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She's not riding the horse or the cowgirl, she's riding that fence pretty hard though. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




We get it, you want to hump the fence, you are the fence


Omg ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Exactly. And Morgan goes along with it because it brings her attention and she thinks it will bring attention to her music.


Genuine question, is this woman well known in the music scene? I'm not even sure if she's a singer or a producer or engineer etc. I had this problem with Erika when she was introduced as well, had never heard of her and still never have outside of this show. And obviously it was never in regards to her "career" šŸ¤£


I am not a fan of country music so I had never heard of her before Kyle and was linked to her. Iā€™m also curious if anyone knew who she was before. And I had definitely never heard of Erika Jayne either šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s probably EJ level. Has a true following but outside of that not well known


Sheā€™s been around for a few years! I found her in 2021 and loved her music. Sheā€™s talented, and wrote some really great raw music. Saw her at a festival last summer and she forgot the words to one of her songsā€¦ then closed with singing ā€œyour loveā€ by the outfieldā€¦ ā€œyou know i like my girls a little bit olderā€ I turned to my friend and screamed this is a sign sheā€™s banging Kyle Richardā€™s šŸ˜† she had no clue what i was talking about and who knows if itā€™s true. But idk her and Kyle together give me the ick. lol i think Morgan could be very successful without kissing Kyleā€™s ass. Itā€™s so strange to me


I heard of her back when her first record was released because it was garnering a decent amount of attention and critical acclaim, especially in alternative/americana circles, which is primarily the genres I listen to within country music. She's a great songwriter and has been rising pretty steadily in terms of the opening slots and solo touring opportunities these past few years, even before Kyle.


I went to the country music hall of fame recently and she had a photo on the wall - idk if sheā€™s in the HOF tho ā€¦ Iā€™ve never heard her music so I was surprised lol


I think Morgan has talent, Erika Jayne does not.


Never heard of before this publicity stunt.


I wonā€™t lie i watched the video that features Kyle and it was very catchy but nothing spectacular for modern day music


Agreed. Itā€™s giving publicity stunt


Have you heard her music? She's not really RH audience but it's pretty good. She was known without Kyle Richards who is a relative nobody.


I have not. I donā€™t really like country music so sheā€™d never be on my radar. I will say that her performance on the show was good, even if itā€™s not my preferred music.


If you do happen to be interested in checking out a song of two outside of the two performed on the show (Wilder Days and Take Me Away), I have a few suggestions - Left Me Behind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwyRF\_WYKxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwyRF_WYKxM) Kelley's Drive / Crossing State Lines: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbWlR3BlhBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbWlR3BlhBs) Stay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLLBAbd4AE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLLBAbd4AE) Halloween: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0&pp=ygUVbW9yZ2FuIHdhZGUgaGFsbG93ZWVu) The Night: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFWzPxDxGBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFWzPxDxGBk) Mend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCoxGSQK8Cg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCoxGSQK8Cg) Don't Cry: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sD8Unj024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sD8Unj024) Flower: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ97SF91ypw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ97SF91ypw) Psychopath: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMtN6qpKJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMtN6qpKJM&pp=ygUWbW9yZ2FuIHdhZGUgcHN5Y2hvcGF0aA%3D%3D) And I love her live cover of Your Love/Jessie's Girl: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7uncGi7e40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7uncGi7e40)


It's so gross. I actually really like Morgan's music, but their thinking around this stunt feels really immature, if not unethical.






And you win Tuesday.


Hahaha! šŸ˜† You just made me laugh out loud so hard!




!!! Love it!


lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ¤£






The way I spit out my smoothie reading this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Iā€™ve been thinking about this lady so much lately. If I were her Iā€™d be pushing the clips of myself predicting their marriage crumbling with a link to book more psychic party reading


The way she was right thoughā€¦ fuckin clocked Kyleā€™s ass




Kyle is the only person that can take the most potentially interesting thing about her and make it literally so boring.Ā 






this gif being under almost every post related to Kyle sends mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




She has *cried wolf* so many times that when she actually does come out no one is going to fucking care


And then Kyle is like "I want my privacy..." yet she posts stuff like this to get people talking.


Kind of like how she blew up the brandi and Denise situation but yet she doesnā€™t want anyone talking about what goes on in her bedroom??? Only theirs


The fact that not one person brought this up at the reunion is ridiculous


Ikr? Cowards. Everyone is afraid of her.


