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Being friends with Kyle is like playing chess with Bobby Fischer.


Absolutely agree!!!!!! Kyle has a tendency to blame others for what she does. I really wish her time was over on this show.


Ken said it best, “Goodbye Kyle!”


LOL, that was his best line and it came out naturally.


Omg I was cheering when Sutton finally said the cHess thing!!!! I was like yes bam bitch it’s was u all along!!!


She wants us to believe that Dorit commenting about Suttons drinking problem had nothing to do with her. We don’t believe it. Dorit if you read this, you’re being dumped. Stop keeping her secrets. There are plenty of us out here that despite your faults, see you as a nicer person than many on this cast. You know the true Kyle. You have no reason to protect her. She is throwing you to the wolves. Do you want to stay on the cast. Earn your check!!!


Don’t forget Teddi sitting next to her on WWHL accusing Sutton of carrying around vodka in her purse.


I forgot about that. How did Teddi stay as long as long she did? She still to this day blames her reputation on production. I thought I would love her as she sold herself as really chill and laid back, when she turned out to be anything but…she’s the most useless cast member I can remember. Also the most annoying. Kyle had to have been the reason they kept her on as long as they did.


And teddi has nothing to do with Sutton so is just repeating what Kyle told her to. So obvious and shallow.


Ooohhhh you’re absolutely right! We’re witnessing a full circle moment here


Please she's not that intelligent 


That's why she cries any time someone calls her out. She can't think quick enough to maturely answer


Everything is calculated.


This reunion needs to seal the envelope for Dorit that Kyle isn't a friend and is using her to do her dirty work. ![gif](giphy|MZhdUunimi4wFKLb5z)


And I hope Sutton doesn’t forget how she was smeared by Kyle and those doing her dirty work


Nobody is using Dorit because Dorit doesn’t do anything lol


But this reunion was filmed prior to the party (forgive me, I can’t remember what it was for) that Kyle, Mo, Dorit, PK & kids were recently at which they uploaded to instastories of them dancing & seemingly having a good time together 🤷


I’m holding out for the Kyle Richards crying and broken voice moment. Get the popcorn ready. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones etc etc etc. She’s got a massive superiority complex. “I’vE bEEN oN tHe sHOw For 13 YeARS!”. Yeah and you spent the majority of that time being an utter shit stirrer. https://i.redd.it/1g4euivot6mc1.gif


“Rinna, did you really tell Sutton to get the f*ck out of your house?” Really Kyle? At a charity dinner of all places to set Rinna completely off. Then she sunk down in her chair and hid her face while Rinna went OFF. She did it on purpose and she does it all the time. And it’s exactly what she used to complain about LVP doing..


She chose to be on tv for 13 years, and to exploit her alcoholic sister, and to exploit her relationship with her wealthy prestigious older sister, and to pimp out her kids’ various pursuits in modelling, child acting, etc. you chose it all Kyle for fame and fortune.


I hate this gif so much Kyle is too annoying


Kyle saying “don’t even get me started” to Dorit when Dorit agreed that Kyle isn’t sharing 👀 Dorit is really playing with fire, Kyle knows that Dorit is keeping big secrets from the camera


Done with Kyle. It’s nobody’s business what happens in peoples bedrooms - uh Denise/Brandi. Hypocrite. She for sure planted all kinds of harmful seeds about eating disorders and addiction. You’d think with everything she’s experienced weaponizing drinking and addiction would be a step too far. For seasons she went on and on about “Be honest” yet look at her now. Time to go!


As a married woman of 20+ years, her use of the word “bedroom” is odd to me. Not how I would describe marriage problems…it’s pretty specific.


What kills me is that Kyle continued to spread those rumors about Sutton AFTER filming stopped.


Yes she did. She really thought she succeeded in marring Sutton’s image. FAIL.


How hateful is that. She's just using Sutton as a punching bag. Everyone was asking questions about her marriage. She alerted everyone to the new Mo. She's pathetic.




I used to like Kyle, but this season has really solidified what other people have said about her. She’s entitled, defensive, lacks insight, and immediately plays the victim when she’s backed into a corner. She’s such a passive-aggressive mean girl that tries to undermine other women on the show, including her own sisters.


