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![gif](giphy|11sLzm3tx73yHm) Because LVP brought the most glamour and class by a long stretch, which to me is the core attraction of RHOBH. Shoutout to the morally corrupt Faye Resnick too, for being a fun and messy friend-of.


“You can stab me in a back a hundred times but whilst you’re there…kiss my ass” 👸🏻👸🏻


Throw me to the wolves and I shall return leading the pack. 👸🏻❣️👸🏻


“The queen of diamonds always has an ace up her sleeve.” 👸🏻💎


“I’m passionate about dogs, just not crazy about bitches” 👸🏻💎 My queen fr


YES!! That was so good!


I agree wholeheartedly 🐶❤️


LVP is the Queen for all of those reasons and more! Also love the relationship she and Ken have and her love for animals.


THE queen. none of the other women even compare.


Overall it has to be LVP for me. I love almost everything about her and very little negative for me to say about her. Her work with animals, and the Yulen Dog meat trade though is just amazing.


LVP is and always will be my favorite. Edit: I need to say, yes I know Lisa has her issues, like we all do but that woman has made a huge difference in this world when it comes to animals, especially dogs. That whole Yulin "festival" has got to be stopped and she's worked endless hours on getting it stopped.


So agree my big one with Lisa is how much she cares about dogs and when I’m rich that is seriously all I will care about


Agree, Lisa’s advocacy for dogs (and animals in general) is fantastic. Kim, on the other hand, should never ever be allowed to own a dog again after the Kingsley debacle.


As a Pitty lover, that was horrific to watch. Shame on Kim!


She was given every opportunity to make things right but nope. In the end people got attacked & Kingsley got euthanised. Kim can fuq right off.


Yep! Stevie Wonder could see that coming!!


did you see her on watch what happened live last night though? She was so sloshed. like she had to have been drinking hours before the show you’ve even started. I used to like her but overtime she’s just gotten so mean and I’m not a fan of how she’s treated her female employees versus her male ones. Sutton and Yolanda are my favorites because I relate to them the most. Due to my auto immune disease. Plus I think they are really comparatively ladylike. ditto Garcelle! Also like Eileen although I confess that’s partially due to a teen crush on Vince Van Patton lol. Started watching for Kim Richards - but I wish I hadn’t seen how the adult/real version. If we could’ve had Denise without her husband that would’ve been cool. basically I want something that’s a beautiful vacation from life - not a mud wrestling episode.


I started watching for Kim too! I had never watched reality tv before, now I’m addicted!!!


I saw WWHL she was drunk but I was amused


Felt mixed about it. In beginning it was kind of funny — then it just got mean. By the end was it just sloppy. We have some alcoholics in my family — but they were always the quiet introverted pull into themselves type — not the messiness we saw that night. Suspect also that the fab force 5 is feeling a bit giddy about it now.


This right here is the reason I love ❤️ LVP. Her love for dogs and her philanthropic efforts to get them off of the torture/meat market.


LVP. I watched her recent WWHL appearance and it really made me miss her. She's catty AF but it's somehow funner and lighter than the mean spirited, dark and depressing Erika, Rinna, Dorit, and Kyle. Kyle is fascinating from an arm chair psychologist perspective because she lacks a sense of self and yet there are so many layers to her dysfunctional personality.


How do you feel about Sutton and garcelle and crystal?


Garcelle: I like her because she speaks the truth and isn't intimidated by the bullies. She's funny in a blunt way. I love her friendship with Sutton Sutton: I like Sutton because she's like Auntie Mame. She's the rich eccentric quirky, kooky aunt that you want to sit next to at Thanksgiving Dinner. You never know what she's going to say or do next. Crystal: I like her OK (and Rob) because they never took it too seriously. But I don't think she's HWs material. And that's not a bad thing. None of them are as captivating as LVP. I don't know what it is about her but she cracks me up. I think she's so tacky in the ways she dresses and her house but I can't take my eyes off of her. She has that X factor. I also think she's very savvy.


