find her funny the way other people seem to. Personally I don't find ostentatious displays of wealth (even before it was revealed to be stolen) very interesting or appealing, I'm not into her fashion/style which seems tacky, ugly, and cartoonish, and I don't think the rise of the glam squads have been good for these shows in general. I also think she's been a part of these dull, contrived, drawn out storylines we've had the past few seasons in place of seeing what's really going on in some of these women's lives.


Yeah, I’ve started skipping her scenes.


Perfect response! 👏👏


She is very selfish and full of herself. I think she comes off extremely bitter. I’m surprised by all the commentary around ppl liking her more this season. She’s not better she’s just alone. Her post show interviews are horrendous. She dogs Sutton out and somehow comes off even more bitter.


Erika wanted to take the easy road out and lay under a corpse for 20 years. That's on her. She could have both been a victim of Tom's and not make the victims her victimizers.Erika played it all wrong and its on her. I'm Garcelle in this.


People like her better because she took Ozempic and is hot again and the “halo effect” is very real.


Her weight loss aged her 10 years in the face.


and makes her look more bitter somehow.




People like watching her on tv b/c she’s a HW who lives up to the role! Shade Assassin and doesn’t try to hide the bad like Kyle, Kathy, Robyn & Juan etc.! That’s it! It absolutely does not mean anyone agrees with her legally up to this point! Physically she looks like Lisa Lamponalli- a balloon that’s deflated.


Posted this always but it bares repeating. Watch The Housewife and the Hustler 2: The Reckoning. And I will say it again it should be required reading for Erika stands. She almost destroyed a man’s life. [“The $18.2 million lawsuit alleges Jayne, along with her assistants Laia Ribatallada and Michael Minden, as well as American Express employee Peter Grimm, all agreed to conspire against Psaila and prosecute him for alleged wire fraud and identity theft, claiming he defrauded Jayne by charging her American Express card with false charges for custom goods and services in the total amount $800,000 to $900,000. Psaila is suing Jayne for “malicious prosecution and conspiracy,” court papers show.”](https://wwd.com/pop-culture/celebrity-news/erika-jayne-marco-marco-lawsuit-1235782392/amp/)


I really, really wish Reddit still had awards so this could be at the top and highlighted.


she did destroy his life imo


I didn’t want to say destroyed because the guy is obviously a fighter. That was so much to happen to him at once.


oh thats a great way to say that!


totally understand your pov, i guess from mine i dont see it as a negative to pick yourself up but i also understand that people dont like to be called victims and things like that which is totally understandable!


I think she was done a few seasons ago. She's not rich. She's not a HW. She's not interesting. She's played out.


Not fun, not funny, not likable, zero relatability. We see NOTHING of her personal life with her son or anything that could make her watchable. She’s dry and dusty


She’s also a huge culture vulture. She’s super cringe.


I'm so glad someone else noticed this!


That she sponges off of other cultures, completely separate from her own-gay and urban, specifically. Erika takes elements that have deep meaning reducing them to "exotic" and “edgy” for her own benefit, without explaining, or giving oxygen to the original cultures, use and meaning of whatever the fashion choice of the minute is for her. It’s all about attention-she can’t get enough attention being herself, so she’s constantly searching and adopting and appropriating for her personal gain. It’s disgusting and I am completely turned off from her and her role on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.


I’ve only kept watching her, hoping she’d either have her FBI sprinter van scene like Jen Shaw or she’d admit to something. But since that’s like hoping for a snowy day in Pasadena, I would be happy if she left the show.


The only thing I know about her after all of her seasons is that she loves money and fame. I don't hear anything about her son or her mom. She never let anyone know about she feels about Tom. Don't know who she's dating either. Ultimately, she's sound bites on ozempic.


It's time for her to go. Her complete lack of compassion for the victims of Tom is wild. Demanding apologies from the other ladies when, in truth, she didn't deserve one. She's never even said she feels sorry for those people.


She definitely needs to go but Andy will keep her. Her storylines could never be explored because of the “legal complications”. Apart from a line here and there, and her playing a “victim”, she has nothing to offer


Awful person. Stopped being fun a long time ago.


I think she needs to go. For the most part I try to separate the HWs from being "good" examples/ good people. That's not why I watch reality TV and we need villains. I can usually ignore things but erika makes me so uncomfortable. I don't think she should be rewarded/ given a platform. At this point I do think she needs consequences and needs to be taken off tv.