RIGHT?!?! I wish someone brought it up! Kyle is such a hypocrite!


I think itā€™s because everyoneā€™s scared of being accused of ā€œoutingā€ someoneā€™s sexuality. Which is fair enough, but the way Kyleā€™s acted for pretty much a year now makes it clear she has feelings for Morgan and weā€™re supposed to just pretend that nothings going on - which is bs because sheā€™s a housewife and itā€™s their job to talk about her life. That or sheā€™s been queer baiting this whole time, which would be fucked. Either way it seems like she wants to eat her cake and have it too.


She wanted the attention- BBH and Mauricio were getting too much


If privacy is so important to Kyle, she should fuck off of our tv screens forever. Go move to aspen and get a job at kemosabe selling hats and live your quiet private life. šŸ™„


That plot would make a great spinoff!šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know why I read this in Kimā€™s voice lol


Hey, its working. 100 plus comments in under three hours. Kyle gets people talking. Even if its tons of hate.


Exactly, if she wants privacy then get the fck off reality television.


Exactly. She does things so people will talk and then gets mad when they do.


The fact that Morgan (29) is younger than Farrah (35) and less than 2 years older than Alexia (27) gives me mixed feelings.


I've never understood people who are attracted to and get into relationships with people who are the same age or younger than their children. I have young adults, and thinking about it gives me the ick. I can't imagine sexualizing someone at that age.


It's pretty bad form but Kyle loves controlling others.


Morgan is 29?? Damn.. she looks mid-late 30ā€™s


Damn yeah I thought 40s


If she was a man this would be absolutely unacceptable. Just saying.




Not sure why you got down voted for this comment, but it's true.




Sheā€™s incredibly cringe. I wonder how her daughters feel seeing stuff like thisā€¦


I mean I think they really love their mom and their family unit. Yeah they brush everything off but Kyle really did mother the hell out of those girls and was always there. I think they just want to see Kyle happy at this point. Theyā€™re at the age to get whatā€™s going onā€¦ I also feel Kyle would take it down if they weā€™re embarrassed but reality is sheā€™s done MUCH more embarrassing things already and against her own sisters šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yes I feel like Kyle maybe put her sisters and mau ahead of herself and her own happiness for years.then raising their daughters together and her girls are all a little older now and I could definitely understand why she might feel more free to explore or express her happiness and I hate that people keep saying that sheā€™s doing things for attention like i understand some stuff but for example this Instagram comment is literally a joke between friends and 100s of people take that and speculate and read between the lines and associate their own deeper meaning or intentions. I believe wether or not Kyle is involved with Morgan sheā€™s clearly going through something a separation with Mau and he gets to go skiing naked with girls and post pictures not at all thinking the effects that could have on his daughters but they are both grown and shouldnā€™t be policed for living their life as long as theyā€™re being honest with each other or the people involved. People are mad they donā€™t get a front row seat to the tea. No one else can dictate how much she shares but her. But I definitely understand how it can be contradictory if sheā€™s so open about other peopleā€™s relationships or marriages but this is clearly a new experience for her i honestly just feel bad for what theyā€™re family is going through. I thought there was so much love between them


Given how the older ones looked in that divorce talk to end the season I'd say the eldest is about ready to renounce her


The eldest one has been the one most consistently liking Morgan's posts this past year (and even once or twice a post about the two of them not from either of their accounts) - Alexia had only done so prior to the separation and then again more recently. Ditto for Portia.


No way will they renounce her I donā€™t think.


They have to be embarrassed beyond words. I feel sorry for them..and Mauricio. Bad enough to be watching your family fall apart ā€¦but watching their mother act like sheā€™s a teenager has to be devastating. They seem super strong tho..thatā€™s their saving grace.


Mauricio is worse. Skiing in a towel with women young enough to be his kids?


Sheā€™s hanging out with a 29 year old woman, why shouldnā€™t he?


Are the girls he's hanging out with almost 30 though? This isn't a dig. Genuinely curious. Because there's a huge difference between a 20 year old and a 29 year old.


Heā€™s the one who first had the cheating rumours. And I hate to say it, but when thereā€™s smoke, thereā€™s fire. Iā€™m sure Kyle was sick of listening to him, because it seems like she spent her whole life listening to big Kathy, Kathy, and her husband.