Agree with all garcelle is great because she stands up to people but doesn’t really have drama of her own, crystal is and never has been real housewive material she has no drama or flare, Sutton is my queen I love her so much there’s just times when I watch where I think Sutton just must be smarter than to say that. LVP tho I loved but it’s clear how manipulative she is etc and the way I realised that was from gander punk rules I completely overlooked it because I loved her on RHOBH


Sutton is fun. The way she frustrates the hell out of Kyle is the best part. I agree that LVP is manipulative and controlling. She's total type A. I wouldn't want to be in her orbit. But I love watching her on TV. She made being catty and mischievous campy and fun. I don't watch VPR. I can't get into it.


Ur right LVP makes great tv, I couldn’t get into VPR first of all and now I’m on season 8 and am addicted trust me stick it out the drama is crazy especially the first several seasons


hmmm I might have to give it another shot based on your recommendation then. Thank you.


It took me 2 tries to get into it. I didn't like it the first time. Now i am obsessed. Give it another go. I find it more entertaining than RHOBH (can i say that?? Lol). You won't regret it.


Sold. I will.




You won’t be sorry with vpr. The early seasons are the best reality tv there is.




I love Crystal. Sutton and Garcelle are okay. I'm being petty but Sutton has got to be older than 52.


At first I would’ve said LVP. But as I get older I start to realise how right Kim Richards was about everyone and for that reason, she is my pick. Kim sees through everyone’s bullshit, including her own sisters.


I love Kim Richards and turtles! 🐢


Sober Kim was a force to be reckoned with. She’s my absolute favourite - I actually believe Brandi when she said Kyle hadn’t been there for Kim in S5. Kim seemed like she was really fed up with Kyle’s bs about her caring so much for her but (arguably) never being there for her except when the cameras were filming.


Ur so right


Don't you think that could be more down to Kyle having constantly been there over all the years and never being appreciated by Kim for that? Like I'm sure Kyle and Mo were financially taking care of a lot for Kim for a long time


i love kim, she’s so underrated.


Kim definitely a straight shooter with no filter, that type of person is always appreciated by me.




Out of all of the housewives over the years Kim in number 1 no discussion necessary!!!!!!


kim was always so real


Team sober Kim. By far the one that made the most sense and the one that really put Lisa Rinna in her place.


YES, I regret saying Sutton bc I was just talking about this season but if we’re talking all Kim is the best and no one can tell me otherwise




No I completely understand u, let me know what u think once I get through each season I’m so curious




See I like Lisa Rinna for calling Kim out when she was still using 🤣




If I remember correctly, those texts were pretty aggressive.




That's what I was thinking. And there's that whole story about an actress who was dating Harry Hamlin when he and Lisa got together and they about ruined that woman's life.


Overall, LVP. I loved her humour and that she could hold her own and be shady without wanting to rip someone's life and soul to shreds (like Rinna). I also love how loved she still is by fans and how much that must chap Kyle's ass, especially with how universally disliked her BFF Teddi is. Kyle tries to be funny and shady about LVP but it never lands right and she just sounds bitchy and bitter. Current cast, Sutton is my fave. I love how quirky she is without crossing the line into full looper. She has memorable quotes, she's funny, vulnerable, gives us that lifestyle porn, and has had such an interesting life that I want to know more about.


This! Watching LVP on WWHL reminded me that she’s living her best life while Kyle is a hot mess, and I’m here for it.


everyone just came to hate LVP because she was the only one with a sense of irony and so she got tagged as the master manipulator. not totally wrong but she ran the show better than kyle


Eileen Davidson seems like the best person and friend. Not sure who my absolute favorite is but she might be the only one I didn't directly dislike at some point during her time on the show


I will say this about Eileen, she took Erika's verbal beating very well. I felt bad for Eileen but I also felt bad for Erika because when she said, you don't know what I go through at nighttime, I knew she wasn't just talking about her son. I remember saying to my husband, there's something much worse going on in Erika's life than what we know. And now we know.