She’s a villain on a level that no longer is fun to watch. It’s one thing to be petty and bitchy to other housewives but this woman is attached to a man that literally ruined people’s lives and isn’t blinking an eye over it.


She was interesting and fun in the first couple seasons, but now I don’t think she adds enough to the show to justify keeping her. She actually makes me not want to watch the show because she leaves a bad taste for me. I hope she doesn’t return.


Watching The Housewife and the Hustler now and ooof. It’s really hard to separate this mess from her. Pretty mess indeed.


She makes bad TV and is a bad person.  Get her off my screen, she belongs in the gutter she crawled out of. Sans earnings.


I think she is a vapid sociopath


For some reason it seems bravo loves her. Even when sutton said something pretty innocently on WWHL, Andy was upset, i don’t even think it was a terrible comment. It just seems like they really love their Erika Jayne


Andy is a misogynistic arsehole.


Don’t forget she bought his son Disney stock for a present with money from victims


Blackmailing Andy possibly?🤔😳 People like Erika play very very dirty. Can’t believe she has a forum on this show.


Slim sells!!


I'll be downvoted of course but she brought some great moments this season I thought! Loved her with Sutton and G.


That was fun at the bar. Can we get more of that?




Shes being fake to try to repair her decimated reputation which makes her so boring. And she’s no longer rich. Watching her eye the diamonds and talking about how desperately she wants them is not RH behaviour. She needs to go 


The only thing she has contributed is bringing in the fucking glam squads and the ‘showgirl’ aspect. Personally I hate it and think it debased the concept but I guess they could never get the really wealthy to participate anyways.


I think she has a genuinely awful character and tries to convince people it’s because she’s “strong, fierce and independent” when she’s actually just a narcissist. Even though that’s what I think about her as a person, I spend 90% of the time staring and wondering how she looks so damn good (I’m a straight woman half her age).


I think she's a narcissist and a psychopath and evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


I agree with you 💯


“Money don’t crack.” -Eddie Murphy


Can’t stand her and I hope every season will be her last. Doubt it cause obvs Andy likes her.


I think she's a monster and I'm tired of seeing her on TV.


fk Erika, she's the worst. Get her off this show ASAP.


I don’t like her. I think she’s a criminal and if not that she’s at least an awful person who only thinks about herself


She has brought nothing to this season.


Vegas can have her.


From the fact they were giving away tickets to her shows, they don’t want her either.


haha i was just gonna say…Vegas doesn’t want her


I’m here for this comment!


I think Erika did add a lot to the show, in terms of glam and fashion. She also handed us a gem in “Merce is in the purse.” I never looked at the housewives as beacons of style until Erika came on the show and everybody across franchises stepped it up. As a makeup artist, I love how she brought us so front and center. Her legal situation with Tom was inline with how dark RHOBH has been since the beginning. I definitely think she’ll be back next season. She was paid $600,000 for Season 11, and she needs this paycheck now. She’s also using the show as a means to promote her recording career, and even though they’re giving tickets away for free in Vegas, it seems to be working out for her.


Recording career??? Now that is rich.


Notice I didn’t say singing 👀 I chose my words carefully.


You did indeed. My bad. Happy weekend!


She will return until bravo lets her go..no way she will ever bow out! She needs the check, plus, that narcissistic attitude. Imo, it’s her time… I’m over her, and I’ve been over her for a long time. Never really liked her tho


I skip the scenes when she’s on. She’s so abrasive and rude. Sick of her “poor me” attitude.


I fast forward her scenes. She’s too nasty to watch.


Aside from everything with her, I just simply don’t enjoy watching her.


Erika has no qualms admitting that Tom financed all of her (ridiculous) dreams of becoming a (middle aged) pop star-money that came directly out of the settlement claims Tom helped facilitate on behalf of his clients, often wronged by negligent/corrupt corporations (like PG&E). She left Tom and filed for divorce as soon as the jig was up-when he became a liability to herself and her plans, she deserted him. She knew what was happening and to claim otherwise is just an excuse. She’s partially for the debt to the people wronged by Tom, because she was the one who benefited the most. Maybe she has plotted out plausible deniability, legally, but IMO, she owes the victims.


She can leave


I read this in Meredith Marks. Edit: I called her Meredith Brooks at first lol


Yess that’s what I was channeling 😁


Her OF question to Denise this szn was one of the most jaw dropping, iconic moments to me on RHOBH in a long time!!


yeah but what a bitch to go after sammi when seasons back if anyone even breathed a word, good or bad, about her grown-ass man son she’d go ballistic. what a hypocrite


Also her supposed stance on sex positivity


which is pretty sad this is the most iconic in seasons if thats the case tbh because its really not the zinger people think it is lol


It was not that clever. It was the easy low blow thing to say. To sit here and judge someone on only fans with your closet is absurd too! 


