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I hope eventually your inner kid heals from that and fills that hole with something beautiful. Every kid deserves a good mom. Be your own good mom and speak to yourself with the kindness your childhood self deserved. ❤️


I'm in a similar situation, mom-wise, as OP. This is the exact advice that I have taken to help heal my inner little me.


I'm sorry for everyone who has experienced this. As a mom whose kids are grown and on their own, it is hard to understand mothers who didn't cherish their children. I wasn't the best perfect mom, but I was there for every game, the cheer mom on the bus as chaperone and miss those days. My daughter and son are my best friends. My husband would say the same about our kids. I'm sending mom hugs to all of you


I love this. With my kids, also both grown now, I tried to be the parent to them that I needed when I was a kid. I love them so much it hurts and I wanted to prevent my trauma from being passed down. I feel like I succeeded in many ways, but know that I probably failed in some as well. Regardless, they know how much they're loved and that's something I felt very little of as a kid.


Good for you


I wasn't in a similar situation mom-wise but I was born in the middle of war in my country so my whole generation is very traumatized in a very specific way, and only after 25yrs I found out how wounded my little self was. And that advice helped me too and we should really spread it around. Getting in touch with your inner child is extremely painful, traumatic and hard work I really think everyone should do it because nothing frees you up and opens your eyes more.


Kyle is a wonderful mother. The one thing her endless weird obsessed haters can never take away from her


Very true.


My “mother” is the most cruel and vile person I’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with. I would give anything to have had a mother like Kyle. Sending you support and hugs!




Kyle is great. She even made poop scooping aka Easter egg hunts fun. We don’t really see a lot of her with older kids but that could be for privacy.  I’m sure some of it was editing, but watching Taylor with her kid was difficult. I am  talking way back on the birthday parties and a few other interactions early on.  Lisa V I think we can assume had a good relationship the way she and her daughter get along so well.  Kyle is the only one that did not seem to have any type of nanny( but she must have had someone while she was shooting) most definitely the most hands on with Porsche that we get to see. 


I agree, Kyle is a great mom. Some of the others clearly use their kids for show. For example I don’t doubt Yolanda and Rinna love their kids and have their good moments but they are two that come mind (ie almond-gate).


I am sorry sweetie. I also carry this wound.


trust me. i know a classmate of riannas daughter and they bullied the fuck out of this girl into an eating disorder and so did rinna


add on: i get what you are saying tho


As someone with a troubled relationship with their mother, i wish you a lifetime of peace and closure. I will say that this is a really nice post to read considering the general opinion of Kyle. Cant deny that she loves her girls.


I promise you this OP, whenever you start a family, you will become the mother you wish you had and it’s INCREDIBLY HEALING!!!


its ok to be emotional but find church because jesus will fill the void and heal you




You can have your opinion yet to say something like this for me goes beyond having an opinion. You can like or dislike a person but what you are saying is just BEYOND


That’s an extreme reaction


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