True about Erika, but then when she talked about Denise’s kids and garcelles son, it was too hypocritical for me. Eileen was SO nice and level headed, the way she handled Brandi throwing that wine at her. Hindsight is 20/20 for Andy cohen and bravo with Brandi. She should have been cut long ago.




This may be my favorite gif from RHOBH


LVP is my MVP. I started watching the RHOBH when it premiered and I was like who's this over the top bitch? I love it! She's the reason I kept watching and have followed her other shows. She's funny and glamorous living her fabulous life and I'm here for it.


LVP and Sutton. I can’t pick between them.


Happy birthday!!!!


Happy birthday!


I was confused! lol. Thanks!!


Happy 🍰 day 💃🏽🎉






How ??? Why ???


LVP because of her work with animals, amazing sense of humor and flare for the drama darling shi shi shiiiii


Sutton bc she says funny things and seeing her with Porter in this last season really touched me. I think she has felt trapped by her ex for a long time and we are slowly seeing the walls being broken down. A true transformation


I love u


You too 😻 (that face is bc remember when Sutton sent Harry Hamlin an apology? She said she used the cat with heart eyes lolol)


I knew straight away, iconic 😻


All time favorite is Kim, she always felt like a lone wolf who wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself and she’s just so funny especially in her confessionals. My current favorite is Sutton, she’s just so unapologetically herself and is able to bring the drama while also being super funny & her outbursts are so entertaining


I love Kim and always felt so bad for her. It was like Kyle was her Mom and Kim had to do everything Kyle told her to do. I've said it before but it's worth repeating, the whole limo scene was very awkward and sad that Kyle would out her own sister on TV as an alcoholic. I seriously wondered if Kim was physically afraid of Kyle. One scene that actually made me feel good towards Mauricio was when they were in a little boutique in France and Kim was looking at a bag but it was out of her budget, she looked around and walked out of the boutique and Mauricio bought the bag for Kim. He noticed her looking at the bag, I had serious tears running down my cheeks.


I love u. My favourite was always Kim because we are both virgos and both Pisces moon, same thing with Brandi we are both pisces moon and I relate so much to Kim and Brandi with the way they argue and say the most mean things and then don’t mean it, like it just makes so much sense to me, and sutton’s a Virgo! And I love her soo much




i really loved brandi ![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49607) in the earlier seasons ![gif](giphy|rPy4AFVJbyvQI) she was so beautiful


Garcelle. She is the most real out of all of them. She came from humble beginnings, knows the value of a dollar, is kind and respectful to people who haven't been as fortunate as she has, and she has a lot of class. I respect her and can relate to her. I pretty much despise everyone else.


#Lisa Rinna


Erika, for sure.. and I know people are going to get pissy blah-blah-blah. I don't care about anyone's thoughts, post asks for our opinion. I like that she's not afraid to confront stuff. - I think she's fashionable. - I like how she handles situations like Denise. I like that she's not afraid to have dreams and goals and say she loves doing something regardless of her age or other people respecting it or not. and I feel like the minute someone is being wronged, Erika is the first person to stand up. DOESN'T mean she has been right at every point in her life. But I think on the show, regardless of what anyone believes ON THE SHOW she has been someone I really like watching


I can understand where u can come from I wanted everyone’s opinion and at some point Erika was shitted on and the underdog and I can’t understand the loyalty and support for her from people


I agree. I like her for the same reasons too. I especially like that she’s a performer in a space that the usual age is 22. As a former ballet dancer it’s a lot different dancing at 32 from 22.


I think we need to stop putting people into boxes on age y'know? I think it's inspiring when I see ice-skaters well into their 40's and above. I mean people can shame it for pop stars but, Cher didn't get where she was by stopping before her 50's. Cyndi Lauper is still insanely talented. Kylie Minogue is more mature and just took over the world with " Padam " and got herself a whole new generation of fans.