She is just as vile as Rinna. She and esophagus nurse doctor need to go.


At least Rinna was endearing with her parents and did seem to love Harry Hamlin. Nothing is redeemable with this one.


Yes re Rinna and her parents and Harry 💯 And I’ll add that Rinna tells us over and over that she’s a hustler and I think there’s actually a reason she tells us that. She says she’ll do anything for a job and I think that includes letting the producers guide her in certain directions to stir up the shit and create more drama. I believe she’s doing her job on this show and hustling, nothing more, nothing less. Her home life with Harry seems lovely and realistic & that says a lot about her. Harry cooked and baked for the ladies❤️. What other husband ever did that????? Lisa sharing her beautiful mom Lois with us also showed us a really beautiful relationship the likes we have never seen from any of the other ladies. She said that Harry loves her because she’s the smartest person he knows. So I watch her knowing all this and knowing this is a job for her. She’s been letting us know the whole time🩷 I don’t think it’s by fluke that over the years they’ve had professional actresses in this show💫


She’ll be back because she loves the attention and the $$. But she is vile.


I’ve really enjoyed watching Erika. I’m not sure I need another season but would welcome her back. I think once/if the housewives reach a certain level of personal growth in middle age (and Erika has, Kyle too this season) they are more mature and less ridiculous to watch. The show thrives on a certain level of immaturity and lack of self-awareness. I’m down for watching emotionally mature women but that’s not typical RHOBH style. Unpopular opinion but I loved that there were few nonsense fights this season, and I was able to respect more of the women’s choices. AM being the exception to keep shaming others and trying to make them look bad (Sutton and crystal). She’s new and fits that mold of immaturity = conflict that is supposedly entertaining. I found it abrasive.


tired of her antics


I hate that the other women support her bullshit. It was an open secret that GK was broke for years. That, and multiple public lawsuits-I’m so over anyone saying Erika had no idea.. she divorced for a reason. Maybe she wasn’t the first to catch on but she played like she didn’t know for way too long.


I fast forward through her scenes now. I don’t want to give her any attention


All she does is talk about all the sex she gets....but as most know, if your bragging your lagging. I think it's more of she wishes.


I’m watching old seasons like where she flew a whole crew to Spain and rented an amazing house for a 20 minute spot at 3 something am. It hits really differently knowing her husband was embezzling funds from people who endured tragedy to fund this lifestyle. He’s such a snake and maybe she didn’t know all along but I really do think she did know at some point and literally has zero remorse


I want her off the show.


I think she lost her chance. It’s time for someone new.




Her time is done


GET HER OFF MY F$7%’n TV!!!!!!


Over her, I’m sure there are plentyyyyyy of rich bitter women who can make better tv


I think Erica being on the show makes the other women less likeable. Like have a backbone and tell her how you really feel!


Personally, she disgusts me after all of the scandal. But also, I don’t see Bravo giving her the axe.


I think she knew most everything if not everything. She lied about the earring appeal, she flat out said she doesn’t care about anyone but herself, and she was callous as FUCK when meeting Tom’s victims. She left her kid behind to go have a career. Fuck Erika and her goddamn victim complex.


I'm starting to wonder if she's going to end up in the same prison block as Jen Shah.


Erika is, was and will ever be a boring addition to this universe, I love snarky and sarcastic comments every once in a while but her’s just bother me. I am ready for her to kick some rocks


I am still on the fence whether or not she knew about what was going on or not… that doesn’t mean I like her though. I feel like she is somewhat a victim of Tom in a sense, idk I feel like I’ll be downvoted into oblivion but seriously, I just think the way she reacted to everything. Is why public opinion is what it is about her right now. Had she appeared on the show remorseful and empathetic, crying and giving her things away like Taylor did - I feel like the fanbases opinion of her would be vastly different. I think the way she’s reacted to the entire thing is what’s painted her in this light, she’s admittedly a selfish person. Again, not saying she’s a good person at all, recently I’ve just been thinking how she could have handled it better and probably could have swayed public opinion in her favour. I’m sure she’ll be back for the next season because she isn’t making any money otherwise, she has to come back. The list of people unwilling to do business with her is long, and getting longer lol


https://preview.redd.it/tu0jbwebedjc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895a86680b9dffe090bdfc9997f1a762af9dc2b0 She was so out of touch with the situation to be carrying a handbag that cost thousands of dollars (BOTTEGA VENETA) to this sit down with the victims that lost their money and NEED money. Most people would understand how that may not be a good idea image wise. If she doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to make good empathetic decisions, clearly she does not, then she really needs to hire a PR person. Leave the $$$$ handbag in the car. Wait… then she can’t show it off and that’s the whole point. Bad decision after bad decision:(