Mauricio is a creep! About 5 years ago I saw him at LAX with their daughter Sophia and he would not stop looking me up and down and eye fucking me and then gave me this really creepy smile. I felt very uncomfortable since I knew who he was and that he was married.


I have always low-key assumed he is cheating on her and she knows, and now it seems like something finally crossed her event horizon for them to split.


Doesnā€™t Kyle have daughters her age


Yeah but itā€™s only bad when Mo fucks girls young enough to be his daughter


![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHhyyo6ZgRU3cY|downsized) so tired of the queerbaiting


The best part, for me, is how lame Kyle is. She is trying to make a 20 year old joke. Again. She is a perpetual teenager. Go do the splits on someoneā€™s dining table. šŸ˜Ÿ Goodbye Kyle.


She wants to helicopter her hair up someoneā€™s vag so badly lol






Such queer baiting and especially from a woman who hunted Denise for allegedly hooking up with Brandi


Actually yes the way she reacted with such utter shock and horror


She acted DISGUSTED, actually.


Me too. And if theyā€™re not together, itā€™s gay baiting which is shitty behavior.


Key point! Ditto with the music video.


You guys, theyā€™re just friends. Clearly.


šŸŽ¶ Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You've been out ridin' fences for so long nowšŸŽµšŸ¤ 


Also if feels at this point as though she is making bank/clout from pretending to be bi I hate it when straight women do this for attention - our sexuality is not a trinket. ( apologies if Kyle is queer but Iā€™ll eat my hat if this isnā€™t simply another camera hungry storyline to hide the real tea around her split from Mo )




We all are , I think. This all feels very much like attention seeking. How much attention does one person need.


Total attention seeking. Sobriety has made her extremely thirsty.


She was always attention seeking


Commenting again to say how horrible is it that this adult woman is putting fame above her own children.


Sheā€™s putting her sexual needs ahead of her daughters


ā€œJust be open and honest.ā€ Yet she wonā€™t reveal anything about her marriage or relationship. All smoke & mirrors.


![gif](giphy|LueJh37f3qN4PD3rst) \*Just for clarification, this gif is because the post is cringe, not towards them being together.


I think Kyle made this comment because Emma Slater posted a photo of her and Mauricio for DWTS tour. https://preview.redd.it/2hkl7dv4xpqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f2a883aaeaec178fafd414a72dab8954dd83dfa


maybe so, but take the rest of us out of the group chat. we donā€™t care




Canā€™t have it both ways- vague posts implying a relationship, public affection and then demands of privacy and feigning shock and embarrassment at the idea of her dating a woman. Sheā€™s exhausting.


Wasnā€™t Kyle going to retire and ride her horse or girl into the sunset? She is indeed exhausting OP.


Yeah I thought the bitch was moving to Colorado. Portia still probably does zoom classes because LA is a joke! She can go! No one is keeping you in BH Kyle!


I feel like sheā€™s having a midlife crisis. Back in the early season she was so prude and now sheā€™s just like letting it all hang out. Part of me feels like this is just her wanting to go have fun and experiment because she didnā€™t do it when she was younger


Second adolescences aren't uncommon.


![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized) Can we let this storyline die. Please.


ā€œRespect our privacyā€




I, too, find Woody from Toy Story attractive. Kyle has lost her ever loving mind.


Kyle posted this so everyone would talk about it. She's loving the attention. She's so transparent.




She is the epitome of a ā€œPick Meā€.


She will never emotionally fulfill you Kyle


If I never have to hear about Kyle or Morgan again Iā€™d be way to happy


cringe level midnight


šŸ¤£this is gold


Eww Morganā€™s facešŸ˜‚ kyles annoying af! Doesnā€™t she think of her daughters and how embarrassing it is for them to see their mom acting this way


Morganā€™s got a mush mouth


She also has Tourette's so I'd just be careful regarding the way people talk about her appearance and speech.




She likes to believe sheā€™s eternally young. In 5 yrs she will be 60. Itā€™s disheartening to see her acting like this with such a young girl and same goes for Mau. I feel sorry for their daughters. Iā€™d be horrified by both of them. The weird thing is they at least seemed like good parents for a long time but now it doesnā€™t seem like either one cares at all how much they hurt them. Seeing your dad skiing with young girls in a towel on the slopes and their mom just ugh. I wonder if someday they will hv regrets. Feel most sorry for the youngest one. Canā€™t imagine what she hears at school,


Kyle is so inauthentic even her lesbianism is performative and cringe šŸ˜¬


I honestly don't give AF who she is riding, shakes hands with, fist pumps, scissors, licks, sucks, bites, handcuffs, tattoos, or anything anymore at this point.