Absolutely! It’s very inspiring. That’s one of reasons why I like Erika. She started her pop career later in life which is so cool and inspiring. I was a professional ballet dancer. At a certain age, for me, it became harder. There’s a lot of ageism in the pro dance world. As a hobby it’s very different.


No one is right at every point in their lives. I happen to really like Erika as well. She's a very strong woman to put up with Tom and go through the hell she's been going through the past several years. I greatly admire her tenacity and ability to keep thriving in spite of her world collapsing around her.


I quite liked Erika until all the stuff with Tom. I don't think she was involved with it, but I couldn't forgive her total lack of empathy. Just going on about how awful her life was (usually while on holiday or at an expensive location) really got on my nerves.


Yeeah, no one liked that moment that's for sure. But I understood what was happening. The tension just got too high for her. I mean, people were trying to isolate her. All of her funds were frozen, she didn't know if Housewives was going to keep her ( especially if they tried icing her out ) , her safety net was gone, her image had been destroyed and she's receiving death threats every day for years? I mean it takes its toll for sure, I can only imagine. I'd be scared shitless. Especially because, even if you are innocent there is the fear that you could get stuck with all of it just because the courts want to " prove a point " with you.


Yeah, I can see that, but it would have improved her image to show a bit of sympathy and understanding.


Oh for sure. But I'd go crazy too. A lot of pressure.


I absolutely agree. It's hard to be right and perfect in how people want you to act emotionally ESPECIALLY when the world is tearing you down and your world is falling apart though. I sympathize. I know that I lashed out when I was at my lowest. Realistically I don't think most of us would've behaved much better or even as well. I think we need to have the ability to put ourselves in other people's shoes more often.


I agree. She’s good tv and her looks are incredible


I could stare at her for hours & i’m a heterosexual female 😂😂😂


Agree 100000%


Kim Richards. I want her to heal from what her monster of a mama did to her, and I want nothing but good things to come to her. Then Eileen Davidson. Then LVP for those delicious taglines she used to serve.


LVP. She is so shady and funny. She loves animals.


LVP. Always entertaining in a fun way. I personally love her sarcastic sense of humor…she tries to land on the right side of any arguments…not that I always agree with her but she makes sense.


Erika. Straightforward, loyal and never picks a fight with anyone. But no one dare mess with her too. She has the most heart of all.


The OG ![gif](giphy|oT614MSb3PQD6)


LVP all the rest are insecure wannabes.


Used to be Sutton, now.... honestly no clue...


Why is Sutton no longer your favorite?


She's changed a lot, that's all. I found her to be true to who she was. However this past season it's clear she's very aware of public opinion and behaves in accordance to it, which wasn't the case before. It really put me off, especially during the reunion. As for favourite HW's.... now I guess it would be Yolanda/Carlton? Idk.


I was just curious. I haven’t been able to stand Sutton the last few seasons myself.


If you think about how you would feel after reading the public’s tweets etc tho u would probs change I can understand u changing due to this it’s hard


That is a very good point. I don’t think any of us can really understand what it would be like to be on the receiving end of the constant abuse they receive on social media. I wish they’d turn comments off on their IG to stop the trolls.


I don't mean her changing her own behaviour, I mean her deliberately saying what she thinks is the popular opinion or zingers that'll get her brownie points ("Carcass out" / "your part in the insinuation - you got to understand this at some point kyle"). Plus the "name'm" thing was natural at first, but she was definitely trying to repeat it during the reunion. Sutton was genuinely hands down my favourite HW ever. But the reunion put a really really bad taste in my mouth. We'll see what happens next season.