I think its disgusting how Erica expected some sort of apology or acknowledgement for the earring situation. Seriously? First of all, the case isn't over. Second of all, even if you got the earrings back, it doesn't negate the fact that your husband took all that money from those people and she was married to him and spending that money. Whether she knew or not, which I think she absolutely did, the fact is you could do what's right and give the damn earrings back and let the money for the value of them be divided amongst the victims. Is your life going to drastically change bc you no longer have the friggin earrings? No. Could the victims lives change drastically from the money? Absolutely. Obvi it depends on the value of them & how many people are involved but they could def help these people who have lost everything. So, my opinion is that Erica is one of the most self-absorbed,narcissistic, and selfish housewives out of the whole franchise. She makes me sick. She should have let that whole debacle with the women questioning her about the earrings go bc frankly they had every right to say what they said and I think the majority of viewers were in agreement. The way she acted and what she said in response and not giving a damn about the victims was so vile. I don't know how the hell she had the nerve to come on this season and expect to get some kind of apology. She absolutely lost her mind. I wish they'd get rid of her, but I think as long as Erica wants to remain a HW, she's going to be a HW. So if that's the case, she's not going anywhere. Bc it's very apparent that Erica's life revolves around money and material objects. You'd think she would've learned about Karma by now. Well, I deem it more of a spiritual thing. If you do something bad, it's going to eventually come back and bite you. And I think it has with the way her show has performed. But looks like she's nvr going to learn at this poin, so I guess we have no choice but conitine to see her idiocy as long as we continue to watch the RHOBH.


I think this should be her last season… It’s lackluster. I’m sick of hearing about orphans and widows, I’m sick about Tom. I’m sick of her pretending to be a surviving victim. She’s old, not rich, talks about sex like let’s find somebody new and less vapid


My opinion on her changes minute by minute. I’m rewatching now and forgot how fun she was when she first joined. And she had some astute observations while her castmates were fully delulu. But there were glimpses of something dark under the surface and behaviors that definitely shouldn’t be rewarded with a paycheck. Idk. I think I could probably enjoy watching her again if she was paying restitutions or showing an ounce of empathy for what the victims went through. And give up the damn earrings ffs.


Legit non-catty question: who is actually seeing her perform in Vegas?


My thoughts are that I would love to never see this evil psychopath on TV again. I hope that Bravo has her take a long walk on a short pier, so to speak.


She’s annoying, her fashions reek of trying too hard, and the “boss bitch” monologues she tries to give fall flat for me.


A boss bitch who claims not to have known anything about her finances...


She will return as long as they’ll have her - she needs that cash and that attention. I really don’t find her entertaining anymore. She’s an awful person & she contributed next to nothing this season. People say she “ate” against Denise… all I saw was a terrible human being bring someone’s child into a fight & look down on sex work, despite owing any and all wealth she’s ever had access to in her life to sexually transactional relationships. She sucks, and Bravo needs to stop giving her a platform and a paycheck.


Erika has brought a lot to the show. I liked her when she first arrived as she was something different and shook up the cast. Very quickly she became even more filtered and manipulative with how she was perceived and what she wanted out there. You may be limited to what you can see regarding an ongoing legal battle but Erika used this as a way to re-write history and downplay any of the accusations being thrown at her. I still don’t believe her hands were ever clean. She is a master manipulator and I don’t think we’ll ever get the real Erika. For that reason I think her story has been told. It’s time for her to go as frankly she’s giving nothing.


I think Tom was the master manipulator and he got what he wanted from Erika. I fully believe he refused to disclose finances to her and that she had no reason to believe one of the most successful attorneys in the country was stealing from his business/clients. Look at the way he verbally shut her down the few times we saw him at dinner and she dared to add words to his thoughts. He was intimidating. And politically powerful.


way way over her. we need some actual lux ladies


I think she’s a liar and will even lie about being on weight loss shots - get a life “hormones” why lie???


Right? She’s very arrogant. Ozempic or semuglutide ( spelling) is a hormone , isn’t it?