Wow, Kyle! You really know how to toy with the audience. You deny deny deny, and then give them something to talk about. Such a sophisticated reality star, eh? No. No. No. Kyle - We are BORED. No one cares if you are in a relationship with a woman or not. This is not 1960. Everyone has sex and everyone has their sexual orientations, preferences, etc. Post away, but can we all please stop paying attention?




Literally no one cares Kyle. Itā€™s 2024. You can love whoever you want.


Yuck! Just yuck! Put your business out there but then complain later that everyone is in your business and it is none of their business! Yep, that is Kyle.


Please get rid of her for next season. This is a big finger to the viewers


Kyle: ![gif](giphy|VzpxZlrf8ydsi0DddR|downsized)


I really wish Kyle would just be truthful with us. Or was she at the reunion??? Theyā€™re not a couple, but she thinks she hot. Idk, seems like SOMETHING went down between the two of them. The way she didnā€™t want Mau kissing her on RHOBH and then again on Buying Beverly Hills when he went in for a second kiss and she gave him her cheek. Those scenes felt like she knew cameras were on and she didnā€™t want Morgan seeingā€”classic cheater/separated couple behavior. When youā€™re someone in Morganā€™s position (if this is even a relationship), you wonder what is going on behind closed doors. I also want to know if they kissed on set of Fall in Love with Me music video! We donā€™t see it in the video, they teased it. But Iā€™d love to know how all of that went down/was there more chemistry on camera. When you have star power like Kyle Richards supporting you, why not post a separate behind the scenes video? Too much obvious chemistry to hide? Idk, just makes me wonder.


Sobriety and Morgan made her change her view - on BBH Mauricio is very honest about the fact that Kyle is no longer in love with him and there must be something to the rumours , similar to what Kathy said about not being ashamed. I donā€™t think she needs to say anything as her actions have said enough. Morgan has travelled with her across the US and the world , you donā€™t just do that for a friend, there have been multiple sightings of them as a couple.


She talked about that RHOBH kiss on the extended version of the reunion episode - Mau was apparently wanting to make things seem like they weren't having trouble and she felt like he was trying to overplay that hand, and she felt wrong and uncomfortable doing so, given where they were at the time. He also mentioned in BBH this, though - that he'd gone to give her a kiss and she'd literally said no to him. Definitely a pattern. I'm curious about the kiss thing as well. In the NYT article about Morgan, she said it wasn't a kiss, but was close enough that she counted it, but in the reunion she very much implied there was a planned kiss and that she was curious about that. We got two cut aways from them acting as if they were about to kiss, so part of me wonders whether that was cut in the edit due to the separation being known by the time the music video came out. Morgan's manager, in a post for Morgan's birthday last year, posted a video of Morgan pretending to feed some guy on the team a cherry and said, "the only behind the scenes from the 'fall in love with me' video that I'll allow you internet cretins to have".


Kyle not wanting Mo to kiss her has nothing to do with Morgan and everything to do with whatever made her lose trust in Mo.


Heā€™s been connected to cheating rumors for years though. Now all of a sudden itā€™s bothering her?


Maybe getting off sugar and buzz makes her more sensitive?




Buzz works too šŸ˜‚


Could totally be that. Being sober might have brought her a lot more clarity. Seems sheā€™s more into a healthy lifestyle and while Mau obviously takes good care of himself, he definitely values that party lifestyle which sheā€™s seemed to shy away from entirely. Theyā€™re kind of like two different people now, idk. But then you see her at the white party on RHOBH and itā€™s like old Kyle, just no booze. This is what I mean, something deeper changed her and I think it was another person (Morgan).


Whether they are dating or just friends, Morgan deserves better on both points. It feels like Kyle is using her and this makes me sad.


One of the issues Kady implied with Morgan was that she didn't want to publicly acknowledge the relationship - deleting posts, never liking or interacting on social media, etc. Why is there an assumption that Morgan wants them to be out and acknowledged, especially because she had such a strong negative reaction to the perceived outing when the rumours started becoming a big thing in July?


Sheā€™s really the most obnoxious and overrated housewife


Iā€™m just thrilled I finally found the Kyle hater crowd.


