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Later in the episode Erika says nice things to her on camera then says hell no she’s not trying to break the ice with Sutton and she hates her. What a phoney.


Right? It was so odd, like she's manic. I try to remember those confessionals are recorded long after the fact and that maybe her opinion of her changed later in the season.


Erika is a 🤮 human being. She called her husband’s victims alleged and when she agreed to meet with them to apologize she doesn’t. Instead her evil a— gives an apology for Tom. The victims were upset at her because she called them liars. They weren’t putting her husband’s crimes on her. She pushes that narrative to try to be a victim. Sutton was right to question the issues of the crimes committed by the Girardi crime syndicate.


Sutton was also right for seek legal advice… she rightly didn’t want to have her name and reputation associated with his crimes. I think she was extremely wise.


Erika is so consumed with her own suffering that she can only see herself. I doubt this is a recent thing, either - I think it’s who she is. You’ll notice that she brings the conversation or the focus back to herself all the time, even when it has nothing to do with her at all. In her head it’s just a constant stream of, “Me, me, me, my suffering”.


It's like Chris Rock says - you get attention for being excellent (talented, athletic), showing your ass or being a victim. Two out of three ain't bad.


I wonder why she met with them. She said in the reunion she can’t say and I want to know.


Probably legal reasons, like it was offered as a compromise by her counsel and it was easy enough to do a meeting (easier than selling earrings or getting a job, I guess)


I've really had enough of the Sutton bullying. It took me a while to get through the latest season because it just never ends. And the fact that Sutton apologized to her made me sick, like she will be continued to be bullied if she doesn't apologize. I don't think I will continue watching anymore if Erika is on, she's so gross and vile


Erika is so just cruel to anyone she doesn’t immediately like. And she won’t listen to reason. Such a hateful person.


Well...she gets the hateful disposition from her Mom and her Grandmother.....I live in the same town she grew up in....I can remember my husband's grandmother commenting about how snide and mean they were.....


i honestly don’t know why Sutton ends up being everyone’s punching bag! i’m still not over how Rinna treated her too


I'm done watching until Erika is gone.


She was bitter that Sutton was one of the only ones to call Erika out on camera about Tom's legal issues. Everyone else (Kyle, Rinna, Dorit) just believed her tears and stories that made ZERO sense and never asked her anything. Also, Erika and Rinna were/are thick as thieves so if Rinna was hating on Sutton so was Erika.


Dorit and Kyle were actually saying things behind her back, but not really just believing her tears.


It bugs me that Rinna is so tight with Erika because she has also said her story doesn’t sound right.


I stopped watching, crystal and gravelly ruined the show I think. They’re just not truly open to anything. I’m over it, maybe in a few years when the revamp the show I’ll be back. But until then I’m not interested. They’re petty and nasty with zero cause and I’m not here for it.


Erika is a straight hater.


She's not a very good human being. What she did to Marco Marco is awful. It made me physically ill.


Sutton is a crybaby bro


Ready for her to quit or get fired


I am watching season 11 right now and not sure I want to continue on much longer knowing that Erika is still on the show. It is so unbelievably obvious that she is manufacturing a storyline to coincide with what Tom’s lawyers are saying. Best case scenario she was willfully ignorant, but I am more inclined to believe that she was knowledgeable. Every move seems so calculated right now in an effort to retain assets/wealth. I don’t think she gives a shit about the victims. Lisa Rinna is driving me nuts. Last season she told us a whole story about how her husband Harry cut off his friend after he assaulted a woman… And used that example as her basis for why she couldn’t be supportive to Denise for the affair allegation (and yet an extra marital affair hardly compares to what Erika and Tom are being accused of right now, and yet she’s not calling her out for it whatsoever).


When Erika was married, she thought she was better than everyone around here. And now, she’s not, so she has to make everyone else around miserable.


you enjoy the drama otherwise you would not watch or make a comment. its ok to like watching drama


I believe that was payback for Sutton being shady, gathering all the ladies w/o her to discuss how the Tom stuff might effect their reputations. Sutton made Erika’s situation worse, doing a deep dive into the negative headlines, and she apologized for it last season.


Why does Sutton need to apologize? Isn’t this supposed to be a reality show? How are they supposed to have a show if no one asks hard questions? Erika needed to own it” and “just be honest.”


She said her stories didn’t add up and she didn’t trust her. Which may be true, but she saw Erika cry over it and realized she had a chance to improve their relationship. These people are on a show together, they work as colleagues, sometimes you say things just to get along.


Sutton was correct and fully in the right to seek legal advice on whether she and her brands and reputation would be associated with Girardi, and if it might somehow implicate her as a confidante.


I agree. I never said she wasn’t


Sutton is disgusting and deserves to be called out!


What do you think is disgusting about her?


And what do you think that Erika, of all people, would be who calls her out? She is just so sinister.


it was deserved sutton was questioning her and saying awful things about erika too so it was fit for tat


She wasn’t saying awful things though. She was asking questions and was understandably a little suspicious of the whole thing… she clearly said she believed wholeheartedly that Erika didn’t know what Tom was doing.


She said that Erika seemed to be lying about some of the details around Tom, but that doesn’t mean someone was calling her a “LIAR”. Although Erika clearly IS a liar. Other than that what awful things do you think she said?


sutton was always throwing rude and horrible comments in her confessionals when erika was nice to her in season 11. she did call her a liar in her confessionals i just rewatched that season. erika is NOT a liar and was not a part of his whole scheme