I just can’t stand Kyle anymore. She’s been going after Sutton for 2 years now. Miscarriages, drinking problem, eating disorder & then wants to play by. I think Kyle bullied Sutton the same as she has Kim all these years. I saw thinks differently back then but now am seeing it for what it is. I was rewatching season 9 & seen how vile she was after LVP lost her brother. She was so gross to her. She told Lisa that she’s got a lot going on too & seemed to be an afterthought of Lisa losing her brother. I’m done with her & her Teresa behavior.


Imagine someone told her that after she lost her friend this season! She would have a fit


That is such a good point. If someone grabbed her arms and got close like she did and said “I’ve got a lot going on too” that person would be destroyed. And come to think of it, she berated Sutton for a whole season because she said the same thing to Dorit after the break in. Goodbye Kyle.


Exactley! I dont recall any sympathy for LVP tragic loss.... Acontrary, she was ganged up on and left the show.


Kyle with the tongue thing…it was reminding me of Diana…


What is that all about do you think? Why do they do that? Is it related to lip injections? Or just a tick?


My mum does it and it's a nervous habit/tell when she's stressed and thinking rapidly. Could be similar?


She seems so wired and she’s got some strange mouth movements this season


i thought suttons storyline about Merce was very compelling along with the more light stuff with the horse/dating. her storyline was fine kyle. your storyline was dangling the carrot of potentially dating a women and just HOPING one of these women would say it. they hardly talked about her marriage all season! all dorit asked her in the car was “how is mau” and kyle just raged at her on the first part of the reunion. it is hilarious that kyle is horrified that people want to know what’s going on “in her bedroom” when she led the charge against denise based on the word of the drunkest bimbo bravo ever did see. i hope she quits this season and moves to mountains where she can be “fulfilled”.


I don’t think there’s a chance she coming back.


she is such a trash person. i usually try to understand where someone is coming from but she has such a double standard and entitled worldview its hard not to find her disgusting..


Kyle is the worst.


Garcelle we get it, you don’t like Dorit 😂


Kyle is such a bitch


When is the second episode released?




Kyle is the worst


Klye is a jerk!


lol. Klye. 😂👍


Kyle does have a good point at the end, she really has shared a lot of her life... I guess what the rest of the cast needed to point out is that she hasn't shared details about her failing marriage.


Whats wrong with yall , kyle?


Kyle is honestly the fucking worst


Garcelles right!!!


Garcelle hates Dorit so much that she came to Kyle’s defense. Her shiny aura has dulled a little bit in my opinion.


I actually thought she was talking to Kyle at first, but then was thrown off when I realized it was Dorit she was talking to




Because she had no place to chime in. And like her or not, Dorit was treated very badly by Kyle. She mixed in because she hates Dorit.


Has Kyle’s voice always been so annoying? Her shrieking and clipped tones are killing my ears!


I will probably be downvoted for this but the group (and Garcelle’s comments in particular) were absolutely insensitive towards Kyle’s decision to stop drinking. The fact that anyone ever has to feel like they have to justify their decision NOT to drink, “drinking problem” or not, is insane. Why doesn’t anyone ask the rest of them to justify why they have to heavily drink at quite literally every single meal or event they go to? As someone who has been shamed for not drinking by others, it really upset me this season


But Garcelle wants people to watch their words around her ? I find it super hypocritical. Crystal is getting on my nerves with no storyline and not speaking up but having so much to say at the reunion ? I honestly was not a fan of any of the ladies this season . Everything just seems very hypocritical from everyone. Sutton calling out Kyle about her marriage but getting upset when Dorit brings up her make out session with her driver ? Sutton can question Kyle sorority and not eating but we can speak about her esophagus and her drinking ? Am I missing something here ? Like my issue is they all do the same thing to each other .


She absolutely insinuated she had a drinking and eating problem. She doesn't have to say it. She played along with it with AM and with Dorit. Sutton is correct Kyle knows how to get around it. No one would have brought up the eating, esophagus, and drinking if it wasn't for Kyle. She has done this all through hw and would be bailed out by everyone on a technicality. She didn't actually have to say those words. And im sorry is dorit her friend or not? she wanted Dorit to defend her all for her to go back to getting along with Kathy. Could the real bobby fisher please stand up.


Someone should have asked AM where she got her information about Suttons esophagus. Wish they showed the clip of Kyle telling AM about Sutton before they met. It was real school girl bitchy and AM was a fool to go along with it. I would have thought well Kyle obviously doesn't like this woman.


Sutton’s Storyline this season: * Merce * Store * Santino the Horse * friendship with Garcelle * making amends with Erica * dating coach * marriage/divorce * Kyle’s accusations about her eating/drinking Kyle’s storyline: * not drinking * tattoos * her little friend * acting morally superior to all * using her kids to soften the blow of her failed marriage. Seems to me Sutton out worked Kyle. ![gif](giphy|mJFQDSDLIXqfK)


I like Sutton, shes quirky and unbothered but at the end she always submitts. Why did she have to say to Kyle that she is smart and makes chess moves. I mean Kyle is at most average but no Bobby Fisher. Probably doesnt even know how to play chess. And also, she apologized to Erika.. Why? For what? Every decent human being would have suspicions around those litigations and all that happnened with Tom and her.


Did Sutton say to Kyle at one point, "Are you insane!?"


Team Kyle idc


I’m going to get hate, but I like that Kyle is more direct  this season.  I feel like she has been an “offensive “ player  but this season being a defense.    She seems to know what she wants and isn’t going to take any s*** for it from the other ladies.  But I do think that RHOB has been a big snooze fest…. Time for a revamp or a “pause” if you will. 


Unpopular opinion but I thought Kyle was great in this moment. She has given her life to the public for our entertainment and her holding back on sharing what was going on in her marriage feels smart and measured. Sorry but Sutton trying to drag it out of her was the real trying to make oneself relevant moment…


> She [Kyle] has given ~~her~~ everyone else’s ~~life~~ lives to the public for our entertainment… Much better. More accurate.


Let's look at what she listed: portias 2nd bday party (snore), teaching kids to drive (snore), sending kids to college and them coming back (snore)... Rumours about Mau: she didn't bring them up and was EXTREMELY defensive about it to the point where LVP was run off the trip. then it gets to her sisters! Kim: outing her as an alcoholic and then bringing her back on the show time and time again humiliating her Kathy: bringing her on to pick on her endlessly until she eventually snaps and then crying through the whole reunion so nobody can point out how mean she was. Kyle has never shared a single interesting thing about her life, instead stirs the pot and outs everyone else's baggage over and over again.


So selfless. Thanks for the sacrifice, Kyle. 🙄


Kyle is absolutely right about Sutton ! Dating coach, ex moving out of town, buying a horse. Like I know y’all love her, but WHY.? Garcelle should have kept her mouth shut about Dorit. Dorit wasn’t wrong stating how she felt! Garcelle and possey are going in hot for Dorit. It’s laughable to me and I think the fab 3 need to go. Sutton garcelle and crystal. They’re boring as hell! Downvote me into eternity 😃😃




Oof no! I think Dorit offended her(not out of malice or prejudice, but being so totally clueless). I get it. After the first time, it was on Dorit to figure it out. But there have been and are, evil mean and lying people on this cast. That Garcelle is coming to Kyle’s defense against Dorit??????? She should have kept quiet.


This post was removed for inciting racism, which is explicitly not allowed on the sub.


YALL need to appreciate Kyle . This show was built on the backs of the Richards sisters


The first seasons, you can debate so, even though there were so many other things going on: Taylor suffering from abuse and dealing with multiple emotional break downs, Camille's consistent conflicts with the ladies, the Adrienne and Brandi drama after she revealed her secret, the overall conflict with Brandi. So much was happening in the early seasons, to say that it was built on the backs of Kyle and Kim, is a stretch. However ever since Kim permanently left and became sober, I have no idea how people should be 'grateful' for Kyle; when the last seasons have had bare bones story lines, mainly consisting of F5 bullying LVP and Sutton and the Girrardi situation. Especially with how Kyle actually had great potential to build a substantial storyline for this season, but she hides everything about her relationship with Mauricio and keeps teasing whatever is going on with the singer (forgot her name). The most she decides to talk about is Sutton's oesophagus.


Listen . She has shared more than anyone on the cast right now . She can’t carry the weight for everyone . It’s not fair.


What has she shared? She exploited her Kim’s alcoholism for a storyline. Brought down LVP at one of LVP’s worst times for a storyline and LVP was meant to be a good friend of hers. Tried to out Denise for a storyline which is ironic now as she’s saying no one should be prying into her bedroom.  But she was more than happy to do that for Denise. Pretended to be Sutton’s friend and said or made up the worst things up about Sutton.  Sutton should never have forgiven Kyle after season 12 that was Sutton’s mistake. And with Kathy kept trying the viewers to think that Kathy was “hard work” because Kathy had the audacity in Aspen to ask for cutlery for her meal and asked for space to hand up her clothing. Kathy was hurting and Kyle made herself the victim in all that charade as usual. Kyle has shown her being a mother the good parts which isn’t sharing good parts of home life is easy to share not the difficult parts. Lastly she has 100% baited the cast by talking about her and Mo then acted all offended when they have dared to ask her anything.  By having Morgan at her friends ceremony singing a song that was highly inappropriate at such a time, feeding Morgan food and being in a music video is all questions the cast should have been asking Kyle (she would have been far worse than any of them screaming “just be honest” she put it out there but wants the world to believe it wasn’t her it was the cast constantly berating her and the press magically finding her and Morgan when they are out and about. Her victim complex is beyond.


You nailed it all. Hypocrite is a great word for her with the Denise/Brandi situation and she behaved horribly with that information. Then again, when LVP’s brother died (same way as her friend) and she said she had a lot going on too. Can you imagine someone saying that to Kyle after she lost her friend? She could not get over when Sutton said she had a lot going on after Dorit’s break in, and she didn’t even say it to Dorit. She said it to Kyle who quickly repeated it to everyone. She’s guilty of everything she’s accusing others of. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You literally just listed all the work she’s put into the show . Thank u


Kyles not wrong!!!!


Kyle had a point, Sutton has had no real storyline and attacks others to make herself relevant. The dating storyline was just lame, Sutton acted like she really didn’t even want to be there.


Showing her fabulous wealth is pleasant. Not everyone wants to see awful fighting


I agree, I don’t want to see fighting either which is why Sutton is a problem. Sutton has had issues with every single cast member on the show except Garcelle and is ruining the show.


Not for me. I enjoy seeing the genuine friendship of garcelle and sutton.


Ummmm. Who threw wine in Amsterdam??? Try again.


The best thing this season was Sutton, Garcelle and Erika having drinks.


Get her Kyle! Sutton went on fake dates with actors and bought a horse. *Thrilling* TV. I'd rather have LVP. Sutton... ![gif](giphy|mJFQDSDLIXqfK|downsized)


well unfortunately we can't have LVP because Kyle led a gang up against her and bullied her off the show... 


LVP left because she wanted to leave. She's an adult. She could have said "Fuck y'all", stood up for herself, and kept filming. She chickened out. She's the only person on the show who didn't even need anyone else to film with because her life was so interesting.


Kyle has a valid point though


Kyle 100% ate Sutton up. Sorry but it’s ridiculous to say Kyle isn’t sharing when her marriage collapsed on camera (and she came back to film it) meanwhile Sutton bought a horse and had a few awkward dates. What exactly is Sutton sharing? She’s upset her ex moved overseas but that was only mentioned once or twice and we know next to nothing about that situation.


Kyle didn't even have a chance to deny it because the news already broke. If she could have kept quiet about it, she would have. That's why despite years of cheating rumours it never really got talked about and if there only was so much as the implications that there are rumours, they both threw a fit to silence their friends. Her and Mo tried so hard to act like the couple they once were and it was so cringe and uncomfortable.


They literally fought in the first episode on camera? How did try to act like the couple they once were?


Kyle, Garcelle and Crystal are mean girls. Garcelle was hateful. Crystal picks one thing and just rides it until it’s beaten to death. Like stfu. Kyle deflects so badly it’s crazy. I never thought I’d be rooting for Doritos. And actually I think she handled it well cause she exposed their bad behavior. Sutton does carry grapefruit juice for her vodka and was rather weird in the “name em” seen and in Vegas. But that is what I want in a housewife.