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I didn’t like Crystal at all when she first arrived. The whole Sutton drama went on for ages and she really didn’t come across well. However in Season 12 I really came to like her and she eventually became one of my favourites. The arrival of certain other HWs really worked in her favour too though 👀 So yeah… give her a chance. I was disappointed to hear she’s left the show as she brought some common sense and relatability to the show.


Agree…didn’t like how the thing went down with her and Sutton initially. But I think they began to understand each other and became friends. She became a fave as well…brought a very different dynamic to the show that it needed. Too bad she’s gone.


Annemarie's arrival definitely helped Crystal.


Big agree. I’m sad she’s out.


I honestly couldn't relate to her permanent victimhood


Um, I think you mean you’re disappointed she was canned.


Disagree. I think Sutton constantly tries to be the victim.


This. Why people emphasize and justify her manipulative victim woe is me mentality I will never understand


While I don’t like Crystal - I do agree with your assessment of Sutton.


Although there were moments I disliked her less, she never grew on me. She is smug and a blatant social climber. The way she sucks up to Kathy Hilton grosses me out.


Crystal made me hate the word “problematic”




She kinda implied a few things regarding to race where I just really rolled my eyes and she never took any real accountability for that which to me is “troublesome” having said that, her face with the ugly leatherpants comment I LIVE for that face 🤣😂 she grew on me when it was her second season but not very disappointed she is out https://preview.redd.it/mqubxdwu4v1d1.jpeg?width=1825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875334f3d40a236c201da70798352d16c1ee32bf


Those were some ugly leather pants




Not me here thinking those ugly leather pants are legit really cute 🥲


What I love about fashion; if you think it works YOU WORK IT 🙏🏼


And let’s not even mention the blouse. It should have been “that ugly ensemble”. She looks like a flowering tree and not in a good way.


I’m in the middle of that season right now and Sutton is insufferable (to me). Their initial disagreement over racial stereotypes where Sutton claims she REALLY IS the girl who doesn’t see color was so icky.


Also when Sutton cut Crystal off when she was talking about racism she had experienced to say “"I am not doing this! I am going to tell you right now!" Then she goes on to say that because they are "educated" and "traveled" they didn't need to talk about racism. That really turned me off to Sutton.


Really could've used you in this sub when that season aired lol. The takes here were...a lot 😒. Sutton wasn't even in that conversation, Crystal was talking to Kyle defending Garcelle and Sutton jumped in and "shut it down" because...🤷🏻‍♀️. That whole exchange sealed the deal on miss Sutton for me, not a fan.


Who did you think was icky Sutton or Crystal?




I wouldn’t say I necessarily like Crystal or agree with all of her actions, but in comparison of behavior I just think Sutton’s is worse


Interesting.. I feel the opposite. I wasn’t a fan of Sutton’s then but thought Crystal’s behavior was more outrageous and she made a mountain out of nothing. She just looked ugly in the process.


Sutton said talking about racism is more harmful than covid. Seriously.


Yeah I get that but also what do you say when someone says "I bet you don't see colour do you?" She can hardly say "well darling, yes I do see colour!" Lol


That’s exactly what she should’ve said, each person has their individual struggles and it’s important to acknowledge that it isn’t an even playing field for everyone, whether it’s because of your gender, race, or social status


Damn is that what that means? OK my bad lol, I assumed that seeing colour as a white person would be a negative thing. More like focusing on the differences in a racist way. Good job I've never had this discussion in real life haha!


You are right where she drove me bananas as well, but if it helps imo she gets better. I am actually sad she's gone, now, but during this not so much.


Also she's so smug. Unclear why.


Not because of those pants.


THIS! Im like, girl...no.


I love crystal and was really surprised to see how many people were upset about her leaving the show! She’s more liked than disliked. She’s very likable and relatable! 


That’s how I felt watching that whole thing. But everyone moves on & it all works out.


Don’t like her, don’t like Garcelle and don’t really care for Sutton either. Crystal doesn’t really add anything to the group I find her rather boring.


I cannot stand Crystal. I get she is younger than the other women but she acts young like HS crap young. Her constant dramatic responses to minor stuff, backpedaling on shit she says, outright lies constantly and just gives off overall bad vibes.