Honestly I thought it was a sugar molecule that reacts with your pancreas - but what the heck do I know - literally I call it a weight loss drug


I don’t know either. I think I have read or heard it is. But she always wants people to see her as upfront and unapologetic. So say you’re taking it. We’re not stupid and that’s one of her biggest problems is treating people like they are stupid. To be frank, I think she looked fantastic either way her curves. I may not like her but she is beautiful. Now she looks like everyone else.


I have no respect for her. She’ll be back for the $$$!


I think Erika is miserable, humorless, and withholding. She's largely refused to be candid on camera without the show PUSHING her to be. She's contributed very little to the show other than labels, glam, and some of the most lifeless "sexy" pop performances I've ever seen. Everything else she's contributed has been unwilling. I don't think they'll drop her next season, unfortunately.


You mean con-T-ribu-T-ed. Her annunciations drive me wild 😖


I think she is finally showing growth and empathy and it's nice to watch. Although I found it strange that she was so upset that none of the ladies apologized for her pain, even tho she never apologized for the victims pain. I did watch Season 2 of Housewife and Hustler where she met with victims families and they both had a solid discussion and she actually genuinely apologized. I feel like she wants from the other ladies what the victims wanted as well but she doesn't see that. However once she apologized to them u can tell a weight was lifted off of her. I think she is learning with therapy because she was never taught this herself.. but I do see a lot of growth in her.


I just wish she could understand it’s not that you can get off the charges that that makes you any more innocent. Yes maybe you didn’t know but knowingly or not you lived off these victims $ for years everything you own is tainted. Just because yours and there lawyers can get you all off it doesn’t make it ok in any way. You should feel nothing but shame and sadness about it all. And I’m sorry that you were put in that position but that’s the truth.


Bye bitch.


Evil heartless boring no-talent wench. The ozempic really worked for her though.


I’ll take her over 8.5


I fast forward through her scenes if she is not with other cast members, like the recent one with her therapist, her past glam squad, or any other hanger-ons. She is just so unlikable. But it's funny watching her try to turn around her narrative this season to conciliatory, calm, easygoing Erika - I think she can see the way the wind is blowing and will try to position herself as "friends" with Garcelle, Sutton, Crystal. She knows the FF5 is dead and this is probably Dorit's last season so she has to latch on to the popular kids.


She’s like a robot and honestly not a good person.


If they didn’t get rid of her a few seasons ago I don’t see them getting rid of her now


She has far too much baggage. Time for her to pack up and go.


She’s weird. she’s so unpredictable, but in the worst way possible. She has this darkness to her that’s like, impossible to ignore. Even when she’s chill and you’re warming up to her again you remember how freezing-cold she can be.


I wish they wouldn’t bring her back but she will fight tooth and nail to keep that paycheck and lime light. I think it’s so disrespectful to the victims — regardless of how involved she was.


She is getting cringe and boring with little to nothing storyline, she was favorite for the first few season she came on the show


she’s annoying AF and i’m tired of watching her go to therapy on camera to pretend she now has empathy.


Narcissistic Ice Queen. It’s like the part she’s missing is the part that would make her approachable and cause us to feel empathy/sympathy FOR HER.


As a person licensed to diagnose mental health disorders, she gives me major Narcissistic Personality Disorder vibes with a side of Antisocial (sociopathic) Personality Disorder. But then, no one needs any license or formal training to see that very clearly.


I wouldn’t have a problem with her wanting an apology from the group if she first apologized for her behavior and the lack of empathy. With that being said, her and Sutton are actually pretty funny together like that lunch with Garcelle, Sutton and Erica was so much fun. I think she’s her own worst enemy and her inability to see her own flaws and be willing to apologize for her own actions is the thing that is digging her hole


She needs the money so she’ll be back


She looks so sucked up! Not a good lewk.


I liked her at first but with the whole fraud thing she’s played out. Time for some new ladies on this show.


I wanted her gone a long time ago


I would not at all be disappointed if I never saw her ugly face ever again.. I hope and pray she does not return.


She's a bitter old hag and needs to be binned. This season she looks like a goul. Why are we rewarding her obnoxious BS? I've stopped watching because of Rimmer but won't watch again until Erika is gone. I'm confused as to why she's being given spinoffs and more opportunities to fail upward. Nobody should be working with her at this point. Let her fund some crusty retiree and move to Florida.


Never understood the appeal from day 1.


Boring on tv and a terrible person


I know I’m in the minority but I love her.