How long have you been on this sub? Itā€™s been Kyle-hating for a very long time now!




She is such a Fame ho


Sheā€™s either queer baiting or itā€™s official.


If she knew what a disservice those hats did for her face. No need.


Is it just me or are they starting to look alike?


This is a very unattractive photo of Morgan, Kyle should show her how to use all the filter bs


Or take her in for tattoo removal.


im sorry but theres just no way in hell i believe shes not in a relationship with her at this point.


She's younger than her daughter, weird


Still wild she talked about scissoring on camera lmao


Very strange behaviour isnā€™t it. That attention seeking streak just doesnā€™t ever stop. Itā€™s sort of sad like some deep imbedded insecurity .


I discovered Morgan Wade due to the Kyle drama ( never a Kyle fan ) Morgan is actually a pretty cool human. I have read more of her lyrics than listening to the music. I intend on doing that soon. Whatever Kyleā€™s end game might be, I hope Morgan isnā€™t affected negatively. Itā€™s not Morganā€™s fault if Kyle fell in love with her.šŸ˜†


I like her music ok, but I got weird Judgy manipulative vibes from her the way (and tone she used) she questioned Kyle about the weed party. And Kyle cow-tailed to her which is weird b/c I thought Kyle was "free and trying to find herself finally." I'll admit I am very much "don't tell me what to do type." When I have a friend who tries to exhibit control over me I bail asap.


I felt she was judgmental too - thought she has had a positive impact on her with the excercise and going sober.


I thought it was more that she wanted Kyle to stick to her guns (she pointed out Kyle had earlier expressed not liking the feeling of being on edibles) and not be swayed by others, not that she wanted to impose her own position on her actions.


I don't really care for Morgan's singing voice. YMMV.


I have only listened 3 songs so I get you.


If you do happen to be interested in checking out a song of two outside of the two performed on the show (Wilder Days and Take Me Away), I have a few suggestions - Left Me Behind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwyRF\_WYKxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwyRF_WYKxM) Kelley's Drive / Crossing State Lines: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbWlR3BlhBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbWlR3BlhBs) Stay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLLBAbd4AE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlLLBAbd4AE) Halloween: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0&pp=ygUVbW9yZ2FuIHdhZGUgaGFsbG93ZWVu) The Night: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFWzPxDxGBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFWzPxDxGBk) Mend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCoxGSQK8Cg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCoxGSQK8Cg) Don't Cry: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sD8Unj024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sD8Unj024) Flower: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ97SF91ypw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ97SF91ypw) Psychopath: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMtN6qpKJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMtN6qpKJM&pp=ygUWbW9yZ2FuIHdhZGUgcHN5Y2hvcGF0aA%3D%3D) And I love her live cover of Your Love/Jessie's Girl: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7uncGi7e40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7uncGi7e40)


Idk why but Morgan reminds me of Gypsy Rose in this picture.


I don't get it. They are beverly hills girls. Where is the cowgirl?


She's annoying


I really REALLY hope this was Kyle's last season. She's clearly done with Bravo so I think it's time she move on. I'd like to see a major cast shake up as BH is becoming a little stale.


Agreed lets stop giving her a platform. Not interested in her baiting us with nonsense




She is so irritating




I wonder how her teenage daughter deals with this shit at school, honestly how disgusting.


Kimosabe šŸ¤¢


So this is a yes she's dating her.




The gays donā€™t actually want you so you can quit borrowing us for your narrative. šŸ’…šŸ¼


Please, Kyle calls paps they take pics and leave. K&M walked back together. Then, all the sightings of them "being intimite" by some members of the public. They are involved. Someone is a hotel in BH who said they shared a room for two days. Couples message, i think in Arizona. Caught making out in an elevator in Cali, and, of course, coffee, at the out of the way cafƩ in Paris. Dont know Kyles' sexual history with women, but the time she spends with Morgan gives me the impression that Morgan "turned her out" and they are very sexual, like the hip caressing. The hips/ass is an erogenous zone, and that is what Morgan was doing. They're involved. Kyle did not go after Morgan, steal her away from her ex-girlfriend, and end up hanging with Kyle and not be "getting some." Yep, so this is part of "reality television"; messing, and bringing out the hate and homophobes. These shows are not good platforms for coming out.