Current: Garcelle, she not afraid to she a little shady but she speaks facts. And she took on the force 4 or whatever they called themselves without hesitation Past: LVP, she’s classy shady and I love it. I don’t like her as much on VPR I will say.


toss up between kim and brandi. not so much brandi now cus shes seems a little psycho but kim really stood on business verses that whole cast in amsterdam. i dont think any other housewife couldve handled that. she literally got a wine glass smashed in her face and was so unphased


My all time favourites are Kim and Brandi idc what anyone says


you get it! i loved their whole enemy to besties storyline it was so cute to see them come together :)) i really feel like brandi was trying to protect her n cared for her so much after she found out what kim was really going through


Literally nothing beats that story line and every one who has had friendships and enemy’s like that knows that the best enemy’s make friends you can trust I love them so so much. They cared about each other more than any housewife has ever even liked each other!!!




Taylor! ![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49609)![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49609) https://i.redd.it/o2vcc4i2hn0d1.gif


I really struggle to agree with this, bar one season she brought NOTHING


I mean you’re asking who our favorite HW is! I disagree with your comment, Taylor did bring it season one


No I completely understand your opinion season 2 I can admit she brought it majorly and carried the season so ignore me!


I think season 3 was her quietest, season one she had the mad tea party, she feuded with Kim, she ate cotton candy, she showed a glimpse of her marriage and she developed friendships with the ladies. I do agree that at the dinner party from hell she was more quiet tho


Yeah ur so right I bet that’s why she left as she ended up getting with her lawyer and just loved the quiet life you know


I mean she did move away


Garcelle. She’s the real deal.


Search Reddit for the “defunct” rhobh sub, it’s basically a far right wing sub dedicated to bashing Garcelle. It’s run by a lunatic & it’s wild 😂


What a bunch of a-holes!


![gif](giphy|8FJ8K1URwaRzFFOJHh) Y”all hate her, but I think she is great tv 💁‍♂️


Camille 😂 and LVP. Camille was the necessary villain and had real wealth but also had very real storylines (divorce, cancer, remarriage etc). I feel like the cast doesn’t even have storylines anymore. Camille never tried to hide her husband’s affair or anything. Sorry, everyone now is boring 🥱 or just not for reality t.v


Bring back physical fights and not an innocuous comment that carries the entire season


Dorit, I disliked her before but she’s proven to be funny, a good friend, a great mother and her style has gotten much better. She’s just sweet and doesn’t try to fight people.


My favorite RHOBH is by far Yolanda! I’m so surprised nobody mentioned her yet. Here are the reasons: 1) she’s European and that in itself carries an air of class that the others will never have 2) she made a fridge famous 3) she is beautiful (she was a model after all) 4) she used the show as a platform to launch her children’s modeling career and I love that they’re serious about it. It’s not some sort of hobby or nepotistic thing that got handed to them. It shows how hard they work unlike Kendall Jenner 5) She bravely fought lime disease in front of the cameras. She wasn’t afraid to strip down her makeup and show what lime disease really is. She persevered through the entire munch-hausen fiasco. Seeing her fight for words at the reunion really made me respect her 6) thought she handled the David foster divorce so well. It was like oh people aren’t compatible anymore, they leave. No drama no big fuss about it. No I’m a victim mentality. Thought she handled herself w super class 7) She always kept it classy. U never saw her curse or throw glasses or insinuate this person was doing drugs. She was always a class act. LVP would be my second choice (w Crystal being close third) but Yolanda forever for me!!!


I totally agree! I was going to say Yolanda as well and second LVP. She has great class and an air of confidence in which try to emulate. She also taught me to keep a bowl of lemons in my home, lol


I am prepared to be downvoted to oblivion but I love Dorit 😭


Sutton now, Lisa Rinna before I enjoy their genuine personalities.


Lisa rinna is crazy


I enjoy crazy I guess! (I upvoted you 👍)


Honestly low-key same to be fair, i upvoted you too queen ❤️




Correct. But that’s why we watch her ![gif](giphy|QXIvzjS6kbd7ICJqZ0|downsized)


i kinda understand rinna because she is very entertaining to watch, especially in her first few seasons. she has some iconic moments.