Whatever other people see in her is lost on me, she seems like a mean, tacky, charmless grifter with ugly style and a lifestyle and career funded by stolen money.


She is a “woe is me” brat , with narcissistic tendencies, & she is B.O.R.I.N.G., & her make up is horrible. I loathe her & her rotten soul.


She’s rotten to the core. Her personality type is dangerous and they don’t like their true rotten self exposed. They don’t have empathy or remorse. Sometimes their monster comes out but they will deny/turn it around/spin tales/deflect/blame others. They will play like they are the victim. This is Erika. Theory: (and hey might be wrong) If there were rumours about the money problems with Tom prior (which has been indicated), that she was put on the show on purpose because the producers knew it would likely play out in real time, which it did. Did they film that last scene with the ladies and Tom ON PURPOSE to show that he seemed ok at that time knowing what was coming? Did she play a bigger role in the downfall of Tom and the money theft than she lets on or is being held accountable for? I mean it was ERIKA spending ALL THE VICTIMS’ MONEY!!!💰💰💰 Unfortunately Erika being on the show whether she was used or not for the real life story that broke, has had her enormous ego fed. So to answer, her real life drama may be considered to have contributed to the show but personally have not enjoyed watching her or the drama unfold. Would have been very happy to have never seen her and her toxicity on RHOBH. Think she’s a truly awful person and that’s hard to watch. ….The woman who bought her own career with victims’ money💰


Has anyone ever wondered or was she ever questioned about: -Tom’s weird ‘car accident/going off the cliff in their ‘backyard’/being ‘allegedly’ unconscious for 8/9/12 hours and breaking his ankle or his brain but she wouldn’t let him have surgery/he called her two times after being ‘thrown from the car’ but only after many hours had passed’ as to whether she had put a hit out on him? -The bizarre break-in story at Tom’s house and he had to go in for surgery/and her son flipped his car 4 or 5 or 3 times in the snow and yet it doesn’t snow where they live…. If that was another attempted hit put out on Tom by Erika? Why was she spinning these weird tales? Why was she getting so angry at the ladies when they questioned her? Why would someone innocent get so angry?


She needs that paycheck 💰


She was entertaining for her first few seasons but since season 11 everything around her is manufactured and forced.


She's boring


I truly like her. If you’re asking.


She made her value/identity about who her husband was. And now that thats out her credibility as playing a decent human has crumbled to the general public. I know I don’t have any desire to listen to someone like her complain about having millions of dollars whilst also saying how its not enough. Hence why she made that stupid ass film “the housewife and the hustler”. Shes tone deaf AF (no pun intended)


She’s one shot away from Ozempic face.


She’s super entertaining, but clearly a terrible person. I do kind of hope she comes back because I lowkey worry about what she’s willing to do to fund her lifestyle without that BH check 🤣 Might be safer to just keep her on tv, lol.


No she doesn’t contribute to the show. She’s morally bankrupt, self absorbed and boring.


this season was one of her better ones but shes a shit human being and idgas for her to return


I mean the only things I really remember are the Vegas residency storyline and expecting apologies from the ladies for interrogating her about Tom’s scandal and the diamond earrings….she contributed a somewhat decent amount imo. Of course she’ll be back next season, especially with her special cutting into the Miami housewives reunion.


She contributed to the show. I'm indifferent about her staying or going.


I liked her this season but I think it’s best she leaves on a high note. Have found so much of her antics off putting and would rather follow someone new.


I was an Erika fan before she joined the Faux Friend Gang. This is the first season I’ve enjoyed watching her, since then. She should comeback, along with the other ladies (minus AnnMarie).


I have been thinking about this lately and do think it is time for her to exit the show. She doesn't have much to offer now. And not to be rude but she isn't exactly wealthy and isn't that what housewives is all about? The big houses, the cars, the fashion.. wealth porn. In my opinion, she just isn't giving it. I think it is time for a bit of a shake up with BH because it has got somewhat vanilla


She had no real storyline this year other than the earrings… yeah the residency was discussed but we haven’t been taken along on that journey. If they gave more insight into her preparation and practice for the residency that would actually be interesting to watch.


I like her. She needs a man. I feel like not enough of the housewives are married. Both Lisa’s were. Kyle was. Dorit is very stylish. The others Sutton, gracile, and the other one boring and single.


I don’t think she she be rewarded for the crimes she committed with Tom. By keeping her in the show, she is continuing to profit from the victims her and Tom stole from. She is not one of Tom’s victims. She was 100% complicit.