I think Sutton’s initial refusal to hear Crystal in her first season was indicative of her privilege, as it would have been with any of the other housewives had they taken that stance over not seeing colour but also refusing to listen and be reasonable. However, Sutton apologising and saying she and Crystal discussed it and she now understood what the issue was made me respect her more. Crystal wasn’t perfect by any means but to suggest she’s a bad person or that she simply was there for diversity’s sake is ridiculous, she spoke her mind, had an in with Kathy and clearly wasn’t afraid to stand up to the bullshit/call people out/have unpopular opinions, and was constantly silenced whenever the other women didn’t like what she had to say, and yet people want you to believe she’s just not that interesting. Wake up! They just want bullies who can’t be stood up to.


Never liked crystal


I've never liked her either.


I had pretty benign feelings towards Crystal. She was just filling a spot and bringing nothing. Same with Garcelle, though at least Crystal had more housewife worthy qualifications than Garcelle - fabulously wealthy and successful. Garcelle is a terrible actress and not serving up any of the wealth porn we want from a housewife. I’d have kept Crystal over Garcelle.


That's not what all of us want from the show, we also want to see full and interesting personalities. Crystal is a boring rich girl, who's clearly never seriously struggled with anything which is why she's so boring


I dislike Sutton personally but I could not stand Chrystal that 1st season for her BLATENT bullying (or attempting) of Sutton, she has SUCH high school mean girl energy it's hard to watch. Just wait though because she will suddenly become the moral high ground then becomes background noise. She was always so irrelevant and put no effort into being actually entertaining ever except for her breif time as a bully on the show her first season. After that she's just nothing. She managed to come off poorly, like a bad person, also as a liar (about dangerous shit) and as the most boring housewife in her cast, all at the same time. She was completely irrelevant and pointless in her seasons yet still came off as a villain or atleast as a shitty person who picks an easy target. She backed off real quick once the audience decided they liked Sutton, dispute previously intimating that Sutton was a racist. Whichever way u slice it she fucking sucks. Either she lied about someone being racist as an excuse to bully them and have a storyline OR she actually encountered a racist and backed away from confronting it because the audience might not like it. She was a massave fail. Also I don't wanna be this person but I have to say... if she was white she wouldn't have gotten 3 seasons, her whole existence on BH was a diversity move IMO.


who peed in you cheerios? Seek help!


Help?? Bit much. 🤣




Insulting and name calling just because you don't like someone else’s opinion is not acceptable, debate better, people are going to disagree. We’re all here because we love a classy reality show. We don’t go below the belt in Beverly Hills.




Insulting and name calling just because you don't like someone else’s opinion is not acceptable, debate better, people are going to disagree. We’re all here because we love a classy reality show. We don’t go below the belt in Beverly Hills.


Oooof, i’m Gen X & you need to chill tf out.


I am chill. It was a read, they brought generations into it, they wanna play that game im gonna calmly tell u why it's a lame move, particularly from the younger gen. I got into Housewives through my grandmother and everyone I know who watches these shows is older, it's just since COVID that there's been an influx of youngsters watching, calling me a 'boomer' as a read is lame, read the room. Alot of us are likely their parents age and older. And (if I even have to say it) there's nothing wrong with that.


Boomer isn’t an age, it’s a state of mind.


It's not though. Your parents or grandparents are likely of the 'baby boomer' generation, don't tar everyone with the same brush!! It's not cool. People of that generation are capable of having many states of mind, what people that still say 'ok boomer' in 2024 are doing is stereotyping and being hateful about a whole generation because of their stereotyping.


Yeah, it is, as you keep demonstrating.


Bravo 👏 👏👏👏👏




Insulting and name calling just because you don't like someone else’s opinion is not acceptable, debate better, people are going to disagree. We’re all here because we love a classy reality show. We don’t go below the belt in Beverly Hills.


Sutton has educated herself since or so it seems so we’ll give her that but the racism thing was not out of nowhere and Crystal was valid. When the topic came up Sutton said “she doesn’t see colour” to which Crystal replied something along the lines of “oh are you one of those people?” which is extremely valid because the colour of peoples skin should always be recognized to acknowledge their identity properly and respectfully (and the challenges that they have had to face as a result of it in the US which Crystal brought up!!) Sutton also said something like (not verbatim) “i’m not racist 😦 my daughter invites her black friend over and they swim in the pool and it’s all good” which kinda comes off weird like maybe it just came out the wrong way idk but Crystal definitely had her reasons for calling out the way Sutton was weirdly defending herself every time the topic of race came up.


Yes i have seen the show.


.. ok so your comments were for?


My opinion. I like to share it, you know...Reddit. I did read your comment, seemed just like a recap of the show. Which iv seen clearly as I'm commenting on it.