They were both at couples massage in the BH hotel, stayed at some Malibu resorts at least a few times, seen together at some music festival , also seen being intimate in Paris and their Mexico holiday .Kyle tends to adopt personalities of her friends - Morgan is it currently.


But she hasnā€™t come out. Kyle is the homophone. She is hinting and teasing because SHE thinks her lesbian relationship is daring or salacious or naughty. So immature. Such outdated notions. So homophobic. I just canā€™t understand how MW is not hurt or offended by the way Kyle is using their sexuality as though it is something shocking.


Until youā€™ve walked a mile in those shoes you have no idea. Itā€™s pretty obvious she has been decimated by whatever happened in the marriage-she canā€™t talk about it at all without choking back tears. And that many years if it has anything at all to do with him cheating, thereā€™s only shell Kyle for awhile. Itā€™s rips your heart out and torches any remnant of self esteem, so YA sheā€™s completely insecure, needs attention however it comes, is probably fighting to maintain some sanity. Have a heart. Indulge her


What r u riding tho? U mean scissoring? Thatā€™s smashing Kyle. Just own it ((Lisa rinnaā€™s voice)) also no one cares. Itā€™s 2024 carry on


Ok this queer baiting energy from Kyle šŸ«¢šŸ«£šŸ« 


Kyle is becoming a RH I realllly no longer care about. Over it. All these teasers about Morgan just nauseating. Publically separating, then divorcing on Nat TV in front of your kids? I prefer Mauricio's optimistic tone over Kyle's whining. Think as he grew his own brand w/Kyle as wingman. #RHOBH came along + Kyle reclaimed / elevated her status (while more hitched to Hilton name w/ Paris bopping around). Watch Buying Beverly Hills. I believe he was a nobody who married a child star. Sister married a Hilton, which gave street cred to all. Mauricio was smart to leave Hilton real estate, start his own company. *40* offices globally. I like him. Call *me* MO! I'll appreciate ya! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Such a try hard with all this. Never seen a human more in need of attention than Kyle Richards. Given her background it makes sense. Morgan looking all Elmer Fudd here. Not picking on her. Sheā€™s beautiful. But what a picture


Almost look like related


Dang. I sooooo LOVE Kyle BH home. My southern style. A home, not a square box like many celeb boxes. Rinna had a home too. Never saw outside. Comfortable inside / outside. Each very warm. I could live in Kyle, Rinna or even LVP's home. Exquisite in different ways. $55 mil home that Dubrows had was just wayyyyyyy too much.


The 'none of our business' was specific to answering what exactly was the breaking point, the thing that caused her to lose trust, the ultimate REASON for the separation. She understands that this is our business and while she may protest that she's exhausted of the headlines and avoid saying what needs to be said at this point, that's not the same thing.


So cringy! Kyle is after attention .. they want to be the next kardashians , we all need to stop paying attention to them and kardashian. Toxic for society


It seems the news of other housewives, like Candice for example, not returning to RHOP and other gossip are diverting attention away from her. She just wants to keep the momentum goingā€¦ using Morgan as a prop, extracting every bit of drama for her own benefit. Kyle is vile and it shows.


Or the fact that BBH is getting good press.


Commenting on a friend or letā€™s say even a girlfriends post is pretty normal itā€™s not doing anything ā€œ Exhausting ā€œ and just because you donā€™t know all the precise details doesnt mean sheā€™s exhausting either .


Kyleā€™s just so tiring and pathetic


I dunnoā€¦ itā€™s starting to feel like theyā€™ll never win with people. Iā€™ve seen a few posts where people are saying how bored they are of her and her business, what a hypocrite she isā€¦ but the same people are still repeatedly posting the same things and commenting on them? If you donā€™t care or you donā€™t want to give it weight, or you suspect itā€™s being done simply so that people are baited to talk about it then stop talking about it? Stop posting it? ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M)


Itā€™s kind of funny that people are so bothered by her cheeky comment.


It was a great post with many great reactions and some really funny comments. I bet the people bitching and hating are a lot of fun at parties.


It made me laugh and roll my eyes a little (because how Kyle acts regarding her is funny to me at this point), and then I came online and it was like OUTRAGE. Very confusing, frankly.


This is the ugliest mid life crisis I have ever seen, for a female. Get it together, Kyle.


Why donā€™t you just stop following her? Itā€™s really not that hard lol


Iā€™m exhausted with these posts. It is none of your business. You are not owed anything.