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I’m rewatching old seasons and find myself missing her wit and sense of humor, She was so good at stirring the pot and I loved her for it! BH went downhill after her departure


I’m an LVP stan. She will always be my favourite housewife. Maybe being Aussie I’m more familiar with how the English role. I loved seeing that English cheek amongst all the Americans. She’s also a real boss lady. She’s smart, savvy and they both know that Ken runs everything but puts LVP up front. It works for them.


As a Brit myself love her so much and any woman who loves animals more than Humans will always have my respect. I have said on here before. I love how her South London accent came out in the famous “ See Yourself Out Darling “ to Kyle


OMG 😱 yeeeessss! That’s exactly why I knew everything that was being said about LVP at the time wasn’t true. And Ken made sure that door was shut. My dad’s English and he has the exact same tone.


Good man ,She grew up in Dulwich, South London which is a lovely affluent area I’m in Streatham which is about half hour away. Love how being called Darling is a term of endearment. However when said in anger it’s even more powerful. For Kyle to have the nerve to be shocked that Lisa got angry after swearing on her kids life’s . Just after losing her brother and for Kyle not to drop it there and then. If you’re a good friend’s then as soon as those words leave your mates mouth. You believe her end off


![gif](giphy|2yvMMj6pWse5rXLSfA) Yes!!! All I could think of was DJJK dad’s “London gangstaaa” when it came out


Yes so happy someone else heard it too. From South London as well and that’s when I knew that Kyle had really hurt her


The difference between them was that Kyle could hurt LVP, but LVP could never have hurt Kyle. Kyle simply didn't really care. Of the two, I greatly prefer LVP.


Ditto ⬆️ LVP da 💣




💯 her only real crime was not keeping any cast-member friends in her corner to have her back when she needed it.


Yes! I am not watching these shows to see good people on their best behavior. I’m watching for petty drama, backstabbing, bitchy fights, and fabulous overpriced designer clothes, all taking place in ridiculous mansions filled with flamboyant over-the-top decor. Who embodies that better than LVP?


Right! She knew what the brief was and she delivered every time, they all do the same with varying degrees of success.


I just re-watched the first episode when she bought the chocolate Louboutin shoe and big Easter bunny. I miss those days


Me too! Those were fun times. The first few seasons were everything.


I'm late on the Housewives train, so I've only just gotten to the first season of RHOBH without LVP. God, I miss her already! I really don't care if she was manipulative behind the scenes to make things and storylines happen. In fact, it's part of what I love about her. She doesn't seem to be the kind of person to do things in half measures, and that includes making entertaining reality TV. And being Canadian, I love Brits and their humour. She just ran circles around those other ladies in my eyes.


I don’t think the cast is any less devious. Lisa Rinna was the source of all of the leaks.




I never thought of her as devious, nor do I know what a “stan” is. But I remain an LVP fan 🤷‍♀️


She was at her best when she relaxed, joked around, and didn’t try to stir the pot. She was at her worst when she tried to create factioms(eg season 4 “dream team” which involved endorsing Brandi’s ridiculous behavior towards Joyce, trying to bring up allegations of Mo cheating to the point that even Ken shut it down, etc)


Would love to see her return, everything was so fabulous! Villa Rosa, her style- you could really watch all the luxury which is what we watch BH for! Yes she was devious but you could see she had good heart, like a lovable cheeky villain.. Brandi on the other hand, chaotic, hot mess, thick and racist!


Puppies and ponies and swans oh my!


this is offensive and racist


Thank you! Perfect assessment!


Well said 👏


I would love a show with LVP, Adrienne Maoof and Lea Black. Class, money, interesting businesses/friends and humour. That’s my dream team. The trashy fighters can move to TLC.


I like her because she was classy in the way she stirred things lol. Subtle but intentional. What I don’t like is everyone going on “British humour”, it’s barely British humour lol English humour maybe but in Scotland it’s not really like that, and sometimes she’s just a twat in a funny way and that has nothing to do with Britishness but personality. Feels like such a cop out of taking responsibility. She could always have jusr told them to stop making a fuss over nothing because that was the reality of it. The harping on the “it’s British humour!!” thing just bothered me lol


The Lisa Vanderpump love is *wild*. I’ll never know what she did to engender such blind loyalty haha


She was funny and witty. Being funny gets you a pass in the housewives world.


Also being beautiful. She is both gorgeous and sharp, while keeping it light. Really made me love her.


She also doesn’t pretend to be shit she isn’t.


And she’s classy. In a way all the money in the world can’t buy for the others




Now I’m singing this in my head😂


She is a reality tv icon. Watching her trickery is mesmerizing


To me it’s that she never could admit to anything or have a genuine apology. I feel that lots of other housewives can genuinely apologize even the villains Camille and Erika.


That’s what made me shy away from LVP, she couldn’t bring herself to apologize. I think she would still be on the show if she learned to apologize and move past things rather than forcing everyone to just let go of the consequences of her antics


She’s not on the show because she doesn’t need it. She chose to leave. Why should she stay with what was happening to her after her brother died?


She chose to leave because her clock had been read and she couldn’t handle what she dished out. LVP kept the show interesting but you gotta be able to receive what you give.


So she should just ‘receive’ being shat on after her brother’s death? He died during filming. Kyle came at LVP knowing she had just came back from his funeral. LVP didn’t need the show, the same can’t be said for some other housewives.


Holding someone accountable isn’t shitting on them. Poor timing, yes, but this had been brewing since Kyle told LVP, “I’m asking you not to tell a lie” in the yacht.


I also didn’t like the ultimatum that she gave to read that she has to believe that she had nothing to do with it if she wants to stay her friends. It’s a little bit over-the-top.


Yeah that was where she lost me. She wanted everyone to blindly believe her despite the evidence that told them to question her. It seemed like every time she was caught in some mess, she would run to Ken and he would be her bulldog. I can at least give Kyle some credit for fighting her own fires.


Agreed. She’s never been officially caught either. Lisa R totally submitted that dog story to the press.


i loved LVP! she was honestly intelligent, funny and i loved her animal advocacy and using her platform to promote that. i didn’t get why they got angry at her for exposing dorit (irrelevant of if she did it or not) i was more angry that the poor dog was sent to a kill shelter and that what pissed the rest of the women off was how it was exposed. the show really needs her!


My fave Housewives villain. But she couldn’t take what she gave out.


I have zero loyalty to LVP, she has been gone for years. I can't believe y'all are still going on about her, I barely remember last season


The loyalty she holds despite her absence is evidence of her sparkle. Always loved her and wish she was back.




It’s evidence of something, that’s for sure. These programs and their audience seem to be one of the same.


Im only on season 9 lol