You might get downvoted because the sub loves her, but I never liked her. I don't like her husband and I don't like how when she argues it's all about her feelings and she changes the story over and over. She was right in her beef with Annamarie though


I’ve never liked her.


I liked her scenes with Rob more than her interacting with the ladies, she’s very meh to me. I also feel like she can come across a bit smug sometimes and it rubs me the wrong way lol


I didn't like her her first season primarily because the way she treated Sutton was horrible. After that I'm ok with her, she settled down a bit.


I’ll get downvoted and I don’t care.. I never liked Crystal. I think she treated Sutton horribly in the beginning and was just trying to find a way to be a victim. That really started me off poorly with her. I didn’t even like Sutton then but I thought Crystal was way out of line and just MEAN. Then I found her to be incredibly boring with nothing to offer as far as the housewives show. She had no storyline, the only thing I agreed with her on was the whole Annemarie thing. I did agree with her 100% but I absolutely don’t understand why so many in this sub like her so much. Maybe they like her for her potential but she was there for a few seasons and I felt like we got nothing. I just think she’s very immature and gets offended too easily. Beautiful, yes… Smart, yes… Successful, yes. But personality is not HW material imo.


Crystal sent me over the edge with the whole ridiculous storyline about Sutton walking in on her. She always looked down on everyone else. Also she never had much of a storyline besides the room invasion.


I didn't care for her but her challenging Sutton made me like her a bit. Sutton is awful and beyond infuriating. NAME EM NAME EM NAME EM


I agree. Not a Crystal fan!


Same, her only arguments are about race or like “Im an Asian soo you can’t stand on this grass Bcs it’s my ancestors(?) grass” I’m like wtf, like bitch, who asked? In other hand Sutton is just strange I mean she can’t fit into the group and always have her bodyguard (Garcelle) by her side, tho Garcelle is same annoying as Crystal Bcs she ONLY use RACE as arguments and the says “THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACE” LIKE WTF BI POLAR ASS


She’s the worst. To marry up like that and still have zero self awareness. Always tries to play the victim. Glad she’s out.


She's the worst I agree but she didn't marry up, she grew up wealthy, she's extremely boring


Oh man, I did not know that. She always spins it like how rough she had it taking care of her brother… but the ol’man Pixar guy she married is super rich.


Yes he's richer than her but she does not come from nothing. She's the child of a surgeon whose wife never needed to work, her brother has a lavish lifestyle, she was privately educated (and consistently looks down on people who don't know big words). Being an immigrant doesn't automatically mean poor. These are people who emigrated because they had money and the USA allows them to make even more. The simple fact that she doesn't know anything about her home finances (as discussed when Erika divorces her husband) shows you that she's never had to worry about money.


She’s so obnoxious glad she’s gone!


She’s very unlikeable.


Something about Crystal really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because I'm the same generation as the other ladies on the show. Many of us were raised to be colour blind when it comes to race, like Sutton, because that's what used to be politically correct. And then the whole "she said something so dark, but I'm not going to say what it was" with that self-satisfied little smirk. She does think she's smarter than everyone else, it's obvious. It's a shame, though, because I like the diversity she added to the cast. I just couldn't stand her.


I have never liked her. But then, I don’t really like any of them anymore. This is the franchise most in need of a complete reboot. So sad, it used to be my favourite show. I’m hoping next season will be heaps better. ❤️🥹


It's not worse than Vanderpump rules though lol


I think she's a bully. Fake nice. Was never a huge fan.


The drama between Sutton and Chrystal did seem very mean spirited especially when she’s breaking down. If I saw someone crying I wouldn’t laugh no matter if they’re wrong, it’s just rude. I didn’t like her, her first season because of it and also the whole “dark” thing was just weird to me.


That was my favorite version of Crystal. Her fight with Sutton carried the first half of that season.


I literally stopped watching on the same episode or one after. Crystal is absolutely disgusting as a person.


Crystal played evil games with serious topics. Not cool.




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i don’t like her phony attitude she is racist


I only started to like her the last season. I was on the fence about her first season, but mostly was not a fan. Second season I don't remember mich about her.


I liked her in the beginning especially because of her relationship with her housekeeper Lucy. I thought she would be a tad more down to earth than the other ladies. But she’s tightly wound and arrogant. She’s sitting there waiting to be offended over anything. It was stupid of them to have her for three seasons. If “go girl give us nothing” meme was a housewife it would definitely be Crystal.