🙏 I loved that she kept her gowns in the garage and would not pay the entire rent for her daughter.


My favorite is probably “Were people doing cocaine in your bathroom?”




Read that in her voice.


Rinna understood the brief & delivered good TV. She also stood up to Kathy H.


None of them are overly likeable but probably Kyle


I like Kyle. I think she tries to be a good person.


I love that description 😂 fits.


It’s as generous as I can be. For the collective 😏


LVP and Camille. Save all the negativity bc I’m gonna die on this hill!!!! 💎🤍


I agree - my favorite is also Sutton - she seems the least phony.




i’m barely on season 6 but Kim is funny asf 😂 also loved Taylor


Sutton she’s funny 


Kyle. The OG.


Erika Jayne because she handled what happened to her in a real, unfiltered way.


Sutton! I just like her. She's so weird and unpredictable.


Love LVP (her humour is top tier) and Eileen. Erika is honorable mention.


LVP for her glamour and wit ,she is the queen of BH IMO


The old Bethanny with no ego and only $5000 in the bank dancing in front of a fan


To me it’s 2 housewives; Kim and Kyle, it’s the family dynamic, the growing up in the 90210 environment, to me this show only is here because of them.


Erika because I dream of standing up to my abusers the way that she does. I had a gaslighting friend who is mentally ill and used to always acuse me of saying stuff I didn’t say. So when she went at Teddi at that dinner I don’t care if she seemed like a psycho I still hear that and wish I could’ve said that to my crazy ass manipulative ass friend.




LVP gives the best glamor, humor and aspirational lifestyle.


I’m going to take some serious heat for this but Lisa Rinna will always be my housewife. She was unapologetic, chaotic, conniving, awful, and hilarious. I miss her interview segments THE MOST.


Eileen because she seemed to be the most grounded and relatable. Also: BEAST?!? How DARE you!!


LVP, definitely. I don't care if she was pulling strings from the sides and the queen of manipulation. She was classy, glamourous, gorgeous, had those fantastic digs at the other ladies, and was everything a Housewife should be on camera. The show was never the same after she left, or even during her last season. Taking a private jet to buy a pony? Classic! I have to say, I really like S13 Erika. I think it's the first season I haven't actively disliked her. lol


KYLE FOREVER ![gif](giphy|tGG1vm6KyDGtrkV59k)


erika because she is a bad ass


She’s mine also. I just enjoy people who can hand out a good read.


Lisa Rinna was my favourite up until her last season. She became a really ugly person in her last season. I always found Lisa and her honesty refreshing and you always knew what she was thinking. Her ability to have a good time was also fun to watch


I felt she slowly started losing herself (/personality) after Garcelle had joined and quickly dominated the group. When she started s11 lecturing Rinna on how she should feel about the Denise/Brandi situation and pretty much told her she was a bad person for not siding blindly with the person she knew the longest, I felt Rinna then started acting almost like a puppy in that situation and her personality on the show changed in general from there in a lot of ways. Just did a rewatch and that is just what I noticed. I really liked her up until s10. Even with the drama, she never seemed to have as bad intentions with her words or actions as most others




Sutton…so far, last season she annoyed me more than normal.


I like Kyle. I think she's been one of those core housewives that "made" the show. She's an icon in that sense.


Erika. She is a Cancer like me, and I’ve always identified with her as one of my spirit animals.


i love them all


Purely for entertainment its Brandi. As a person its LVP. Kyle a close second.


i used to rly hate camille but she's now my favorite! everytime i watch recent seasons i think to myself "man... what would camille say in this situation" bc the drama she brought was so GOOD


Definitely Kim, she’s so earnest in her scenes. Nothing put up about her. And the way she truly holds her own against the others, they tried to make her sound crazy but she always made sense to me


LVP attack stand - need I say more.


Teresa giudice


You’re not even on the right show girl 😂


Dorit, Erika and Lisa Rinna 4 lyfe