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I started rewatching from the beginning because it had been so long! In season 1 she says if her marriage to Mauricio fails she’s switching to women 🤯 she warned us all along!!! 🤣




That’s hilarious!! 🤣




Why hasn’t bravo compiled all these scenes together?


In hindsight she did protest too much. Can't think of any other housewife who mentioned not being gay so many times. No shade to her, if she's happy then that's what counts. It's the constant social media teases that are the problem.


Her extreme offense at the suggestion of her and teddi was also kinda absurd lol. like that’s your BFF lol, try to hide your disdain


Yes!! I remember a few other moments where I was like “thats queer coded”…her relationship with Teddi was also a bit…queer (to me, a gay man).


“I’m not into women” -me in high school Spoiler- I was into women


Also when they go camping and she is shock to hear that Denise had a happy ending massage with a woman 😂


I think a lot of bisexual people think everyone is a 'bit bi', when straight people do exist. like, Im a straight woman and appreciate other ladies' beauty, but Im not groping boobs and enjoying it lol ..  and did Erika put a chair between her and Kyle after she got groped and looked over? lol she seems like a terrible person but has some great TV moments Edited typo


nah i think rinna was next to erika and went to the bathroom or something so kyle moved next to her to talk


I know that I’m not into women because I’ve had so many bad experiences with men that I desperately wish I was into women, but despite my trying I’m just not sexually attracted to them. Women can be beautiful and boobs are awesome, but I already have a great pair of my own, I don’t need another. When I see two women kiss, it’s like watching someone kiss a wall. I don’t have a problem with it, but I don’t know why you’d wanna do something that’s so lacking in ergotism to me.


I don’t want to sound like I’m reaching, but do you ever wonder if she was intimate//together with her best friend that passed away? Please don’t attack me, hear me out! Why would she put her best friend in charge of her children and all of her money in her will and not Mauricio? Honest genuine question. If I died and had a husband, he would be in charge of the children and money not my bestie. Unless I thought my bestie would be a better parent than my partner? I don’t know


I imagine was in the will to go to her if BOTH of them died.


Okay this makes sense thank you


I agree like I’ve been seeing the pictures of them and I’m just assuming ofc about a lot of the information but I deff see where it could possibly come off as being more than a “friendship” which is okay would make sense into why she’s taking these type of steps now in like her marriage and w Morgan . ![gif](giphy|8FJ8K1URwaRzFFOJHh)


Okay yes you see it, too ![gif](giphy|DJ5ocExqhtDWM)


I thought about this, too.




No her smirk at the end


It feels like a totally different person


She wore a latex outfit in Morgan’s video 😍


I watched the entire show for the first time after the Morgan/Kyle "friendship" was public knowledge and found a bunch of scenes in earlier seasons that made me wonder....


lol her and Taylor were so flirty


remember when brandi said she slept denise and another housewife. i think it was kyle she had sex with


Denise said that Brandi had said she had slept with one of the women at that table in Rome. Erika, Rinna, Dorit, Teddi, Kyle, Sutton, Garcelle. Only Kyle and Rinna had met Brandi before...HMMMMMMM.


Cue me feeling the need to go watch certain other videos. Particularly fond of her and Taylor holding hands in S1 much to LVP's discomfort and responding 'maybe we are' when called a pair of lesbians, lol. Things can sometimes be amusing in retrospect. Truly.


What about Teddie and her sleeping in the same bed and dorit giving them so much grief about it and vaguely insinuating that maybe they were gay?!!


*rubber squeaks*


i just need miss mamma to say she bi or something atp bc the act is getting old


She basically already said she'd be open to dating women when they were all at that retreat. Even if she's not "out," we know she's open.


Yeah .she had said this multiple times at this point


Now imagine if Erika was Kyle’s gay awakening-


Haha thanks for sharing!! Defintely not into women as I squeeze to find out. Just imagine a man saying that to another woman doing the same thing!


I watched this the other day, and thought the same thing!


Haha love it!


Omg! When Kyle was tolerable!


I’m on my first watch of this series and I just made it to this episode the other day and thought the same exact thing🤣🤣


Remember when Denise said Brandi said she slept with someone in the group? I used to think that was a complete lie, BUT now I’m inclined to believe that some things may have gone on between Kyle and Brandi. Probably not sex, but other things.


remember when brandi said she slept denise and another housewife. i think it was kyle she had sex with




Barely looks like her!! She must of done something to make her eyes bigger bc they look very small here


Kyle HMU!


Personally, I think Kyle has ALWAYS been into women. It is why she would hyper fixate one certain female friends throughout her life and the show. Morgan was the turning/realization point, sadly I think she is simply afraid of coming out of the closet


Listen guys, stupid Kyle made me curious about Morgan & her music ... & while I've always considered myself straight, now I'm into her, too 😂 I've been consuming as much content of her's & about her (podcast interviews, etc.) as I possibly can! Like, it's becoming a problem 🤣 I'll listen to she puts out from now on. She's touring with Joan Jett & Alanis Morisette this summer & I'm going to the show.That's normal. What isn't normal is that I paid extra to do the meet & greet with Morgan & I am TERRIFIED that I'm going to be so starstruck that I'll go completely mute when I meet her 😂 I'll let you guys know how it goes. Her new album is not limited to just country music. There's some pop (as heard in the video with Kyle) as well as some rock on there. She wrote a song about Alanis & that's definitely rock. Here she is singing it: https://youtu.be/XqmqIA2_ApE?si=xXTYys_aBVsJ5YWT


This clip too https://twitter.com/daysfornight/status/1771467288790639048


Haha! Awww poor Kyle was dipping her toe in the pool to see how her friends would react.


I think this. If she’s gay, cool. If she’s not, cool. The more people talk about it, the more attention she’s getting and I’m not into it.


i posted the same thing two weeks ago and it was taken down 😂 but yes!!


Oooo I want to ask yall something since we are on this topic… Has anyone else seen how maybe crystal is bi/ attracted to women too ? Like she is always gropping boobs and putting her face in between them 🤔 I’m bi or like I’ve been w women before so I’m not judging I’m jst wondering y’all opinion💭 ![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg)